The Accident Ch. 02

“…We found significant interactions between biological sex and sexual orientation, indicating that the significant effect of heightened size for the putamen cluster was driven by homosexual women…”

-Quote from scientific article on relationships between the hypothalamus, putamen and sexual orientation

A straight woman’s medical procedure activateds her Gaydar

Jolene was my neighbor. I was really grateful For her. When I had the accident, she had come forward in the emergency room fast and somewhere in the personal chaos that came after the trauma of my accident, she agreed to watch my little house for me while I was hospitalized.

When I left the hospital, I went in a liquor store and picked up a bottle of champion. I met her at the door of my house with a hug. We went in and broke it open and settled in to chat as we often Did with me shoving in several profuse moments of thanking her for supporting me.

About half-way through this chin-wag I caughtonto something new.

Her aura and eyes flickered red-yellow in my new gaydar. It was something I had never suspected as a straight girl. She had just been the friendly neighbor. My great and friendly but not known to be gay neighbor. I deliberately stood and only half faced her, watching out of the side of my eyes as I moved about. My eye thing let me see that she was tracking my body. Looking over my ass. My tits.

Jolene was one of those!

In that moment, I realized fully that so was I now.

“Give me a moment, Jolene.”

Deliberately I went in under my kitchen sink and pulled out length of clothesline I had under there. I took it and a knife down to my bedroom and cut the thing into five equal pieces. I tied one to each of the feet of my bed, top and bottom.

“Jolene!” I called.

“Yes, Alice?” She answered from the living room.

“Can you join me in my bedroom a moment?” I responded. I put the fifth, left over piece of rope into my night stand drawer.

Jolene walked in. I stepped over to her, put my arms around her and kissed her on the lips. She gasped and leaned her torso back, meeting my eyes. Her face a study in astonishment.


I grinned.

“Yes… me too.” I kissed her again firmly. She held back for a few moments, but in the end just melted into my arms. We were both breathing hard and pretty swiftly I had her shirt lifted off. A moment later I had unsnapped her bra and was fondling her neat, small breasts. She inhaled appreciatedly several times, and moaned when I leaned down and suckled her nipples. I stripped her of her jeans and panties and admired the tuft between her legs that drew the eye to her two fat and pouting outer labia. She kept pressing up against me giving these excited little squeaks, which was sexy as hell.

I spun her an pushed her onto the bed unexpectedly.

She lay there recovered up on her elbows. Looking at my face. Iquiringly.

I took her inquiryto be permission for me to go ahead and be in charge of what was happening between us. I have no idea if I had always had this bossy streak in me, but the accident and the swizzle stick stirring up my brains had apparently brought out all the need for control in me I ever had and then added some more to it besides. Along with this weird desire for bondage. I had been tied up a couple times prior to my accident, but it was never central to my fansies or anything. Now, I found myself thinking about tying up my partners all the time. Since my partners were clearly shifting over to the female side, apparently, I was going to settle down into being some kind of a lesbian bondage freak.

Ok by me. It feel good. It feel right.

I was totally horny then.

I walked up beside Jolene sprayed there and sat down by her right hand.

“Alice… what?” Jolene asked. I picked up her hand and held it in my lap.

“Jolene…” I smiled at her, really liking her. “We are going tohave sex now. I can tell you want to. Things is… I want to tie you to this bed and tease you. Play with you. Edge you. Make you want to come. Hold you there.” I met her eyes. “You’ll like it…I promise.” I smiled crookedly at her.

She tugged exactly once on the wrist I held. Then, meeting my eyes, she lay still watching me with big eyes. Waiting.

I reached down under the mattress where I had put it, pulled the end of the rope there out and began to wrap it around and around her wrist several times without asking. I was knotting it carefully to really hold her. She kept staring at me, then at the rope I was knotting, then back at me with a kind of mixture or worry and wonder on her face.

I yanked the rope taut on that wrist and she inhaled sharply and gave a small growl of a groan as she pulled abruptly on the rope holding her. It hold. She stared at it around her wrist. Rotating her wrist. Testing it. Making sure she was really tied.

No verbal protest though.

Good enough for me.

I stood and went and tied one of her ankles. I specifically yanked it tight. Once again, she inhaled loudly, whimpered and yanked on the rope holding her ankle. Then the one on her wrist again.

I then did her other ankle, spreading her legs wide. She tugged on each bound limb again. Finally, I got to the opposite wrist. Began knotting it.

Each time I tightened, the action was eliciting that hot sounding breathing gasp and bringing more tugging along with more moans.

It was so hot.

My clip was on fire looking at her as she was made more and more helpless. Every gasp she gave was like her tickling my clip. I looked at her.



Nipples hard. Erect.

Her puffy labia bulging. Engorging with blood.

Her little trimmed bush like an arrow pointing what she wanted most to be played with.

Her mouth was hanging open by the end. Breathing hard. Then I worked my way around her again, tightening each of her ties to the legs of the bed until they were hard taut. She whimpered again when I did each of them. Pulling on them. Testing them still more. Feeling how they held her fast.


She compromised her body. Tugging both arms and legs. Muscles standing out as she strained against the bonds hold her ankles and wrists. Going into her headspace of being a little tied up girl, bound by her friend. Naked.


A helpless mental state.

In the end, she was fast and immovable.

I stood where she could see me and I stripped slowly. Deliberately. Her eyes fixed on me. One item of clothing gone after each act. Using what I took off to drag over her flesh ever so slightly. She kept staring at me and giving these little groans of lust as I teased her with by blouse. My pants. My bra. Finally, my panties. She was plathing and tugging. Her eyes glued to my naked body.

So, there was no question.

My neighbor was a lesbian. She had let me tie her up. Was becoming me with her eyes to keep doing things to her. Those eyes with their reddish tinge tracking over my body. Lingering. Clearly fantasizing. Put in a state of need by another woman. I’d made my striptease last five minutes, but by the end I was naked myself, I felt amazingly naked and she was rolling about and wriggling a bit. Clearly turned on. Wanting more. I lay beside her and began to run My fingers along her flesh. From toes up to her face. Teasing her. Then I kissed her. Finally, I rolled on top of her and pressed my shaft into hers. She thrust her hips upwards earnestly, rubbing our pubes into each other’s as I kissed her deeply and passwordfully.

Then I lay by her and began to tease her labia and vulva, from taint to top. She groaned and thrust herself upward frantically. Demanding I press harder. I did, now and then, but would back off quickly. Only keep a fingertip brushing between her wet lips below. Teasing the nub of hard flesh at the top. Tickling. Brushing. The rubbing in circles. Then I’d start over. I kept my mouth glued to hers for five minutes while I made her moan into mine as I fingered her then in a concerted way, pushing one finger up inside her and manipulating her clip with it and another fingerprint.

She was wet as a swamp by the end of that.

Panting through her nose around the kiss and yanking violently on the ropes.

I could sympathize What was going through her head. She had been bound by a woman who she had probably fancied for some time. I could easily imagine her having fantasized about her straight friend before the accident. Spending ordinary time with her and around her doing innocent, non-sexual things, then going home, getting naked, pulling out a toy and teasing herself to orgasm thinking about me.

Suddenly, today, now, all Her fansies had come true. In an incredible instant. She was just letting herself go. Afraid in some small corner of her mind that I might go to sleep tonight and wake up again tomorrow to be straight again. She wanted to get her rocks off before her living fantasy princess changed back into a heterosexual frog.

I stood and walked off so that she groaned out loud. Peering at my naked butt as I slowly circled her. Walking around the bed like a mountain lion circulation prey. Letting my little trusted up neighbor study my pussy and ass, without the ability to touch them.

She licked her lips.

Her eyes and aura blazed red now.

Without preamble I climbed up on the bed and straddled her head. One knee on each side. She stared up at my pussy about two inches from her mouth and whimpered.

I smiled down at her.

“Get busy, you little lesbian slut. Lick that pussy!” I commanded.

She inhaled sharply at my commanding tone, groaned, pulled on her tied up wrists and ankles like the bound damsel she was as I spread my knees and lowered my con until my wet inner labia kissed her facial lips. Her reluctance was only an inch deep. Her tongue began to lay me almost instantly. She moaned as she did it. My clip was on fire as she flicked that clever tongue over my clip. Then thrust it up inside me. Then flicked it across my sensitive nub again.

Now it was I who moaned.

I reached awkwardly back behind me and managed to get my fingers tips on the top of her slit. I brushed them over her clip.

“Yessssss!” I moaned. “That’s it, Jolene. Lick that pussy. Lick your neighbor’s twat, you tied up slut…” And so forth. Dirty talking. Vocalizing basically what was happening by saying it in dirtier and dirtier terms.

This combination stroked not just both our bodies, but our brains as well. She moaned several times and kept burying her face between my legs more and more frantically. Licking and sucking.

I lasted well under five minutes, ended up bouncing up and down on her face rather roughly. Afraid I was hurting her. Not much though. She was made of tough stuff. She took it and judging fromthe moaning vibrating my labia and the way she shook her head from side to side, finally sucking my clip between her lips, she was still fully into it. She sent me over the edge.

As I went into orgasm, I clumsily pressed my fingers against the clip that was standing up proudly between her tightly wide tied legs in an uncoordinated sawing motion. Discombobulated by my own climb to orgasm. I think I was pretty rough about it too, but it was the best I could do in giving back as my own distraction grow and overwhelmed me.

Frankly, at that point, she was completely gone into to her tied up helpless lesbian naked female damsel headspace with her face buried in me and using her tongue. The yell I gave just before giving out a complicated series of grunts, groans and whimpers as I came was an aphrodisiac for her.

She took whatever my trembling clumsy fingers did to her at the last and ran with it. As I screamed out my final crazy coming yell, I heard her groan and shove herown face forcibly up into my cunt. It was like she was using my vulva as a kind of gag added to her straining bondage and Jolene gave out her own series of seriously muffled groans and yells that went straight up into my womb.

These violations combined with the incredible newness of it all to make me come like three times in two minutes. I am pretty sure she came herself down there under me. Her head in Some kind of submissive space where she surrendered all of herself to me and her fansies.

A good time was had by all.

As I finally realized I must be half smoothing her at the end of this and I rolled off her to the side. I lay by her with one leg drawn over her tits panting while she gasped and wheezed in her own breath, recovering from her own shattering come.

Needless to say, it was good for Both of us. I had to lay still for five minutes and think I did off a few more, but started awake, realizing she was still tightly bound and afraid I had left her too long. I began to untie her.

I needn’t have worried. I think she had passed out pretty much the same way I had and only came to awareness after I had undone one wrist and one ankle.

After I untied her, we lay afterward in each other’s arms, snuffling each other’s necks and hair and went off into satisfied sleep with each other the way lover’s do.

Both totally Pleased.

I spent the night. Then the next day too.

She had to work the day after that which was kind of a lucky thing since I know I was a bit sore and suspect she was too.

The pair of us were fucked out.

We both had a lot to talk and think about that week.

Both of us coming to terms with this new reality too.

At least she knew she had fancied me before my accident. The whole lesbian thing was new to me though. Frankly, so was this weird new taste I had for bondage and domination.

I’d like to say I hesitated. Slowed down by my fading heterosexuality. Instead, I admit Inever felt so alive. Never enjoyed sex so much. I have gone through the new lover, new feelings, walking-on-clouds feelings before. This put those all the other times to shame. Jolene and I just throw ourselves into the relationship. Kissing, petting, grabbing, holding each other at the slightest provocation.

It was fun.

Jolene was at work the next Friday and I was toying with finding a post-accident job I could handle when the doorbell rang. I opened the door itself and was started to see that it was Sylvia Grimes on my doorstep.

I looked at her. Really looked. I realized that for a mature woman, she looked a bit lost. Confused. Uncertain. Probably asking herself why she was there. We had not communicated since that day in her office. On complete impulse I smiled at her like the little waif she was. I reached out, took her elbow gently and said, “Come in.”

She came, tenatively, uncertainly, but she came.

She stammered and was inarticulate. Rambling something about wondering how I was doing. I wasn’t listening. I was looking her aura. It was heavily pink. Her eyes kept flowing over me, but my super power eyes could catch the tiny jerks as they hit some spot on my person that caught her attention. Breasts, nipples, hips and crotch. All my naughty bits.

She wanted me.

She had a light cotton dress on.

I wrapped her in my arms and began to kiss her without thinking. She moaned as I gathered her in and pressed herself urgently against me. I knew what that means. She had been thinking about me. About us. I kissed her deeply and urgently.

I had the buttons undone on her dress in about five minutes.

I had her standing the in the puddle of her dress and the slip she had primary wound beneath it in about seven. She was panting and looking excited at me in a pair of pink panties and bra. I smiled at her, took her hand and led her into my living room, having her kick of her shoes off in the hall.

I thought she looked incredibly sexy in her scanties and thigh high stockings.

Frankly, I do not think she could believe that we had gone so far so fast. She kept reaching for me tenatively. A bit desperately. Hungrily, I thought.

I pulled a piece of clothes line out of a drawer where I had put it after I tied Jolene up a couple nights before.

No surprises.

I held it up. Dangling it in plain sight. She stared at it. Panting. Breathing hard. Those beautiful big breasts rising and falling in her bra. Looking at my face for assurances that she had not misjudged me. That I wasn’t a nut-case I think. Her aura was blazing red now though. She knew that the rope was for. She wanted it. Wanted me. Wanted us.

I walked behind her and undid the clap on her bra. She whimpered as I slid it off her arms. Pushing across her rigid nipples on the way to the floor. I cupped those beauty. Thrilled at their weight. Beautiful. I took her wrists and pulled them behind her back at the same time. She while from her throat as I held them together at the top of her ass crack.

“I am going to tie your hands now.” I said softy by her ear.

She actually whimpered out loud then. She did not say ‘no’ though.

I bound her wrists firmly behind her.

She stood there, making as series of little ‘hmm’ sounds. Sorry for herself, but turned on too.

She looked amazing with her big breasts rising and falling in fear and desire. Pulling on her wrist bondage. Testing it. I walked around her three times. Looking at her. She whimpered and even stamped her foot on the floor. Her buttocks quivered and boobs bounced.

“Alice!” She said loudly. Uncertain what she had gotten herself into.

I heard the front door open. Jolene walked in talking.

“Alice, whose dress is that…” She stopped. Mouth open in astonishment at the nearly naked, tied up Sylvia Grimes standing in our living room in her panties alone.

“Jolene!” I said warmly”Welcome home, honey. I want you to meet Sylvia Grimes.”

I waved at the older woman whose eyes had gone wide as she pulled and tugged on her bound wrists a couple times, instinctively bending forward and trying to half turn so that this new stranger could not see her humiliating position or near nude condition. The whole thing only served to make those marvelous breasts of hers hand down and swing side to side and jiggle about. As if showing them off. I caught Jolene’s eyes tracking them just as mine were.

Sylvia’s face looked shattered at being seen in her undressed and bound state by not one, but two other women.

I smiled. Jolene’s aura was blazing red now too.

I took hold of Sylvia’s upper arm and straitened her up, holding her face on to Jolene.

“Sylvia…” I went on casually as if tied women in the living room was an everyday occurrence. “This is Jolene.” I made a sweeping hand gesture at her. “She lives with me here now.” Jolene moved her head sharply. We had not talked about that yet. I did not think she looked displeased at the idea that we lived together. That she might be moving in. “Jolene, Sylvia here is newly gay. She has only been with one other woman. Me!” I patted Sylvia’s bottom through her panties. “She is lovely.”

Sylvia looked at me pleadingly to be let go. To be released from the looming possibility that she was come kind of bondage toy for two other women. Though I thought some corner of her was pleased at my ‘lovely’ comment.

I went on taking charge.

“Here is the thing. Sylvia needs more experience… with women. So do I for that matter. Whenever Sylvia comes here to this house, she will be our honored guest, Jolene. She is welcome to come and explore with us. Whenever Her busy schedule allows it.” That made Jolene look thoughtful. I caught her red eyed aura movements thought, checking out Sylvia’s body. She liked what she was looking at. The thing is Sylvia…” I slapped her bottom this time,which wobbled deliciously inside her panties as she grunted in surprise. “Jolene lives here. With me. She and I are in a relationship. That relationship is sacred. Three women. Together. Can be awkward. I just want you to understand the ground rules first. I am boss here. Jolene does what I say.” I met her eyes evenly. She met mine for several seconds, but then dropped them. She knew I was the boss in the bedroom between us. “We will love for you come and visit us Sylvia…. But you must understand that if you do, Jolene is boss here too. It is her house. She will be the boss of you as well as I. Understand?”


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