Nick’s cheerful smile did nothing to put Crystal in a good mood when she walked in to the kitchen. He was setting food on the table and as she sat down, she was still grappling with the events of the last night and this morning. She pursued he had everything to be cheerful about while she had everything to lose. He had her stood away in some house in some God forsaken part of the state. Hell, for all she knew they may be in another state. And what about her no-good bastard of a husband? Had she lost her husband to another woman? What was he doing right now? Was he banging the hell out of her while she was trapped with this man? Thoughts tumbled through her head on her prediction as the smell of food wafted in the air. Even the smell of food couldn’t change her dark mood.
Having breakfast with Nick was weird and awkward. It wasn’t as if they were friends or lovers. He was a dominate and she was there against her will. She wanted to yell and scream, telling him how he was notHing more than a nasty man but she remained silent, taking a few bites of the eggs, thinking they tasted scrumptious. She was trying to assess her situation, when after another bite of eggs, she looked at him. “If you had a kind heart, you’d let me go home to my husband.” The thought of Charles cheating on her recovered its ugly head again.
“You know very well I can’t do that Crystal. Did you forget the phone call with your hubby this morning?”
“No. I didn’t forget that phone call and when I get home, I just may castrate the son-of-a-bitch. That bastard set me up so he could be with his lover.” Fire illuminated her eyes as she thought of what she said while staring at the food on her plate.
Nick remained silent, letting Crystal fuel about her circumstances. He knew she really enjoyed last night and this morning and would probably agree with him once she got over her initial anger. But that was all mute considering her anger towards her husband. Somehow, he had to get herinto a more comfortable mood and let her kinky side shine.
“Let me ask you something Crystal.”
Her eyes strayed from her food to his eyes. In a semi-sarcastic tone, she replied. “What do you want to know.”
“Once you got over your anger with me and your husband did you enjoy yourself last night and this morning?”
Scratching her fork aimlessly through the scrambled eggs, she thought about what he asked. It was true she liked the bondage and the orgasms. They were far better and more intense than what she had with Charles. But she couldn’t shake this sense of shame that hung over her like a dark cloud. If only he would have confronted her with what he found on her computer, maybe things would be different. But he didn’t and now she either had to find a way to escape the clutches of this man or put up with whatever kinky thing he had planned for her. One thing was for sure. When she got back home, she planned to confront Charles. For now, she felt helpless and in ano-win situation, struggling to confront her kinky desires to be subjugated like the women in the videos.
Crystal didn’t answer quickly, instead, she stared at the eggs, bacon, and fruit on her plate thinking of his question. “I … ahhhhh…” Stopping in midsentence she tried not to stumble over her words, trying hard to find the right ones to say. She enjoyed everything but she still felt betrayed by Charles. Her voice tinged with anger. “I enjoyed it but I don’t like to be lied to. I may have had a better time if the son-of-a-bitch would have told me he knew about my internet viewing.”
Nick smiled. They may be getting somewhere. “But did you have a good time once you forget about him?”
What the fuck was he trying to do with this inquisition? Did he think she was going to magically give in to His demented way of life? Her tone bordered on mockery and anger. “I told you I liked it. What the fuck do you want from me?”
Nick took a moment to think about his answerr. This could be a critical moment in their relationship. “I want you to trust me.” She gave him a blank star and before she could respond, he added, “I want to be your mentor so to speak. Someone who can provide you experiences to satisfy your secret passages you’ve held inside for years.”
“Yeah right. Just like I trusted my fucking husband?” she quickly added in a mocking tone.
“He was only trying to give you an opportunity you never would have taken on your own.”
“How in the fuck would he know? I thought the bastard was loyal to me but I find out he’s probably fucking some floozy from his office. Probably that fucking bimbo of a secretary!”
Nick knew a secret about Charles and his sexual tastes but now was not the time to tell Crystal. If she knew what he knew about Charles and the other woman, she would be shocked. It’s funny how, in life, some circumstances are strange consequences. Tomorrow she would get the shock of her life but for now, it was better toput doubt into her mind. “You don’t know that for sure Crystal. Just because you heard a woman’s voice doesn’t mean he’s fucking around on you. How do you know he wasn’t at the office? Can’t you give him the benefit of the doubt and trust that he wanted to treat you to something special? Something you’d never do yourself.”
“Why don’t you let me call the motherfucker and find out if he’s putting his cock into some slut?”
“I can’t do that Crystal. I promised Charles I would keep our relationship secret and I’ve already broken that trust by telling you about his plan and letting you listen in on our phone conversation this morning.” Nick could see they were at a standstill and then thought he would try another approach.
Crystal listen to all I have to say Before you answer. “I can give you experiences that will help free your troubled mind about sex. You will be able to stop hiding your experiences and you can stop hiding them from Charles.” He paused for a moment to see her emerald eyes focused on him. “Crystal, you need to let me open your mind and make your fans come to life. You have a powerful mind but you live a narrow and constructed life, afraid to fail in your attempt to conquer and experience what you desire every waking minute.” Her eyes blinked and her concentrated star continued. “You can’t stay on the sides forever, content to watch videos and act as if everything is fine with your husband. You need to free your troubled mind.”
“That’s not true. Why not just leave me alone and let me go home?” she abruptly interrupted.
Nick let out an exasperated sight. “I can’t force you to like me or my methods. Your husband and I struck a deal and I can only show you the reality of what you have bottled up for years. I’m sure he must have felt the same thing in letting you come out of the closet, so to speak.” He stopped for a moment thinking she was going to speak but she held her tongue. Was he making headway? If she knew the real truth about her husband’s sexual fans, it might make it easier for her to accept her own fans. But first, she had to face her own fans no matter how dark they were.
He quickly added in a serious tone, “I can only show you doors that exist in your mind and then open them so you can be free to participate without guilt or anger. And who knows? Maybe when you and Charles get together again, you can discuss your experiences and together, be free to pursue other pleasant things in the future.
When he finished, she saw the way his lips curled into a soft chuckle. She knew his little speech made a lot of sense. But she was still angry at Charles for getting her into this situation. Glaring at Nick and still angry that Charles was possible cheating on her, she asked him with a dash of cynicism in her tone. “So, what do you have planned for me today … sir?”
Taking a sip of coffee, he smiled at the redhead. She was still angry but he did see a small crack in her façade. Now he needed to drive a wedge into the crack until it split wide open and her kinky side spilled out. “I can’t tell you that. It’d ruin the surprise. But it may be something you never thought would happen to you.” He could see her interest peak a little but resisted telling her anything else about the day’s events.
She knew she wouldn’t be allowed to confront her husband today and repeatedly resigned herself to the fact that she was going to be subjected to more kinky sex. “I can hardly wait,” she said cynically as she took a bite of fruit.
They finished breakfast in relative silence, each in their own world of thoughts. He reflecting on what he had planned and she on what he had to say about getting off the sides and facing the dark kinky sex she only imagined. Afterwards, Nick cleared the table and then picked up a gold collar lying on the granite countertop. It was adorned with tiny spikes embedded in the leather material.
“I have a little present for you,” he murmured seeing her eye the collar.
Crystal was a bit surprised and blurted out, “What … what is that?”
“Just a collar that I think you’ll enjoy wearing,” he chuckled. Placing it on her neck, he secured it with a small gold lock. When he was done, he showed her the key. “I’ll keep the key in a safe place until it’s time to go home.” He watched her fingertips touch the gold band of leather. Picking up a small remote from the counter, he showed it to her. “By the way, if you try to flee this house or the grounds, you will receive an electric jolt which can be milk or strong. That will depend on you.” To show her it was for real, he hit the button, sending a very milk stream of electricity through the collar.
Crystal felt the electric current and was appalled. “What the fuck,” she blurted out. “Did you expect me to run away with no clothes?” She looked down at the sexy bra and panties and quickly covered them with the silk robe. “This isn’t necessarysary,” she whispered trying to reason with him.
“Let’s just say this is my insurance policy when you are not with me.”
With a huff, Crystal stood and looked defiantly at him. Her tone was dripping with anger. “Anything else sir?”
“Na, why don’t you go sit by the pool and I’ll join you after I clean up the kitchen.”
Her loud response, “fine” made him smile as she Walked out the French doors to the back patio. Nick watched her cute butt sway as she made her way to a table with an umbrella. He assumed she was presumedly staring at the sparkling water and wondering what would happen next. Cleaning up the kitchen quickly, he joined her under the umbrella. They sat quietly, not speaking, only staring at the inviting water. After some time, Nick got up asking her if she wanted to swim.
“I suppose you want to shock me with this collar. Besides, I don’t have a swimsuit.” she sneered, her fingers running lightly over the collar and realizing clothes didn’t matter.
“The collar is waterproof and there’d be no shock if you got it wet. And don’t worry about clothes Crystal,” he smiled, opening his robe to reveal his naked body. “I never wear swim trunks.” Seeing her eyes focus on his soft cock, he turned and dove into the refreshing water. When she only stared at him, he smiled and began to swim laps, occasionally glancing at her, seeing her faraway look.
Exiting the pool, Nick smiled, seeing Crystal’s eyes directed at his cock slightly swinging with each step. Rather than towel off, he sat on the chain locke near her and let the morning sun evaporate the water. He wasn’t surprised when she didn’t attempt to come sit with him but instead remain in her chair under the umbrella, lost in her own thoughts.
Crystal was still boiling about Charles but she did as Nick asked, thinking about what he said at breakfast. Could she really get off the sides and enjoy the experiences he was offering? Last night and this morning had been eye-opening but the thought of being used by Charles still rankled her. Should she let Nick show her the possibilities of what she could enjoy sexually? But what about their marriage and if she really opened up and let her true sexual feeling be known, would it destroy their marriage? And what about Charles and his lover, if he had one? What would she do about that? Thoughts and images flyw around in her mind like a tornado inching its way closer to her. Would it destroy her or set her free?
Glancing at Nick lying on the chain lounge, she took her time surveying his nakedness. He had a strong virile body, tanned all over from sunbathing in the nude. His strong jawline and well-developed muscle arms and chest were sure to have pleased many women. It was tempting to go to him and fondle that lovely piece of meat lying dormant between his thighs. But wouldn’t that be giving in to her darkest desires? Standing, she hesitated and then spoke. “I’m going to the bedroom to relax.”
Nick opened his eyes and smiled. “Ok.” There was no reason to say anything else. As she walked towards the house, he wondered if he should let her roam free in the house. She could search his drawers and try to find something to contact her husband. That was ok because he had his phone in his robe pocket and if she found his computer, if was password protected. He felt at ease watching her open the French doors and look back at him before disappearing into the house.
Searching each room for a phone turned up nothing. She did find his computer in his study but after a few attempts to open it, she gave up. Back in the kitchen, she looked out at the pool, seeing him now sitting under the umbrella as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Opening a knife drawer gave rise of trying to force him to let her go. Rampant thoughts of fighting him flow around in her head and in the end, she knew it would be fruitless to fight him. Each scenario ended with her being hurt. Closing the drawer, she headed to the master bedroom and lay on the bed where she had been bound and fucked no more than a few hours ago. Lightly snoozing, the sound a bell went off in her head and she thought it was in her dream. But when the bell sounded a second and third time, she sat up and headed for the door. Maybe this was someone who could help her.
Nick stayed a bit longer outside and then decided to take a shower before Lizzy and Skye arrived. Walking through the house, he hoped to see Crystal but she was nowhere to be found on the first floor. He was in the kitchen when he heard the doorbell ring. With a broad smile, he walked to the front door, wondering what the women would be wearing for their rendezvous with Crystal.
Opening the door, he couldn’t help but chuckle seeing the two women dressed as police officers. They looked sexy in their blue outfits, complete with fake guns, mace, and batons. He noted the handscuffs clipped to their belts and wondered what these two sexy women had in mind for Crystal. He was about to say something when Lizzy, the blonde, spoke.
Mr. Robertson?
“Yes officer,” Nick answered playing along.
“I’m officer Compton and this is officer Warner. We’re here to follow up on an anonymous tip that there is a woman being held against her will at this address.”
Nick rubbed his chin as if thinking. They definitely filled out the uniforms and their light blue shirts looked as though they were ready to pop open at any moment. He felt a twinge in his cock, knowing it would be getting a nice workout. Trying to act nonchalant he answered, “Officer I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s no woman being held here.”
From behind him a shrink voice pierced the air. “OFFICERS … arrest this man. He kidnapped me last night and raped me.” Her heart fluttered at the sight of the two women officers. Surely, they would arrest him and take her home.
Both women looked at the woman hollering and then gave each other anappreciated look, both thinking Nick had landed a real beauty this time. Nick turned back to the officers, seeing their concealed grins of appreciation. Lizzy whispered, “nice Nick. I bet you had a great time with her.” But before he could speak, both women drew their weapons and pointed them at him.
Lizzy concealed her delight, telling Nick, “Sir step back and put your hands on the wall.”
“Officers you have this all wrong. This woman is here on her own free will.”
Crystal watched the scene unfold and when Nick spoke, she became indignant. “He’s lying officers. Please … don’t listen to him. He tied me up and rapid me.” Her fingers touched the gold neck collar. “And … and he put this on me this morning. He has a remote that will shock me if I try to get away.”
Lizzy saw the anxiety in Crystal’s eyes. “Don’t worry ma’am. We’re here to protect and serve and we know how to handle perverts like him.” Turning to Nick, she repeated her command, waving the gun in his face. “Get against the wall fucker or else I’ll blow your fucking head off.”
Nick did as she said, placing his hands on the wall hiding a smile. “Officers you have this all wrong. This woman is here of her own free will. I don’t have a remote for her collar. In fact, she was wearing it when she came here with me.”
“You fucking bastard. I was wearing an expensive pearl necklace that is Missing now,” she sputtered and then in a shrink voice added, “And you do have a remote, you used it on me in the kitchen.” Crystal’s eyes glared with anger and took a step towards him but was intercepted by Skye, who held her back.
Skye tried to reassure her. “Ma’am let us do our job.”
Lizzy moved behind Nick, trying to be serious. “Keep your hands on the wall sir and spread Your legs for me.” She gave him a hidden smile when he did as she asked. Starting at his shoulders, she patted him down to his waist and then shielded her smile from Crystal when her hands circled his waist.Moving them up to his strong chest, she pinched his nipples, hearing his soft grunt. Sliding her fingerprints down his sides to his knees and then upward under his robe. When her fingerprints touched his ball sac and then his cock, she couldn’t resist tugging on the soft muscle. Standing, she whispered so only, he could hear her. “I like the weapon you carry. I can’t wait to feel that thick cock in my pussy.” Then turning to Skye and Crystal, she said, “He’s clean.”
Nick almost burst out laughing but held it together, enjoying the game the women were playing. How would Crystal react when she realized they were there, not to set her free, but to use her for their sexual pleasure. Nick started to turn away from the wall but a firm hand on his back held him in place.
“Not so fast Mr. Robertson.” Lizzy’s voice was firm.
Skye turned to Crystal. “Ma’am what is your name and is this man holding you against your will.”
Crystal was relieved to finally get to talk and she took a deep breath while staring at Nick still holding his hands on the wall. “My name is Crystal … Crystal Powers and … and this man has been holding me hostage and using me for his sick sexual games.”
“That’s a pretty serious charge. Are you married Ms. Powers?”
“Yes.” She hesitated not knowing if she should tell the officers what her husband and Nick cooked up.
“We received an anonymous tip. Do you think that was your husband?”
“I don’t know,” she said a bit hesitantly. “It could have been. We were having a nice dinner last night and then I was drugged and the next thing I knew, I was tied to a chair in this man’s dungeon-like room and … and he did things to me and then … then he raped me …,” she whimpered, near tears. Regaining her composure, she asked, “When can we get out of here?”
Skye looked at Lizzy and Nick and in a most serious tone asked, “If your husband knew you were with this man and at this address, why did he call? How would he know where you were?”
“I … Ahhhh … Ahhhh … I don’t know.” Her eyes blinked wildly, unsure of what to say.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this ma’am,” Skye said in a reassuring tone. Turning her attention to Nick. “Is she right sir? Did you kidnap this woman, tie her to a chair, and then rape her?”
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