While Spot was healing at the vet’s office, plans were evolving. Master & Princess hadn’t been as secretive about their project as they probably should have. Word had gotten around in certain circles. Some of those who were most interested, were really not the type of people that you want to spend a lot of time around. Miss Laura was one of those types. She ran a, well lets just call it a business. She took willing, and sometimes not so willing women and using her skilled in house technicians, altered them to form the perfect submissive or slave for anybody that had the money. Most were pretty milk ‘conversions’ but lately she had been leaning to the more extreme and now she REALLY wanted to break into the petgirl market.
Miss Laura usually had people to do her dirty work for her, to help confess those who were reluctant or to Make some of the more stubborn ones disappear. Taking a deep breath, Laura lifted her latex covered hand and knocked, hard, on the door of the housewhere Princess & Master lived. The lights were on, she knew that they were home, her people had been following them. After only a slight delay, Princess opened the door and after exchanging pleasureants, invited Miss Laura inside. What happened behind the closed door we’ll never really know. However what we DO know is that after a half hour or so, Miss Laura came outside looking very very pleased as she got into the back of her car, and was quickly whisked away.
After a few weeks of healing, spot was ready to go home. That was the original plan anyway. It seems that Mistress Laura had once again worked her magic and her cruel streak was showing. In the office of the vet’s office after closing time, Master, Princess, and Mistress Laura all sat in the waiting room. The vet led Spot out on a leash and as soon as spot saw her beloved owners she got quite excited. Wanting to be sure that spot understand what had happened, Miss Laura waited until spot was close and could see her hand aLarge stack of money to Princess and Master. Once the money had exchanged hands, Master and Princess got up, Princess came over and gave the top of spots head a kiss, and then they quickly walked out the door leaving spot behind. The vet had been holding spot back from following them, walking the few paces and handed Miss Laura the leanh. While spot was healed enough to go home, she had a lot of training that needed to be done and Mistress Laura had plans for her.
Mistress Laura gave a sharp tug on the leash and started towards the door as well almost having to drag spot behind her. After the vet saw her creation out the door, she quickly locked it while counting her blessings to get away unscathed from the likes of Miss Laura. Sitting down in her office chair she didn’t notice the man who’d been hiding in the shadows slip out silently and quickly jab a need into her neck filled with a powerful fast acting sidative. Slumping forward in her chair, the man easily grabbed her andHeaved her over his shoulder. Heading out the back door, he easily dumped the unconcious doctor into the trunk of his car and after closing it, got in behind the wheel and sped off into the night. Master and Princess never made it out of the parking lot. Similar type individuals descended on the pair, except they didn’t serve any purpose for the future. Two quick pop’s and the two were ended. Reaching into the car carefully, One of the men grabbed the money and they both quickly walked away heading to their own car.
Getting spot into the back of her car wasn’t a problem for Mistress Laura’s driver. He simply picked it up and put it on the seat beside Miss Laura. After closing the door he quickly got in behind the wheel and sped away from the strip mall complex. Watching in the mirror Miss Laura sat calmly looking out the window holding the Leash makign sure that spot didn’t get into trouble in the back of the car, she’d heard how unruly pups could be! The drive to her complex wasa long one, and it was well after dark when they’d arrived, spot had long ago laid on the seat and cried itself to a fitful sleep.
The complex was actually once a farm of several hundred acres. Great for privacy. Less people to ask questions that way. The local people thought that she was just some rich eccentric lady that lived on the property. The driver pulled into the barn and after shutting the engine off, quickly got out to hold the door for Miss Laura and spot. She handed him the leash and told him to get it to the operating room and get the Doc to sedate it. Silently nodding his understanding, he picked up spot and walked away heading into the bowels of the complex. As he walked past Doc’s office he motioned for him to follow. Putting spot down on the operating table, she began to wake up. Doc grabbed a syringe and after jabbing into spots arm began to strap it onto the table.
Miss Laura entered the room pulling on her white Latex lab coat. Grabbing a stool she whereeled it over between spots legs and took a seat. From the tray on her right, she picked up a modified speculum and spread spots vagina wide. Doc meanwhile went and picked up the special latex suit that was made for spot. Miss Laura used alcohol wipes and sanitary towels to dry the inside of spots pussy. Once dry she dusted the inside with a powder. This was something that Miss Laura had developed years ago, it was a UV activated Glue. The Doc handed over the suit and carefully positioning the translucent veginal sleep, Mistress Laura held it into place while Doc turned on the UV light. It was pretty fast adhere only taking a few minutes to set. When the timer went off, Doc moved the light away and the two of them began the tedious task of working the latex suit onto the pup. Miss Laura had initially wanted to go with a traditional dog colored suit but decided against it. This pup was special, being the prototype she needed to be different so She went with a Purple and black coloredsuit with translucent pussy and breast area’s. The suit was also cut so that when sealed, it pulled around the edges of the pussy, pulling the lips apart slightly and making them bulge invitingly. What the naked eye couldn’t see, were the micro performs that has been put into the pussy sleep. This allowed the wearer to self lubricate but the holes were too small to allow semen to improve the wearer. All the benefits of Birth control with none of the hassle. The breasts also had the performances around the nipples, thus allowing lactation or more specifically, milking.
The suit was very tight on the pup. Repeating the process with the breasts, the gle powder, and uv light were brought in and the gle was quickly activated and set. Rolling the pup over Doc and Miss Laura worked the suit around it’s back. Using a special tool Miss Laura joined the two sides of the suit with a perfect seam. While she put seam tool away, Doc turned on the large UV lights, literally sealing the pup’s fate. While the UV lights did their magic, Doc prepared and injected spot with drugs that would induce lactation. He also put in a IV. Miss Laura meanwhile was busy fitting a latex dog head over spot’s actual head. It had a few special features too, once the glue was cured, it would move with spots jaw thus allowing it mimic a real dog.
After the two had the pet encased in purple rubber trimmed in black, Miss Laura fit a set of video goggles and headphones over it’s head. She also fit a metal harness that housed a dildo over it’s head. This would aid in spots training. Spot, Mistress Laura didn’t like that name…no she decided that the pup will now simply be called One because she was the first, the one all things would be tried out on before being implemented and sold on others. Connecting the head cage to the computer network, Miss Laura slide a similar setup into One’s pussy, it could Move in and out, vibrate, and shock. Doc connected it to the network while Laura useda lightweight glue to seal the vaginal area with what could best be described as a funnel with a long tube hanging down between it’s legs. The next step was to fit One into a suspension bag and get her suspended. A thick latex bag was used to seal out light and sound and hold the subject up off the floor in the natural position for it. Doc injected some medicine into the iv that counteracted sidative. While it worked, Miss Laura activated the computer program that had been designed just for One. Hoisting it up in the air with the paws at eye level, Doc made sure that the tube was outside the bag.
The program that Mistress Laura loaded, gave spot the images of running, playing, of Dogs fucking, of dogs fucking women, of a pup that looked like One felating a man, as well as training spot to sit, stay, run, and various other positions. Sitting back down on the stool, Mistress Laura sat and watched the pup shaped bag twitch and come to life. She could of course see the program running on the computer screen. For the next weeks One would not know that it wasn’t actually outside playing and running. After a few days Miss Laura inserted some pictures taken from the Vet’s security cameras of Princess and Master taking money, and leaving. It’s spirit had to be broken.
Three weeks had gone by with One suspended. It now responded instincively to the commands it heard. Even if it didn’t understand the words, it learned the sounds just like a real dog would. Mistress Laura wanted it this way afterall it wasn’t a person anymore. Checking the end of the tube, there was now a steady flow of lubricating juice dripping from it. The constant stimulation had taken it’s effect on One. It would now be in constant arousal which was good. Miss Laura had more than one Gaurd Dog that One would be serving. Summoning the Doc, he once again sedated One and helped Mistress Laura unwrap It. This time Doc carried One out of the room and down the hall. Placing it in the middle of thefloor he left closing the door behind him. Meanwhile Miss Laura had a group of potential buyers in another room. She’d breifly outlined what was done to the pup but the proof was in the pudding she said, promising them a demo. She had one of the men in suits rub a bit of male K9 cent inside his pants on his Penis. While he was hesitant, the thought that he might get to experience this new creation first hand excited him.
Leading the men into the room, One was awake and using it’s paw to rub at its bulging and swolen latex coated pussy lips, already glistening with wetness. Mistress Laura commanded one to sit. It did. Roll Over, it did. Beg, it did. When she gave the suck command, One eagerly went to the and sniffed at their crotches. When it came to the man with the musk, One began to whine and paw at his pants. Looking at Miss Laura, she told him to unzip and let the dog have what it say, that it wasn’t nice to tease a poor dog! When one saw his engorged penis, it quicklyhad the shake in it’s mouth and was running her tounge around and moving it’s head up and down the shake. The man closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the warm wet mouth on his cock.
Mistress Laura watched with a smile, her program had worked perfectly with zero interaction. Growing tired of watching the dog fallate the man, Miss Laura shouted to present. One quickly bounded over and climbed up on the table and laid on it’s back legs open as wide as the suit would allow. Looking at One, Miss Laura noted how much the breasts had grown, it would require sucking to bring in the milk in full flow. With one on the table spread open, the design of the latex suit, pulled the labia lips open and made them seem even more swollen. In theory it would be slightly enjoyable to One, but Miss Laura didn’t know for sure. Giving the OK, the man proceeded to fuck one with vigor. It only took a few minutes for him to blow his load, step back and zip up. Mistress then moved in and after donning a latex glove, showed how the cum just laid in the pussy canal. Taking a towel she wiped it clean and reached in and gently stroked the clip one time. Almost instantly the pussy canal was getting wet. The suits all applauded the effort. Leading the men out of the room, Laura told the Doc to get One a pumping station in the room. Scurrying off to do so, Laura took the men to her office where they toasted her work and many placed orders while watching a CCTV camera showing one. Doc had done as he was told and got the milking station in the room. One was currently sniffing it and before long, thanks to the programming, had it’s breasts in the cups and was moaning as the machine sucked at her nipples and kneaded the latex covered breasts.
From her office, Mistress Laura gave the complexes guard dogs access to one’s room. It was of course stuck to the milking station as the horny dogs came in and found it, finding the liquid running down its legs and pooling on the floor, the male dogs began to shove in and fight to be the one to lick at the protruding lips and the pussy juice. Of course it wasn’t long before they were ready to fuck One. Eagerly the alpha male jumped up and being at the perfect height, finding its mark, his penis slide in easily. One’s eyes bulged out as it realized what was happening. Mistress Laura was video tapping the whole event, there were people who would pay a lot of money to watch this.
In the next chapter…what happened to the Vet? What’s next for one?? I have some ideas but suggestions are welcome! I promise it won’t be very long for the next installment! Stephanie Rose.
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