The Pet

Sam shivered as she stood naked in front of the closet mirror in her room. She had never tried anything like this before and couldn’t tell if the shivers running down her spine were caused from nervouss or the two cold brass rings that hung from her erect pink nipples. Her petite breast firmly stood out, presenting themselves for anyone who might see her through the open window. Slowly she reached and gently pulled them leading herself against her own will.

Scared and excited, the range of emotions courses through her body as she gingerly reached in-between her legs. The cold metal bar through her clip felt like it was throbbing. Carefully she pulled out the recluse knob, it sent chills up and down as she lightly rubbed her dry fingertips across its head.

A Sharp “crack” and a thin red line instantly Formed just below her taunt pale ass cheeses. “Playing with yourself without asking for permission.” Another crack broke the silence followed by the sound of her lungs gaspingfor air that so quickly escaped.

This time the red streak stretched across the tops of her small taunt breast. “Failing to greet me properly at the door. And…” brushing her hair away from her red swollen eyes, “This is because I can.” A quick and accurate swing bring the thin leather crop down on her exposed clip. The sheer white burning pain instantly brought her to her knees. Gasping for air her mind exploded in white pain as she nearly failed from the sensing. Drifting off into the white noise.

A rough grapsp of her ruby ​​hair from its very roots sent shivers from the crown of her head to the tip of her toes. Pulling her up by her hair, the master’s voice broke through the haze. “I’m glad to see you too slut. Now how about thanking me for the orgasm you so obviously don’t deserve.”

With a quick release of the hair, Sam fell to the carpet. Her tongue hung useslessly out as she gasped for breath, her blood boiling hot from her pussy on out. Crawling on all fours, she turned and licked the master’s feet. “Thank you, this slut deserved her merciful punishment. Please let me suck your cock. I need your cock in my mouth, I’m so thirsty!”

Eagerly she eyed the growing bulge in Master’s crotch. “Damn girl, your just a horny slut that need her mouth full of cock twenty for seven aren’t you. Well go ahead, but keep your eyes open. I love the look right as I rip down your throat .” Gingerly she pulled the zipper down on the tight leather pants. The pants fit like a second skin showing the Master’s restrained bulging cock just waiting to be released. Her mouth water at the mere thought of sucking on this hot veiny cock, the sticky semen filling her mouth and nose. The smell would be stuck in her head for days. His dominance would be absolute.

Her tongue darted out over the tip of the head for a minute, tasting the salty sweat of being restrained against it’s will. Delicious. Opening her jaws wide, she throated the whole member on the first go. Al the way to the base of the cock, her gag reflex working only to intotoxic her mind with an impossible request, to breathe. The Master grabbed a handful of hair and tightened his grip. She slowly started moving her head back and forth, catching a breath in-between thrust, allowing her throat to be used as pleasure hole for her Master.

Her eyes watered as they stayed open and stared helpedlessly up at his grinning face. He always enjoyed seeing the twinge of pain on her face. It was, satisfied to see another human completely under his control. The very air she breathed required his permission. Now she faced him, a far cry from the strong business women he had first known her to be.

The very example of feminism, she was a prominent lawyer that had many high profile cases under her name. And was portrayed as a leader in the fight for woman’s right. He had met her in the elevator when he was going into court to pay a stupid traffic ticket. He sat down waiting for his nameto be announced. He noticed a white remote control under the chair in front of him. Picking it up, he noticed it was still warm from being stored in someone’s pocket. The remote had one adjustable level with no visible markings.

Curiously he played with the level pushing it to the max. A sudden gasp from the prosecuting lawyer started the room. Her hands quickly covering her mouth to prevent another outburst. The Defense and the judge both looked surprisedly at the prosecutor. “I’m sorry your honor, hiccup.” Her voice, trembled just the slightest. As she turned to sit, her eyes scanned the room and noticed the puzzled look on his face. “Stop that” her lips mouthed quietly. He looked down and lowered the setting on the remote.

The truth was starting to dawn on him. Hiding the remote in his pocket, he slowly Raised the setting again. This time, coordinating it with her turn to question a witness. “And when did you notice… Your honor…I mean, excuse me. I just need a mont to catch my breath.”

Slowly he raised the setting, watching as she glared dagger eyes back at him. Here, in the her court room, he had her dancing like a puppet. Every-time she tried to talk, he started playing with the remote causing her voice to change pitch. He could cause her eyes to close if he brought her close to the edge.

It was so obvious, the judge asked if she was feeling alright. She raised her open palm to reassure his honor, just as he turned the lever to the highest setting. Her open palm closed into a tight fist as her eyes shut tight and she began to uncontrollable grind in her seat. “I’m…… feeling just a little bit out of it your honor. I would like to request a reception for a few minutes if I may.”

Even before the judge agreed, she turned to confront her assailant who was just walking out From the court room, leaving her vibrating on high. The deep vibrating egg was stuck up in her pussy from the night before, when she had been drunk and feeling abit kinky.

Rushing out of the court room, the very movement caused waves of electricity to course through her body, radiating out from her pussy. Her hands in front of her, pressing on her sweet spot,

helplessly trying to hide to wet patch from her now leaking juices. Just in the hallway, he stood waiting for her. The remote bouncing in his hands. She stood in front of him and reached out to grab the remote. Quickly he snatched it, mid bounce, and grinned eagerly.

Rubbing her legs back and forth tying to alleviate the burning in her groins. “Give me that back, you weren’t suppose to find that!” She spit out the accusations with fierce contempt written on her face. “If you don’t, I’m going to sue you for everything you own!”

His confident smile never waived as she threatened him with every threat legal and several illegal ones. But each time she started to reach any momentum, he would raise the setting, causing her to stop mid sentence. Sending waves of pleasure courselves through her very frame. He savored the power, watching her struggle in vain against his control. Something about seeing this professionally dressed woman, about to lose her balance from the pleasure he inflicted was invigorating.

His cock stirred in his pants and he felt the need to release his load somewhere. “Shut up, you little horny slut! And follow me if you want this remote back.” His voice Almost cracked he was so excited about what he was about to do. She had little choice but to follow him. The egg was stuck vibrating and she couldn’t pull it out here in the hallway.

Quickly he lead the way to the nearest men’s room. Hesitantly, she looked around before following him into the restroom. Closing the door behind her she started turning the lock. “Leave it open.” His voice didn’t leave any room for disobedience. Her fingers trembled as the undid the lock. Anyone could walk in on her, and what a mess that would be to explain.

The very thought of someonewalking in on her caused her pussy to see fluid through the dark business pants she had carefully chosen this morning. “Now,” Firmly speaking, trying to gain control of the situation, “Now give me back the remote!” She stood straight and did her best to ignore the continuing hum that was getting louder the wetter she got.

He chuckled lightly and pulled out his phone. Pointing it at her, he began taping. “Shut up! You sneaky slut! You’re just another slut needing to have her holes filled aren’t you.” His voice thankfully didn’t crack or change pitch. He had always imagined what he’d do in a place of power. Now he was practically handed the leash to a strong, defiant woman. Her dignity hung in his balance. What was she going to do? Explain why she has a vibrator stuck up her pussy? Or how he had gotten a hold of her remote? There were to many questions to answer that she didn’t was to come to light. And he knew it.

Her eyes told him everything, Like a helpless creativity, shestood face down in shame. “On all fours like a good bitch.” He wanted to establish a clear dominance quickly and without doubt. Slowly, she bent down over onto her hands and knees. Her situation was beyond her control, and the lost of power was…thrilling. Walking over her, he inspected her from all angles. He could see the dark spot that was seeing through the black polyester of her dress pants,”God! This slut is really turned on by this!”

He wanted to see just how far she would go, he opened to bathroom door and ordered her to heel like a good bitch, On all fours, she was terrified of other people seeing her. She remained rooted to the ground. Impatiently, he removed his belt and looped it around her neck. With a slap on her ass, he pulled the improved lean again, with a stern “Heel girl!” she obediently followed him out the door.

Eye’s closed in embarrassment, her ass sticking straight out in the air, becoming for another slapping. He followed behind her, turning theremote to maximum and took great pleasure in slapping her as it wiggled back and forth like a happy little puppy. Her face still torn in defiance and pleasure. She would be a fun one to play with, he shivered thinking about what he’d do to her.

As he walked her back to the court room. Standing her back up, he gripped the belt leash. She looked at him directly in the eyes trying to stare him down. But when your pussy is being gripped through her half ripped underwear, it makes for a hard defiant look. Painfully, she bit her lips trying to muffle her growing moans and grunts.

“Yeah, she’s gonna be fun to break.”


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