At work she didn’t have to use his formal title of Sir. She could call and talk to him, as any woman might the man she adored. At work she could be more casual with her language. But even at work she had better watch her manners, her tone and her attitude.
Being a submissive in the modern world was a challenge. Believing women to be equal but also knowing the need to give power to some one else, a man. Finding friends and colleagues talking about their relationships in ways she knew she never would even if she could. Being a submissive in a demanding career means working hard. Finding time to fulfill her career goals and still find time to see to him, the one to whom she had pledged obedience was harder work than she had ever imagined.
It was Friday afternoon and some of her colleagues wanted to go grab some cocktails and audiences. It would be a fun end to a hard week. She wanted to go, to kick back and for a little longer escape her submission. She didn’t regret her choices, but sometimes she had to admit that life would be easier in many ways if she didn’t have quite so many rules or quiet such a demanding and determined man in her life.
“Hi, I have a favor to ask?” She began when he picked up on his cell phone.
“No.” It was just one word.
“But?” She was taken aback for a moment.
“There are not buts, the answer is no.”
“You don’t even know what I am going to ask.”
The silence on the end of the line made her heart begin to race. Had she gone too far?
“Do I need to know?”
He was waiting for an answer.
“No, no you don’t.”
“I have given you my answer, girl”
“Yes.” She swallowed hard as her face flushed.
“Are there any errands you need to run on the way home?”
“I need a couple of things from the grocery store.” She was actually contemplating disobeing him. In the few seconds of conversation she had run through half a dozen scenarios. She knew this was a bad idea but she wantsed to be with her friends for a little longer.
“Use you card and save your receipt”
He knew.
“Well, I am not sure I will stop.”
“Girl, if you stop, use your card and save the receipt.”
“Yes of course.” Her heart was pounding in her chest now. He knew, he knew she had contemplated disobeying him, she could almost see him standing in front of her.
“Now listen to me,” his voice was conversational, calm but there was an undeniable edge to his tone. “Defiance will be met with severe consequences. Am I making myself clear?”
She felt the blush creeping up her body, surging up her neck and flooding her face with color.
“Yes.” She tried to sound casual as if they didn’t both realize she had actually thought to challenge his authority. She had not made that mistake since they had first met. “Yes, of course.”
“Go home, girl.”
He hung up and she caught her breath. She was actually trembling.
“Hey! You come?” The girls all asked asThey headed for the door.
“Nah, I am going to go home and nurse this headache.”
She listened to her colleagues try and persuade her to join them all the way down in the lift. And yet all she could think about was home. If she went home, if she was on her best behavior, if she behaved as if all this were a giant misunderstanding, perhaps he would not have to discuss it with her, perhaps they would both pretend today hadn’t happened.
“Janie, come on. Have on drink with us.”
They were in the lobby already. She smiled and laughed accepting their teasing. She joked that she had a better offer at home, all the while knowing that she had over stepped her bounds and that she was going to have to answer for it.
She drove home with a growing sense of impending doom. She would take a shower, freshen up, slip into some lingerie, and chill a bottle of wine. She would just behave as if none of this had happened. He didn’t know she had meant to disobey, he might suspect, but he couldn’t know.
She almost hit her brakes at the sight of his car in the driveway. They didn’t live together, although each had enough supplies at the other’s place that it often seemed that they did. So why was he here now? She should have had hours to prepare and plan for his arrival.
She parked and clutched the wheel firmly for a moment. She needed to gather her Thoughts.
“Out of the car!” He was suddenly beside the car, opening the door.
She took the hand he offered her and stepped out of the car. He took her car keys and locked the vehicle as he led her to the house. He did not speak until the door was closed behind them.
“Put you bags down and go and take a shower. When you are done, come and see me.”
She lifted her eyes to his. Damn it! How did he always know? She was blushing and when she put her bags on the table in the hall she realized she was trembling.
“Hurry up.” His voice was calm almost soothing, and she knew he was furious. Only the icy calm of fury made him sound so reasonable, ordinary. Gone was the warm, teasing manner or the strict tone of discipline, this was the worst thing she could have anticipated. He was sending her upstairs while he gathered himself.
She walked up the stairs slowly.
“Don’t make me have to come and get you now,” he called after her. “Shower, and then come back down here. In your towel is fine.”
She tried to keep the same pace; she didn’t want to acknowledge she had been dragging her feet by suddenly speeding up. At the top of the stairs she began to shed clothes. She turned the shower on not waiting for it to get hot. She needed to blot out her panic. She stood under the pounding water and tried to breath.
The shower curve was ripped back and he reached in and grabbed her by the hair. She had no choice but to follow him as he strode through to the bedroom. He throw her to the ground. He stood over her and glared down at her.
She was wet and naked. She glanced up at his angry sight and immediately dropped her eyes. She got up to her knees and rested before him, head lowered.
“It seems I have failed you, Janie.”
She didn’t dare look up.
“I have given you enough rope to hang yourself.” He croouched down in front of her.
“I have been too lenient with you, I have allowed you to forget some of the fundamentals haven’t I?”
She glanced up at him now as he croouched before her. She was painfully aware of his legs clad in his suit pants and the faith muscle of his skin, this was a sight she would have drunk in on any other day.
Grabbing her hair he pulled her head back.
“You have forgotten your place, haven’t you, slut? You have forgotten that you belong to me? Isn’t that right?”
His hand leapt from her hair to her neck.
“Yes, I am yours, only yours.” She cried out in fright.
He began to lift her to her feet using only the pressure on her neck.
“Mine, my whore, my slut,my tits, my ass and my cunt. You belong to me and yet you actually thought to defy me, isn’t that right bitch?”
She whimpered, not daring to speak.
“Did you think I wouldn’t know? Did you think I haven’t seen this uncomfortable streak of defiance building in you?” She stared into his eyes as he walked her backwards. He pushed her against the wall.
“It ends Now, do you understand me?”
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have… please.”
“But you did, girl. I said no and you actually thought you could question me. You thought about going out with your friends. Yes, I know what your favorite was. You thought it and then you even planned a little story to excuse your late arrival home. You are a different little cunt and we are going to have to address that right now, aren’t we?”
He thrust his knee between her legs as he pushed her against the wall. His thigh pushed up against her already wet pussy. She was on her tiptoes, his hand on her throat and his thigh between hers. She was at his mercy.
He kissed her hard on the lips. His lips slashed over hers and he forced his tongue into her throat, she felt him tighten his grip on her throat. She would breathe only because he allowed it. She surrendered to his anger, knowing anything else would be insanity.
He felt her relax against the wall and his body. Her eyes shine with shame and tears. He let go of her and stepped away. He turned and walked back to the bed.
“Come and show me how sorry you are. Get down on your knees and crawl to your Master, bitch. NOW!”
She dropped to her knees and pushed her hands into the rug. She was almost panting now, her pussy was throbbing and the knowledge that she would do this and anything else he demanded sent her heart pounding in her chest.
She crawled, eyes on the ground, to his feet.
“Show me what I want.”
She knelt up and slide her legs as far apart as she could. He lifted her head and looked into her eyes.
“You will not enjoy tonight, there will be no pleasure in this for you and you will not cum, do you hear me girl.”
She clenched her teeth and let a single tear slide down her face.
“Yes Sir. I understand.”
“What do you understand, whore?” His hand snaked out and grabbed her face.
“I will not enjoy the pleasure of your body. I will be yours to use only as you see fit and this cunt,” she sobbed. “This cunt will not cum.”
He slide his booted foot between her legs and slide the toe between the lips of her naked pussy. He throw her back and she tumbled away, leaving his boot now glistening with her juices unhidden.
“I am always wet for you, Sir. This cunt is always aroused by you, Sir.”
“I should make you lick my boot clean,” he stood as he spoke. “But I have other uses for your mouth right now.”
She struggled to her knees and clambered forward as he took his already hard cock from his pants. She greedily opened her mouth and sucked him in.
“That’s right you little bitch, suck my cock.”
His hands compromised over her scalp and he took her head and thrust into her.
“You don’t need to breath yet.” He grew as her held her in place.
She felt his cock throb in her mouth and throat. She longed to gasp at air but his hands meant she was going nowhere. She relaxed and allowed the release of being helpless against him.
He fucked her face, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her mouth. He didn’t pause when she whined, whimpered or gagged. This was not about her enjoying this, or for her to feel the tightening of her nipples, or to feel the choke enough to wet her cunt.
Pulling his cock from her mouth he smiled down at her. “It’s only just began. On your feet, Whore!”
She stumbled to her feet wiping the drool from her chin, feeling the delicate tissue at the back of her throat began to throb from the pounding of his cock.
“Legs apart.”
She dropped hereyes to the ground, standing naked before him, her lips swollen and her pussy wet. She stepped her legs apart and had to reach a hand out to brace herself against him. She felt his hand touch hers.
She stood before him, eyes lowered.
“What should I do with a worthless cunt like you?” Janie could only bite her lip.
“Janie? What should a Master do with a worthless cunt who doesn’t even Understand the most basic of rules?”
With this he jammed his hand between her legs with two fingers forced into her drooling pussy, shooting into then into her wet pussy.
“What, Janie?”
She bit her lip and raised her eyes to his.
He raised and eyes brow at her as he shoved another finger into her.
“Anything you want, Sir. I am yours, to do with as you see fit, to use to train, to punish. I am yours.” He shoved his fingers further into her wetness.
“You are?”
“Yes.” She sobbed. “Yes I am, please Sir. I beg you. I sorry. I will never…”
He moved so quickly she was face down on the bed before she knew what was happening.
She heard the leather of his belt slide through his belt loops. She heard him pull the leather through his hands.
“My little whore, my wayward slut. I will not allow this behavior, not now, not ever. You will learn and you will accept and you will obey.”
He knelt on the bed and ripped her head back.
“Do you understand, Janie?”
“Yes Sir,” she cried out in panic
“Really, Janie?”
“Yes Sir.”
The first lash of his belt was a prelude to the next seeming hours. He beat her mercilessly. His belt landed too often for her to count. She screamed at first and then, by the time he was ready to finish, she was merely whimpering.
He left her then, lying across the bed beaten and weeping. He left the room and she cried in shame more than in pain. He had beaten her, not because he wanted to, not because their sexual encounters demanded her pain but becauseshe had disobeyed him, not since the start of their relationship had he ever distributed her in such a way.
She was sleep when he returned. He dragged her from the bed by her hair and throw her to the floor. He stared down at her dazed expression.
“You will not share my bed until I am sure you know your place.”
“I do, Sir. Please I know my place. I am to be wherever you want me. I know I am yours, to do with, to place wherever you want.”
He slide off his shirt and throw it at her. He took a chain, long hidden under the bed and with the cuff attached, fastened her to the bed.
“You will sleep there on the floor. You don’t deserve my bed, you worthless, disrespectful little cunt.”
Her breath caught in her throat as he spoke. Her body ached with exhaustion.
“Yes, Sir.”
He finished undressing. She watched him from her place on the floor and she slipped on the shirt he had thrown her. She inhaled smelling him on the fabric. Thorne was in bed and turning off the lights before she knew it. And she lay cold and bruised, and wishing for morning, his slave at his feet.
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