Texas Heat

Texas Heat

~~ North Houston, Texas, 2077 ~~

As Brent and Jerome manhandled the mattress up the staircase and attempted to maneuver the corners, he glanced back down the stairs at his sister who was walking up behind them with a couple of small boxes. “This place is really nice, sis. Are you sure you don’t need some help with your finances? You know I’d do it in a heartbeat. Your degree is important…,”

“Brent… Leave it alone. I’m going to do this myself. I appreciate the offer, and if it’s ever actually needed, I’ll reconsider, but I’m going to do this myself, OK?” she said for what seemed to her like the hundreds time that morning. It was only nine-thirty.

“OK, OK…” he told, once again shivering down the instinct to protect his younger sibling. “I’m sorry…” In truth, he was proud of her and what she had accomplished so far in her life, as well as the fierce streak of independence, one he only half-jokingly considered that she’d gotten from him. It certainly wasn’t from their mother, who while she had been loving and doting, was very much a kept woman whose ambitions revolutioned around their father. If anything, he had been their example and had taught them the value of work.

“Dude. I know you’re my friend and all, but you need to chill out. The lady said she’s got it…,” Jerome offered. Erica glanced up at him with a small smile. She knew the soccer player from the University of Texas, Houston had a thing for her even though it wasn’t mutual. He was nice enough, just not what she was looking for.

“Yeah, Jerry. I apologized… again,” Brent grumbled, twisting the mattress around another corner and then pushing as they hauled it up onto the landing that was where her sister’s room was. “So where’s your room again? Eva… something?” He shook his head and muttered to himself, “I’m so tired of sucking with names…”

“Evangeline had an early class but should be here soon,” Erica murmured.

“Evangeline… right. Pretty name.” He glanced around as they walked the mattress back down the hallway. “Nice place…” he added again, admiring it both personally and professionally. It was hard to get the General Contractor in him to shut off. He walked into peoples’ homes and was constantly looking around for minute defects and quality issues, priding himself on doing better with his crew. His homes sold for absurd amounts of money. Of course, that would probably not have been the case if his roommate, Dean, while he was at the University of Texas – Houston wasn’t an Architecture student and hadn’t agreed to go into business with him.

“Erica!” A dulcet tone came from outside, “I’m home, and I’ve brought friends!” The woman strolled in and gave a broad, impish grin. “I promised them pizza and beer, your moving crew is here!” Her bright blue eyes sparkled, but incongruently, instead of being dressed in modern clothes, she was clad in antique clothes, from the Victorian era. “You’ll have to give mea mo to change, then I’ll be out to help, oh frabjous day.”

“Calo calay,” Erica responded with a laugh and bounded down the stairs to hug her. “Go, go change, then you can meet my brother.”

“Oh, the Brent I have heard so much about?” She turned impishly at Brent.

“Aw, shit… I mean…,” he gulped, her blue eyes piercing him as she sized him up. “Sorry. Just… usually when she warns people about me ahead of time, it’s not exactly a good thing…”

“HEY!” she shouted, swatting his shoulder with the back of her hand. “That was one… time.”

“I was gonna ask her to prom, Erica…,” he replied plaintively.

“Yeah, well, I got you someone better to make up for it… didn’t I?” She grumbled, pouting at him.

He chuckled, his hand running his hair back, then rubbing at his neck. “Yeah… OK… you did. But still… I’m a big boy now. Wear my own big boy jeans and everything. I can make my own bad impressions, thank you very much.”

Evangeline watched the interplay with a bemused smile, “I’ll say,” she turned up at Brent, “So you’re not going to sic a PI on me to investigate what evil, awful intentions I have from luring your innocent, sweet baby sister to my lair?” She wiggled her fingers at Erica with a wicked grin, “Ensure I have no negative schemes?”

“Innocent? Erica?” he scoffed. “HA!” This earned him a slightly firmer swat. “No, I’ve been informed that she’s independent and can… ‘do things herself’. She doesn’t need her big brother helping or… hiring private investigators or whatever.” He raised his hands in innocent, defensively.

“Excellent,” Evangeline beamed, then moved to the side as a group of young men trooped in carrying boxes and furniture. “Now, I will go change, then when I return I’ll order pizza.” She patted Erica on the shoulder, then turned and swept towards the back of the house and a different hallway.

Brent’s eyes lingered on her as she walked away, a half-smile on his lips. “She’s confident. Witty. You might have found a keeper, sis,” he conceded.

“We were in our sorority together, she’s a year or two ahead of me,” Erica offered. “She took me under her wing and protected me from the worst of the hating.” She shrugged, “She also refused to do any of the meaner stunts and had a loud row with the leader when she tried to force us. I think that’s why she bought this house.” She paused, her head tilted, “She said only her Master gets to tell her what to do and that dumb bitch wasn’t him.”

Brent snorted into a chuckle. “Fucking Greeks. Sorry, sis. I know you wanted to pledge and everything, but that is exactly why I hated the Greek system and never joined a Frat. There’s just so… many… assholes.”

Erica watched as the men, her brother, and Jerome included, trooped in and out, quickly unpacking, then sprayed in the living room. Evangeline swept out, now wearing a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt with a pair of d-20 dice on the number 20 with the words ‘Yes, they’re real’. “Angel, darling, we’re starved, and we got the U-Haul unpacked.”

“Pizza will be here in twenty, Pierre, the keg’s already in the kitchen,” Evangeline responded.

“Gem, Angel, you’re a gem.”

Erica smiled, “Did you remember?”

“Yes, Erica, I ordered the gluten-free for you.” Evangeline grinned, “And there is Lactaid in the cabinet.”

“Awesome,” Erica darted off and Evangeline watched her go with a fond, slightly wistful smile. “Talk to my brother,” she called over her shoulder.

Brent shook his head in amusement and looked at her. “I didn’t realize we had more coming. I was figuring on this, taking up most of Jerome and my day. Many hands, though… So thanks for that.”

“Moving sucks more than a hoover at a glitter-covered Twilight convention,” she responded with a wink. Brent almost shouted laughing as she continued, “I tutor some of these guys, and a couple heard pizza and beer would be on offer so… tada.”

When he finally stopped after holding his ribs for a moment, he looked up at her. “Well… you certainly understand a statistical majority of male minds,” he observed. “Pizza and beer… They move the world for an absurdly high amount of us.”

“Indeed,” she murmured, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” She smiled at him, “Mother always teach me that the key to any good negotiation is knowing at the heart of hearts, the innermost desire.” She turned to look at the guys lounging around, “Theirs is currently food and drink.”

He arched a browser. “Archimedes? A woman of unexpected depths…” His eyes crossed her shirt, before looking back up into hers, “And one who doesn’t take herself too seriously. You know… I think I like you. You’re probably incredibly good for Erica…,” he mused with a smile.

“She’s good for me as well,” Evangeline responded with a soft, fond smile, “She reminds me that there is goodness in people and lif. She is a rare light in the darkness of this world.”

“Don’t you dare say that where she can hear you…,” he cowed, laughing again. “You’ll never get her out the door to class, her head will swell so big,” Brent teased, his eyes dancing with mirth.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” She responded adroitly, “And of course not, this will be our little secret.” She smiled up at him, impishly as Erica bounded out towards them.

“Are you quoting at him?” Erica asked curiously, “Careful, she’s a history major, she’s dangerous.”

“Indeed,” Brent said. “But, history is only dangerous to those who wish to ignore its lessons.”

“So, the majority of the human race,” Erica said teasingly, then giggled as Evangeline poked her side. She turned and bounded towards the door when it rang. “I’ve got it. YAY PIZZA!”

“I still wonder where she puts it…,” he murmured. “I was in three sports, did regulartrips to the gym, and still had to watch what I ate. Working construction now, it’s not terrible, but… She never… had to worry about it. It’s not fair…”

“It’ll catch up,” she responded and ran a hand down her side, “It always does,” she smiled with a shrug. “Now, I do hope you brought a business card?”

“Of course. You looking to do some work?” he asked, pulling out his wallet and then pulling out a card.

“I wish to have a pool and pool house installed in the back, and I’ve got a friend that needs some work done. Your sister said you’re the best in the business. I trust her word.” Evangeline smiled fondly, “And your reviews of course.”

“Well… I don’t know about the ‘best in the business’, but my guys work hard and focus on quality. ‘Measure twice, cut once’ isn’t a phrase for us. It’s a way of life.” He paused and shrugged, “That and I managed to room with an amazing architect in undergrad…”

“Excellent,” she smiled up at him taking the card and her fingers lingered for a moment on his. “I’ll call to arrange an appointment, then.” She turned up at him, a playful smile on her lips. “Today is about a different kind of work and pleasure.”

“Indeed. We’d better feed this army, then. Paper plates? Paper towels? Or am I doing dishes after?” he asked.

“Paper plates, I am not so cruel as that,” she turned and headed towards the kitchen. Across the butt of her pants was the words ‘Naughty Kitten’.

“Naughty Kitten,” he muttered to himself with a half-grin, shaking his head. This Evangeline was something else, and he had to admit it to himself. His earlier statement was true. He did, in fact, like her. Her attitude was unabashedly free and firey and it took him by surprise. She seemed to enjoy ‘living out loud’, and that was a rare thing, particularly here in Texas.

She reached up and pulled down a pack of plates and a second stack of red Dixie cups, setting them beside the keg along with a black Sharpie. “GENTLEMEN! Remember my rules: names on the cups, and clean up after yourself.”

“Yes, Mum!” A couple responded with a groan, then they laughed and trooped in after Erica to collect a plate and a cup, get served pizza, and beer, then back to the living room in a neighbor, orderly line with only a minimum of shoving and jostling. Erica had snagged one small pizza and was perched on the counter devouring it straight from the box with her own red dixie cup already.

Brent had waited until last before taking a plate and a slice of pizza, but walking over to the sink and filling his cup with water instead. At her arched browser and look, he shrugged. “I don’t drink… beer.”

“Oooo, a connoisseur of more fine things,” she smiled wickedly, then leaned back and pulled a cabinet open, it spun and several amber-colored bottles appeared, “Perhaps something from my private collection would be more to your taste?”

The half-smile was back, his browser arching in curiosity. “I suppose I should be surprised, but somehow… I’m not. I enjoy an aged single malt, but if you have some of Jack’s Honey, I wouldn’t turn that down either.”

She spun the carousel and pulled out an amber bottle with a blue label, “A fine GlenAllachie,” she turned at him, then pulled down a whiskey glass. She pressed a button on her fridge and held the glass under it and two cubes of ice tinkled before she added the malted scotch. She placed it before him with a wink before she put the bottle away and closed the cabinet.

“None for you?” he asked softly.

“I’m going to get my favorite out,” she turned up at him, then opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle. “I tend to save the hard stuff for later in the day, too much and I get a little…,” she tilted her head with a smile, “free with my affections… and my clothes.”

He raised his glass in salute. “While I would happily guard your honor, I understand. Normally, I have one a night, but every once in a while…,” he shrugged. “Two in a day is my limit. And like I said… I don’t do… beer.” He glanced at the crowd in the living room and made a small face, before clarifying. “College cured me of that. Fortunately, I had a professor who ensured that I wasn’t soured into thinking that alcohol and beer were synonyms. Hence…” he held up the glass and looked at it.

“Smart professor,” she turned at him and took a sip from her drink. “I don’t like beer.”

“I mean… it’ll get you drink, but the journey there…,” he grimaced, then chuckled, “… and the one back…”

“Hangovers are no fun,” she smiled. Then gestured, “Help yourself. The boys will take the leftovers home.” She pulled out a piece of pizza to eat herself, “So, what do you do for fun? Erica and I are going to be putting together a gaming group soon.”

He chuffed, “I haven’t played since I was in high school. I doubt I’d even remember how…” His eyes grew distant, “Now? I’ll go to a movie sometimes. Or a show. Occasionally themuseums get new exhibits in…,” he trailed off, then shrugged. “Gets old doing that by myself, though, so mostly I just stay in with my two hundred and fifty-three cats…,” he trailed off, trying to control the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

“Ahh, you’re pussy whipped,” Evangeline nodded sagely.

He opened his mouth, his eyes wide as his brain raced for something to say that would get him out of that most obviously trap his self-effacing humor had placed him in. After several seconds, he realized that nothing was coming and he closed it again, blushing and wagging a finger with a nod of concession at her.

She licked a finger and placed it in the air with a faint hiss noise. Then Erica spoke up, “You should join us, it’ll be fun and we’re looking for a fourth.”

He raised a browser curiously. “But… I’m your brother, Er. Isn’t that against some sort of code or something?” he asked. “I mean, I haven’t read that encyclopedic tome you gave me in a few years,but I thought there was something in there about that…”

“Yes, but watching Angel give you shit is hilarian,” Erica responded with a wicked smile. “Plus, it’s not like we’re doing a sex experiment, it’s only Defiant.”

“Which is technically a sex experiment it just doesn’t require nudity,” Evangeline responded with a smile.

At the mention of sex, all the rest of the guys in the room perked up, suddenly interested in the conversation. As Evangeline glanced at them, she would have sworn she could see the neurons firing in each of their brains as they tried to work out how they were going to be the fourth in the sex experiment. Brent spoke first, “So… you need someone that you can make fun of while you’re doing your role-playing sex experiments…,” he trailed off, then murmured, “Why am I not Surprised, Erica?”

“Actually,” Evangeline lifted a finger, “Humor and sex often go hand in hand as they release similar endorphins in the brain. Historical significance shows that…”

“History lesson later, gaming talk now,” Erica interrupted with a teasing smile that caused Evangeline to blush and shrug. “So, are you in, big brother?”

Brent pondered that for a moment. It had been several months since he had seen his sister and that bothered him a little. He did not want to be the kind of sibling that just went off and did his thing with no contact with his family except for government-approved holidays and birthdays. Of course, he also did not particularly want to place himself in a situation where he was the butt of every single joke that was made. He had done that enough in college for three or four lives and was not interested in a repeat performance. Glancing at Erica was a mistake, though. Her pleading eyes were something he had never been able to say ‘no’ to. “Oh all right. We can try it…,” he murmured.

“Excellent,” Erica beamed.

“If you’re sure,” Evangeline looked up at him, searching his face. “I’ll go get the book you’ll need, then we can talk good times for the game. Our current schedule is Saturday evening, every other week, our first game, session zero is next week.” Her lips quirked slightly in a half-smile, “I’m the one running the game.”

“Have you… gamed with Erica before?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” she murmured, “We played Dungeons and Dragons for a bit, but she wanted something with a little more teeth. Vampire the Masquerade didn’t fit for flavor, so I introduced her to Defiant.”

He looked at her for a long moment, then nodded. “Saturday evening. Every other week. I’ll be there. Where do I get a copy of this book?” he asked, pulling out his smartphone.

“Usual Amazon, they have it in digital or hardcopy, but I can give you one of mine so you can read over it beforehand if you like.” She smiled slightly, “My library is… extended.”

“You’re not going to need it?” he asked. “I’ll order one anyway…,” he trailed off, shrugging.

“I tend to keep two,one pristine one… for me,” she turned and walked towards the back, then when she saw he wasn’t following she tilted her head, “Coming?”

He blinked. “Oh! Sorry…,” he said, trotting after her.

She smiled at him, then led him down the hall, only this time she turned right and led him into a massive library room. It smelled like books and she walked across the plus carpeted floor towardss one shelf. “We’ll be doing character creation and going over the rules and safety tools during session zero. This will give you an idea of ​​the scope and what’s involved. If this is something that makes you uncomfortable I will of course understand and allow you to back out. I’ll run interference with Erica as well so she doesn’t ‘puppy dog’ you.”

He closed his eyes and surprised softly. “I don’t see her as often as I’d like… As often as I think I should. And…,” he trailed off for a moment, before opening them and looking at her, “You… this… seems like it could be fun. While Idon’t actually have any cats, I am probably… more of a hermit than is good for me.”

“Yes, but if this,” she turned to place the book in his hands, “Is something that discomforts you, then you will not enjoy being here.” She tilted her head, “I can always host other gatherings of friendship and frivility. Things such as a movie night, or a… poker night?” She turned up at him, “We usually play for chocolates.”

He nodded, “Good. I don’t take money from friends and family.” He paused, then shrugged, “I also don’t play to lose either, so…”

“Excellent,” she smiled up at him, “I am glad to be friends. Now, shall we rejoin your sister before she thinks I’ve invited you into my boudoir for illicit conversations involving eragenous zones?”

He blushed a deep red, cought slightly, “Yeah… that would probably be hard to live down for a while…,” he managed, not going so far as to say it would be unpleasant.

She smiled up at him, “And don’t worry about needingdice, I’ll provide some from my sets.” She turned and led him back to the living room as the boys finished off the keg and then cleaned up before trooping out. She saw them out with fond smiles. “Thank you, gentlemen. And I look forward to seeing you over tomorrow.”


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