The Perfect Weekend

Hi, if you’ve read any of my other stuff, sorry, this isn’t even remotely related. This is my dream weekend with my Master. Enjoy and please comment.


I walked in the door with a happy sight. I had gotten an e-mail just before I left work that said I wasn’t going to have to work this weekend. I had been scheduled to do a presentation but the other company had cancaled last minute so I was free this weekend. I smiled slightly with a chuckle. As free as I wanted to be anyway. I would be able to be with master all weekend. A rarity these days since Master and I were the most in-demand team in the company. I smiled, thinking of how talented my master was. “Jenna? Is that you?” Speaking of him, he must already be home. I smiled rushing to tell him the good news.

“Yes, Master. I’ve got some good news for you.” I found him in the bedroom sorting through some of my toys with some things I’d never seen before lay out as well as some of my favorites. I blushed as he turned to catch me looking curiously at the new things. I wasn’t quiet sure what they could be for. “Master?” I asked, careful to keep the infection polietly curious and not in anyway aprehensive. He smiled up at me.

“Don’t worry, Slave. I just thought that you might like a treat later since your going to have to work this week.” He frowned slightly. He was as unhappy with our schedule as I was. Then he smiled, “Now, what was your good news?” I showed slightly. It had been almost a week since we had played for real and just the idea of ​​playing later made me wet. I was slightly worried that when he learned that I didn’t have to work this weekend then he might put off our games till tomorrow. He looked up at me, placing the items he had in his hand on the floor as he stood to look down at me. "Slave.” His voice was firm and I knew that I was endangering our time together more then my news ever could.

“I’m off this weekend. The presentation was unable to show him.” I knew what his next question would be so I went ahead and answered him. “I didn’t answer right away because I foolishly thought that you might put off our time later if you knew we had all weekend.” I looked down with shame when I was finished to show him I knew I was wrong and was sorry for it. To my surprise he chuckled darkly. I knew that laugh, it means he had been looking for an excuse to punish me and I had handed it to him.

“What a naughty girl you are, trying to keep things from me when I have a right to know.” I nodded in agreement, he was right. It was his right to know and he would’ve found out because I couldn’t lie to him. I glanced up at him from under my lashes, not daring to raise my head. “Well, you know. Naughtygirls need to rest to you know.” I flinched knowing I had caused this. He came to stand in front of me. Go get in bed and take a nap. Supper is almost ready. I’ll call you when it is and then after dinner,” he paused teasing me and I held my breath waiting for him to continue, “we’ll play.”

My knees trembled at the flood of lust and desire that swept through me at his half whispered words. My eyes raised to meet his and he smiled slightly before raising one hand to fist in my hair and pull me to him for a kiss that scorched my soul. I moaned softly and he pushed me away with a laugh. “go to bed, Slut. I’ll call you when diners ready.” I smiled happily and with a last curious glance at the toys I ran to the day bed that was kept in the far bedroom for just such purposes. Before I left though, I snagged his pillow from the bad to cuddle with and I heard him laugh as he watched me run to go to sleep so dinner would come faster.

–After Diner–

Master straighten from putting the last dishes into the dishwasher as I finished cleaning the pans. I had barely laid the last one on the towel to dry when he snatched my collar and yanked me to him forcefully. His mouth claimed my lips and I melted into him, my whole body going soft. He pushed me back until my shoulders hit the wall and I couldn’t go back any farther. He pulled his head back from mine slightly with one hand still wrapped around my collar and the other holding my hip, his fingers digging into my ass making me pant slightly. “What do you want?” I moaned and pressed against him pleadingly.

“Please master. I need you.” I kept it simple, not sure if I could do anything laborate at the moment my mind was so consumed by heat, the heat between my legs, the heat from between his body, the heat from between his thighs. I moaned helped. Without a word he snapped a lean to my collar and walked calmly down the hall. I was completely obediant and walked a step behind him down the hall and then into the basement. I trembled wondering what was going to happen.

“Slave. I have some new toys for you. Tonight we’re going to see how much you can take before you pass out then I’m going to see how much you can take before you wake up.” I looked up at him with a bit of fear, but not of him. I wasn’t sure I could take what he was suggesting. As though he had read my mind he chuckled quietly without turning to look at me. “Don’t worry. You’ll take it fine. You’ll take it because you have no choice.” He stop for a second and glanced back at me. “And because I want you to do this for me.” Those words were my weakness. He could convince me to do anything with those words. I nodded my fear completely gone and followed him down the stairs to the basement.

Once there. he tossed me cuffs for my ankles and wrist which I hurried to put on. He then dug around for a moment and until he found what he was looking for.. a ball gag and a blindfold. He motioned my to him and I went. Not like the idea of ​​a blindfold. I liked to see his face when I was going through something new. It helped me accept it. He wrapped the blindfold over my eyes and fastened it tightly. The his hands left me for a second. All at once His mouth was on mine, claiming it hard. I opened my mouth kissing him back and knowing that I wouldn’t be able to have his mouth touch mine like this with the gag in. His mouth left mine, and I whimpered wanting him to just keep kissing me until I passed out from not breathing. His hands pressed gently against my shoulders and I realized that I had tried to follow his lips. I leaned back and felt asmooth plastic press against my lips with a sight I opened my mouth to accept the rubber ball. I feel my masters lips on my forhead as if he was telling me good job.

He led me very carefully over to some sort of bench-like thing and helped me lay back onto it. He then pulled my arms down past my sides and attached each to some type of snap. My legs were spread to either side of the bench but I felt my ass hanging partly over the end. Master took my right ankle and lifted it off the floor, I tensed for a second feeling as though I should be falling off the edge. But my ankle cuff was snapped in the same manner as my wrist, the other legs followed soon and I was completely helpless and spread out for my master. I felt one of his hands rest lightly on the back of my knee. I knew he was marveling again at how wet I got just from him touching me. His weight shifted and I whimpered against the gag as he ran one finger along my slit from my ass hol to my clip. He laughed to himself softly and then I felt something hard and cool pushing into my tight cunt. I whimpered and arched my back It was bigger then any of the toys I knew I had. but maybe master had gotten anotherer one sometimes without me knowing.

By the time it was pressing against my inner wall, I was panting and my hips were making little jerking motions which were all I could manage from this point. I heard master chuckling briefly to himself and a switch clicked. I moaned past the gag as the thing in my pussy slide out faster then master hand pushed it in. Then before I could react it rammed inside of my wet cunt hard. I bucked with the force and screamed. I heard master Laughing to himself behind my head. The thing continued sliding slowly out of me and then ramming hard into me until I was crying for realase. Suddenly I heard my master whispering in my ear. “Cum for me slave. Cum now.” I exploded. My whole abdomen clenching, trying to lift my top half closer to my legs to remove some of the strain, my leg muscles clenched also lifting my hips completely off the bench and wenching my arms. The pain from my shoulders only added to my orgasm and I screamed into the ball gag. I had a second of thought being coming down off my climax and sliding into darkness to think that I must’ve disappointed Master by how quickly his first goal was met.

When I came to I wasn’t tied anymore, and my eyes and mouth were cleared. I opened my eyes to see my masters face smiling down at me. I snugged up into him wanting him to hold me for a moment. “Shh… it’s okay Jenna, it’s okay. Your okay. You did so good. Your such a good girl.” I panted against his chest. For some reason adrinalin was rushing through my veins and I couldn’t breath. I heard myself moan slightly as my mouth encountered his bare neck. I latched on and suckled hard, wanting him to take me. wanting him inside me. No whatever he had used to fuck me with before I wanted him.

“Please, master, please I need you.”

His response shocked me. He laughed. “no slvae, you don’t. You should see yOur poor cunt it’s streaked with dried blood and your cum. I wasn’t aware that your toy would be to big for you. I didn’t know it would hurt you that bad.” I while against his chest. “

“Please master. I don’t care if I’m a bit sore tomorrow, I need you inside me. I need to feel you in me. Not some toy.” I arched into him. Pleading with my body. “Please.” it was more of a whisper then me actually pleading with him. Like a prayer. I whimpered as his hard body stayed still against my softness. I feel like a plash of water trying to move a rock. Impossible. Unthinkable. Never gonna happen. Then I felt a miracle. The rock, my rock, he moved. His arms came down and gathered me closer to him and I nearly sobbed with relief. I was already naked so my hands naturally went to his pants. My fingers pulled at the buttons, and they popped open. I pushed his pants down his hips as he kicked them off. I didn’t hear themland because my ears were ringing from the force of his kiss. I was so wet and hot. I pushed my hips against him and he groaned.

“Jenna, don’t make me hurt you.” I smiled slightly and nuzzled against his bare shoulder. I wasn’t sure when his shirt had been removed all I knew was that it was gone and I could taste him finally. My mouth kissed and licked his neck and shoulders, even his upper arms some. His mouth interrupted mine and demanded my attitude. I felt his erection against my bare leg and shifted my hips to bring it in line with my cunt. I rolled my hips begging him to enter me. I was trembling inside and outside with the need to feel him buried inside me. He seemed to since my need and as his tongue thrust into my mouth his hips thrust into mine. I arched my back taking all of him in the first stroke. I moaned into his mouth and I felt him smile against my lips as he thrust twice bringing us both to the edge. I tore my mouth from his. “Master! please.I need to cum!” He pinned my hands over my head and thrust once more before giving me an answer. I wriggled against him begging mindlessly for him to say yes.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You can cum when I do.” The words caused my cunt to clench hard and he groaned as he began thrusting harder into me. I screamed trying to push my climax back but with him thrusting into me so forcefully I had no choice but to exploit around him. He started shooting his seed deep inside me as my cunt spasmed around him and his cumming caused me to erupt again, bucking against him wildly. As we lay together panting, he smiled. “Your going to be punished tmorrow for cumming before I did.” I lowered my head submitting to his decision. He pulled out of me and pulled me against him. He smiled again, “Get some sleep slave. Your going to need it tomorrow.” I curled against him and surprised falling asleep almost instantly.

–Next Morning–

I woke with a low moan. My cunt was on fire. It was aching and raw and I arched mindlessly from the pain. I felt his arms come around me and he was whispering soothing nonsense in my ear. I calmed down enough to pant instead of holding my breath. “Master.” I whimpered and turned to him burying my face in his chest. Hiding from the pain. My cunt clnched slightly and a wave of pain spiraled through me. I hissed arching against him and he held me still while the pain passed. “Oh. Dear.” I whispered almost afraid to move, just barely holding my cnt still and not letting it pulse from the pleasure I found in the pain. Times like this were when I regretted liking to be hurt.

“I told you. This is gonna be a long day for you isn’t it?” Master asked softly. I could only whimper in response. He cuddled me for a few moment but then he started feathering kisses over my cheek and neck I felt my cunt tension wanting to clench and just barely managed to keep it still. But Master wasn’t through. His hands came up to cup my breast, twisting the nipples while his mouth sucked and licked and nibbled at my neck. My cunt escaped my control and I arched unwillingly as the pain spiraled through me, but it didn’t stop. my cunt was already on the way to an orgasm and I didn’t know if I could stay conscious through it or not.

“Master! Oh! God! Please Master!”

He laughed huskily. “Yes, slave. You may cum.” He knew what his voice when he said that word did to me and I exploded. Blackness whirled at the edges of my visions but I forced it away not wanting to pass out right after waking up. I whimpered as my cunt continued clenching and quivering sending waves of pain through me. He rolled over to pin me to the bed and I started panting with the combinations of pain/pleasure. His knee parted my thighs and I whimpered. “Dn’t worry, pet, I’ll be gentle.” At his first thrust I lost that struggle to stay aware. I came to screaming with an orgasm of pain/pleasure. Master was laughing as I arched and thrust against him.

But I couldn’t stop. The waves just kept building. The pain feedin the pleasure and the pleasure feeding the pain. Finally Master couldn’t resist and thick hot strings of his seed shot into me, sending me into orbit. I relaxed, no longer being able to feel my cunt or my body for that matter. But I was aware, I heard master chuckle softly as he cuddled me closer to him. I saw his hand divide down between my legs and it came back streaked with blood and his and my cum. He licked it off with a smile. “There, that does’t hurt so bad now does it.” I couldn’t respond. I was totally drained, I closed my eyes and didn’t wake unitl the light from the sun hit my eyes the next morning. My cunt was sore again and I half sat up before falling back weakly as a gush of cum flowed out of my cunt. I wondered how many times Master had taken me while I slept. I dipped a finger into the warm, gooey mess running from between my thighs and licked it clean. It was still good. Even after who knows how long in my cunt. I scooped more up and master walked in just as I was cleaning the last of it from my thighs.

“Well, I guess your feeling better.” I grinned and continued to suck on my finger. He laughed and climbed back on the bd with me. “How about I give you something a little fresher to suck on?” I smiled and nodded eagerly. He turned me gently to where I was sitting on my knees and he bent me over. “I’ve not had your ass all weekend. I think It’s about time don’t you. But don’t worry. I’ll let you suck me before I cum.” He smiled and smelled a bit of lube on my ass and then pressed gently against my ass hole. “Relax, You know the drill.” I took a deep breath and made myself unclench my ass. “Good girl.” was all I heard him say before a wave of sensing swept through me and cused my cunt to clonch as he shoved inside me in one thrust. I arched and screamed. His hands gripped my hips pulling me back against him to shove himself in deeper. I thrust into him and moan loudly. He leaned forward and I felt his teeth sink into the tender skin of my shoulder. I whimpered and arched back against him.

“Master! please? may I cum?” I whimpered and moaned as he gave me permission. As I thrust hard against him I felt him ttense and pull out of my ass.

“Turn around slave.” I turned quickly and without prompting took his hard shake into my mouth. Tasting my ass but not minding to much thanks to the precum that was oozing from Masters cock. I sucked him deep into my mouth and ran my tongue around him in swirls. I didn’t have enough time to work up to taking him into my throat. His thick hot seedshot into my mouth and I went to work sucking for all I was worth. I loved the taste of his seed. He finished cumming and I sucked him clean slowly, making sure my tongue gathered every drop of his cum. I pulled away licking my lips to find him watching me. I pressed me back into the matress kissing me gently. “I love you slave.”

I smiled as he cuddled me against his chest. I snuggled closer to him and whispered, “I love you to master.”


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