The Awakening of Crystal Ch. 01

Nick sat in a chair, carefully watching a woman strapped to a wooden chair. She was semi-slumped over, her head hanging slightly to the right while her breathing was soft and even as if she were simply sleep. But it wasn’t a sleep from exhaust but rather a drug induced slumber provided by her husband who administrator it to her earlier in the restaurant. Nick smiled at the sleeping woman thinking how this encounter came about.

About a month back, he received a reply from the advertisement he placed on a BDSM website. The replies he received were from women looking to explore or experience the kinky lifestyle. One reply, from a man, caught his eye. His first thought was, why would a man contact him? Wouldn’t he wants a mistress to administrator punishment to him? Reading his message, he smiled when the man wanted to meet to discuss a unique opportunity. The message intrigued him. What opportunity could this man have that would involve him? Nick’s advertisement was for domination and sexual pleasure. He was a little skeptical and wondered if this was some kind of undercover sing operation. After debating the pros and cons of the message, he decided to answer and eventually agreed to meet the man. He was surprised when the man suggested they meet at a well-known local tavern that catered to the upper crust of the city. At least it wasn’t in the seedy part of town.

When the meeting took place, Nick instantly sized up the man as a businessman and he dressed like someone who mingled with the upper class. Expensive clothes and well-groomed with salt and pepper hair, he looked every bit of a distinguished businessman. The man introduced himself as Charles Powers and Nick soon found out he was the chief financial officer for a large manufacturing firm. He knew of the company and as he gazed at the large diamond ring on his finger, he was most likely well off financially. What opportunity could he possibly have for Nick who was into the kinkier side of life.

Nick introduced himself as an entrepreneur in the world of the internet. He glossed over some of the sites he managed and didn’t need to tell Charles about the on-line porn sites. How else did he know to contact him? Nick was fairly well off, receiving income from promotions and advertisements from a number of companies who used his sites. Also, the membership dues for exclusive videos provided him with a great income. But the one thing he liked about the internet businesses was that it gave him access to what he loved most, dominating women. Business was going great and he literally had his pick of women to take to his playroom located in his country home. But what did this man have to offer him in the way of an opportunity? He asked the gentleman what made him contact him.

Nick listened as he told him a little about himself before he laid out the opportunity he was offering. As CFO, he worked long hours in the office and often traveled for days to some of the manufacturing facities they owned. As a result of his long hours and traveling, his wife was often left alone for long hours and days. She kept busy by belonging to the country club where she enjoyed played cards, golf and tennis with other women married to men of industry.

“So, Charles, what’s this opportunity you have for me?” he mused sipping from his bourbon glass.

Charles was hesitant at first but then spoke of an incident that happened about a month ago with his wife. He arrived home late from the office and found his wife sleep in bed. It was not unusual to come home to a sleeping wife, but on this particular night, he spied her laptop lying half open next to her. On the night stand was an empty wine glass and rather than wake her, he slide the laptop from the bed and opened it out of curiosity. “I almost dropped it when I saw it was open to a website that catered to BDSM.”

Nick could see this man was clearly uncomfortable talking about kinky sex.

Charles wiped his brow as he continued. “I sat in a chair eyeing my wife for the longest time just in case she woke up. After a little while, I looked at the page she must have been looking at when she fell asleep. Even though I was shocked at first, curiosity got the best of me and I opened a few more pages.”

Nick wondered where this conversation was going as the milk-mannered businessman hesitated and looked at his drink.

“Mr. Robertson. We’ve been married ten years and I never knew of my wife’s kinky desires. This is something I had trouble comprehending. She has always been a faithful wife and while our sex life is not the greatest, I thought is satisfied.”

Nick smiled and took another swig of his bourbon. “Sounds like your curiosity got the best of you. How does this pertain to me?”

Charles Powers wrung his hands and looked at the man, unsure if this was the right thing to do. “I … I saw your advertising on one of the sites my wife was looking at and it got me to thinking. I checked out your website when I went to the office so my wife was unaware of what I was doing. I watched some of your videos and felt you might be the right man to help my wife live out this fantasy.”

Nick remained silent letting the man hesitate and think his way through the cobwebs in his mind.

Charles’ eyes furrowed as he continued. “I … love my wife and want to give her Everything her heart desires … but … but I don’t think I am the kind of man who can make this come true for her. He saw Nick’s eyes staring intently at him. “I want … No, I need someone who has experience in these kinds of matters.”

“So, you want me to give her what you can’t or won’t do?”

Charles Powers looked down at the table, ashamed of himself and wishing for a moment that he should get up and leave. “I love my wife but I’ve never been a very dominant love. Seeing those people in different sexual positions, receiving punishment is not something I think I can do.” He stopped for a moment, staring into Jack’s eyes while nervously wringing his hands.

“Don’t get me wrong Mr. Robertson. I like sex just as much as the next man but I realize our sex life is more of the vanilla kind and has soured more than I thought. Since I work long hours, we haven’t had real sex in a long time.” He took a deep breath as though he was afraid to go on talking to this stranger. “But I also know that if I don’t take care of this now, she may try to find out from someone who may hurt her and I don’t want that to happen. I would much rather have her getting sex from someone I know and trust.”

“You don’t know me. What makes you think I wouldn’t hurt her?”

He thought for a moment before answering. “I don’t know you but if what I saw on Your videos is any indication, you are a dominant but not a masochist. I don’t think you would leave lasting marks and scars.” He let that sink in and then continued, “Also, if you agree to this, I want to meet several times toget to know you a little better and feel more comfortable with your techniques before we move forward.” His eyes shifted to the half-filled Moscow mule mug and then with some hesitation, he said, “And, I would like to know what you and her would do together.”

Nick chuckled. Maybe he would want to watch them. He didn’t ask the question and instead rubbed his jaw before asking, “Do you have a picture of your wife?”

“Hmm, yes I do.” Charles pulled a picture from his wallet and handed it to Nick.

The photo of the woman made his eyes open and a smile created his face as he took in her features. She was not a trophy wife but she was close. Her bright red hair framed a smiling face with sparkling white teeth. She, of course, was smiling and seemingly happy. The longer he stared at the picture, he noticed her bright emerald eyes seemingly pierce right through him. He wondered if she was a true redhead. They were known to have a firey spirit.

Taking his time examining the photo, he sensed Charles was restless in the seat across from him. Let him stew a little. Scanning the white dress, he liked the way it fit her slim figure, outlining her abundant curves. Unable to determine her breast size, he sumised they were a nice rack from the way they pushed outward. What would they feel like if he could get his hands on them? And her slim legs, flowing from the thigh high dress gave him a reason to wonder how they would be wrapped around his head.

“Very nice,” he murmured, handing the photo back to Charles.

But Charles held his hand up. “No, you go ahead and keep it. If you don’t take the assignment, you can give it back.”

Nick shrugged his shoulders. This guy seemed to think this was a work assignment he was giving to an underling. He twirled his bourbon glass and then asked, “What do you have in mind Charles?”

“If you’re willing to talk further, then I propose we meet and decide how best to make this happen. I do want her to experimentence what she is seeing on the internet. But I want her to experience it with someone I can trust.”

“Your proposal sounds intriguing. What’s in it for me besides dominating your wife?”

Charles glanced out over the tavern patrons, making sure no one was within earshot. “I was thinking you would take her for a weekend, I would be willing to offer you $20,000. $10,000 up front and the rest after she has had her experience.”

Nick’s eyes opened a bit wider and he took a sip of bourbon. No one had ever made him this kind of offer. Was this guy for real? He would be crazy to turn it down but with a smug smile he answered. “What makes you think I won’t just take the $10,000 and not follow through?”

“I read a lot of the comments on your website and everything I read indicates you are a man who likes to dominate his women. Besides how often do you get an opportunity like this… a man offering his wife and willing to pay for your total domination?” He waited again watching Nick consider his offer and then he added, “And who knows. It may turn into a long-term deal.” Charles smiled knowing he had laid out the possibility of more than one weekend of pleasure for him and her.

Charles had another excess motive that he didn’t tell Nick. He had a lover at the office, that sometimes required to stay late. Crystal never questioned him about his late hours at the office. To Charles, Crystal seemed content with their sparse love life and spend time with her girlfriends at the club. If his wife was happy being dominated, he could pursue his love without guilt. He did love his wife and would never leave her for another woman. They had a lot in common and liked a lot of the same interests. But now he realized she had some sexual desires that needed nursery. Desires that he didn’t Feel he could give her and he wanted to give her something special. It could blow up in his face but he was willing to take that risk.

Never one to jump at a deal, Nick pOndered Charles’ offer. The one thing Charles didn’t say was that his wife wouldn’t balk at any attempt to be dominated. “How do you know your wife wasn’t just surfing the internet and not really interested in this type of lifestyle?”

Charles sat back and looked at the palm of his hands and then at Nick. “Because I looked at her history on the internet when I was working late or out of town. I Found she spent a lot of time every day cruising different porn sites. She also marked some pages as favorites and most of them were your pages. If she had a passing curiosity, she wouldn’t spend so many hours watching this kind of porn. I have a feeling she wants to at least try it and who knows maybe she’ll like it or maybe she won’t. But at least she’ll get the chance to experience it.”

There was a sense of pride when Nick heard she was pinning his pages as favorites. He had the answer he needed and then smiled. “You do know that if she really is into this lifestyle, it will probably change your marriage.”

“I’ve thought of that and I am willing to cross that bridge when we get there. I don’t want her to know I was involved until afterwards. Then we can see where this goes. It may enhance our marriage or it may wreck it. I’m willing to take that risk.” Charles remained silent about his extramarital affairs. It was something Nick didn’t need to know about.

Nick studied the man for a moment. He knew he would accept Charles’ offer but he didn’t want to seem overly anxious. He would think about it for a day or two and then give him his answer. “It’s very tempting Charles. Let me think about it. Give me your phone number and I’ll give you a call with my answer.”

Nick watched the woman began to stir and awaken from her drug induced slumber. He thought of her husband Charles and how excited he sounded when he called him a few days later and accepted his offer.

They met over the last few weeks, working out the details of Crystal’s abduction. Charles pressed Nick for details on what she would experience but Nick told him he didn’t divulge that information. If Charles wanted to know what she had experienced, he would have to ask her afterwards. He didn’t reveal that he would be taping his wife and her ordeal.

The conspirators decided Charles would take Crystal to an upscale restaurant for their anniversary. She usually excused herself after dinner to use the ladies room and when she did, he would spike her drink with a mickey or otherwise known as a date rap drug.

On the selected Friday evening, Nick watched them from the bar. Crystal looked gorgeous wearing a silk black lace dress with a string of pearls hanging deliciously around her neck, to just above her cleavage. Nick couldn’t help but smile at the exposed flesh for all to ogle. Licking his lips, he clearly thought about what he was going to do to her over the weekend.

After dinner, as predicted by Charles, Crystal rose from the table and Nick’s eyes followed her sexy figure. It was evident she had dressed to the nines for a dinner date with her husband. When she returned, he saw some of the men eyeing her too and he chuckled. If those men only knew what this luscious redhead was going to endure. But they would be going about their lives while he plied her with kinky sex situations.

He waited about 20 minutes after she returned from the ladies’ room to join them at the table. The drug was already having a significant effect on her from the way she was starting to slur her words. He was sure she wouldn’t remember that Charles introduced him as a prospective client.

Within minutes of his arrival at their table, Crystal was seemingly oblivious to his prescence. Her speech was beginning to slur as if she had one too many manhattans. When she complained to Charles that she was feeling dizzy, they helped her out of the restaurant and into Nick’s car. She either didn’t notice or didn’t care that she was riding in stranger’s car. Shepassed out in the back seat and when they arrived at his house, he easily carried her into the house. And now she was safe in Nick’s playroom, bound to a wooden chair.

Crystal moaned and stirred a little, starting to emerge from her drugged slumber. Nick was pretty sure either she either didn’t remember him or if she did, she would have a faith remembrand of their conversation.

Her eyes fluttered a few times, closing for a few moments, trying hard to keep stay open. Finally, her eyes fluttered wildly, her head jerked upward and then she blinked a few times until they remained open. It took a moment to focus on a man sitting in front of her. Why was Charles sitting in front of her? The more her focus cleared, she realized it was not Charles but some stranger. Where was Charles? She groaned and tried to move her hands, finding it impossible. Her hands and arms wouldn’t budget. Glancing down at her wrist she realized her arms were tied with rope to the arms of the chair. Lettingout a startedled moan, she stared at the stranger in front of her. “What … what’s going on … who are you? Why am I tied up?”

Nick didn’t say a word, only watched as the full impact of her situation hit her. He looked at the fancy black dress that gave him a great view of her ample cleavage. The picture he looked at a few weeks back didn’t do her breasts justice. They were nicely molded melon-shaped Mounds that began to heaven with each breath. Her dress, bunched up around her thighs, almost totally exposed her creamy thighs. He licked his lips at the sight and then looked into her terrified green eyes.

Crystal’s mouth dropped open and her breathing quickened as she began to struggle, trying to pull her arms free with no success. Then, when she realized her ankles were tied to the legs of the chair, her eyes opened wide and she took a deep breath just before she let out a scream. “No … no … who are you? … where is my husband? What have you done to my husband?”Clenching her cheeks and her fists she continued to struggle to no avail while her captive remained silent.

Crystal’s heart was beating fast, her breathing erratic, and she felt herself began to perspire. Her eyes centered on the strange sitting slightly in front of her. Where was she? Who was this strange sitting in front of her with a smug smile on his face? Where was Charles? She tried hard to think back and the more she tried to Remember the more confused she became. A brief glimpse of the restaurant shot through her brain. They were having an anniversary dinner and then she felt strange. There was a man with them at the table or was there? Was this the man?

Nick could see the drugs were still affecting her as she struggled to remember how she got here. The drugs usually stay in the body for a day or more. But in a little while the sluggishness would wear off but by then he would already be playing his games with her.

Her eyes narrowed and she started to panic.Was he going to kill her? Did he kill her husband? Where was he? Is he ok? Why was she tied to this chair in this strange dimly lit room? She glanced past the man and then to her left and right. The things she saw terrified her. Various contractions were scattered around the room and on the walls were a collection of whips and other items. Items she recognized from the videos she secretly watched when Charles was absent from her life.

Tears formed in Crystal’s distorting the image of the man sitting in front of her. “Where am I? Why are you doing this to me? Where is Charles? Is he ok?”

Nick stood and approached the firey redhead. He chuckled at the thought that redheads were a stubborn lot, not prone to just give in to their situation. She might be a bit more stubborn than most but that was ok with him. He liked a challenge.

Crystal’s eyes narrowed when the man stood and silently walked towards her. Was he going to kill her? Her heart rate increased dramatically andshe felt fear. What was going to happen to her? She turned her head when he walked beside her and then he was out of view. A fearful shudder tore through her.

Walking around her as if he were sizing up a prey he had captured, he stopped behind her and then grabbed some long red strands of hair. Yanking her head forcedly backward, he looked down at her tea streaked face turned upside down. “All in good time Crystal. You will have all your answers in good time.” At the mention of her name, he saw her eyes widen.

“How do you know my name?” she spit out with venom in her voice.

“My … my such a temperature. I told you all in good time.” Moving to her right side, he kept her head pulled back. “Let’s just say for now you are going to get something you’ve been keeping secret.” Leaning down, he kissed her hard on the lips. He smiled during the kiss as she tried Valiantly to keep her lips sealed. Pulling his lips off hers, he laughed and smiled. “I think you’ll change your tune shortly Crystal.” There was a firey look of defiance in her eyes and then he slapped her cheek hard.

Her head reeled sideways and then he backhanded her other cheek. She was about to yell at him when he grabbed her throat and squeezed. “One thing you’re going to learn is that I’m your master while you’re here and you’re nothing more than a submissive slut.”


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