Hi Guys
This thread relates to the readers comments usually directed towards the authors (I use the term lightly in my case).
I understand by the author allowing comments to be posted, they leave thenselves open to both good and bad.
It’s my belief, for the most part, authors will be prepared for both positive and negative critic, though of course I am sure we would all like to think the positive will eventually outweight the negative.
However…there are times when you come across that straight so far from the norm they are positively worrying….
Below I’ve pasted a comment to one on my tales. Which tale is of no consequence, other than for me to say it wasn’t written in the Horror genre… Make of it what you will…and who knows..The psychologists out there may do a better job understanding than I ever will…..
N.B. It’s pasted as it was written….warts ‘n all!
“No make one where she is pregnant. and he cuts her open and rapes the fetus,,,, and like the ribs like cut up his dick cause babies have small frames, or he cuts his dick on the babies spine… then make her suck the blood off just before she dies….fuckyeah im horny from it already”
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