If you’ve read my previous story you’ll recognize some duplicated work. Since I cannot plagiarize myself, I decided to include the butler commercial section because it helps explain exactly what Jane wants from her husband. And without further ado….
Near Baird Castle. August 2021.
If anyone had been out hiking near Culag, Loch Lomond, during the late afternoon in August they would have been surprised to come across two fellow travelers, moving fast and with a purposeful stride. Almost a run. A man and a woman who, it would have been immediately clear, were in exceptional physical condition. They were scrambling over gorse and scrub, carefully but with a sense of urgency. Our imagination hikers might have asked them if they needed assistance because, and this is the strange part, the couple were naked except for collars around their necks and cuffs fitted to their wrists and ankles. Their bodies were mostly muscle and sinew. They could have been triathletes or extreme sports participants, although the woman’s breasts were magnificently huge, obviously enhanced, and bouncing no doubt annoyingly for her with every step. The man’s penis was startedlingly erect and shocking in its size. It bounced around in an almost comedic manner, often slapping hard into his flat stomach as he moved over the Scottish landscape. The apparent absurdity of the situation was lost on these two because, upon further reflection, our imagineary hikers would come to realize that this couple were indeed, on the run.
August 2019
Jane was masturbating in the guest room again. This had been going on for over six months. John would retire around 9pm, knowing fully well what she was going to do. And he really didn’t care. Now they had an understanding, he left her to take care of herself.
After tidying up the kitchen, she shouted good night to her husband before locking herself in the guest suite. Her clothes removed, she stared at her reflection in the mirror at the end of the bed. Considering she was 42, her body was exceptional. Very large augmented breasts, flat stomach, flawless skin and an ass that resembled two sexy half boiled eggs. That was an inside joke with John from years ago. She had decided to have DD to E breasts on a whim. Since her husband seemed to have lost interest in her female attributes, maybe she could entic him by supersizing herself. It hadn’t worked out as planned and she regretted the impulsive decision every day.
She opened the large dresser drawer and removed a big bath towel. Beneath lay quite the assortment of toys and sexual paraphernalia. Jane spread the luxury Egyptian cotton over the duvet, then reached for the tube of lubricant. Turning to watch herself, she oiled up her tight asshole before selecting the largest vibrating butt plug in her collection. It had what she considered to be a huge knot that she worked patiently and methodically into her ass, until it popped past her sphincter with a wholly satisfiedying sensing. With the viruses set to medium, she retrieved a pair of suction devices for her nipples. Finally she grabbed her womanizer with the realistic dildo and a cliporis sucker and settled herself on the bed, supported by an array of pillows. Looking at herself in the mirror, she slowly inserted the device into her soaking twat before engaging mode 1, a light stimulator for her cliporis. Her iPad was propped up, and her favorite Compilation of utterly deprived (in her mind) pornography started playing.
And so it began. Hours of edging. Hours of taking herself to the very brink of explosive ecstasy before halting the stimulation. Her chest was flushed a dark red, her nipple clamps were set perfectly. Her ass muscles clnched and unclenched around the plug. Jane was growing more and more desperate for release, but still she refused to allow herself that joy. And then it happened. Her whole body began to shake uncontrollable and she knew it was time. She turned up the viBreaking on her tools and rode them into the oblivion she so craved. Her cunt went into multiple spasms and she watched, almost detached from herself as she squirted and squirted, crying out in total pleasure. She gave herself totally to the wonderful sensings. She was added to cumming and she knew it.
It was late now, and so she wrapped all her toys in the towel and put them into the guest room bathroom sink to be taken care of tomorrow. She dressed in an inconspicuous and dull nightgown, returning to the master bedroom where she slipped between the sheets, taking her place next to her husband as if nothing had happened. He snuffled, then rolled over, disturbed by something unseen. Imperceptibly his breathing returned to normal. Jane fell asleep within minutes, exhausted by her efforts in the guest room.
September 2019
Tuesday was yoga and girls lunch out. Jane was dragging a little. Her usual session the night before had left her exhausted. John never said a word, even though he must have heard her cries of extreme pleasure during the squirting episode.
The conversation between Jane and her friends became a little lewd after they all finished their second glass of wine. Tracy leaned into Jane in a conspiratorial manner and whispered in her ear.
“You still having to take care of yourself girlfriend?”
Jane was still embarrassed that she had shared her sex life solution with her best friend. But then, it was Tracy who had tried to solve how to deal with a husband who had lost his mojo. It was Tracy who had given her the courage to take John to task over his lack of libido, and it was Tracy who had recommended her women’s health practicer. As a result of that consultation, Jane had started receiving testosterone replacement therapy. The plan had been that John would do the same thing. But he refused. So now Jane was totally juiced up, horny as a teenager, and desperate for release. And the only way she could get that releasewas by her nightly escapades in the guest room. Seven times a week.
Tracy had told her to take a lover. But she couldn’t do that. She had been married to John for 20 years and cheating on him, even if he didn’t actually care one way or the other, was something she couldn’t bring herself to do. She had tried talking to him about the lack of action in the bedroom. All he ever said was he was getting old and tired.
“Yes. Afraid so.” Jane looked defeated.
“Listen, I was surfing some sites last night and this amazing advertising popped up. Basically, if you can get John to agree, you pack him off to a camp for four months and he comes back an Adonis with the sex drive of a calm. I’ll send you the link.”
“John would never agree. He’s too happy watching tv and drinking beer. It’s too late for him.” Jane told, then took another sip of her wine.
“I’ll send the link”, said Tracy. “Check it out, I know you’ll like it”.
A few hours later Jane had just fAsted her seat belt when a familiar noise indicated she had a text. Glancing down at her cellphone she saw it was the promised link from Tracy. Curiosity got the better of her, so before driving off she clicked on the hyperlink. It took her directly to a commercial, the likes of which she had never seen before. Filmed in black and white, the most magnificent example of male sexuality was stood on a plinth. A woman was narrowing, but Jane wasn’t listening. The man was muscular in all the right places, but what grabbed Jane’s attention immediately was the absolutely beautiful, huge rock hard cock that was stood to attention with bulging veins and throbbing glory. The camera slowly zoomed into the gorgeous, shiny bell-end, a large glob of crystal clear pre-cum hanging down. She could feel her cunt contracting in pleasure. Glancing around the parking lot and realizing she was alone, she quickly undid the button and zip of her jeans and forced her hand over her flat stomach, past her shaved mons until she could reach her cliporis. With the skills that come from regular, successful masturbation, she elected to rapidly bring herself off. Five minutes later she reached nirvana, shuddering in her ecstasy. Fortunately nobody noticed.
Hastily rearrange her clothes, she drove home. The commercial was frozen on her phone’s tiny screen, with the image of the man clearly visible to her. She couldn’t stop glancing at him. By the time she got home she knew what she still needed. Walking rapidly into the house, she walked past John who was settled into his favorite chair, beer in hand, television on. Barely stopping to say hello to her husband, Jane went straight into the guest room, locking the door behind her. John didn’t even blink. Opening the closet door, she dragged out her most expensive sex toy. The Sybian was Her ultimate fuck toy. She selected the 10″ cock and locked it into place. Next she positioned her IPad directly in front of the machine and found the hyperlink ink in her messages folder. She stripped off hurriedly, throwing her clothes on the bed, before straddling the toy and impaling herself. The phallus slipped in so easily. She was as wet as she could ever remember, her juices already coating the inside of her thighs. She selected the machine on, and it began its various routines. Simultaneously she hit play on the hyperlink, this time with the sound on….
The movie was more like an informercial. It was very professionally presented. The screen faded in to black and white slow motion, a man, sculpted muscles, entire body shavled, completely naked. He was standing on what appeared to be a large plinth, helping create the image that he was indeed status. He was the epitome of male sexuality, but that cock was unbelievably beautiful to Jane. Not just erect. Bulgingly engaged. The teardrop of pre-cum suggested that this man was extremely aroused. The camera moved around him as classical music played in the background. An unseenwoman began the narration.
“What we are looking at is the product of a total breakthrough in mind control, fitness and body modification technology. We can turn you or your partner, into this magnificent specimen of manhood, but with a subservient calling. He will be submissive, respectful and constantly aroused within medically agreed guidelines regarding health and safety. His training will ensure that he never allow his body to be anything but a shrine to male perfection whilst ensuring that his sole purpose is to make you happy. Give us four months at our dedicated, state of the art training facility and we guaranteee satisfaction. Whatever your wants, kitchens or desires may be, your butler will never let you down. When you need him, he’ll be there. When you don’t, he is trained to spend time maintaining his very impressive condition. He comes with various, excuse the pun, hardware”.
The camera moved down his chest, zooming in on small circular gold nipple rings.
“TThese rings are connected through your remote control, but also run automatically as determined by clinical pre-sets. They vibrate at exactly the right frequency to produce the ultimate arousal. In some cases, for your own amusement, it can be possible to cause your butler to ejaculate from this titillation alone”.
The camera continued down to his rear end. The end of a plug was clearly protruding from between his buttocks.
“A prostate stimulator is kept in place during the working day. Your butler comes with well-engrained hygiene protocols. Each morning he will feed himself then cleanse himself using our patented bathroom cleaningsification process. We guarantee he will be pristine at all times during his working day. The plug acts just like the nipple rings, either on automatic or controlled by you, again, no pun intended, the end-user. And again, it is easy to cause ejaculation should you wish to show him off to your friends”.
“As we move down to the penis”……thecamera came to rest at such an angle as to make the already impressive phallus look almost monstrous…. “You will notice the collar around the base. We call it the cock-sock. Patent pending, this device is of primary importance since it measures blood pressure, blood flow, oxygen levels and hence arousal levels. It is programmed in conjunction with the other stimulation devices to keep him on the very edge of orgasm from the moment you turn him on until either the timer advises to let him cool off or you retire him for the night!…..You’ll notice the ring piercing that enters the tip of the urethra and exits the frenulum. Think of it as similar to the ring in a bull’s nose, but lots more fun. The ring itself has a built in frequent agile vibrator that can stimulate the penis leaving our butler literally begging for sexual release. Something that only you can provide. He is forbidden from masturbating and is literally unable to break the rules we have ingrained in his psyche.
Moving on to the tests, you will notice their larger than normal appearance so as to maintain a scaled impression of the genitalia, in keeping with his extended manhood. Due to the supplements he takes daily, his balls are always full, giving them this delightfully ripe appearance. You will be delighted with the amount of ejaculate he can produce on a regular basis. And by regular, we mean full recovery between emissions of Only 15-20 minutes or less.
For centuries man has wanted to know the secret of penile enlargement and our clinical research has left us in the fore-front of this field. Your butler is designed to look stunning, do your every bidding, and to disappear when you need some alone time. His primary role is your sexual plaything and to that end, no holes are barred! He is also trained in his secondary role as an odd-jobs man, house-keeper, cook and security detail. And of course, he is an excellent listener…….He comes with a five year money back sexual satisfactionion guaranteee. After five years he will be retired, however should you feel the need for a replacement please contact a member of our sales staff.”
In the top corner of the screen an inset appeared. A remote control was shown with various functions. It was simple, with a large ‘On Off’ button and some additional choices. One button was simply labeled ‘Orgasm’. An on-screen finger pushed the control and almost Immediately the cock went into full blown slow-motion ejaculation. Instead of the usual six or seven ropes of semen that usually accompany the average male orgasm this cock spewed its white matter ten times over a distance of a few feet. The butler was obviously having difficulty staying on his feet as the ecstasy of his emissions waved through him. As the screen faded to black Jane, who had been grinding herself into an orgasmic state allowed the waves to wash over her. She came hard and with total satisfaction. She was barely aware of the contact details on the screen as she uncoupled herself.
Baird Castle. The Drawing Room. Scotland, June 2021
The man who called himself ‘Baird’ perused his two newest acquisitions. Although being an attractive man, his demeanor was that of a smug, pompous and dangerous individual. He exuded anger. He was in his mid fifties, but hadn’t allowed age to add weight to his impressive physique. Dressed in a bespoke dark suit, white shirt open at the neck, his self confidence made Jane shudder with anxiety. She looked at John, but his face gave nothing away.
The room was like something from Castle Homes magazine. They were upstairs, perhaps three or four stories up, she didn’t recall how she arrived here. Two large led glass windows allowed plenty of natural light to illuminate their predicament..
It was pleasantly warm, the sun’s afternoon rays helping to keep goosebumps at bay. It was not a dark dungeon at all, rather a beautiful room that made them both feel uneasy. If they were here like this, nothidden away, then the future looked worrisome. Both were naked, both secured by stout poles securely attached to the wooden floor, the top mounted with a single penis shaped dildo that was buried 9″ into the Butler’s rectum. The other topped with a double dildo that penetrated Jane’s anus and vagina. They were facing each other, separated by about five feet. Both felt the vibrations that they had grown accustomed to During their training. Both knew what would start to happen very soon. Neither could move from their perches. With their arms secured behind them, their bodies were wide open for Baird to enjoy the view. And enjoying it he was.
“You’re both fine specimens. You’ve obviously been working out extremely hard. I’m impressed”. His soft Scottish lilt was in direct contrast to the message that was about to come. “You’re officially mine now though. My butler and my maid. Your job is to do my very bidding, even if you find it disgusts or offends you. Work hard, please me, and we’ll get on fine. But disregard my orders and those neck collars will let you know how pissed I am”.
He stopped in front of Jane and ran the back of his fingers across her face, down her neck to her breasts. He gently cupped one in the palm of his hand.
“Good God, they’re huge! Don’t they hinder you?”
“I never wanted them to be this big. I was tricked into these ridiculous things”. Jane was clearly upset.
The Baird put his index finger over her lips, shushing her.
“Don’t be silly, they’re magnificent!”
He picked her right breast up and lifted it as high as possible before suddenly dropping it. She gasped at the shock of it and John shouted out in anger. He immediately felt the collar deliver a powerful reminder that he was in no position to demand anything. Even more alarmingly, the pole up his ass penetrated another half inch. He was trying to stand on his tiptoes to ease the pressure. The Baird walked up to him, face inches from John, bright red with rage.
“Don’t you EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” he screamed. Spittle showed John’s face. “If I want your opinion I’ll give it to you! Otherwise, unless you’re going to use your safe word, and lose everything, you’re mute except for ‘yes Master’. Or do i need to remind you what 10 feels like? Got it?” He waved the remote control in front of John’s nose.
“Yes Master”. John lowered his gaze.
Much to John’s relief the pole in his ass returned to its original position. His Master went back to Jane and cupped her other breast. He lifted it up to her lips. It was so large it was easy for her mouth to reach the nipple.
“Suck it as hard as you can Maid.”
Jane compiled until her nipple was hard. Then the Baird rolled it between his finger and thumb. Jane involuntarily moaned in pleasure. She had always enjoyed having her nipples pinched and squeezed. With his other hand he reached down and gently rubbed her cliporis from side to side. The vibrations were increasing in the dildos, the clip ring and nipple rings. He laughed as she started to show symbols of extreme arousal. He then returned to John, and much to his shock, grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. After a minute John also started to moan. With his vibrations increasing, the Baird suddenly stopped, then sat down in a strategically placed armchair where he could watch both of his employees.
“Once, many years ago, When I was, I suppose, in love, my girlfriend and I stayed in bed for 24 hours. We decided to see how many times we could fuck during that period. We managed, well, I managed to cum five times. She came way more than that.” His smugness was starting to irritate both of them. “What I’m going to do is set a baseline for how many times you can come in 24 hours. Except you’re probably not going to enjoy it as much as I did. I’m going to try and match you. I’ve also been receiving the supplements. I realize that you cannot stay on those poles for that entire time, but I reckonOnce you get to five each we will move you to a different place, one more in keeping with a castle stronghold, where we will continue to experiment with your endurance. Doctor Lucy seems to think you guys are supreme athletes. Let’s find out.”
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