When Camille Sinclair was placed back in her small 8×10 cage she sat down on the small cot where she slept, bent her head down, placed her hands over her face, and starting sobbing. Since she had been sold into servitude mere days ago she had been subjected to terrible humiliation. From being poked and proved and examined like an animal, punished horribly in the “training room” on that dreadful spanking machine, to be paraded around and told to strip naked like a whore in a bordello. Camille was not used to being treated in such a way. She was descended from one of the most prestigious families of Charleston and a member of that city’s Southern aristocracy. Her life was not supposed to be like this.
The Sinclair’s of Charleston helped establish the small South Carolina colony of Charles Town in 1670 and her founding ancestor Henry Sinclair was only four steps behind William Sayle off the ship when he landed and established the small English settlement on the west bank of the Ashley River. Henry Sinclair was an English Lord and one of the Lords Proprietors that was loyal to King Charles II of England and helped restore the monarch back on the throne of England after the death of Oliver Cromwell. The Sinclair name was well known and respected among the Southern Aristocratic families.
Camille herself grew up in her family’s mansion on Trad Street South of Broad Where the imagination line that separates the City’s Who’s Who from the rest of the world starts. She attended Ashley Hall School for Girls since kindergarten, she was a member of the St. Cecilia Society (one of South Carolina’s oldest and most exclusive social institutions), she grew up taking etiquette classes since she was five, attended the city’s most prestigious debutant balls and cooperations, was Christened as a baby and attended Sunday church service at St. Michael’s, and was taught to be a true Southern lady; but her life changed when her father re-married when Camille was sixteen.
After her mother’s death when she was eleven, Camille took the responsibility of being the lady of the house at an early age. She grew to be very comfortable in that role and took care of her father, who took his wife’s death very hard, and while Camille missed and often needed her mother she was determined to make the best of what fate had given her. But then her father married that white trash from North Charleston…North Charleston of all places! Soon Camille’s was feeling the ostractism from the elite Charleston families. She was no longer invited to balls or cotilions, the young boys from the “right” families stopped calling on her, and she even felt the exile at school all because her father married a dividend from North Charleston…a woman not born and raised South of Broad St. What Camille did not know was that her father and new step mother were squandering the family fortune with lavish and expensive material items and her father was making some terrible business investments, giving money to her step-mother’s white trash family, and soon they were to lose it all.
Camille’s father was also changing. He was no longer the loving and kind father he had once been and became cruel and mean to his daughter but her step mother was worse. While neither physically abused her they did do other sadistic things to her. They would lock her room for days without food, refund to let her go out of the house for weeks at a time, verbally abuse her with terrible names, and much more. Then her father took her to California and sold her into slavery. Camille was devastated and heart broken and terrified.
She was a virgin and innocent in the ways of sex, oh she had boyfriends and would kiss them and once she did give one of her boyfriends oral sex, but she did not like it much when he had an orgasm in her mouth. It was not the taste or texture of the boy’s cum, she thought it tasted pretty good actually and enjoyed the sticky substance in her mouth; no it was just wrong and nasty to allow a boy to do that; only white trash girls did that. Camille she was not naïve or stupid; she knew what she was sold into and what was expected of her. She had been paraded in front of potential buyers for days and they made her strip naked, examined her, and humiliated her. At first she was defiant but just one time on that spanking machine taught her to submit. Camille did not do well with pain. No one seemed interested in buying her and Camille knew why. She knew she was pretty but they all wanted someone with more experience sexually and with a better body than hers and to Camille that was fine. She was hoping that soon she would be sold as maybe an office slave due to her intelligence. Then today she was sold and sold to another female and that was just unnatural. Camille had nothing against homosexuals but she Just felt same sex relations were not right. True Mira Chambers was famous, beautiful, and wealthy; but she was still another girl and CamilleHe knew what was going to happen to her. She was going to be forced to have sex with another girl. To lose her virginity, that she was saving for her wedding night, as a slave to someone she did not even know and to make it worse it was going to be another girl that took it. Camille Sinclair started sobbing harder and cried until she could cry no more and lay on the small cot and drifted into an emotionally exhausted sleep.
Mira Chambers waited five days patiently but with anticipation for the arrival of her pet. Her doctor verified she was indeed a virgin and healthy and free of any diseases. The pet shop had implanted her pet’s GPS tracking chip and tattooed the bar code on her right bottom heel to denote Mira was who owner, the girl’s name, physical information, etc. and her new toy was arriving today. Mira had been busy the five days while she waited. She had her house prepared for her pet. She had an extra room added to her bedroom in her Beverly Hills mansion. More of a cellthan a room it would be accessed by a hidden door and was behind a two way mirror and it contained a small bed, night stand, a small vanity, and a toilet. Camille could see into the bedroom but on the other side all people would see would be a full length vanity mirror. Mira also had a pet cage placed inside her huge walk in close where she intended for the small girl to spend most of her time until she was trained and then she would move her into the cell. In her basement Mira had a play dungeon built and had if filled with all sorts of delightful and distinguishable items. She had it filled with BDSM furniture such as a “Trap bed” that will trap a person in the chair with their legs spread and high in the air exposing the person’s private area and butt. The device also it binds the person’s head and arms in place.
The person in the trap is quite helpless. Mira had a spanking bench installed in her “play room” as well. She debated on a spanking machine and may get one later but now shewould much rather give any spankings herself. There was an X Cross in the room, a plus queen size bed, a chest of drawers that contained sexy toys, nipple clamps, alligator clamps, clothes pins, zipper clothes pins, and many other items to cause pain and pleasure. Along the right wall hung instruments of torture such as paddles of various types including a silver studied one, various floggers such as a Cat O Nine Tails and a Captain’s Daughter, and even a seven and a half foot bull whip. In the center of the room was a hook that was attached to a chain from the ceiling connected to an electronic pulley system for some suspension play. Mira was quite pleased with her new dungeon. She even brought her new pet a great deal of revealing outfits and fetish wear she would wear out of the house since public nudity even for slaves was still illegal. While insides Mira intended for her pet to be naked at all times unless she was in the mood to see the girl dressed in one of the outfits she brought from her. They were a variety of clothes that ran from a skimpy black leather bikini, a very short skirted school girl outfit, several corsets, to some Lolita Style dresses Mira thought the girl would look so adorable in.
She thought of hiring a professional trainer but then decided against it; she wanted to train the girl herself. Her intention was to train Camille to be a whore…her whore. Mira decided to take her time in taking the other girl’s virginity and after all she did have another hole she could fuck. She was going to train Camille on how to please men and women an in time she was going to share the girl with others and even take her to some of the fetish clubs and private BDSM play parties. Another thing Mira decided to do was train her new pet to enjoy pain as pleasure…to crave it. Mira giggled as she Thought of Pavlov’s dogs and how they were trained and knew she could do the same with pain and orgasms. She was going to use the “conditioning reflex” theoryto turn Camille into a true pain slut and Mira had studied the same theory applied in sexual conditioning.
Mira was sitting on her couch flipping through a magazine with impatience when her doorbell rang and she got up quickly and hurried to the door. Mira thought long and hard on how to play out her first meeting with her pet at home. She thought about being nice and kind and having a nice chat with the girl to put her at ease but decided no it was best to show the girl who was in charge and to let her understand her place and go over some household rules. Keeping that in mind, the beautiful celebration dressed for the occasion in a pair of black tight leather low cut pants, black knee high leather boots with 5 inch spiked heels, and a sleepless black leather corset that zipped up the side and cut to a V at her waist that left her stomach exposed. Mira walked to her front door, took a deep breath to calm herself (she had to admit to herself she was some nervous but knew she could not let that show to the girl she now owned), and opened the door.
“Ms. Chambers?” The young delivery man asked as his eyes grew wide and roamed up and down the star’s sexy body that was very noticeable in the tight black leather.
Mira noticed the slave collar around his neck, “Eyes off, slave!” She demanded harshly.
“Uhhh…yes, Ma’am, sorry, ma’am.” The man apologized and lowered his gaze as he handed Mira an electronic pad for her to sight for the delivery. “One crate, ma’am.”
“Yes bring it inside and leave it in the foyer.” Mira signed for her delivery, handed the pad back to the slave and opened her door wide.
With a “Yes, Ma’am” the slave delivery man rolled the crate inside on hand trucks and lowered it carefully to the floor. The crate was a standard wooden shipping crate but in the front was a small open window with bars and Mira could see her new purchase pressed tight against the back of the crate with fear in her eyes. The look of fear aroused Mira more than she already was. All day she had been waiting for this delivery and the thoughts of her new pet and what she was going to do with her had kept her in a constant state of arousal and even after masturbating twice to thoughts of what she was going to do to and with Camille her sex was still very wet and tingly.
“Shall I open the crate, Mistress Chambers?” The young man asked and Mira nodded. He used a crow bar and opened the crate for Mira.
“Out girl.” Mira commanded.
Camille pressed herself even harder to the back of the uncomfortable shipping crate and shook her head fearfully and gave small whimpering cries. Mira was in no mood for this so she reached in the crate and grabbed the other girl’s black hair and started to pull her out. Camille struggled and tried to fight back a little and her right hand slapped Mira’s arms and her freshly manicured finger nails scratched her new owner’s arm.
“You fucking, bitch!” Mira screamed out and withdraw her arms and looked at her scratch. It was not deep but it did leave three long marks and one drew a thin line of blood. Mira knew she was going to have to show the girl who was in charge and she reached in the crate again and grabbed the struggle girl’s hair once more and pulled her out hard by her hair.
Camille whimpered loudly in pain and fear as she was pulled out of the crate by her hair and found herself on her hands and knees before the beautiful celebration. She was sobbing and looking at the floor to afraid to look up at her new owner.
“You, leave.” Mira ordered the delivery slave and Camille heard him take the crate and leave the house and then she saw the toes of Mira’s black leather boots in front of her then she left out another cry and whimper of pain as her head was pulled up by her hair.
“On Your knees in front of me and hands behind your back.” Mira ordered.
Camille had no choice but to obey as her hair was pulled up and she struggled to get on her knees and knee in front of the other girl and placed her hands behind her. “Please…please it hurts. I…I did not mean to scratch you…I swear.” She protected in a soft scared voice. She then cried out in pain as Mira placed the spiked heel of her right boot on her skinny thigh and pressed down hard and twisted her foot. Camille looked up with tears streaking her face.
“Ohhh God please…please it hurts.” She while in a fearful pitiful voice.
“Shut up!” Mira screamed and the younger helpless girl felt her left cheek burn in pain as Mira slapped her hard causing the kneeing girl to fall to the hard tile floor. “You never talk unless I give you permission!” Mira yelled and then once again pulled her new pet to her knees by her hair and placed her heel of her boot once more on the other girl’s tigh. “You will address me as Mistress is that understand?” Mira said and twisted her foot again and once more Camille screamed out as the spiked heel dug into her thin tigh.
Camille nodded and was rewarded by another slap across her face and fell once more and once more was pulled painfully back to her knees by her hair. Not only was she scared and being hurt, but she was feeling humiliated by the treatment. No one had ever treated her like this. No one had ever abused her in such a way. Camille had never been subjected to physical punishment in her young life. When she got in minor trouble growing up she was always paid by time outs or being grounded as she got older. This treatment was new to her and she found it humiliating as well as very painful.
“I asked if that was understood, bitch! Answer me!” Mira ordered in a harsh voice and once again placed her heel on the other girl’s tigh and twisted hard.
“Yes…yes, Mistress.” Camille whimpered out and felt the painful pressure on her thigh removed.
“Better.” Mira pulled the girls head up again by her hair so she could look into her eyes. The tears that ran down the pretty girl’s face and the fear in her eyes excited her. She wanted to take her now, to touch and feel the girl’s thin body she found sexy, to penetrate her sex with a straw on, to use toys on the girl to explore her holes, to hurt the girl and hear her cries of pain and pleasure, and then to force her new pet to please her sexually; but she knew now was not the time. She had to set the order of things. Mira knew she need Camille to learn who was in charge and who owned her and to let smaller girl know with any form of disobedience there came punishment and at times that punishment was painful. “On your feet and strip and no complaining as you did on the shop…I am not as kind as they are.” Mira grinned as she let go of the girl’s black silky hair.
Camille whimpered and got to her feet and pulled the light blue tunic over her head. It was a simple garment made of a piece of rectangular, scratchy wool sewed to an identical piece, with holes for the arms and head simply left unsewn. Once undressed she let it fall to the floor and stood in front of her new cruel Mistress with her right arm across her chest to hide her small breasts, her left hand covering her sex, and her legs closed tight. Mira chuckled at the other girls pose but said nothing. She knew the girl would learn in time not to ever cover her naked body.
“Follow.” Mira commanded simply and then turned and walked into the living area of her large home. Camille whispered out a “Yes, Mistress” and followed the beautiful celebration further into the house still covering her small breasts.
Camille followed her owner into the large living room and was impressed with the décor. The room decorated with a modern style; white sofa and chairs that seemed very plus and very expensive, the coffee tables were made of black wood and glass and Camille knew they were not cheaply built, there was a wooden benchmark against one of the walls that was of a modern design that the seat of the benchmark was curved, and the hard woodfloors were of a dark wood the small girl would have guessed to be made of some type of mahogany…most likely some imported exotic wood like African Mahogany. The walls were painted white with a built in bookshelf on the far wall full of books and some plants, the wall behind the large sofa was a window that covered the wall with white blinds that were closed, on the floor under the couch, the 2 large chairs, and coffee and end tables was a plus white rug, and there were no paintings of pictures on the walls. Mira sat on the sofa and folded her legs under her butt. Camille stopped on the edge of the rug and once again covered her body.
“I was going to make it an easy day for you today. Go over some basic rules and some of your duties around the house but due to your belly earlier I am going to have to punish you…and for God’s sake stop covering yourself; I have seen girls naked before, stupid girl.” Mira said in an amused tone. Camille placed her hands at her side asshe blushed in embarrassment but still kept her legs closed tight and she still cried softly in her humiliation as Mira continued, “First rule is you never sit on the furniture. Pets are not allowed on the furniture and that rule will extend outside my home.” Camille just nodded and sniffled. “When I address you I expect and answer, bitch!” Mira snapped as she got off the sofa and grabbed an off white paper bag by the handles.
“Yes, Mistress.” The scared girl answered softly as the taller, beautiful girl walked to her as her hand reached in the bag.
“Better but you have a lot to learn and it can be done easily or you can make it hard on yourself.” Mira said as her eyes roamed up and down her new toy’s body. Her gaze made Camille feel like a gazelle being appraised by a great cat for a meal. Mira pulled a black object from the bag and as her hands reached out closer to the smaller girl, Camille flinched and then let out another cry of pain as once again her hair was pulled hard to hold her head in place as she was forced to her knees.
“Hold still, bitch!” Mira snapped and Camille whimpered as something was placed around her neck and then locked in place with a small padlock, “There…this is your training collar until you earn your permanent one.” Mira said and handed the other girl a small hand held mirror.
Camille looked at herself in the mirror. She first looked at her face; while she was often told she was a beautiful young lady who looked just like her mother, Camille never saw that in herself. Her mother had been a truly lovely woman who was not only stunning with physical beauty but had the grace and charm of a true Southern Lady and could light up any room with her smile and graceful movements. Camille felt she was too skinny and short and her breasts too small to be beautiful and thought of herself as cute. As she looked at herself she saw none of that cuteness; her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying, the eye made up they put in her before she was delivered was streaked down her face by her tears and not the style she preferred on herself. Camille always liked to add heavier mascara to herself in a semi-gothic fashion but tastefully done. Then her eyes focused on the black leather collar that had been placed around her thin neck. It was wide and in the front was a small “D” ring, the small pad lock was in the back, and spelled out in the front in what she knew to be real diamonds was the word “BITCH.” Seeing that word used to address her was humiliating to Camille. She was not used to such treatment. She had been pampered and spoiled her whole life and it was more than she could take. She dropped the mirror and placed her hands in her face and started sobbing.
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