She was having a hectic day. One of those days at work that seemed to be more the norm than the exception where she ran putting out one fire after another. No time for lunch, no time to take a breath, hours to go before she could even think about her Friday. Although all the other things happening at work, her phone occasionally beeped signaling stressors from external facets of the business. She was very successful, but this was hard-fought in a very competitive sector. When she checked the latest beep, it was from her man.

Although in a meeting, she totally lost her train of thought. “Reservations at 1830” was the cryptic message. Feigning interest in what was being said in the room, she texted back asking where. “Our place” he replied in a few moments. She texted that she wasn’t sure she could make it out of there by that time. “You’d better.” She felt a little rush of wetness as she started to text back a rebuttal then thought better of it.

She tried to snap out of itand focus on the meeting she herself had called. Minutes later, the important beep. “Be a good girl. There’s a gift for you out under your seat. Don’t open it until you’re told.” Mentally gone from the meeting yet again she tried to figure out how he’d gotten into her office, then it hit her. He means her car. Living together, he had either put something in her car that morning or he had her spare keys.

Forcing herself to focus on her decision-making, she put these new developments out of her mind. She assessed the information provided by her staff and made the necessary calls. Putting out a few fires with nay-sayers, the course for the next phase of the plan was plotted. Still discussing minutia as the meeting adjourned and she headed back to her office, finally they left her alone. Sipping her now-cold coffee, she Remembered. The gift. She headed out in front of the building to her car. Her hands shook a little as she hit the button to unlock it, then kneeing, she felt aroundd under her seat. Her fingers brushed across something wispy, she pulled it out. A delicate bow adorned the small box that fit her outstretched hand. She shook it. Clearly something was moving inside, but it must be padded. Although not allowed to open it yet, she took it back into the building and into her office.

Sitting there on her desk, it mocked her, wrapped in her favorite paper. Gold bow on top, she Wondered what he’d gotten her. As the final part of the day passed, she thought about just opening it. The punishment that would result made her feel a little rush of moisture between her legs again. She smiled as she realized it. Luckily, frequent interruptions by her minions kept her from doing anything foolish. The few staff bold enough to ask what it was congratulated her on having someone who cared enough to give her little surprises. She smiled and agreed, knowing that lack of surprises was never an issue with her man.

The rest of the day passed and soon she realizeed she needed to wrap it up or she’d be late. She thought about being late just to assert herself. She was not accustomed to being in any way submissive in life, especially not to a man. He wasn’t any man though. In all the ways that mattered, he was the right man for her. Together they’d learned what satisfaction truly was, that it was very different for different people. Their individual flaws were ok, even right for each other. The first time she’d intentionally been bitchy with him six months ago she’d learned who he really was.

She’d thought he was too nice, too vanilla so she lashed out. That day she’d been calmly given a choice. Ice cold, he’d laid out her options. She would be spanked with her own belt or she would leave. After saying something she didn’t really mean, she’d made it a few miles down the road before hesitation made her pull off.

Everything about ‘them’ fit except she’d thought there was no edge to him. Deep down she’d known that the lack of edge had been a problem in most of her relationships. This time she’d pushed too far and then realized how she’d come across to someone who’d only ever been nice to her. Not fully understanding why she was doing it, she turned around and drive back. She knocked. He opened the door, still looking intensity and angle. The look on his face before he turned and walked to the couch made her wet. She realized the wetness was increasing with every step towards where he’d just sat on the couch and she had no idea why. She began to sit next to him, opening her mouth to explain however he interrupted her with a stern look. His hand came up expectedly as they stared eye to eye. She’d looked down and her hands trembled a bit as she awkwardly removed her belt and put it in his hand.

He was kind and chivalrous to a point, but there was darkness in there too. The more of it she tried, the more she realized she liked a little darkness in some aspects of her life. She realized she had some darkness as well.

Dutifully, she ended the day and gunned her Mercedes out of the parking lot, soon on the highway. Twenty minutes later the sun was sagging in the sky as she pulled into their place. It was the place where they had the conversation. Every great couple has THAT conversation…the conversation that makes them realize the connection. She didn’t even remember what number date it had been, but it was the date where they’d both realized they might be what the other person needed. It was until a few months into things she’d thought he was too much the gentleman. Luckily that night the lines were drawn was months ago. Tonight would likely be different.

She carried the box with her, but was still dealing with texts about work as she walked into the restaurant, their restaurant. They didn’t come here often, it was a special occasion kind of thing. Not Because it was expensive although it was very expensive, but because it had history with them. They seemed to not want to risk using up the magic. She gave his name at the hostess desk and was taken to the very same somewhat secluded seating area in the non-chain stand-alone establishment. She texted him that she was there and asked how long he’d be. The reply wasn’t long in coming, “I’ll be a bit, go ahead and have a drink. Text me if you get done with the first drink and I’m not there yet”. She ordered a glass of wine and was sipping away the stress of her day. Fifteen minutes later, she was feeling much better, happy the weekend was finally here and the way the evening was developing. While she’d enjoyed her wine, the comely waitress chatted a bit with her about how lucky she was that her man thought to surprise her with a gift and dinner. She’d blushed a bit thinking that she truly was although she still had no idea why the secret with the box. She finished the glass of wine and texted him as directed. His response peaked her curiosity, “order another. Open the box, and leave it open on the table.”

The waiTress returned and she ordered another glass of wine. Excitement building at what might be in the small box, she removed the ornate bow. Paper coming away revealed a smaller white box with a lid that would lift off. She held the sides and worked the lid off the top, sitting it on the table. She moved the filmy packing paper, saw the contents of the box, and quickly looked around to see if anyone could see. Her heart quickly a bit as she saw the contents. Starting to put the lid back on so no one would see, she paused, realizing he’d told her she couldn’t. For all she knew he was watching her from somewhere else. Looking down at the two small clamps, the plug, and the little tube she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the effects of that first glass of wine more powerfully.

She realized this evening was going to be about discipline. Almost in slow motion, she watched the pretty waitress walking across the open dining room to her more secluded wing as she felt the color rise in her cheeks. The closer the waitress got, the more she blushed. As she leaned over to pour the wine from the carafe, her eyes instantly took in the contents of the box. She quickly looked away, as both women were now blushing. The waitress looked into her eyes and asked if she wanted anything else, trying to keep her voice from betraying her knowledge of the intimate things openly displayed in the box. Breaking the connection, she could only nod, too embarrassed and aroused to speak. A gulp of the second glass began to calm her just a bit, but then ~BEEP~.

She read the next text and almost could not believe what she was reading. She could not believe what was expected. She texted him back.

“I’m not doing it.”

“Do it little one.”

Mentally cussing him and forcing her legs to do what was expected, she woodenly walked towards the bathroom, the precious box in her purse. Straight into the stall, she tried not to see the women adjusting make-up at the sinks.She waited a bit, hoping they’d leave, but the normal bathroom banter seemed like it was in no worry of stopping.

Knowing he might arrive soon, she had to comply now. Doing the magic that women learn young, she set about removing her bra while keeping her sheik blouse on. That accomplished, into her pursuit it went. She sucked in her breath a bit as first one, then the other clamp automatically applied reasonable pressure to latch onto her nipples. Small dull gray things, they did not show through her blouse. She buttoned up enough to ensure they were out of sight. A light pain made her nipples harden and tingle. The hard part was in front of her now.

First, as instructed, she went up under her business-like skirt and removed her pale pastel underwear by undoing the bowties at the hips. She put the obviously wet material in her Purse. Hands a bit shaky, she tried not to drop the small smooth plug means for her ass. She could only imagine being mortified, it dropping and rolling out so the other women saw it. She sat down on the seat and carefully took out the tiny tube of lotion that came with the plug and clamps. Carefully, she coated it with the lubricant, her fingers rubbing it across the smooth rubbery material. She shuddered at the thought of what had to happen next. She’d granted limited access to her ass to a previous mate, a special occasion kind of thing that she tolerated. That was not the case in this relationship. Him having her there was a regular thing. Normally there was ying and yang, something happening to her clip and something happening to her bottom. He wanted all of her and regularly took all.

She stood, knowing it had to be now. Tucking the back of her skirt into her waistband, she leaned forward a bit into a position he often had her in. Quietly steadying herself with a hand against the stall wall, she reached back and eased it in between her small firm buttocks. She tensed a bit as the cool material touched between her cheeks,Then came lightly to rest on her tiny hole. Wondering how her day went from planning meetings in a boardroom to bent over skirt-up self-probing, she twirled it around a bit, lubricating herself. Slowly increasing pressure, her asshole would not cooperate and she tensed. He always gently but firmly worked with her until access was gained, but he wasn’t here to do the delicious things that made her ready.

Quietly taking a deep breath trying to relax, she closed her eyes and pushed firmly. Her legs trembling like a newborn fawn, the pressure started to open her butt the tiniest bit. Biting her lower lip to keep from gasping, the plug opened her a bit wider as it began to slide up into her. The widest point passed into her, then her ass clamped down around the thinner bottom portion. It was in. Sweat was broken out on her forehead and the arm holding her steady against the wall was shaking a bit as she twisted it smoothly in herself a bit to align the tapered base to sit comfortablybetween her cheeks. A moan sneaked from between her lips as her pussy clenched unexpectedly due to the sensings she was feeling.

With the soft tissue out of the box, she cleaned the excess lube from around the base to make things a tiny bit less awkward. Smoothing her skirt down and trying to make herself presentable, she slunk out of the stall into the room to see both women at the sinks staring at her. Blushing and Shrugging her shoulders, she headed out, back to her table. Walking was kind of awkward with the small hard present in her bottom. Moving through the main dining room, she was sure everyone knew what was happening even though she knew that was crazy. Walking daintily getting used to what was in her, she blushed non-stop on the way to her table. Coming around the corner to her table, there he was sitting, waiting for her. His loving smile stopped her in her tracks.

“Hi hon” she said not sure what mode they were in tonight, submissive or boyfriend/girlfriend.

“Hi baby girl” he replied with his obvious love for her evidence in his voice and eyes.

Coming to his feet, his arms went around her, pulling her into a big hug that made her forget about her recent trials in the bathroom. A good firm hug that lifted her up a little bit, she could feel that he needed her as much as she needed him. With a strong kiss on the side of her neck as he broke the hug, he reminded her the night was about more than romance.

The waitress walked up as he pulled her chair out. She stood, not being quite sure how sitting was going to work with her little visitor and not wanting to go figured it all out while the waitress watched. She hesitated standing above the chair, then felt firm hands on her shoulders guiding her down. Carefully as possible, she gingerly eased her butt down onto the chair. As her weight came down, the little plug shifted and protected a bit deeper into her butt causing a weak moan that the waitress noted. Looking over at the empty box, the waitress gave her a knowing smile as her man rubbed her shoulders. Blushing and chuckling a bit, she reached for the savior in her wine glass.

Sitting next to her, he took her hand at the table, holding it as he asked her about her day. Although she was soaked between her legs and the tingle in her nipples from the clamps was non-stop, she focused on him and began talking about it. He listened intently until the waitress returned, then he began ordering her favorite things. Her stomach growing reminded her of another missed lunch as he ordered what he knew she loved. Ordering done, they went back to chatting about their days, but the elephant in the room was the mischief he’d planned for her that evening. She kept her legs together hoping her wetness wasn’t ending up on her chair, but she couldn’t help it. The presence in her but coupled with the tingling in her breasts and knowing he was going to be in her later made the mood flow. He noted her squirming and the corners of his lips turned up into a knowing smile as he leaned in and kissed her.

“What’s the problem beautiful?”

“You know EXACTLY what the problem is” she lovingly grew at him.

“You’ve had a rough week, you need release” he purred to her and pushed her should a bit causing a pleasant shift in her chair leading to a pleasant pressure in her bottom.

“You can release me at home!”

“Oh, who’s in charge here?”

She smiled shaking her head, “you know you are.”

The food came and she hungrily enjoyed her favorite dish while they talked. She tried to ignore the pleasure waves coming through the nerves in her bottom leading to non-stop wetness in her needy pussy. Knowing that he knew it was there was making it worse. She tried to forget that the waitress obviously knew the box was empty so something else had to be full. The clamps inside her shirt, were only causing her nipples to be more and more sensitive. While they chatted and ate, he began going through his text messages or something of the sort on his phone. He almost never looked at his phone when there were talking so she thought it was very unusual. He looked up at her and turned, then made an adjustment on the screen.

“What the…!”

The hardness in her ass began a slow victory. Just a whisper of victory at first, but it was there. She squirmed in her seat causing it to move in her butt, making it worse.

“You can’t do this to me” she said plainly.

“It’s happening beautiful, right here in our place, it’s going to happen.”

He adjusted the slide on the screen and the vibrating increased a bit, now a steady thrum from the small toy in her rectum. The victory radiating through to her pussy was makingning. He started chatting with her like nothing was out of the ordinary, he Even took her hand lovingly again on top of the table. Every now and then to make a point though, he’d reach down and rub his hard hand on her thigh a littlebit. Not too high, just rubbing her muscle thigh with his hard hand letting her think about the hand going higher.

Things were getting out of control quickly. She could feel her clip tingling in response to the barrier of things happening to her. When no one was looking, he leaned over and gave her a long kiss. During the kiss, his hand sneaked up and undid the top button of her blouse. Not enough to seem alerting to the world, but to give him access. A quick look around to see if anyone was looking and his hand came in and release on of the clamps, removing it and into his pocket.

She gasped as blood flowed back into her nipple while the vibrating droned on in her sensitive asshole. Her clip was just hanging on to sanity as her pussy flowed freely. Dinner well over, the waitress came to talk about dessert which was apt considering events.

“Will you two have anything else?”

The victory marches on and she’s barely focused on what the waitress is saying, eyeshalf closed relishing what’s happening but trying to stay in control.

“Would you adjust my phone for me” he innocently asks while sliding a $50 onto the table.

Her eyes snap open, not knowing what he has in mind, but sure she’s probably not going to like it. He slides the slider up quite a bit eliciting a moan from his woman. “I mean would you…ADJUST this please?” He slides another $50 onto the table. The waitress looks into her eyes as his woman pleadingly says, “no no no…”

“Just go with it baby girl” as the victory marches on and her nipple throbs, his eyes on her, the waitress’s eyes on her. The waitress watches her and begins sliding the victory setting higher, then lower, then higher again, testing limits. She’s squirming in her chair as the sensings in her butt and pussy are overwhelming. He looks over to the waitress and says,

“It’s time” and begins kissing his woman. The waitress works the controls, the victory thrums in her butt alteringbetween hard and soft as he kisses her and grasps her bare thigh hard. She starts towards the edge and briefly opens her eyes seeing her man kissing her and make eye contact with the waitress…nipples rubbing against the material of her blouse, pussy clenching, clip aching, hardness in her ass vibrating…she contracts…then expands…cumming hard, so hard. Biting down on her man’s lip not to moan out loud as it crashes through her, she tastes a little bit of his blood.

After the kiss is over and she’s breathing heavily from her orgasm, he takes her hand again, the waitress walking away from their table quickly. He’s wiping a little blood away from his lip.

Giggling, “That’s what you get!”

“You needed that baby girl.”

Bill’s paid, it’s time to go. Vibration off now, he stands her up on Shaky legs. Holding hands, he leads her out to his car. They’ll pick hers up tomorrow. The night’s still young.


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