The Perfect Beginning Ch. 05

This is the 5th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.

What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone wold have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.

The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.

This story takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.


The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.

A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.


As Tim laid in bed, he reflectedon their session with Ms. Krista.  Of course it was humiliating.  Michele had obviously shared details of their relationship with Krista and not told Tim of her disclosure. 

Though what they shared excited Tim, it also shamed him deeply as he’d never want another soul in the world to know about it. 

Becky does not count.  She’s so supported. 

Ms. Krista strongly encouraged his less than manly inclinations while at the same time seemed to be clearly looking down her nose at him.  And his position in the relationship seemed to amuse her.  Though confusing, Tim realized it was more good than bad.  After all, she did approve of his assumption of a more supporting position in the relationship.  

Admitting he was the geisha had been one of the most shameful experiences of his life, yet after he did it, and she seemed so happy for him, it got easier.  And not.  It was weird in that there was still shame to it all.

There were times she was laughing at him. Thoughconfused, she actually helped him feel a little better about himself.  It got so much easier, he actually felt good about who he was and who he was becoming with Michele.  A smile blossomed on his face as he realized that for the first time since they’d shopped at the department store, Tim had not taken off his panties before getting into bed.  His cock was hard as a rock in his pretty little panties and he loved it. He liked being  Michele’s bitch, her good, little, geishaboy…or girl…or whatever. 

It does not matter because I’m Hers!


“Oh.  My.  God!”

“I know.”

“No,” replied Krista.  “I’m…” shaking her head in disbelief, “beyond amazing.  You told me everything and still, there was no way I could be prepared for that.  I worked so hard the entire time to keep it together.”

“Well you did great because I had no idea.  You seemed as cool as ever.”

“I’ve never worked so hard on my composition and had so much fun doing it. I mean like, of course I had to project a professional demeanor, but I felt such intense joy and pleasure. And excitement! That was such a rush, the whole time!

“I can’t believe you get that all the time!  You…you are a goddess! Mad respect, my dear friend.”

Michele smiled.  “It’s not like that all the time…but yeah.  What I mean is that the session was so focused on the fun.  It’s not like that Every day.  But…I do like to have my fun and we do have a lot of it.”

“You have to write a handbook! I mean, I’m blown away.  Like, I was breathless.  I mean it literally.  Several times I just had to steady myself and find my breath.

“And those girls who wanted to rape him… For a minute, I swear, I was right there with them, like I was one of them!” Laughing with the thrill, the audacity and the delight, “God, that would be something!”

“Yeah, well, you are a natural yourself.  You handled him perfectly.  In fact, I was pretty amazed at how smooth the session was.  Like it seemed just about perfect to me.  It was fun! I mean, I was mostly an observer but I was completely riveted by what you did with him.”

“I know, right?  I loved it!  We have to do more.  If you cut me off, I’ll be heartbroken!”

They laughed.


Michele loved their therapy.  As far as she was concerned, it could not have gone better. 

She was amazed by Krista.  The more she knew Krista, the more of a kinship she felt for her, a real sisterhood.  She did have things to teach Krista about men, but Krista had things to teach her too. 

She was sooooooo turned on throughout the entire session.  Krista looked so beautiful and so natural handling Tim the way she did.  She had a different energy, but Michele realized Krista would be a natural at dominating her own guy.  If she could help her, she would.  In the meantime she smiled to herself as she realized she was sexually attracted to Krista.  Not as a submissive or dominant, but as relative equals, as a sister.


Dear Diary,

OK, wow.  We did our first real session today and it was…like perfect!  I think I want to be a therapist.  I mean, I want to know what Krista knows.  She was wonderful.  Oh my god, I love her so much!  I admire her.  I respect her.  I adore her…and I might even be crushing on my big sister just a little.  She’s always been like the totally sexy nurd, but seeing her in action just kinda gave me the hots for her.  meow : )  So, totally want to explore what she does.  Only problem is that I’m not sure it makes enough money for me…


“Shut…Up!  I don’t even know where to start!  She is so amazing!  I hope you are working as hard as you can for her?”

“I am.” offered defensively and totally unconsidered.  And then he took stock:

Am I? Could I do more?  Could I do better?  I could.  I will.  I’ll do better.

“Oh my god, you are the geisha!  Do you have any idea how badly I wish I had your life?  Oh and for the record,Krista Lucas is super hot!”

“I know but…is that okay?  I mean, I’m a guy.”

“So what!  Like she said, it’s just symbolic.  Besides, you are already a little bit little-girl…I mean you wear panties! she said enthusiastically and way too loudly.  

“Stop it.”

In a playful but way too public baby voice, “Who’s my little girly-girl?”

A couple of girls who were sitting nearby looking over flashing curious amusement…and then went back to their conversation.  

The Lounge was a very accepting place.  For many, it was an oasis of mature serenity.  Those who did not fit or did not want to fit into the mean and capricious clicks of the broader campus came here to find peace and acceptance.

Since Tim had become a regular, had Always been quiet, respectful, accepting and mildly deferential, he was accepted by these slightly different girls as one of their own.  He was the only boy in this loose community but he would not be turned out. 

Though thats hot, little bit about him wearing panties would certainly circle within the Lounge, it would not travel beyond.  It was a tacit understanding that those in the Lounge were protected of their own.  He was part of their sisterhood. 

They knew they were a little different and that was to be respected and appreciated.  Informal members of the Lounge valued it as a sanctuary or a safe place that was to be defended.  That’s not to say the story of the panty wearing boy would not be the most titilating story to circle the cloistered community.

Tim’s face went beat red, “Shush, señorita big-mouth!  God!”

“Oh relax.  It’s no big deal here and you know it.”  

A good number of girls already knew Tim was in panties as they intendingly sat near to Tim and Becky so as to glean as much as possible.  They were regarding as a fascinating couple.

After today, everybody would know.  The pussy was out of the bag.

“You are the luckyiest ever.  God, I want to bethe geisha!  Oh my god, you are the Geisha-Boy!”  Again, way too loudly.

Becky was generally excited for Tim but she was also gravely envious.  Deep down, she knew she was broadcasting his status so as to shame him.  She was both happy and hurt.

From this day forward, Tim would be referred to and thought of by all within the Lounge as the Geisha or Geisha-Boy.  He was addressed by the girls with this moniker and not in an attempt to shame him, but to welcome him.  Some were unsure if it was PC so they addressed him respectfully as Kimmy.

Madison White kept loose tabs on Tim.  She knew he was with a much younger girl who had very stringent requirements of her boy.  She very much appreciated this and vowed that if the two were to break up, she would swoop in and Claim him.  Madison was pretty, supremely confident and knew she could provide him with the sort of relationship he was accustomed to, with a whole lot of rules, restrictions and demands she thought of as “boundaries.”  Madison thought of herself as a young “modern woman,” and knew she was not the only one in the loose sisterhood.

Tim wore panties, had no body hair and had a girl’s name.  At times, in the strong arms of the woman he loved, he even felt like the most simpling, love struck, teen girl.  Yet he was a guy and not just in appearance.  He was a guy all the way through.  It occurred to him that maybe he could be 100% guy with a good bit of girl on the side. 

Is this possible?  

“I know…and sometimes I think it is really cool and then all of a sudden it just seems like too much.  I’m a guy!”

“Sort of.  You know what I mean; you’re different.  I know technically you are a guy, but you have a different side too.  I know you do a lot of boy stuff, but when we are alone…” she got this warm smile on her face and said in the softest sweetest, little voice, “we’re like twinsies.  I love you as a guy and a friend, but also as a sort of little sister slash bff.  Kimberly is my little sister and you are my little brother.”

What she said both hurt and comfortable Tim.  He knew it was way more good than bad.  He really did love his bff.  She always made him feel better.  And in certain ways he did look to her for insight and advice like a little sister should. 

Allowing himself to float away with the better feeling, “You really think Ms. Krista is hot?”

“Oh my god, yes!  She has that skinny, super, hot, nerdy library thing going.  Don’t you?”

“Yeah she is, but I’m almost married.”

Becky slapped him gently on the arm.  “Don’t be a show-offy bitch!” she smiled warmly at her friend.

Smiling back, “You’re right, she’s red-hot fire.”

“Oh my god, I’d do her so fast. Oh my, I think I just got a rug burn on my face from just thinking about it!”  Sticking out her tongue, “Blisters?”

Tim almost snarfed his drink.  “Oh my god Beck!”  Slapping her back super gently on the arm, “Don’t be such a whore!”  Tim lovedthat Becky had a secret sense of humor and was not only kind of dirty, she was hilarious.  

Affecting a serious outlook, “I think I’m getting dressed and walking the streets this weekend.  Coming with?” They leaned into one another giggling…like two girls.

“And why am I like, your ‘little sister’, I’m older than you.”

“Cause you are learning, you silly-headed girl.  I’m teaching you how to be the perfect girl, and I love you and your my sister,” she said with the protective pride of an older sister.  “Kimberly is my little sister; you’re my little sister.  Hey, let’s go shopping this weekend little sister…”

Marsha Dixon smiled to herself having had the pleasure of es dropping on Tim and Becky’s entire conversation. 

Just us girls here in the Lounge.


It was time and Michele felt as prepared as she could be.  She’d discussed it extensively with Krista and had some idea of ​​how to deal with it.  Krista provided the objective perspectivee she needed for such a personal disclosure which had so much riding on the line. 

To say it was a potentially volatile revelation would be an understanding.  Krista helped her understand her mother’s point of view and that the most important things would be to convince her mother that she was not a victim, that she was in control and making responsible choices and that above all, she was safe in the eyes of her mother. 

She’d need to be as calm, detached and self-possessed with her mother as she often was with Tim.

Tim had spent the whole previous week with Becky.  She coached him on all manner of etiquette, temperature and the grace of movement and bearing benefiting a well finished girl. 

“You need to be a boy in clothes only,” she told him.  “There is nothing more disarming than a gentle, unassuming, well behaved girl, who knows her place; so that’s who you need to be. 

“Michele told me that if you don’t completely try to become Kimberly at all times while you are with me, I am to tell on you. I don’t want to get you in trouble, but I will tell on you.  Besides, it’s for your own good.”

It’s for your own good.  These exact words were so often used in orbit around his spankings that it was notable when unspoken.  He did not want to get in trouble.  

Should I tell her?  Should Becky ever know what ‘being in trouble’ even means?  No.

But she really is my big sister.  Love her so much

“And you obviously have it in you.  Let your inner geisha come out, your inner little girl.  You need to be Kimberly so you don’t blow this. 

“And just an oh by the way, I love when you are Kimberly.  She is such a lovely girl.  Even when you are Tim, I think you should let her out more.  I love Tim too, but you are better, somehow more complete, when I get to be with both of you…or all of you.”  

As each session began he went away and Kimberly took his place.  Becky was so serious and Kimmy listened to everything she said.  Some of what she went over with Kimberly was what Michele had taught her before the Halloween party.  Becky made her practice it and then made adjustments to make it all just a little more subtle…and at times, more obvious. 

“You want it to all look natural and I am optimistic that over time, it will be natural for you.  Of course I’m speaking to Kimberly,” she smiled.  “Just the way you walk makes all the difference.  When Tim walks into the room, it sends such a different energy.  You don’t want Michele’s mom to be on guard do you?”


“When you walk in, you will be a girl among women, you’ll fit in, but everyone will know your place as long as you do.  You are at the bottom.  Lucky girl.

“When you walk into the room as Kimmy, you say to everybody, without words, ‘I’m just a girl; see me if you want to; enjoy looking at me if it pleases you.  I want to be pretty for you. Until or unless you need something from me, I’m just an ornament.’  And in a way, that’s very powerful because it puts everybody at ease.  It’s submissive girl power…at least it’s your girl power. 

“You have the power to please others. Something to be proud of.

“Just the way you walk in, how you look at the room and the people in it, communicates to the people about who you are and what you represent.  You need to know what message you want to send. 

“How you move your body, with maybe just a hint of sensitivity…or maybe really putting it on display welcomes people to look at and appreciate your body without being the least bit threatened or uncomfortable while doing so.  You need to make sure they are totally comfortable as they learn they can objectify you. Depending on their need, you may only be there for their viewing pleasure. 

“At least that is what I remind myself and think you need to as well.  Being seen and wanted is like the ultimate!  The same thing happens when you stand or sit.  Be the pretty thing they want to look at and nothing more. Unless they decided they want more.

“You have this in you, Kimberly.  And like a little girl, you mostly want to be seen and not heard…but always be attentive. 

“And here’s the good part: If you practice it enough, it will become natural and you will just become this and not have to think about it. 

“We need you to get to that point. We are going to make this the new permanent you.  You can’t just turn this on for a meeting Kimmy.  If you are going to become part of the family, if you are going to be accepted by Michele’s mom, she has to know in her bones that you make the home a better and more comfortable place for her to live in.  Even when you are Tim, when you are in that house, you will need to carry these lessons with you at all times.”  

Becky really liked calling him Kimberly and wanted to do it now all the time.  It was the first time since the party that she’d openly and repeatedly called him that and it felt natural, without an affect.  And he really did seem like a girl to her.  She missed having a girlfriend to hang out with and Becky realized she really did want to hang out with Kimberly as well as Tim.  She did love her little sister.

Michele had put aside time for Kimberly and Becky to be together and Becky had her instructions: she was to perform a complete makeover on Kimberly. 


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