My Daddy's Cock

My mom cut out when I was 12 leaving just daddy and me. We never heard from her again. My daddy and I had always been close but after mom left and it was just the two of us, we became even closer.

I remember the first time I saw daddy’s cock. I was 13 at the time. He was fixing breakfast and was only wearing a t-shirt and his boxes. Somehow while moving around in the kitchen his cock found it’s way through the front flap of his boxes and I saw it hanging out. I had seen photos of cocks before on the Internet but it was not the same as seeing the real thing.

As soon as daddy realized his cock was showing he quickly stuffed it back in his boxes and he apologized for what had happened. I told him it was ok and that he was my daddy and I loved him. All of him.

I guess that experience sort of broke the ice because the next week when I came down to the kitchen for breakfast daddy was only wearing a t-shirt. I think it was an oversize t-shirt that he slept in because it was long enough that it covered most of his penis. Just the head of his cock was showing dangling beneath the bottom of his t-shirt.

“Morning princess,” he said to me. “I hope you don’t mind me going native. But I just find wearing too many clothes around the house too restrictive.”

“No, daddy,” I replied. “I don’t mind at all. I like looking at you. You’re my daddy.”

Over the next few years the mode of dress in our house became extremely casual. Most of the time we both had very little clothes on and quite often we didn’t even both with clothes. So I got plenty of opportunities to view my daddy’s penis and balls and as my body filled out I am sure he enjoyed seeing me in the buff.

But despite our shared nudity, my daddy never did anything that could be taken as an overt sexual act towards me. He did tend to shelter me to a great degree. I am sure a lot of young girls my age would have felt confident but I never did. Although he never stopped me from dating, I knew that he wasn’t that keen about the idea so at an age when a lot of my girl friends were heavily involved with boys, I wasn’t.

One morning shortly after my 18th birthday, daddy was again fixing our breakfast and as had become common, he wasn’t wearing any clothes at all. So I could see his entire cock and balls. Not that this was anything unusual. But for some reason I detected a different attitude coming from daddy. I only had some bikini panties on and for some strange reason I felt overdressed.

I sat at the breakfast table and when he brought me my plate of food he was standing right next to me. His cock was almost level with my face and at one point it was just inches away. I was admitted with it and couldn’t take my eyes away from it. I knew that daddy’scock was larger than average as I had seen many flaccid cocks on the Internet. And erect ones as well. I wondered what his would look like hard. Although by this time I had seen his naked cock thousands of times, I had never seen it erect although I had often had incestuous thoughts about just how magnificent his prick would look fully engaged.

As I stared at his price it actually started to enlarge. At first I thought I was imagining it but sure enough it really was getting bigger. It went from dangling down to jutting out from his body. It still sort of arched downward but was definitely getting larger.

“Daddy, why is your penis getting bigger?”

“I’m sorry honey, but I saw you staring at it and I guess the fact that you were looking at it made it bigger. And now that we are talking about it, it’s going to keep getting bigger.”

And it did. It was now sticking straight out and frankly it lookedIt was also getting red. Daddy was partially circular. He still had some foreskin. When his cock was totally flaccid the foreskin covered most of the head with just the tip sticking out. Now that it was getting hard, I watched as his foreskin rolled back on its own exposing the entire head, which was smooth and shiny with just a drop of moisture oozing from the slit in the tip.

Totally entered with what I was seeing, I watched as a thin string of liquid drooled from the tip of his prick. It finally dripped from his now fully extended cock onto the kitchen linoleum.

“Daddy, you’re making a mess on the floor,” I exclaimed, fascinated by Daddy’s hard penis.

“I’m sorry sweetie. That’s what happens when a man’s cock gets too excited.”

I was secretly pleased that my fascination with daddy’s hard cock had caused him to get so excited. He took a step closer to me and now his wonderful extended cock was just inches from my face.

In a picked voice he asked me if I wanted to touch it. Of course I did. I tentatively reached out and lightly touched the head. I loved the velvety feel of the bulging mass of flesh. I got some of the juice dripping from his cock slide on my fingers and was surprised to find out how slippery it was. I sort of smell that juice around the head and caressed it with my fingers. Daddy let out a long sight and I knew it felt really good to him. And to me too.

“Princess,” he said in a low voice, “I know this sounds crazy but would you like to kiss it? It’s another way you can show how much you love your daddy.”

The funny thing was that once I started fingering the head of his prick, the desire to place my lips on it had almost overwhelmed me. I wanted to but was afraid to do anything like that. But once he suggested it, all the barriers fell away and I leanedforward and pressed my teenaged lips to the head of his now throbbing prick. He gently placed a hand on each side of my head and slowly pressed forward. As he did the head of his cock slip right into my eager mouth.

We are all born with the desire to suck. It’s how we first get our life giving noblement. I guess that desire never leaves us because sucking daddy’s cock seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. As I concentrated on sucking the large head of his prick he slowly moved his body back and forth so that his big prick moved in and out of my mouth. His big balls were slapping against my chin as he got into a nice rhythm.

“Sweetie,” he gasped, “that feels incredibly good. Don’t stop sucking. Oh god!”

I knew from the Internet that stimulation on a man’s cock eventually caused that white stuff to shoot out. I now had an overwhelming desire to get my daddy to shoot his cream. I wantedit down my throat. Watching it on the Internet seemed really yucky when guys shot their juice into a girl’s mouth. But now that I was happily sucking my daddy’s cock my only goal right then was to make him cum.

I thought it would take longer but it was only a few minutes when I felt daddy’s whole body stiffen and he started pumping his cock in and out of my mouth even faster. I knew what was happening and I sucked as hard as I could. My efforts were rewarded with a scream out of daddy’s mouth as his hot cum shot down my throat. I could feel his prick pulsing with each shot of juice and it was coming so thick and fast that I could’t swallow quickly enough. The cum spurted out of both sides of my mouth as daddy continued to pump shot after shot out of his wonderful prick.

It all ended to soon for me. I didn’t want it to stop and I just kept on sucking daddy’s penis. I wanted to get every single drop of that amazing cock juice. I sucked and sucked but finally daddy had to pull his prick out of my mouth.

“Princess, that feels wonderful but my cockhead is just too sensitive for you to keep sucking on it. I need to take a break.”

“OK, daddy. But can I just hold it in my mouth? I don’t want to let it go.”

He didn’t say anything but he slipped his cock back in my eager mouth. He stood next to me as I gently ran my tongue all around the head of his prick. I slipped it out of my mouth for a few seconds and looked up at him in awe.

“Daddy, that was amazing. How soon can we do it again?”



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