strangers and mom

It is a different theme story it is also suggest one of my reader. you also point me any story theme or idea. Read and feel it my reader

It was a cold, windy winters night, the rain was pelting down outside.

Inside Vallyamma, Kaliamma, and Vallyammas son Vallavan where watching television. The two ladies where getting ready for a wedding party.

“Im going upstairs, Ive had enough of your gossiping for one night”

Vallavan said to his mom and aunt,

of course the real reason was because he had a raging hard on watching

them in there short skirts and 4 inch silettos, not to mention there


Vallyamma was 50, a brunett who was slightly heavy but in the right places

and still looked good when dressed up, her tits where a 36C and because

of her age had sagged a little but not a lot and looked great, she always wore push

up bras, not to obviousbut enough to show some good cleavage,

Vallavan had caught his friends admiring his moms tits, but he never said

anything to them about it,

He secretly loved to see other men, especially his friends drooling

over her.

Kaliamma was 3 years younger than Vallyamma and was thinner, she never married

and had only dated when she was in her twentyties

but was always up for a good night out, but was never interested in

finding a man.

She had a great figure, and a pair of 38D breasts.

Since Vallyammas husband Velavan died 8 years ago she had closed her self off

from making new friends, but Kaliamma was always trying to get her out to

meet new people

and to move on with her life. When Kaliamma hear about the party she

convinced Vallyamma to go to it, they went out shopping together and bought new


Vallyamma wore a Sky blueblouse that was partly see through but only if it was

worn in daylight, her black push-up bra underneath could just be seen

under the living room lights. She bought a saree. When she wore her 4 inch heels to give her self some height she looked sting.

Kaliamma was one of those 40 year old women who dressed like she was still

18, a frilly Churidar, the kind that if you made a twirl would raise

up the top. Her top was a long gush silver, with a low cut neckline, her tits were

almost bursting out of it, her bra was black with very small steps

almost like a bikini, so was her thong, just enough to cover her pussy, tiny

strings and the back disappeared up her ass. She finished it off with a

pair of black spiked heels.

The girls decided to have fun like they used to do when they were


That was there excuse for dressing a bitslutty.

Vallavan was upstairs waiting for them to leave so he could pull his 7″

erect dick out of his trousers, his mom and aunt where running up and down

the stairs all evening and he didnt want to chance getting caught

wanking. He thought they would never leave.

There was a knock at the door; the ladies called for Vallavan to get it but

with the tent in his trousers he asked them to get it.

Kaliamma rushed to the door, cursing who this could be this late at night,

When she opened the door she was greeted by two kids, they looked to be

homless, they were looking for some money. Kaliamma took pitty on them and

went looking for some money. Kaliamma”s handbag was in the kitchen, as she

Walked away she could hear one of them complimenting her in an

ungentlemanly fashion. Kaliamma wasn’t aware that boys so young would find her

attractive and she found it turning her on, as she returned she deliberately

dropped the money and bent over to pick them up, she took her time so as

to give the boys a nice view of her big ass and of her cleavage as she

turned around, she gave them there money with a dirty little wink as well and

sent them off with there obvious ections.

About 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door again, Kaliamma, this

time very angry went to get it, “jesus” she thought, “you give them some

money and the whole neighborhood thinks you are a bank”, when she opened the door

there were 6 boys there, one of them pulled a gun, “Don’t says anything,

or I”ll shot” he said.

He motioned her inside, “ok listen bitch, my boys here told me you got

a fine piece of ass for an old broad, and we aren’t getting any on a night

like this”.

“Please, take what you want just leave me alone” pleased Kaliamma, Vallyamma

walked in before the guy with the gun could answer, “damn, we gotta a

little slut house here, were gonna have us some fun tonight boys”, All the

boys started laughing and hollering,

Vallyamma was stunned, she had been to the bathroom and returned to a house

full of rowdy teenagers.

“OK heres whats gonna happen sluts, we had a night of fun planned but

because of this shitty weather, you will be our entertainment, do as we

Say and no one will get hurt. Were gonna get real aquatinted tonight,

so lets start easy, my name is Aruldas, and these are my buddies, Shekar,

Mailswamy, Jaggu and Sarvanan, lets here your names whores?”

“I’m Vallyamma”, “I am Kaliamma” they both answered terrified of what was to come.

Mailswamy thought he heard a bumping noise upstairs, “Hey boss, did you

hear that?”, “You two check it out” Aruldas said pointing to Mailswamy and Shekar.

They ran upstairs and looked in each room, the last room they heard the

TV on, they crept through the door to find Vallavan lying on his bed, he

had the volume up and didn’t hear them entering, he felt a dream coming

through the door, he looked and seen the two teenagers, “who the fuck

are you” he said as he got up “shut the fuck up you little shit, or

we”ll kill you and the two whores down stairs. Vallavan was far from little, at

18 he was 6″3″ and well built. “Get the fuck downstairs now” as the two

teenagers pushed him forward, he tried to think of who they were, he

didn’t recognize them, they didn’t go tohis school, he figured that they

were form the local traveling community (some of gypsy), who rarely went to school after they where 13 or 14.

When they went back into the living room, Aruldas and Jaggu and where

sitting next to the two women who where trying to cover there modesty on

the couch. Jaggu was messing with a movie camera he found in another

room, figuring out how to work it, the woman didnt like where this was

leading at all, especially now that Vallavan was involved.

“Just him boss, rest of the house is empty” The boys reported to Aruldas,

“OK lock all the doors and windows and close all the curtains, we cant

have any outside disorders during our movie can we” Aruldas said with

a sleazy smile, eyeing the women up and down.

As the boys went off around the house locking the doors and windows,

Aruldas had a talk withthe three terrified hostages.

“Now I hope were all comfortable, cause if you are, you wont be when

where done with ya.” The woman pleased, “please take what you want,

there’s money in my handbag, and my credit cards are in the cupboard over

there. “I told you we don’t want your money, we want to get fucked, now we

can do it the easy way or the hard way, its up to you”

The two ladies finally accepted there fate. Vallavan sat there listening to

This man, talking about his mother and aunt in such a dirty way, his

erection was back, this time it was as hard as a rock, he tried to hide

it but Aruldas noticed, “hey look here, your little kid wants to play

too.” Why don’t we get this party started considering were so anxious to

get going.

By this time the rest of the boys had returned, Aruldas explained what

was going to happen, “Were gonna make ourselves a nice porno movie, Happy

Familes has a nice ring to it, and you two lucky sluts have been cast

as the main characters. Now seeing that sonny boy here is so excited,

lets start with him” Vallavan frozen when he heard this, he thought the worse

but was instantly relieved when Aruldas finished his sentence. “Ok mommy,

lets show your son how we suck cock, old school”

Vallyamma could not believe this was happening, here mind was racing a mile a

minute, how did this all happen?? She was getting ready to go out, and

then there was a group of horny teenagers in her house about to

gang force her and her sister. But to force her to give her own son oral sex, what

kind of people are these??

“Come on mommy, let’s get to it, before I do something I might regret.”

Shedropped to her knees when he said this, if she was forced to do

this to save her sons life, then that is what she had to do. As she

crawled over to her sons crotch, the group starred cheering on, “come on

slutty momma, suck your sons dick”, “you dirty whore, lick it dry” She

almost cried when she saw this was filmed, she only hoped the tape was

full and none of this would be recorded.

She could see the tent in her son’s pants and couldn’t believe it, “how

could he be excited about this??” she thought to herself, not

understanding that Vallavan had never been with a girl before. She opened his zip and

and pulled his pants and boxes down, his erect dick sprung out, she

placed her hand on it and ran it up and down his shaft twice, she could

feel with the base of her fist his balls where tensed up, she decided to

get on with it because she knew he wouldn’t last long.

As she licked the head of his dick she heard Vallavan says under his breath

“oh fuck I am cumming” she didn’t have time to react when a powerful shot

of his cum went down her throat, she pulled away, and the rest of his

load hit her face, and ran down her neck and down between her cleavage


“Excellent performance” why don’t we lose the clothes now and give

junior a real treatment. Vallyamma stood up and removed her skirt, and let it

drop to the floor, there was a silence as she unbuttoned her blouse and let

her bra busting tits be shown.

There she stood, in her 4 inch heels, her push up bra with her tits

hangin out the sides, and her Saree also fallen down, the boys could see her pussy lips as they looked up at her.

Vallavan stared on in amazement, he couldn’t believe this was his own mother, the

way she was dressed she looked like a porn star, his dick was still at

full attention, having not lost it at all seeing his mother strip.

“Now lets get that pussy of yours lubed up, juniors isn”t too big, but

us men were made for fucking” She saw what she had to do, she pulled

of her under skirt and walked over to her son, she turned around with her

back to him and sat on his hard penis, she feel it move slowly up her

pussy as she lowered herself down on it, she didnt need to worry about

getting lubed up, this was her first time with a man since her husband

had died, and she was always a horny woman, this just reawakened her

inner slut. As she was fucking her own son the now naked boys proceeded over to

her, Aruldas shoved his 12″ dick in her face and she bagan to suck on it,

she was amazed at its size and could barely get the head in her mouth

it was so big, the two other boys, were getting hand jobs while Jaggu

filmed everything. The scene was very hot, there was this conservative 50

year old transformed in to the slut she was 30 years ago, fucking a

bunch of 18 year olds and loving it.

Vallavan blew his load up his mother’s pussy and just as he was finishing

Aruldas shot his load onto her face and tits. They swapped around, Aruldas

took over fucking her, while Mailswamy got his 10″ dick sucked. Vallavan stood

there is not knowing what to do when Aruldas ordered Kaliamma to get busy on Vallavan

and clean him up. she began to suck his dick, she did so without being

Asked twice, Kaliamma was more of a slut than Vallyamma but was always a tease,

she was famous for her one night stands but that was along time ago.

“get your tits out Jaggu shouted now filming Kaliamma blowing Vallavan, “when your

done there slut you can get busy on me” Jaggu said, the only not to get

any action yet.

Kaliamma stripped down to her dress and was on her knees again licking her

nephews dick like it was the last thing on earth. When Jaggu finish

fucking Vallyamma, he went and got down behind Kaliamma, and pulled her thong off,

he started to fuck her and she had an orgasm within 2 minutes.

This went on for hours, the women getting DP”ed while sucking off a

boy, Kaliamma fucked her nephew, Vallavan fucked his mom again. After a few hours

the boy’s dicks needed a break. The two women went at it for a while;

they were in a 69 position. The only people who weren’t that tired where

the stars, Vallyamma and Kaliamma. Aruldas had an idea for them, “when the last

time you sluts helped out the needy” he said with that smile on his

face again. “Get freshened up and put on some slutty make up and put your

clothes back on, but forget the bra and panties” Everyone left the

house and went to the boys van that was parked around the corner.

Were gonna send you up to the bicycle sheds behind the school, there’s

more dick up there for ya, all the drinks and homeless men stay there at

night, “these poor guys haven’t been close to a woman in years, forget

about having sex with them, but you two are gonna show them some real

fun.” The women were barely listening, they were already fucking and

sucking again in the back of the van.

When they arrived at the school, the two women got out, Aruldas inspected

them, he pulled there skirts up to make them super short.

The women headed behind the school to see about 10 to 15 men drinking

or sleeping, “hello boys” giving the men a fright, there was a silence

for a few seconds as they looked the women up and down, “you studs know

where us women can get some action?” They said as they walked closer to

the men and grope there growing dicks. The men where horny and didnt

need any more persuading, they had the woman on there knees in no time.

The men took turns banging the woman all night, there was a puddle of

seimen beneath each woman, dripping from there stretched pussies and

asses. The woman could not believe they had been missing this all these


Dawn was breaking and the boys decided to get them home before someone

see them and called the cops. The bums were tired but knew this didnt

happen everyday so got in as much fucking as possible.

The boys dropped the woman home and told them they”d talk to them soon

and would bring them the video when the finished making copies.

They were very tired now so went straight to bed. Vallavan was awake all

night thinking of what had happened, his dick was awake all night too but

was too sore to even wank.

The next morning when Vallyamma and Kaliamma woke up, they had a talk to each

other about what had happened, they decided that they couldn’t go back to

there old lives now and that they where both happy this way, They both

loved turning on the men and decided to go through there clothes and

get rid of anything that didnt suit there new lifestyle. They went on the

internet and looked at porn sites, to get “fashion” tips from the pros.

Of course they had a good idea of ​​what they would be wearing, tiny

underwear, skimpy bikinis,high heels, short tight dresses, tongs,

g-strings, push up bras, cut of jeans, fuck me boots, the list went on, as

they browsered and borrowed ideas. They had some of there “ingredients”

already but needing some alterations. Vallyamma found a pair of jeans from a

few years ago, they were a little tight but she didnt care, it just made

her look more slutty. She cut the jeans so when she wore them you would

almost see her ass cheeses, and put on a blouse and tightened the bottom

up, of course unbuttoning herself to show her cleavage which she had

enough of, the tightened blouse pushing her tits up. She slipped on some white

sandal heels and put on some red lipstick and done her makeup. Kaliamma was

going through her clothes sorting out her new image aswell. When Vallyamma

was finished, she decided there was only one way to test her new

outfit, she didnt need any verble comments, she needed to see something long

and hard standing at attention to see if her outfit was fit for a slut.

She headed downstairs to find her son resting on the couch, she walked

in to the room and said good morning, his face said enough, but she

wasnt looking, she watched the movement in his pants and saw it making a

tent. again a show started without any forces.

I hope you fulfilled with this story you want more write to me directly

Note : This story is completely fictional

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