This is the 8th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Dear Diary,
Mom’s into it.I’m so glad…and glad for her! I knew she would be. I always felt like if she ever just understand and did not completely freak on Tim and me, she’d get it. And she does! Love Moms! She’s come a long way and I’m proud of her.
Krista and I have talked about this and we both think that I get a LOT of who I am from my mom. Krista says she thinks mom was just born at the wrong time and had an upbringing that kept her from…well, from herself. In this way she had bad luck.
Totally got into it…
Totally realized something super neat with Tim. There are two little words that I use with Tim that are like magic. Anytime I call Tim or tell him he is my “good bitch,” or “good boy,” it’s like amazing. It’s like a total age/sex reversal thing. He just melts.
Imagine a young, fresh, sweet girl, who’s head over heels in love with a college guy. I mean she is stupid-in-LOVE, totally ga-ga. And she is like so sad cuz it will never be. In her herwhole person she KNOWs it will NEVER be. Say he’s like 200+ and fully a man. She”s maybe 150 something. Of course it’s an impossibility. Her life feels incomplete and she thinks it will aways be that way.
All of a sudden he’s like sweeping her up in his strong arms and say, “Kimberly, I am so like totally out of my mind in love with you! You are the girl of my dreams!” and then give her the longest, most beautiful, sweet, hot, loving kiss.
She’s a girl and he’s a man. He’s so above her and sooooooooo far beyond her reach. Imagine her reaction. She’s so overwhelmed with love and desire! Emotionally, she just melts.
Her pretty, little heart is beating like so fast and she might start crying…probably does! She’s like an excited little hummingbird in his possession. She wants to give herself to him completely and all but actually faiths in his arms as he kisses her. He can actually feel her shake a little with emotional need. He owns her with these words.
That’s Tim when I call him my good bitch. Irony much? Win!…
Rules became all the more important once Tim moved in with Michele. Although this was the only relationship Michele had ever had, she knew that in most other “normal” relationships, there was much more give and take, much more compromise.
Michele and Tim were young and exploring boundaries and limits, but it was pretty obvious to them both that they were not doing what other couples did.
At times when Michele wondered if she was too heavy handed or controlling, she’d remind herself not to put herself in Tim’s shoes. It simply was not appropriate as they were nothing at all alike. Should the Samurai do as the geisha does?
She liked exercising power and he needed structure. So why not make it exactly the way she wanted it? Besides, she knew it was for Tim’s own good. She’d heard it often repeated that children needed and often wanted boundaries, as it made them feelsafe and protected.
It was something Krista and she had often discussed. In certain intimate and important ways, Tim was a child to her adult. So Michele provided rules. Tim could never put his arms around Michele when they kissed, Michele enjoyed doing that to Tim. He was never to initiate contact in public, yet her hand rested possessessively on his ass all the time.
Michele’s hand on his ass provided him with a sense of assurance. And again in public, she was quite fond of giving him a fun, firm and somehow always audible little, playful smile on the ass for anyone to see. It seemed to most, a playful offer. She always smiled broadly, self assuredly while he smiled shyly as he knew she was showing off at his expense. Of course she enjoyed that it was at the expense of his dignity and loved that with a good, audible slap, his face turned red.
As with any aspects of the relationship, he had mixed feelings about how Michele bravely showed off whilesmacking his ass or putting him in the more objective and traditionally female position of having his ass as a resting place for his lover’s hand while in public. Yes, it was clearly embarrassing.
Yet he also felt a degree of pride that Michelle was saying to everybody else, “He belongs to me!” The idea that she wanted others to know he belonged to her greatly comfortable him.
I’m Hers.
He had to sit in the bathroom to pee.
Michele decided what and how much Tim ate. She wanted him healthy and thin. He was required to work out many hours a week so that his body was to Michele’s liking. She maintained his washboard stomach and increased the size of his butt by making him do an extraordinary number of glute exercises every day.
He dressed to her specifications.
He had to report to her at certain times of the day. When he reported, he was to present silently until spoken to.
He had to accept that whenever Michele told him how she preferred him to do anything, he was to do it that way from that point on.
On the weekend, while Michele was home, he had to ask permission to leave the house and was required to keep her fully informed of his whereabouts while not at home.
Anytime he ventured towards the new, the unknown or that with which he had no experience, he was expected to ask Michele for permission or guidance.
It was pretty tightly controlled, but they found they did best when she set clear and firm boundaries for Tim. Once Michele’s expectation was understandable, it no longer felt like overbearing control, rather it just became the norm.
Michele had an extraordinary sex drive as did Tim.
She noted some real differences between the two, however. Michele enjoyed sex when it was time for sex…which was not When she was in say, math class. In other words, she enjoyed the structure of her day and meeting the various challenges that came with living a full life. Michele possessed a remarkable amount of self discipline was able to compartmentalize her needs, feelings, obligations and life goals. Mentally, she was an adult.
In stark contrast, Tim seemed to be ruled by his considerable libido. He seemed to want sex almost all the time.
If ever there was a need for boundaries, it was in regard to Tim’s ever present and very powerful sex drive. Michele made clear that sex and all but the most innocent physical intimacy happened only when she initiated it.
In a relaxed interaction, he might be so bold as to attempt to hold her hand. He was not to mention sex. Period.
That said, she loved his rampant desire for her. She recognized that it was a very significant and perhaps essential control point for her in maintaining power in the relationship.
Though she did not want to be pestered or annoyed by his neediness, she wanted him to want her all the time. She liked that he wanted her constantly. Michele joyed at the ever present sightt of his throbbing (she was sure) erection. She might not have wanted sex but at any given moment, she preferred to see him hard for her.
She liked that when not with her, he suffered from his near painful desire to please her sexually.
Michele did not need to struggle for a sense of superiority to mask some insecurity. She felt superior because she was superior. His neediness and lack of self Discipline was just one more bit of evidence to support their respective positions in the relationship.
That said, she fully appreciated her sense of superiority as well as providing and enforcing the boundaries that Tim was to live by. She felt completely free to make it the relationship that she wanted.
What girl wouldn’t want her own custom made, perfect boyfriend?
Pleasing Michele, making her happy with him, mean everything to Tim. And nothing was more important than when Michele was proud of him. When she patted him on the bottom, head or crotch and told him he was a good boy, he’d done a good job and that she was proud of him, he was elated. It was extremely patronizing and he did not care at all, he loved her approval.
“Good bitch,” always sent him over the moon.
One day Michele and Krista were on the back porch talking, and about to enjoy the drinks Tim just brought them. “Boy, you did an excellent job on my mother’s bathroom.” Michele had just completed an inspection prior to Krista’s arrival.
Standing completely erect, feet together and hands clapped behind his back, “Thank you, Ms. Michele. It’s my pleasure to serve you.”
As though speaking to a lap-dog in the most delighted and excited voice, “Who’s my good boy?”
Tim’s face flashed deep critic as he looked to the ground, “I am,” he said with temperatured pride. It’s not that he did not know that he was being spoken to like a good doggy, but it did not really matter, because he’d made Michele happy with him. A little smile played on his beet red, shame face.
Krista laughed with total delight.
“Yes you are. You are my good, little boy. Now go take care of that kitchen floor.” And with that, she sent him on his way with a gentle smile on the ass which Tim absolutely loved. Tim swwayed his hips upon exit. He smiled to himself as he walked away to the delighted and mocking laughter of his Love and his therapist.
“Oh my god, you are so amazingly…matronizing! Girl…I love you.”
“Is that a word? ‘Matronizing?’”
“Is now!”
Michele let Tim and Becky hang out every other weekend and took to having Becky over more and more for the three of them to get to better know each other. Michele was very relaxed and casual about how she showed Becky how she and Tim lived.
She was especially interested in gauging Becky’s response. She always smiled at Becky’s awestruck expressions and nervous giggles.
Interestingly, it was Becky who really brought Kimberly to life.
At home, Tim was strongly encouraged to accept his role as subservient, house husband, Michele’s little “wife” (and how he longed for the day they’d marriage). Yet aside from the panties and the rule about peeing like a girl, he was not usually expected to be more like a girl.
Yet Becky was a huge influence on him. She was just so vitality and Tim found her femininity so delightful and infectious. Becky loved being a girl and she made it seems to anyone around her like just being a girl was the best.
Since she knew about Kimberly, had in fact become acquainted with Kimberly before doing so with Tim, she began to openly encourage Kimberly out of her shell. She mostly did it while at Michele’s house and just as often with Michele present.
As Kimberly got more and more comfortable being out with Becky, she started being herself out in public with Becky as well. She always dressed as Tim but spiritually, she was all girl. And not always; there just seemed tobe a non-conscious back and forth between the two personalities.
Slowly and subconsciously, and only sometimes when at home alone, he became more efficient.
If he was home alone, he sometimes did his housework dressed as Kimberly.
Where Kimberly really came to stay to stay was when she became intimate with Michele. As a lover, Tim was often sublimated by Kimberly. He did not just act like Kimberly, he became Kimberly. Immediately prior to sex, he strove to be the perfect girl: well mannered, obedient and generally finished. Michele loved it and over time, Kimberly realized she could get Michele in the mood by being herself, by being Kimberly.
If Michele wanted Tim to be fully present, she addressed him as Tim and Kimberly vanished. It just changed the energy a little.
Both Kimberly and Tim LOVED gentle intimacy with Michele. They both adored touching, cuddling, petting and kissing Michele. Or being kissed by Michele.
As she did in all other aReas, Michele grew to become very comfortable with both her control and her right to give it voice while in the bedroom. She still got a huge thrill out of this, but no longer was she reluctant to speak her pleasure.
Just as Michele had rules outside of the bedroom, she had them inside as well. When they kissed, Michele controlled all of it, she was always the aggressor. Tim was only allowed to passively receive Michele’s kiss and never put his tongue in her mouth. Again, that’s what she enjoyed doing to Tim.
Aggression, it seemed, was just part of who she was and when she embraced arousal, she loved fucking his mouth with her tongue.
Tim grew to love Michele’s aggression and control as much as he enjoyed gently sucking on her tongue…like a good little bitch.
She thrilled at his whimpers of adoration and his breathless claims of love as she ravaged him. She loved that the more aggressive she got, the more docile and submissive he became. Michele gotoff on his simplening and somehow desperate need for her. She loved to manhandle her bitch and it was all the more fun for both of them when he gently struggled against her. She loved having him pinned beneath her, feeling his hard body mistake and wiggle softly against her own, taking in his gasps and whimpers.
“No…no, please don’t!” he’d plead breathlessly.
She always thought his little fight was so cute.
Kimberly LOVED her spankings as they were usually gentler than Tim’s. When she knew she was to be spanked, her heart raced with nervousness and she had to work to control her panic. Even though Kimberly loved her spanking, knew they would not be all that hard, she could not help being frightened anyway. After all, she was just a girl and every time her heart went pitter-pat.
Michele adored the girl but lorded over her nonetheless. However, Michele was warmer with Kimberly, more flirtatious with the girl and enjoyed giving a lot of teasing touches to her when she was bent at the waist over Michele’s knee. Afterward, there was a great deal of very sensitive and gentle kissing and each fully bought into their role: One dominant girl sexually enjoying her submissive female lover.
When they had sex, Kimberly loved that she no longer felt constrained by the necessity of being the good girl. When she comforted Michele she felt like the most sex addicted, wonton slut the world over. Tim and Kimberly both loved that while intimately pleasing Michele, they were right on the precipice of orgasm. Tim was on the edge of premature ejaculation every time he went down on Michele.
Being Michele’s girl means absolutely everything to Kimberly. Often in times like these, Kimberly took reassurance from Becky’s whispered encouragement.
Tim did not usually come back to himself until Michele had her fill of orgasms and was fast wait. He lay awake with a painful erection, constricted by panties. If he could, he’d sneak off tothe bathroom for relief.
One Saturday, Michele had Kimberly do a full panty fashion show for Becky. Becky loved seeing Kimberly in her little girl panties. She was so impressed that she later went out and bought several distinctive pairs in her size.
Reaching for Michele’s approval, “You know you really are lucky to have such a small penis, Tim.” Michele put down her studies and tuned in. “It’s so small that it still fits well in your little girl undies! Even your little penis is a gentle girl.”
Michele smiled. Bringing Becky in really was the best thing. Maybe in the future, she’d have them both do a panty fashion show. Just a couple of little girls having fun. She could imagine all the giggling, girl fun.
Becky and Tim were BFFs and if not with Michele, he wanted to spend time with Becky. They had lunch together, had coffees, went shopping and even worked out together.
Halloween became their special, family holiday. One year, particularly early on in their friend, they looked adorable as Catholic school girls, complete with pleaded skirts, white blooms, knee socks, Mary-Janes and pigtails. Michele dressed as the principal in a form fitting yet somehow conservative skirt, blouse and blazer. She wore her library glasses and kept her hair pinned up.
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