The Accident That Changed My Life

Standard Disclaimer and Warning: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such.

The following story was written by an adult, for other adults to share and enjoy. If you are under 18 years of age, if it is illegal in your area to read such stories, or do not enjoy reading sexually graphic stories, with bondage, female domination, latex, leather, cum, masturbation, and anal themes, please stop here and do not continue reading.

This story is the property of the author alone and may not be used for anyone else for profit. Feel free to archive it for your private use. If you wish to post it on a free site then please email the author and ask permission first.

Feedback to the author is always welcome.

Story Codes (F/m, Fdom, bd, anal, latex, cum, mast)

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I should have known that eventually something would go wrong.

You see it all started onenight when I was horny and got the bright idea to go surf the internet with the intent to find something new and interesting … me and my bright ideas. That night I stumbled across an erotic story site named “The Liquidsmooth Latex Library”. Suddenly before my eyes were dozens, perhaps even hundreds of stories involving bondage and submission of women, males, and even a few individuals that fell into neither category or both, but all had a common theme. Latex.

Like all men, I instantly drooled at the sight of a beautiful woman in a tight rubber dress, but the ideas and scenarios that were described in these stories went beyond anything that I had previously imagined and I found that nearly all of them turned me on. So exploring this newly found aspect of sexuality, I spent the next two weeks returning to that site and other sites that catered to a similar theme. It was at the end of this two week period that I made a decision. I had to know for certain if the experiences spoken of in the stories were the typical examations a person finds in online erotica such as men with 9 inch cocks that never tire, or if there was actually some truth to be had in them. With my goal in mind, I went out and found a shop that sold fetish apparel.

Well it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Perhaps I just live in a unimaginative part of the world or maybe I just didn’t know where to look but eventually I found a shop that sold the type of merchandise I wanted.

The first time entering was amazing! The sights and smells were so new and erotic that for my first visit all I could bring myself to do was browser. Of course I made return trips and with time I grew more comfortable being there and even began trying things on. This carried on for three months until that fateful day.

As I entered the store Everything seemed to be just as it always was. The woman at the counter wasn’t a super model but it seemed like she took care of her body and she was fairly good looking but I didn’t want to make any connections in this place. I simply wanted to be one of the anonymous shoppers who came and went every day and who’s faces became a blur with time. With this in mind I nodded to the woman who smiled at me in return, after that I walked back to browse the selection of goods in the store.

Walking towards the items, I let the sights and smells wash over me as I tried to decide what I would try on today. For three months I had come to this shop occasionally and though I never bought anything I almost always tried something on and left, thinking that they wouldn’t notice one person who doesn’t buy anything. During this time, I had tried on many different items and even had a few favorites. So I casually picked out the items that I wanted and made my way to the back where the changing boots stood.

As I reached the first booth I pulled on the door only to find it locked. Damn I hate it when that happens because it is almost like pulling on a locked bathroom stall and for some reason it always freaks me out when someone pulls on the door to the bathroom stall I’m in. Doesn’t matter if it’s locked or not, it still freaks me out so I can only imagine what other people think. Now feeling slightly embarrassed I quickly moved on to the next stall and found that it too was locked. This went on until I reached the final stall which thankfully opened. With a furrowed browser I looked at the other doors and shook my head in confusion because I was sure there was no one in them yet only this one was unlocked. “Ah well” I told myself as I shrugged it off and entered the changing room. Once inside, I locked the door and quickly laid out the things I wanted to try on today after striping naked.

First to be put on was a pair of latex pants. Though I would prefer to have the smooth unblemished look that a catsuit can give a person I’ve decided that since I’m not actually going to buy anything I shouldn’t complain and its much easier to puton two smaller pieces in some ways. Thankfully all the changing rooms had talcum in them to ensure the ease of putting these items on. Slowly pulling up the legs I couldn’t help but smile at the cool smooth feeling that they invoked. The feeling of latex is so soft and sensitive but I knew I couldn’t linger too long or my hard dick wouldn’t fit into the pants, so I quickly pulled them the rest of the way up and smoothed out any ripples or creams that may have formed after tucking in my quickly hardening member.

Next came the boots. While I’ve always found that women’s shoes are much sexier than men’s, men’s boots important a different kind of feeling upon someone. Instead of raw sexuality they project the feeling of strength and power, which in and of its self is sexy whether the person is dominant or submissive.

Finally I pulled on the long sleeped latex shirt. “Damn”, I thought as I ran my hand over my latex covered chest, “This stuff does feel good going on and it’s strange how a person retains so much feeling even through it.”

Turning towards the mirror so I could admit my new look I noticed something was amiss. Normally these dressing rooms all had full length mirrors in them so that a person could examine what their outfit looked like from head to toe but for some odd reason the mirror in this room had been moved up on the wall so that you couldn’t capture the entire look. While puzzling over this change I noticed that along the far wall there was a small stool. Smiling brightly at my own iningenuity I quickly set up the stool against the wall opposite the mirror and stood on it and found that I could indeed once again admire the entire outfit I had on, from top to bottom.

As I stood on the stool and admitted the image of myself I couldn’t help but rub my palm against the visible ouline of my hard cock through the latex pants. Though I’m not a body builder I have recently begun to go to a gym regularly for both health and aesthetic reasons. So while I wasn’t ripped, the latex of my outfit compressed the parts of my body that weren’t firm yet while accentuating those that were. All in all, between the slick sensitive sensing of the latex and the feeling of power and boost of confidence that I got from looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but unzip my pants enough to let my throbbing member spring free.

Looking down at the other items that I had brought in I quickly stepped off of the stool, grabbed a pair of leather cuffs and strapped them to my wrists before hooking them together in front of me and stepping back up onto the stool.

Looking into the mirror once more, I firmly grasped my cock and let out a soft spot between my clenched teeth. Closing my eyes, I began to slowly stroke it back and forth while imagining that I was the slave of a Mistress who had ordered me to masturbate for her entertainment, with the stipulation that I not allowed to cum. As I stood struggling my cock, my Fantasy MiStress taunted me with her sultry voice telling me how good my cock looked and how she would force me to lick up my cum if I disobeyed her and climaxed before her permission was given. Even this verbal dispatch was not enough for my Fantasy Mistress as she started to stroke my chest and shoulders from behind while nibbling and planning kisses up and down my neck. The pleasure of my fantasy was so intense that I had to clnch my jaw in order to stop from moaning. Too late I realized that I should have gotten a gag to try on as well in order to minimize any noise that I would make but it was too late now so I once again returned to my fantasy.

Slowly, almost increasingly, my Fantasy Mistress moved up my neck and began to sensitively lick and gently blow across my ear, causing me to gasp slightly as bolts of pleasure and arousal shot through my body and down my spine. All of this in an effort to tease me and drive me to disobey her command and climax before she had given her permissionon. Softly she whispered in my ear as she stroked my latex covered chest and pressed her body and her breasts into my back. She told me how wet her pussy was becoming, and how much she liked watching me stroke my own cock for her pleasure. She went on to say what a good slave I was and what punishments or rewards were in my future as she began to pinch and pull on my nipples through the latex shirt.

I could only moan when she purred into my ear, asking me if I wanted to cum. Again she breathed her question and this time I became repeatedly for her permission to climax only to be denied and have the cycle of my blissful torque renewed.

How long I stood there lost in my fantasy stroking my hard cock, I don’t know. What I do know is that just as both my fantasy and my climax were reaching the point of no return, my world turned upside down as the stool I was standing on flew out from under me!

Trying to catch myself so that I didn’t fall and create a communication that would surely attract unwanted attention, I snapped my arms upward in an attempt to grab the top of the changing room wall. Unfortunately it was either too high or I wasn’t fast enough because I missed and began to fall only to stop with a sudden jerk.

Opening my eyes slowly I quickly realized what had happened. I had obviously gotten too caught up in my fantasy and began rocking back and forth while still standing on the stool. I guessed that my rocking had caused me to loose my balance and kick the stool out from under me though it was odd how it ended up on the other side of the changing room. Looking up I saw that while I had missed catching the top of the wall I had managed to snag the chain between my wrist cuffs over a clothes hanger screwed into the wall. Grunting, I tried to pull myself up but the angle at which the cuffs had my arms pinned made sure that such a task was impossible without help and there was no way I could stand up since my boots couldn’t even brush the floor.

So there I stayed, hanging from the wall of a changing room in a fetish boutique, dressed in latex fetish attire, and my still hard cock hanging out of my pants, wet and dripping precum.

Part 2

Suddenly before I could contemplate my situation or even try to find an alternate way out of it, I heard the door to the changing room begin to rattle. Fearful of what was happening I looked at the lock to the room and noticed that it was turning!

Thinking fast, I tried to suppress the fear and desperation in my voice as I spoke loudly and with as much confidence as I could manage, “Excuse me, this room is still occupied and I don’t need any help.” It was then that the door opened and in stepped a woman, who then shut and locked the door behind her.

Thinking back to that first sight of the person I now know as my girlfriend, lover, and Mistress, I find it hard to properly describe the feelings and emotions that were cursing through me at the time. A part of my difficult stems from the fear and anticipation that I felt at being found in my current prediction. Here I was dressed in latex, aroused, exposed and unable to do anything about it. My first thought when I saw the lock turning was that I was going to jail for independent exposure but that thought, and every other in my head, quickly disappeared as I looked upon the person who now stand before me with a smile on her face, twirling a set of keys.

To say that she was stunning would be an great understatement, but I’m sure that has something to do with my state of mind at the time. The first thing I noticed surprisingly was her smile, which was accentuated by a dark red shade of lipstick. Highlighted by a dark color as it was, her smile seemed to give teasing hints of future adventures while giving a small glimpse at the mischievous mind it belonged too. From this my eyes moved up and I noticed that she had on latex mask that covered the upper portion of her face and concealed her identity quite well. The mask was different from any I had ever seen before because it looked like a typical latex cat mask but the ears and the top had been removed. This allowed her gorgeous mane of hair, which was dark though tinged with red or a similar color, to flow freely and naturally across her shoulders and back. While following the wavy lengths of her hair, my eyes finally took in what she was wearing upon the rest of her body. A black catsuit that had a keyhole on her chest to display her ample cleavage to those brave enough to steal a look. To set off this amazing look, my mysterious visitor wore elbow length latex opera gloves; what looked to be 4 inch black siletto boots that came up to her mid calendar; and a belt that held several toys such as a crop, a dildo, and various other things.

As I tried to come to grips with the events that were transpiring before me, my visitor began to chuckle at my prediction and at my expression. Setting the keys she had used to enter as well as a small bag down, she finally spoke.

“Well I have to agree that the room is indeed occupied though I have to disagree about you not needing help. You seem to be quite stuck hanging there and what’s more I think you need to be taught a lesson. Such a naughty boy to be coming in here and playing with yourself. Now what are we going to do with a naughty boy like yourself?”, she taunted in playful tone.

Stunned, I tried to think up an excuse and speak. Unfortunately all I could manage was a broken, “I-It’s not w-w-w-what it l-looks like I swear.”

Slowly she put a latex covered finger on my lips and softly whispered, “Shhhh my pet. I know what you were doing in here because I could hear your moans and whispered pleasures for your Mistress to let you come.”

“Damn!”, I exclaimed in my mind, ” I knew I should have picked up one of those gags.”

Slowly the woman before me moved her finger from my lips and began to gently cares my face before moving herhand down to my crotch as she spoke. “Yes it was quite the fantasy you seemed to be having but it’s a shame to have a fantasy alone when you can have it with someone else. You have a choice now. I can either move that stool back over here and leave without you ever knowing who I am, or what we could have done together or you can agree to place yourself in my hands and in my control by simply saying “Yes Mistress”.

Oh god I could not believe this was happening to me. Things like this don’t happen in real life. They are only supposed to happen in online erotica like a person finds on Literotica or Liquidsmooth. Yet here I am bound to a wall while being propositioned by a beautiful woman in a latex catsuit who was gently struggling my still hard cock and waiting for my answer. “Ahh hell with it”, I thought, “It’s not everyday that something like this happens.” With my decision made I said those two words that I had spoken in my fantasy’s a hundred times but never thought I would say to a real person.

“Yes Mistress”

Smiling at my answer she firmly squeezed my cock, “I am pleased with your answer but with it come a few rules. First you are not to speak until I give you permission or until I ask you a question. Second, I am your Mistress and you will address me as such. Third as your Mistress, you will follow any order I give you without question. For now these are the only rules that I will expect you to follow and any disobedience will be punished. Now do you understand these rules?”

Swallowing hard as I still tried to come to grips with what was happening I nodded only to remember that she had asked me a question and probably expected a verbal answer so I quickly stammered, “Yes Mistress”.

Noticing my slip up she raised an eyebrow and chided me, “I will forgive that slip up since you caught yourself slave, but be careful of the future when I may not be as forgiving.” That said, her face once again took on its playful smile as I noticed a twinkle in her eyes behind the mask she wore.

Slipping her hand off of my twitching cock, she slipped both of her gloved hands underneath my latex shirt and began to care and stroke my chest and stromach. The feeling of her hands covered in latex stroke my chest was exhaust and I could only close my eyes and relish the feeling as she slowly massed my chest and tugged on my nipples.

“Oh god that feels good.” I groaned as I wronged in pleasure and forget where I was and the role I had taken on. Suddenly I yelled in shock as my new Mistress viscously pinched my nipples as hard as she could manage, then quickly withdraw her hands with an angry look on her face

“I warned you slave that you were not to speak until I had given permission or asked you a question yet you disobey me. Unlike you’re last mistake this one will not be so easily forgiven.” she said angrily as she glared up at me.

Fearful of what she would do, I watched with trepidation as she took a objectfrom her belt and held it up to my face. With a stern voice that expressed her anger she simply said, “Open slave”. I of course had no wish to further anger this temptress so I compiled with little hesitation only to soon find my mouth stuffed with a gag. No not just a gag but a penis gag!

Smugly she smiled up at me as I tried to express my dislike of this object in my mouth, only to find out that nothing but muffled mewling and grunting sounds came out of it. Finally seeing the funility of protesting any further I hung there silently which pleased her even more as she reached up and patted my cheek, “Now now slave, don’t pout. After all it accomplishes nothing other than making you look cuter. Now hold still while I play with my new toy, which is of course you!”

Before I could fully contemplate those words she bent down and took the length of my hard cock into her mouth in one smooth motion. Groaning into the gag, I sucked in air through my nose as the intense heat and velvety soft feeling of her mouth combined with the maddening movements of her tongue to quickly create delicious bolts of pleasure that shot up my spine and went directly to my brain. Helpless before her assault, I could only hang there and moan as she continued to bob her head back and forth on my cock before releasing it and standing up and looking at me with a cheshire grin.

“You know slave that really is a tasty piece of equipment you have there. Not super large but just the right size and shape for sucking and I’m sure it would be great for fucking as well. Perhaps we’ll find out about the latter option later but for now I’m not through playing with you yet.”

With that she turned and grabbed the stool I had kicked over and set it in front of me. As she knelt on it, I quickly realized that her head was even with my crotch and she was in the perfect height to suck on my cock. Grasping my cock by the base with her right hand, she began to slowly stroke it up and down whileher left hand gently massed my balls. Continuing to masturbate me, she slowly extended her tongue while looking up into my eyes and softly licked her velvety tongue over the tip of my cock. Treating it as if my cock were a poppiccle and it was a hot summer day outside.


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