The Promise Dealer 2

Continued from part 1…

“I’m going to fucking tell my dad!” She roared at me angrily, strating to move towards me and the door beyond.

“Go ahead.” I replied casually. “I’m sure he’d love to hear how you wound up naked in my apartment. Not to mention, he’d probably really enjoy these pictures. If not, I know the neighbors will. And then, there’s the internet, and who knows what else? The possibilities are endless really. Even if I go to jail, you’ll still be bigger than Paris Hilton for years to come.”

She froze in her tracks, a look of sheer horror on her face, as my words sank home.

“You bastard!” She grew through gritted teeth, then began to cry uncontrollably. “Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?”

“I want a promise.” I told her evenly. “Your word of honor.”

“For what?" She was still sobbing, and the tears flowed freely down her cheeses.

“If you promise me, on everything you hold sacred, that you will do whatever I say, no matter what,” I informed her intently. “I will in turned swear to you that no one will ever know about this incident, and the pictures will stay safe and hidden. But, if you refuse, or break the deal in anyway, I promise you I will plaster them everywhere I may have before anything can happen to me. Everyone will see your perfect little body, and you won’t even be able to go to the mall without people knowing what you did for a cigarette.”

“Oh God, please no!” Now she was really scared.

“So, do you accept the deal? Or, do I start distributing the pictures now to save time?” I pushed the issue, giving her no time for bravery. “If you accept it, respond by saying ‘Yes Master’. Say anything else, and I’ll take it to mean youRefuse.”

She looked as though she wanted to protest, or plead for mercy, but finally, lowered her head in submission and defeat.

“Yes… m-master.” She mumbled, almost too low for me to hear her.

“Very good.” I told her, licking my drying lips nervously. I never thought I would get this far, though I had hoped for it. “Are you ready to begin?”

“What do you want me to do?” She asked, her voice quivering with dread and horror.

“We’ll start slowly.” I said softly. “To get you used to the idea, and to show you that it’s really not so bad. Who knows? You may even start liking it.”

She didn’t look at me, and from what I could see of her face, she doubted what I was telling her.

“First of all, what should I call you?”

“Ashley.” She murmured.

“Ok, Ashley. You may call me Master for now.” I informed her. “When I tell you to do something, you will respond, ‘Yes Master’, then do it. Understood?”

“Yes Master.” She muttered to her chest.

“Good girl.” This was going nicely. “Now, the first thing I want, is for you to get out of those clothes. Take them all the way off.”

She glared up at me in pure horror.

“Oh no, please!” She squealed through a new round of sobs.

“Are you refusing me, Ashley?” I asked pointedly.

“N-no.” She cried, shaking her head, as she slowly pulled her shirt off. “Just please don’t hurt me. I-I’ve never…”

“You’re a virgin?” I couldn’t believe my luck, as she nodded, and slowly stepped out of her pants and panties. She stood before me, withdrawn and gloomy, nervous using one arm to cover her breast, and the otherer hand to cup her little, smooth pussy.

“I’m not going to beat you, or intentionally hurt you.” I said sincerely. “We’re just going to have a little fun, then you can go home for tonight. I won’t lie though, some of what we’re going to do will hurt at first, but it gets better. I promise. Now, move your hands, I want to see you better this time.”

“Yes m-master.” She stammered over the word as she compiled, lowering her arms to her side.

“Put your hands behind your head, with your elbows out.” I commanded. “And keep them there until I tell you to lower them.”

She did as she was told, stretching her perfect, little puffy mounds on her chest tightly. She still wouldn’t look at me, as she gasped between silent sobs, and obviously flinched when I cupped one of her perky, firm breasts.

The feel was amazing. It was everything a man off hoped a titwould feel like, but seldom did. And, my throbbing cock nearly burst through my zipper as I carress it, thumbing the puffy nipple firmly. I needed relief, and I needed it now.

With my other hand, I unfasted my pants, and pulled my dick free. Her eyes widened in terror at its size, but she held her ground as she was told.

“Have you ever sucked a man’s dick before?” I asked her, slowly placing a hand on the back of her neck. She shook her head, too frightened to speak.

Slowly, I forced her to her knees before me, and told her to open her mouth. Then. I slide my stiff member inside, and commanded her to suck on it. As she compiled, I cupped the back of her head with my hand, and slowly slide her back and forth on my shaft.

At first, she nearly gagged, and tried to pull away, but I wouldn’t allow her to move. Finally, she seemed to get the rhythm, and began bobbing on her own. I was in heaven by now.

“That’s it.” I told her, enjoying the warmth of her mouth on my cock. “A little harder now. That’s a good girl.”

Finally, I could take no more, and explored my wad in her mouth. She began to coough and sputter, and even managed to pull away, a look of sheer disgust on her face. She looked as though she wanted to spit my juice out on the rug, but I commanded her to swallow it all. Nearly gagging, she did as she was told, and managed to keep it down.

Next, I guided her to the sofa, and bent her over the back of the seat. I stared in mezmerized fascination at her pale little ass, eagerly anticipating what we both knew was next.

“Oh God! Please No!” She wept, hysterically, and tried to wiggle away. But it was no good, and she knew it.

Spitting into my hand, I stroked my cock as I hushed her softly, stroking her hair with my other hand.

“No,no,no!” She cried, her nakedd body trembling with each sob.

“It’ll be alright.” I whispered to her, pushing my dick home slowly, but forcedly.
Through clinched teeth, she shrieked in pain and rage, as I felt her tight little ass grip my cock firmly, and I began to slide in and out. At first, I was worried she would alert the neighbors, but no one came knocking, so I continued.

“It hurts! It hurts!” She squealed as I pushed deeper and deeper with each thrust. “Please God! Please stop it! It hurts!”

“A deal’s a deal.” I whispered to her, as I blew another load deep inside her.

I released her, and she curled on to the floor sobbing and hugging her knees.

“When you have calmed down,” I told her, lighting us both a cigarette. “You can get dressed and go home for now. I want to see you again tomorrow though. And, if you say a word of his to anyone, remember what will happen with those pictures. Plus, you’ll have to talk about what just happened here now. Do you really want that?”

She shook her head, still sobbing and taking a drag from her cigarette.

“I-I won’t tell.” She gasped between whimpering sobs.

Once she was gone, I downloaded the pictures into a hidden file, taking sometimes to gloat over them, and my incredible luck.

To be continued…


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