The Seeding 2

The Seeding 2


John had to hide out, the new abilities that he was experiencing were a little too much for everyday people. After Mitch had left, going god only know where, John had waited a few days before he tried to contact him.
“Mitch? You there?” John thought, “I’m having a little problem here.”

Sighing when he got no reply John thought the nanomites had information.
Fuck! that was no help at all! John was glad that he had gotten more remote controllers. He had tried weights tied to his waist, arms,legs nothing seemed to help except tying a rope to himself and that didn't help very much at all. Trying to do work on the farm was impossible when one was a few feet of the ground.

A week after Mitch had left, John felt the first stirrings of a voice far away. The voice sounded like Mitch’s but he wasn’t too sure. Sighing he wished that Mitch had given him more than cryptic instructions, on how to control his new (lol) old body. John had a neighbor come by yesterday and he had almost gotten caught floating off the ground. Shit! that had been close! Had he not been near the house, he didn’t think he’d have gotten down as fast as he had.

After 15 days he began to hear the voice again, this time he knew it was Mitch but it was still far away. All he heard was Then the voice was gone. Sighing John tried to get back to work, somehow with the help of the nanomites,he was able to keep the farm going well. He had a little control of the machines, that had helped a lot but he still needed to make visual inspections of the farm.

Another 5 days later, while John was sitting tied to a chair on the front porch, a few moments later Mitch appeared next to him.
“God, I am glad you’re back!” John exclaimed, “I’m about to go out of my mind”
“What’s wrong were the gifts too much?” said a puzzled Mitch
“Not that they were too much, it’s just that I can’t control many of them” John replied hoping that Mitch could help him.
“Ah, I see I apologise John, in my haste to reach home, I forgot that you didn’t know yet,” Mitch looked at John feeling for him, as he waved his hand over John suddenly John felt normal and was sitting without help.

John was a little puzzled, he remembered that Mitch had said that they wouldn’t see each other again. “Mitch,” John started, I thought I wouldn’t see you again. Why are you back? You said your home planet was still there.”
Mitch sent he really didn’t want to impose upon John again, “I reached home world and it was as I expected it to be.” he paused to get the words out right,
“We are in need of you again.”
“Again? you aren’t dying are you?” John was scared for Mitch
“No, again it’s nothing like that. When I got there a unit was close to failing,”
sing Mitch went on, “It was my… I think you would call her a wife or mate. She is one of the 3 sexes, as you would say that were on my planet.”

John was nodding when it hit him, “you need help with her? How can I be of help?” John eagerly asked
“Yes, I need help but not like you think. This body that I grew from from yours and my genetic material is superior. The problem is,” Mitch paused to think of the right term, “This body is still young and wont produce any genetic material for many years. Even with the accellerated growth, it won’t be ready in time.”
“You know I don’t mind helping you and your people,” John said, not too sure of where Mitch was going with all this.
“I have a request of you John. She as you would call ‘her’ can’t have a body grown from this one. Turning her unit off would give a few more years to the others. This would allow the maturing of the two bodies. Then they could be used to procure others for the restoration of my race.”

Sighing John Was starting to get another headache, like the first time him and mitch met. “so… you need me again to make another baby? Like you?” John asked assuming that’s why Mitch was back.
“My race yes, but definitely not like me” Mitch replied as the cylinder at his throat glowed.
came a voice that flowed through his mind, a voice that made him feel warm and safe, there was a pause,
Christ, thought John don’t these people have short names, a fucking mile long every one of them.
Thinking it came to him, “May I call you Helen? It’s the closest to your real name I can get.”

The happiness of the voice in his mind was almost like having an orgasm. Holy shit! It’s a good thing he hadn’t had sex with the real thing. He probably would have had a heart attack before he had even got it in let alone cum.
John’s mouth hung open, damn he forget they could hear him.

John felt like an idiot as he was nodding, she couldn’t see him.
Helen asked (again that damn good feeling)
“Yes, you may Helen” with that the cylinder at Mitch’s throat opened and a vision appeared before him it was far more entrancing than the one Mitch had used.

John walked into his house as the essence followed him. Laying back on the bed the vision hovered above him then lowered onto him. John’s mouth hung open, it felt like he was getting laid, oh my god! The sensings were extreme, he was floating with an alien woman (He thought it was a woman) the three viginas melded into one sucking him in as deep and hard as it could. The feeling was incredible, the soft breasts laid upon his chest were perfect, the feeling growing more urgent. As John started to cum he felt as if (again) that the force of his orgasm would blow the alien woman through the roof!

Once again he felt his orgasm deep in his balls, he felt as if a hand was squeezing them gently and a machine was hooked to his cock head, sucking harder and harder the feeling growing more intense.

This was the last thing he heard before the feeling caused him to pass out again! Damnit couldn’t he last at least once, but god it felt go damn good! The world was fading along with the vision of the alien woman, John sinking deep within the embrace of unconsciousness.

Jerking wake John was so damn hungry, just like last time oh well, if it helps them. Looking around Mitch was sitting in a chair neary.
“Are you ok? The process was a success again, Helen has integrated into the fetus and is growing rapidly. She wishes to thank you.”
with that she was quiet.
“I will be here to assisst you, but I am afraid I am not in total control of all my abilities either, I will need this coming month to ‘mature’ them more. I’d say that in 2 weeks, I will be able to disguise myself better but for now I will have to conserve energy to mature them.”

Sighing John hoped that they could disguise very well, Helen was due at the harvest, much as John had been. Now that he wasn’t about to float away John was able to check the plants better. The local leech ferns (as he called them) were somehow being held back by the farm machines. Suddenly he remembered he had wanted to keep them at bay in his mind, he had spent days trying to think of a way that his machines could do this.

During the first week Helen only ‘talked’ to him once, asking him to eat certain things, do certain things or activities. She also told him that starting the next week, her new body would be affecting his differently than Mitch’s had.
John was wondering all week, it hadn’t been that bad with Mitch, so as the week drug on John’s curiosity began to eat away at him. When he questioned Mitch about it, Mitch only smiled and said that John would be pleasantly surprised.

Still curious as to what the different effects would be, John actually began to worry that he might not be able to withstand certain conditions.(Pain was one john had never really had a tolerance to) The second week started much as any week had (concidering he was pregnant again) yup, pretty normal as far as John was concerned. Normal that is until his cock began to get hard about anything.

Usually John went outside and just beat his cock off like he uaually did. Whenhe finished struggling his cock and had cum, he noticed that his cock didn’t grow soft at all. This wouldn’t have been a problem had john a way to relieve himself more often. The fact of the matter was, he was starting to beat off almost every 2 hours, his cock was going to be raw if he kept it up.
It was strange also, but he could swear he was coming just as much, if not more every time he did.

Helen apologised, saying that the new body was secreting chemicals that Mitch’s hadn’t and might have a more intense effect on him. John didn’t care either way, for that second week he tried to limit his cumming to only once every 3 hours, it was hard and took alat of concentration. Going from 12 – 14 times a day (yes, he was cumming in his sleep also, so much that he now had to wear something around his Waist to catch it like a diaper) to only 8 – 10.
Helen asked

John was surprisedhat Helen was as concerned for his health, as she was, he knew that with mitch there, they could have knocked him out, then just used his body. Mitch and Helen had both heard this and had explained.
John was Shooked, Helen bowed out saying she had to rest again.

“You see why we found you so important” Mitch started. “In 5000 years you are the only being we found that strengthened our bodies.With a 75% increase in survival, you are the first that has been found”
John nodded, he was starting to understand what they said more now, John rushed past Mitch grabbing his now hard cock and rushing outside. Stroking his now rock hard cock, John was so horny he couldn’t believe it. Only a few minutes and he was blasting cum almost 5 feet from the porch, with a satisfied fyinfg sight, John decided to just stay naked it would be easier.

Nearing the end of the second week John knew that Helen was almost half developed now. Again Helen warmed him that the third week, he needed to get some lubricant, the amount of orgasms that he would be experiencing would increase and he needed to get certain vitamins. She believed that was what they were called. John had to make a special trip to town. Sighing, he really hated to be around other people even if he had to, he still hated it.

Walking out of the herb and medicine store he almost collided with his 17 yo neighbor’s daughter. Softly apologising, he stepped out of the way to allow her to pass. Sighing he waited as she stopped in front of him,
“Are you ok?” she asked shyly as she looked down, her mouth dropped open when she saw the outline of his ever hard cock in his pants.
Sighing again, “I apologise, I just don’t like being around alat of people. Actually people in general.”
Her eyes grow wide, smiling she said, “I feel the same way! I like the solitude of the farm where I can do what I want.”
It was John’s turn to stare wide eyed, “I’ve never met anyone else who feel that way,” he said astounded that there was someone else like him

“My name is Millie, I am your … I guess you could say neighbor. We live about 6 kilometers on the west side of your property line.” she shyly looked at his pants again whispering so only he could hear, “I am glad that someone or uh hum… something is glad to see me.”
John blushed, as his cock began to throb even harder, god he thought, if this kept up he’d have to buy new pants. He could already feel the material starting to stretch to its’ limit.
<I hate to interrupt your mating ritual, but we must depart, there are unsavory individuals advancing in our direction> John looked up the street and saw several government agents heading his way.
there was a surge then the agents turned and headed in the opposite direction.

John thanked Millie for the brief meeting and invited her out to his farm sometimes.
“Thank you John, I will try, if I can to come over and…” she rubbed his crotch very briefly, “Maybe I can help you with this monster some time” she smiled sweetly then giggled walking into the store.

John thought as he boarded his speeder and left town.

sing Helen fought to think of an example in John’s ideas. Then she was quiet, as John drove on trying to digest all this new information.

John thought,
Mitch collected the words a moment,

John’s mouth dropped ago, he said as he pulled into the long back road that ran to his place.

John just laughed as he thought about the skinny, red headed, tall young woman and fucking her every day. His cock jumped at these thoughts, he had to pull over and drop his pants barely getting his cock out in time, he blew the biggest load he ever had. Phew! a little light headed he sat in the seat, he swore he heard Helen sight. Damn now that was a big one, starting up he headed home thinking of how to explain all this to Millie when the time came.



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