Little Maire Raped

ok, this is a shot at something completely new, so don’t kill me if its horrible:

Maire started to walk a little quicker down the alley. She hated to go this way, but the little 13 year old needed an excuse for being late for dinner. She had flunched math in school, and she had to take the quiz over. So, as she gazed around at the damp walls, she had no idea what was about to happen to her virgen body.

Robert had been waiting for this little whore to pass for ages. He had carefully watched her for two weeks, and when he couldn’t wait any longer, he strolled out from behind the dumpster. ” Hello there! Do you need a ride home?” he asked politly.

” No thanks. ” smiled Maire. Her insides quaked. Her mom had warned her about this alley, but she didnt listen to her.

” No really, where do you live? “asked Rob again. Marie thought about it. She decided it couldnt hurt, afterr all.

“34 Garden Lane. Just drop me off at the corner though. ” She was sastified. There. he could not hurt her. He was so nice.

“ok, i’ll drop you off after i run an erand. is that OK?” He asked. Marie nodded. That was fine. as long as it was short. Little did she know, that her body was about to be gang raped and molested until she could barely walk.

Rob drive into his ‘Slut shack’ as he liked to call it. He could barely resist not pulling over and thrusting a hand up her shirt right now. But he waited. ” Hey, can you just take this package up to that house there? It’s for some of my friends. ” He said. Marie nodded thankfully.

” Sure mister! No problem!” She bounced up the steps to the house and knocked. The door opened and two sets of hands thrust out and grabbed her. She tried to scream, but a thick arm wrapped around her mouth for a moment, and her mouth was duck taped. She was thrown body on the couch, and a rough hand cruley cut off her shirt, revealing two tiny pink titties.

” well, well, well! nice one Rob. She’s a goddam slut all right. just look at the way her nipples are standing up! ” He sniggered coldly and took two clothes pins from the sack Marie had brought to the door. He clicked them twice and snapped them on her tittes. Marie scream as pain shot through her. He slapped her face and cut off her skirt. ” Nice little bald pussy too, slut.” he slapped it, and roughly stalled a fginger up inside it. Marie screamed and scream and SCREAMED! he laughed and throw her on a table. Now completely naked, marie was totally in his power. The two men slipped out of their clothes and Rob started to videotape while the other one, named Nick, started to straddle Marie. ” ready whore?” He laughed. Then, hge stuffed his oversized cock into her mouth. ” Suck it, you goddam slut! Fucking suck it! “

As Marie blacked out, she heard the two men laughing uproarisly. Then, she failed.

Do you want more? PM me for later episodes if its good.


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