The Beginning

A little while ago, after a recent relationship collapsed, I felt lost and, of course, went searching for myself. I wanted to explore my sexuality and take control of it. Define my interests, try new things. So, I joined a site, a rather sexual site and I began my exploration.

At first, I just chatted with people, a little too scared to do anything, to take things further. Several people messaged me, requesting to meet, but each time I managed to come up with some excuse.

“I’m out of town.”

“I’m not feeling well.”

“I have to babysit.”

The excuses could go on and on. Finally…after several months, I worked up the nervous to set up a meeting. But, I chickened out at the last minute. I said I slept in. He gave me one more chance. I managed to grow some figurative balls and we met the next day at a Barnes and Noble.

We sat and chatted for a little bit in the coffee shop. The expectations of the meeting had already been set before. Sex, and rather kinkysex at that. I was nervous. Shaking, blushing, and hardly talking. After about 20 minutes we left and went back to his place. Up until then there really hadn’t been too much physical contact, only him brushing against me at the book store and grabbing my hand in the car. But, once we got in the door, the entire environment shifted. In a blur he grabbed my hair and yanked it, tilting my head back.

Nothing else could have turned me on more than that. It was the act of him immediately taking control of the situation, especially when I was so lost. I could feel myself began to tingle, the wetness began to see through my panties. He pulled me back against his body, keeping one hand tight in my hair, as his other hand moved to explore my body. To run over my breasts, my pussy.

He moved his lips over my jaw, and finally over my own lips in a kiss. His tongue pressed into mine, demanding that I respond in full. His kiss was a kiss of password and control. He broke off the kiss andHis hand came up and slapped me across the face. This was the first time I’d ever been slapped. I loved it.

A few more kisses and slaps were applied to my face before he moved forward. He yanked his hand down so that I had to bend to keep the pressure of my pulled hair from being unbearable. He walked forward, as I followed behind like a puppy being led on a leash. He steered me to the bedroom, where he pushed me down onto the bed. Face first.

His voice was commanding as he told me to stay there. He walked to the trunk at the end of the bed, pulling a few objects from it. I remember it was one of those plus leather seats. The ones where the lid folds up. I was soon to find out they were binds. He fastened my wrists together behind me as my form was still bent over the bed.

They rested right above my butt. I’d chose jeans as attire and they hugged my hips and ass rather tightly. He suddenly brought his hand down on my ass. I jumped a little.

It all progressedfrom there. More spanks with his hands. My cheeses were starting to feel the sting of it. He paused and I was too shy to lift my head and look. But my unasked question was answered as I felt the sharp sting of a belt slapping across my jean clad ass.

Over and over again he swung the belt. Almost when I thought it was unbearable, he ceased, bringing his hand down to rub at the sore flesh. He comforted it for a moment, before yanking me to my knees before him. That’s when a whole new type of punishment began. He pulled my glasses off, tossing them onto the far edge of the bed. I looked up at him with this new sense gone. My world had gone fuzzy and everything seemed more like a surprise.

And then he slapped me. His hand came across my face over and over again, each time the slap becoming more and more forceful. I Remember him bending down to ask if I was okay. I remember nodding to him. And then I remember him slapping me again and again. God, by the end of it all, my ears weree ringing.

I lost track of time, but eventually he bent down to my level and pressed his lips against my ear. He spoke, “Don’t you ever, EVER, not show up for a meeting again. If you do your punishment will be much worse. Now the real fun begins.”

And it did.


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