This is the first in a series of “stand alone” stories of a female submissive/slave who will come to be known as “sclabh”. While there is certainly a difference (subtle to some, not so subtle to others) between a submissive and slave this will be played out as time progresses. Much of what appears in the series is from my (its) experiences as a slave and occasionally when allowed by its Mistress a top. Enjoy!
It all began in my college years, a game of strip poker, a bet for a blowjob or a bet to be a slave for a day; it had always seemed more fun “to lose”. I played these games with my boyfriend and even with my female rooms. Fast forward to after college, I always had kept in excellent shape by running long distance and playing volleyball and never seemed to be at a loss for “friends” of Both sexes. People say I’m attractive and I guess I’ll just leave it at that as discussing my body always made me self consciousness. After graduation, I applied for and was acceptedby the local police force. I did have to fend off some of the testosterone filled academic recruits, but the demands of the academic went fine. The hard part was keeping my preference for other woman and my submissive traits locked away. Graduation came and went; I cleared probation and was just another police officer, well almost…
I was driving my cruiser down a suburban street when a routine vandalism call came in. With clipboard in hand, I knocked on the door of this “McMansion” style house to take the obligatory report when the most stunning redhead opened the door. My knees got weak and I felt a wetness see onto my not so regulation thong. I stumbled through the report and just keep looking at this goddess. She was dressed in a short jean skirt and a tank top. She was maybe thirty-two or so, about eight years my senior. Her red hair was a tad longer than shoulder length, highlighting gorgeous firm tits. Of course I was on the stairs standing just below her, almost eyelevelwith her crotch and a set of tight, shaped legs. Her green eyes were like lasers burning thru my uniform. It was all I could do not to tilt my head so I would look up her skirt. Our bodies were similar with expectation of my short police issue blond hair and of course mine was covered with my navy blue uniform. She seemed to have an aura of superiority about her that was not condescending but rather alluring with an unquestionable sexy smile. I took the required information and left. I fantasized about Ms. Brigit O’Toole for the rest of my shift; I had to see her again.
I went to her house the very next day on the pretext of needing more information for the report and in my best police officer voice, I asked, “May I come in?”
Once in the kitchen I tried to think up questions that I had missed in the initial report. It never happened. On the kitchen table, in plain view was a riding crop, nothing else, just the crop. Flustered, I said, “Oh, I see you ride”, which was the best question I could seem to muster.
“No”, was all she said. That smile was back and bigger than ever. The silence was so great I could hear the blood pounding in my ears and my pussy juices gushed…I had to smell of sex and she had to have noticed! I tried to stammer out some questions with no luck and then Brigit took over. She found out I worked until five and said why you don’t get the answers you’re looking for over a glass of wine. Brigit reached for my arm, walked me to the door and told me to be back at 6:00.
I knocked on the door at exactly 6:00 and was met by Brigit. She was wearing a white silk low cut blouse that highlighted her dark colored bra. This met a soft black leather mini, nylon and heels that gave her about three inches my 5’7″ height. I was invited in.
The crop still sat alone on the table. She abruptly turned and walked into a Great room; I followed. Things moved fast, a blur actually.
Brigit looked at me and said, “We both know why you’re here, don’t we?”
I couldn’t even elicit a response.
“Would you care for a glass of wine?”
I could only mumble “Please.”
“Sit”, Brigit said, as she walked to get the wine.
I sat on the sofa and tried to control my breathing and my pussy and failed at both.
As Brigit walked in with two glasses of wine, the smile again reappeared.
In a rather pleasant tone she said, “Please, don’t sit on the furniture, use on the floor. I’ll say this once and once only. If you want to leave, leave, no hard feelings. If you choose to stay, stay. You may call me Ms. Brigit or Ma’am but if you choose to stay I expect 100% obedience from you; it’s your choice…you know where the door is.”
I frozen. Brigit stand over me as I sat on the sofa holding the wine and she just stared at me. Slowly, I stood and sank to my knees at Her feet.
“Much better, we both know that’s exactly where you belong.”
I could only whisper, “Yes Ma’am”.
Miss Brigit satin a beautiful antique leather chair and sipped Her wine. She just stared at me, undressing me, striping me with her gaze. Minutes passed, finally, almost casually She said, “Remove your clothes please”.
I looked at Her and stammered, nothing came out, and I just froze as Ms. Brigit held Her gaze. “I’m a police officer for god’s sake”, I thought. “What am I doing?” I thought back to college being a ‘slave for a day’ and how I had felt. I grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head, panties and bra were quick to follow.
I knelt on the Oriental rug naked and embarrassed but I had come this far so in for penny/in for a pound, right?
“There are rules you will follow at all times if I choose to allow you to visit me”, Ms. Brigit said matter-of actually. “You will always be naked unless otherwise instructed. Enter through the porch, remove your clothes there and knock on the door for permission to enter.” When instructed to knee, your knees will be spread to allow me access to your cunt.”
“Please don’t use that word, I hate it.”
“My dear, you are a cunt and that thing between your legs is a cunt. That is all you are to me…do you understand?”
With a face colored to match Ms. Bridget’s hair, I could only must a weak “Yes Ma’am.”
“You will have two positions of kneeing, kneeing up, and kneeing back. Kneeling up your hands are to be clapped behind your neck, kneeing back your ass will rest on your heels with you’re in that position the backs of your hands on your tights. Whatever position, your hands will never block views to your cunt or tits. Understood?”
“Yes Ma’am”
“Good, just a couple more basic positions for you to memorize. If I want your tits displayed, you will cup them and offer them to me, if I want your cunt displayed, you will lie on your back; legs spread and use your hands to open your cunt lips for me. Finally, your ass, assume the doggy position and with your head on the ground reach around and open your ass cheats. Oh, one more thing, there will be no orgasms without permission, I will tell you if and when you orgasm,”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Display your cunt please”.
I flopped on my back, spread my legs and grabbed my outer lips as instructed. Even when I trimmed my bush for the first time leaving a small patch of light blonde hair and my pussy bare, I had never felt this venerable or exposed. I turned my head, closed my eyes and thought about just getting up and walking out.
Ms. Brigit lightly brushed my clip, my emotions had been all over the place, I guess I didn’t even realize how excited I was, A bolt of fire went from my cunt and into my belly. I moaned and shook like I had never experienced
“Your cunt’s contacting…don’t you dare cum”, Ms. Brigit said in that damn calm smoothing voice.
“Yes Ma’am, no Ma’am, yes Ma’am” was all I could squeak as I somehow held onto controlling my orgasm.
Ms. Brigit stepped back as I looked upat Her panting like a bitch in heat.
“That’s right my little pet, you haven’t earned the right to cum and besides your more focused this way.”
“Please Ma’am, please let me cum” was all I could moan, beg and plead, “Please”.
“No dear, not tonight. Get up, get dressed and go home. I want you here tomorrow at 8:00 AM sharp. Follow the protocol I have given you. GO!
“Yes Ma’am” was all I could say as I gathered my clothes.
“Don’t you dare even think of having an orgasm tonight. One more thing, get rid of that pubic hair, cunts do not have pubic hair.”
“Yes Ma’am”, was again the only thing I could say.
Dressed and out the door I drove home in a trance. I had twelve hours to wait.
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