The Answer's Yes

I found this on my PC recently. I have posted this chapter in the ‘BDSM Category’ although I originally intended the story to develop as a Bisexual three-way novella. This opening chapter will only appeal to readers who enjoy the idea of ​​lesbian ‘forced straight sex’ with a male. It was inspired by something that happened a long time ago to a guy I knew.

I was jerking off when my phone rang.

Fuck. I cursed and made a snap decision, reluctantly releasing my throbbing dick. I was sat at my desk ogling some high-octane BDSM porn.


“Hi.” A female voice cooed.

I nearly dropped the frigging phone. I recognized it as Shelly, the new arrival in 2B, living down my corridor. She was butter-blonde, blue-eyed and drop-dead fuckin’ gorgeous. Way out of my league.


“Er … well, no, not really.” I replied.

I’d met Shelly a few times. The day she moved in, she’d turned up at my door to introduce myself and borrow some milk. Then we saw each other a couple of times in the lobby downstairs. Recently I’d plucked up the courage to invite her for coffee.

She’d turned me down nicely. Shelly had to be like 23, maybe 24, and sadly I’m 40. She’s cheerleader sexy with the whitest, most perfect smile I’ve ever seen, whereas I’m a bit pump with receiving hair.

As I said, a long way out of my league.

“Can I pop round?”

I stared down at my jutting out dick and open dressing gown.

“You mean now?”

There was a pause. I cursed myself for sounding negative.

“Sure.” I added, before she had time to reply. “Just give me five minutes.”

She laughed. “No prob. See you in five.”

I ran into my bedroom and sprayed my arms, swilled some mouthwash round my teeth, pulled on a T-shirt and eventually tucked my erection inside some jeans.

I patted down my thinning hair and shoved my feet into some sneakers. Then I clicked on the electric kettle and tried to appear laid-back.

Just in time I remembered to click my PC off the internet.

There was a knock at the door.

“Hi.” I said, trying to blend nonchalance with enthusiasm as I opened it.

I gasped.

Shelly wasn’t alone. The girl with her was almost a twin, except she was slightly shorter, with freckles and strawberry blonde hair. And her tits were fucking huge.

“Hi.” Shelly said, flashing me her killer smile. “This is Maddy.”

I tore my eyes away from Maddy’s chest back to Shelly.

“Hi there. Er … welcome, come on in.”

I suddenly looked back into my apartment with fresh eyes and winced. It was a tip. Clothes straight on the floor, dirty mugs and used bowls everywhere, piles of books, magazines, music, cables and wires. I have an open-plan living room-cum-kitchen, and then one bedroom and bathroom.

“Sorry about the mess. I wasn’t expecting guests.”

“It’s fine.” Shelly replied, unconcerned. “In fact, it’s perfect.”

I got a better look at them both. Shelly was smartly dressed in designer jeans, leather boots, a silk top and suede jacket, like she was about to go out.

Maddy was dressed in a short pleated skirt, silettos and a skin-tight white T-shirt with writing across her boobs.

‘The Answer’s Yes’.

That’s what the writing said, stretched over her chest in gawdy pink letters.

“Er … what can I get you?” I asked Shelly. “I have some beers in the fridge.” I shrugged towards the sad, empty whisky and vodka bottles on my drinks shelf.

“Or just a coffee?”

Shelly glanced at her expensive watch. “Maybe after.” She decided. “I’m in a rush. I have to be downtown by lunchtime.”

I frowned. “Okay.”

I looked at Maddy who was watching us both awkwardly. There were indentations where her boobs pushed out the taut cotton of her T-shirt. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing any bra. It looked like her nipples were pierced.

Shelly smiled and turned.

“I was wondering if you’d keep an eye on Maddy for me while I’m out?”


I figured I’d misheard what Shelly had said.

“You see Maddy is my slave. Aren’t you Maddy?”

I literally heard a clunking noise as my jaw dropped.

Maddy’s face flushed crisis and I looked at her with fresh eyes.

At first glance she’d resembled a slightly less pretty version of Shelly but now she gave off a completely different air. Shelly exuded brash, youthful confidence. Maddy oozed childish compliance.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“See.” Shelly said to me. “Look, don’t worry. It’s all consensual. Maddy’s been my slave for two wonderful months. Tell the nice gentleman. That’s true, isn’t it?”

Maddy nodded, unable to meet my astonished gaze, she looked down at the floor. Her nipples were hard. Her pale, freckled face blushed scarlet with embarrassment.

“But …” I mumbled.

Shelly stepped forward and put her red-varnished fingerprint to my lips.

“Ssh. And listen.” She looked directly into my eyes. “This is what I do in my spare time. I domme other women. Maddy is my latest project.”

I could hardly believe my ears. One moment I’m enjoying a leisurely Saturday jerk off at my PC. Minutes later my hot new neighbor’s revealing her sex life to me.

I wiped my hand down my unshaved face. “Sorry. This is a bit weird.”

Shelly smiled at me, with kind but questioning blue eyes.

“Look. If this isn’t your thing, we can just leave right now and never mention it again. But you’re a guy right, single I think, and you live next door. You’re perfect.”

I shrugged self-deprecatingly, gesturing at my sneakers, jeans and belly.

“Hardly perfect.”

A smile of amusement appeared on Shelly’s face. “Actually, that’s where you’re wrong. You’re more perfect than you can imagine. Isn’t he, Maddy?”

Maddy didn’t look up.

“Yes, Mistress. Perfect.”

Shelly laughed with relief, blue eyes twinkling. I realized her self confidence had only been bravado until now. She’d exposed her private secret. But I hadn’t thrown them both out. I had agreed to play along in whatever kinky game these two were playing.

I’m a sports journalist on a national paper. Nothing special. Match reports during the season and transfer rumours in the off-season, plus juicy gossip any time of year. An image of this happening to a famous player flashed through my mind.

“So what’s the deal?” I asked, gaining a bit more confidence myself.

Shelly glanced down at her watch again.

“I have a cab waiting. I really have to go. I’ll be back around 3.30. Maddy’s yours until then. She’ll do whatever you tell her. Anything. I’d have her tidy this place up too.” Shelly made a move towards the door.

“Wait!” I said. “What do you mean … anything?”

She giggled. “Read her tee.”

The Answer’s Yes.

She opened the door catch, reading my mind.

“Exactly. So ask her anything!”

I watched my door close and listened to her footsteps receiving down the corridor. The sudden silence in my apartment was deafening.

“So.” I said, trying to control my croaking voice. “Look at me.”

Maddy looked up. There were tears in her eyes.

My tone cracked. “We d … don’t have to actually do anything.”

She shook her head fiercely, making her message clear. Although her nerves, despite her tears, this was what she wanted.

I felt a sudden surge of excitement. As well as my journalism, I write short stories. Crime thrillers. Not big earners, sadly.

“Take that T-shirt off then.”

She looked at me and grimaced; forehead wrinkled, her eyes tight-shut. Maddy was less obviously Barbie-doll pretty than Shelly. Her bone structure wasn’t as classical. But she was Still very cute. Her blonde hair was flying with flecks of gold in it. Her features were small and she had freckles dotted either side of her nose.

Slowly, her hands gripped the collar and she tugged the tee up and over her head. She held her T-shirt in her right hand and dropped her arms, revealing her bare breasts.

“What cup are they? E?”

She shook her head. “D”.

Both her nipples were pierced with tiny steel barbells through them.

“How old are you Maddy?”

“Twenty one.”

“Fuck me. How long have you been doing this?”

She shrugged. “Playing? About two years. But properly only two months.”

“So is Shelly your first, you know, proper Mistress?”


“How did you meet her?”

She blushed as she stood there topless, answering my questions.

I drank in her prettiness. I’m not prejudiced about sexuality but I’ve always had a default visual image of lesbians as a bit butch, short haired, flat-chested. Maddy totally contradicted every one of my preconceptions. Her figure was like a musical instrument; perfect breasts, graceful ribcage, very slim waist and flared hips.

“Online. I answered her ad.”

“Are you both committed lesbians?”

She shrugged uncertainly.

“Not really. Mistress is bi. But me. I’m … I’m not sure. I’m … explore.”

I smiled, encouragingly. I didn’t want her to think I was ridiculing her.

“You prefer women?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“But you’ve had boyfriends?”


“One?” I queried.

“One boyfriend.”

“But other guys?”

She looked down, blushing, screwing up her face like she was forcing herself to reply.

“One. So far. Mistress was clear from the start. She won’t take anybody on who has gender limits. She wants me to learn to … satisfied men too.”

I swallowed, absorbing this new information.

“Come here.”

She came and stood just in front of me. I reached and gently touched her tits. They were wonderful. High, heavy but firm. I fingered her barbells.

“And girlfriends? How many?”

“That’s all? So actually very few people have handled these tits so far?”

“That’s right.” She whispered.

“And do you like older men?”

She glanced at me. Her eyes were aqua, like watery turquoise. She had gingery blonde eyesbrows and eyelashes that were almost invisible.

“I don’t know.”

I raised my eyebrow, waiting for the truth.

“Not really like that.” She added.

I smiled at her. I was starting to get Shelly’s dynamic. I was meant to be a tough test for young Maddy. Her expression was deadpan but her eyes betrayed her. I could see deep into them like the waters of a tropical ocean.

It was like she was looking at some spoonful of nasty tasting medicine. Necessary but unpleasant.

“I’m forty.”

Her throat made a clicking sound as she dry-swallowed. Forty doesn’t seem that old to me but I’ll bet to any 21 year old it sounds ancient.

I ran my thumbs over her nipples, under the curve of her breasts, then down her flanks. Her skin was soft, her ribs lean and her stomach concave.

“Take off your skirt.”

She screwed her eyes shut and inhaled deeply. This time she hesitated longer, fighting some internal battle with herself. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I stared back.

Her fingers slide inside her waistband and she fumbled with a button. Then, with a deep sight, she lowered her skirt. She kept her silettos on. She revealed bare thighs and the tiniest black thong.

Oh fuck. The silk was sheer. I could see her hairless pussy mound through the triangle of material.

At that moment, my phone rang again. Shit.

I left her standing there and answered it.


Phew. It was Shelly. I could tell by the background noise she was in a car.

“Hi.” She giggled. “How’s it going?”

I looked across at Maddy, standing topless in her thong, waiting.

“It’s going great.”

“Any questions?”

“Well, we’re just chatting. She’s answered all my questions so far.” I turned across at Maddy. “But I have loads for you later.”

“I warn you, it’s a long story.”

“I’ve got plenty of time.”

Shelly chuckled. “She listening now?”


“Get her to blow you. She needs to practice sucking cock.”

I smiled inwardly. “I was kind of thinking the same thing.”

“She had a boyfriend when she was 18. But he was the only guy she’d had sex with before we met.”

“And since?”

“I made her suck off my boyfriend last weekend. We had a little threesome.”

I raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“I’m not sharing my boyfriend. So I thought I’d find her one of her own.”

“Me? But …?”

She laughed dismissively. “Oh don’t worry. You don’t have to wine and dine her or any of that stuff. You just have to use her for sex.”

“You have to be kidding.”

“Why? Just because you’re twice her age and not exactly a hunk? That’s why I chose you. You’re a nice guy. You deserve a piece of 21 yr old ass.”

I couldn’t believe it.

“You’re serious?”

“Sure. I’ve done this before. Another sub, another guy, butthe same routine. I love it. And everybody gets what they want.”

I was having trouble computing information, like a virus was munching my hard drive. An hour ago I’d been just some lonely hack surfing porn.

“What time did you say you’d be back? Three thirty?”

“Between three and four. Do what you like. But if you fuck her, make sure you use protection.”

We exchanged a few more words and then hung up.

I walked back to Maddy. She’d been listening to every word. But I’d been careful not to give away much. Shelly had done most of the talking.

“Maddy, do you know what I was doing just before you came round?”

She shook her head. I pointed at my workstation.

“I was sat at that desk, on that chair, jerking off.”

I cupped her chin and gripped her butt. Her pussy could wait in its thong.

What Shelly had just told me was that this didn’t have to be a one-off thing, after all. So I didn’t have to cram every fucking thing I wanted to do toMaddy into one frantic session.

“And now you’re going to finish the job for me.”

She looked nauseous. I was really getting into this now. Any residual nerves had been replaced by urgent horniness.

“Aren’t you?”

“Y … yes.”

“Come over here.”

I marched her to my desk and pulled out my chair. It’s the type that slides on castors. I pointed.

“Kneel down there.”

She was nervous. She was obeying me now, not just Shelly.

“Pull my jeans down.”

She got onto her knees. Her trembling fingers undid my belt and lowered my zip. Her turquoise eyes were moist. She jiggled my jeans down.

I’d dressed in thirty seconds so I wasn’t wearing underwear. My dick sprang into view.

“Look up at me.” I barked.

Her eyes turned, blinking, peering over my bobbing erection and across my hairy stomach.

“Now, you’ve got to admit, that’s a fucking beautiful view.”

Maddy looked blank, like she was hypnotised.

“Yes.” She murmured feebly.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes … Sir.”

I sat down in my chair, jeans round my ankles.

“Get under the desk, bitch.”

It just felt right, calling her my bitch. She barely seemed to notice the insult. It was like she was on remote control. I clicked my Explorer icon and logged back onto the internet. I opened my favourites folder.

“Start Below my knees and kiss my legs.”

Her eyes looked at me and her mouth opened in a small o, like she was about to say something. Her lips were bow-shaped.

“You want to say something?”

She gulped and shook her head. “No.”

“Then get started.”

I opened my knees wider, suddenly aware of my own body odour. I had shown the previous morning before going to work. But Saturdays in the off-season I always leave my bathing and shake until the evening when I go out to my local bar.

Her lips kissed my shins. I watched the top of her pretty head. I was already in my late teens and fucking when Maddy was born. Heck, age-wise she could have been my own kid. My dick twitched, hardening with anticipation.

She licked my knees, leaving a damp trail up my inner thighs. Like any lesbian, I guess she’d done a lot of this kind of kissing. But then her mouth reached my balls.

“Kiss them.”

A surge of sexual electricity and power ripped through me as her little tongue made contact with my hairy sac. I leaned forward and clicked my mouse, bringing up a porn site. I clicked again, back to the exact BDSM page I’d been viewing when my phone had rung.

I took a handful of Maddy’s strawberry blonde hair and guided her head up over my erection to my tummy. I used to be a keen soccer player until my knee blew. In my playing days I was young, fit, with washboard abs. Since Then, lack of exercise and beer have given me a bit of a gut. I wanted her to kiss it.

“Look up at me.”

She kept her head still while her eyes peered up over my hairy tummy. Her lips were pursed, kissing and licking. I tried to read her eyes. Was this turning her on? Was she thinking of Shelly now? Or me? Was she disgusted to be doing this to a guy? Or was she maybe not quite as lesbian as she thought?

Not that I really gave a shit about any of that at that moment.

I pushed the top of her head downwards and slid back in my chair.

She thought I wanted her to start sucking cock.

“Not yet”.

I took her left earlyobe and steered her mouth underneath my balls.

“Kiss my ass first.”

The Answer’s yes, Shelly had said … Anything, hadn’t she?

I hadn’t been rimmed even once in at least fifteen years. I wasn’t going to miss the fucking opportunity now.

I loved the frown that created Maddy’s forehead as I uttered the words.

I sat back and clicked the ‘play’ arrow on the screen.

“Come on Maddy. Or do you want me to tell your Mistress you disobeyed a simple instruction so soon?”

She gulped. Her pretty face slowly nestled into the Y between my butt cheats and balls and I felt her tongue started to burrow inside. The music of the BDSM clip started up in synch with Maddy’s analingus. It was beautiful.

I lay there, watching some Eastern European whore’s butt get kicked, while my asshole got licked.

Maddy’s blue eyes glanced up at me.

“That’s right. Porn. I’m watching porn. That’s how much you mean to me. Now, stay toguing my shitter but reach your right hand up and start stroking my dick. You’re right handed, yeah?”

Her head nodded and I felt a muted ‘mmm’ mumbled into my butt.

Her fingers were slim and soft. She had one ring on her middle finger. It was only brass and it had the letters ‘S’ and ‘m’ entwined in a circle. Her hand started jerking my dick nicely like she’d given handjobs before.

I’d been about to blow my load earlier and I knew it wouldn’t take long this time. With a bit of lucky my balls would have returned to manufacturing mode and I’d shoot a nice impressive quantity.

I slide even further back on the chair so she could rim me properly. The action on screen and the steady pump action on my dick were sending me into overload.

“That’s it. Don’t stop. Yes. That. Yesss. Mmm.”

I’m certain Maddy would have been expecting me to want to cum in her mouth but I had a better idea. Jet after jet of my glutinous jizz sprayed my hairy stomach and belly button. She kept her hand siphoning me until it hurt and I had to flick it away. Her nose and tongue were still kissing my sweaty ass.

“Oh fuck, Maddy.” I exhausted, chuckling. “That was sooooo much better than me doing it myself.”

I scooted up the chair and reluctantly eased her face away from my butt. Her nose and cheeses were glistening. A teardrop dripped from her left eye.

I winked at her and we both looked down at the fan-shaped mess on my gut. It was the biggest load of mine I’d ever seen. There was one single rope as far as my chest but numerous pearly streakswere concentrated on my tummy and pubes.

I clicked the porn clip off and suddenly my room fell silent.

“Tell me, do you like the taste of semen?”

Her expression told me the answer. Her nostrils twitched. She shrugged.

“Go on. I want to know. Did you ever swallow your boyfriend’s cum?”

She shook her head negatively. “I tried once. But not really.”

“Wonderful. Because you’re going to lick this all up, until my belly’s totally clean. And I’m going to watch and take photos for your Mistress.”

Something deep inside her had to be driving Maddy. Obviously she had to be getting some masochistic thrill somewhere. But from where I was sitting she simply looked disgusted.


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