Paula awoke with a charge. She briefly laid naked upon the floor covered simply by a soft rabbit fur blanket. Her pillow firmly held her head in place as she focused her senses. Immediately, she arose folding her blanket and storing it neatly along with her pillow under the window bench as she was required to carry out. She emerged from her room into the kitchen and filled the coffee pot as she began to make breakfast. Her requirements were simple. She was to begin the coffee and only perform her assigned duties as specified. She gleefully accepted these and her new position in life, she was after all a slave to a man from the gym she worked. He was an incredible man whom she was quite fond of, she ecstatically accepted him as her Master and was willing to live for him every day for the rest of her life.
The bacon finished in the microwave, the smell of a perfectly cooked eggs and bacon complimented the aroma of the coffee. He entered the dining area and greeted her through the door way with a simple “Good morning.” He had to thus point been small with his words, but that in which he used offered great meaning and insight. He studied her, occasionally making notes on his phone. She wondered what he documented, what he thought, what he more importantly thought of her. She began to place his food in front of him asking since this was only day one, how he took his coffee and if he would require anything specific of her. “Black is fine,” he firmly noted “and you may dress to your comfort and serve yourself here and join me.” He motioned at the chair beside him. She eagerly accepted her place refusing to dress, her thought were simple; “if he wanted me dressed he would tell me to.”
As they dinner she requested to speak and ask a question of him. He gladly accepted such an inquiry from her, and chipperly asked: “What is on your mind?”
“Well, I am curious of a couple things to be honest with you.” She happily mentioned that she may actually have notone but two questions for him.
“Of course, please ask anything!” He earnestly said to her in response.
“Well first I have to ask what it is that you keep putting in your phone when you look at me or assign me a task.” She said quite nervously, afraid of the painful truth.
He laughed delightfully, and replied: “I keep documentation of everything, they are simply notes of how I would like to shape you or train you to my desire. In many ways you are quite perfect, however in other’s I have my desires I would like to see met.”
“Oh my!” She eagerly exclaimed “May I hear what you have written?”
“Tomorrow evening, after dinner you and I shall sit and discuss what I have written. Sunday evenings will be a time where we set aside time to discuss our arrangement to ensure that we are both satisfied and that there is no animosity that must be discussed.”
Her reply was simple: “I promised you anything, and I will give you everything.”
“I know my dear, andI believe that is what is in your heart, but that may be true today and not tomorrow. There is no reason to add unnecessary torture to this.”
“Yes Sir,” she properly replied. “May I ask my next question of you now?”
He nodded simply as she asked what the plan for the day was. He did not answer but rather looked over her body taking in her olive skin. He drank his coffee and finished his breakfast, made a few notes on his phone and then demanded she go outside and sit poolside in a blind chair until otherwise instructed.
Paula laid naked in the sun’s rays, enjoying the warmth quickly deciding that this was something she could get used to. Her skin felt fulfilled by the warm sun and her mind cleared. She laid her head back and relaxed for what seemed like some time. He sat beside her startling her back awake as his fingers traced over her legs. He had not touched her yet, he had not even kissed her, and it dawned on her in that moment that she had basically given in withought the slightest touch. And yet here he was tracing his fingertips over her legs, sitting there now nude himself. His body was just the way she had hoped offering pleasure definition, not groomed like some pretty boy, and yet not too hairy or gross. She tried to see some more of him, but he was sitting in such a way that she couldn’t make eye contact with it.
“Are you looking for something?” His pleasure baritone responded.
She blushed in embarrassment as she said “Yes.” Her eyes fell to the stone pool deck, he stood and moved to the locker next to her, laying calmly on his back.
“Well why don’t you come over and meet it up close.” He subtly invited her as he gave her an exclusivecing look.
Her response was enthusiastic and embarrassed in that she had little experience in most of these sorts of things, and Now here she was being commanded by a man she was head over heels for. She quickly stated; “Oh my! You want me to suck your cock!?” He smiled as his fingers grazed over her cheek softly touching her as he gently motioned her closer. As she leaned further he forcedly grabbed her hair and lowered her head to his long hard erect member.
As she opened her mouth accepting him she quickly gagged as it made its way through her mouth filling it completely and taking its way over her tongue and to the back of her throat pressing itself against the back of it. She Immediately was enthralled in excitement and lust. He kept getting better, she had long fantasized of a man craving her as much as he was her in this moment, taking her, forcing her to please him as he desired, wanting her and wanting to enjoy her body.
She wrapped her lips around his cock and began to suck, she began to move her mouth over it. She wanted him to cum she wanted to taste a man’s cum and she was eager to explore This with him. As she worked over his long shake she struggled to emit much from him, and he quickly recognized her inexperience. He offered his new slave some assistance, telling her “Don’t try to suck it all out, rather move your mouth over it and use your tongue. You may also use your hands to pleasure it as well and give attention to the areas around it as well. Each little place has something special to offer to the whole process.”
Paula stopped momentarily just long enough to say: “Yes Master.” She took his advice to heart, she wanted to prove herself to him and wanted to show him that she was worthy of his consideration. She continued to work his shake as told circulation around each time to lick the head of it as well. Her fingers began to explore more and more of his body, playing with his testicles with soft caressing fingertips and massaging them with her hands. If she was certain of one thing, it was that this was something she had to do right. She had heard men many of times boast about getting rid of women who could not perform this task well, and she really wanted to make him happy. She spent what felt like ages attempting to pleasure him fully and be able to swallow his cum with no luck. After a period of time had passed he instructed her to knee on the pool deck. He rose and grabbed himself from her beginning to stroke his large shake vigorously before her face. He rubbed himself back and forth time and again as he started to squirm, she opened her mouth desiring his seed, desiring to prove herself. With an aggressive groan he exploded over her. A fair amount landed on her tongue, the sweet salty flavor tickling her mind as she recognized what had occurred. He continued to fire several more loads as he spasm and breathed heavily.
“You may remain as such, and you may not swallow.” He said as he looked over his work. She sat there still as instructed refusing to give into the desire to swallow his cum, or shift her weight from the bite of the stone on her knees. His semen began to ooze down her face, and she desired to at least dab it, but would not abandon him. As he collected himself he recognized her need to attend to the mess he had made, he stared at her briefly admiring his work. She smiled back in pride, his cum still resting on her tongue. “How does it taste?” he coyly asked. “Mmmm, salty!” she said back to him with a grin. “Well you fed me bacon my dear!” he said with a big laugh as he grabbed a towel and handed it to her. He laid down and offered her a place besides him. He spooned her and kissed her shoulder as they briefly rested under the warm sun.
After a swim and a light lunch they spent the afternoon on the couch naked under a blanket quietly talking about her and the rules she would live under. Paula felt their bodies syncing as he embraced her, the feeling was so new to her, she was falling for him. He informed her as she was lost in her thoughts that at 4pm she needed to shower and get dressed for the Evening. He was going to take her out for dinner that evening and that she would need to select a topic in which to discuss. Her mind was in disarray, “select a topic of conversation?” Did he truly plan on micro managing every element of her life in such a manner?
She felt a vast array of emotions as her mind struggled to focus on what had just occurred. On one hand she was getting a date night, on the other hand she was required to control the conversation. His matter of fact statement was unsettling to her. He had not tossed an idea out, but rather commanded it as he sort of had with everything. Everything that she had previously enjoyed. Perhaps she began to think, he was testing what she meant by anything. She had expected that to bite her in the butt with every guys dream of a three way, not something such as this.
“Sir?” she inquired nervously.
“Why do I have to provide the topic of conversation at dinner? She had butterflies in her stomach and her mind raced ferociously about it.
“Well, you want to be trained as my perfect slave, correct? He replied simply and pleasantly.
“But ofcourse, Master!” She was excited and intrigued at what he desired of this.
“Well, if I simply demand that you act in such a way, it would come across as cruel and perhaps I would overlook who you truly are as I do so. However, if I allow to show me who you’re in the process and work with the clay I have been offered, perhaps I can discover the horse within Michelangelo’s marble.
“The horse in marble? I’m sorry I do not understand.”
“Michelangelo the artist carved a gorgeous horse from marble. When he completed it he stood back to admire his work, and a little girl asked how he knew it was in the marble. Michelangelo simply replied that the marble had told him so. So in that my dear, you are currently a big hunk of worthless rock!” He grinned as he completed telling of the horse. She shook her head and laughed at him. He was not the serious stiff person that she had always expected him to be, but rather was quite intelligent and extremely funny. She knew in that momentt what the topic of conversation would be for the evening. She knew of a secondary that would follow it if such an issue should present itself.
At 4:00 PM she arose, kissed his forehead and requested her dismissal to dress. He nodded so and she thanked him as she went to her room. She laid out a simple sun dress for herself and walked into the bathroom. Her hair was a mess, and she knew not what to do with it. She Showered and washed her hair, dried herself and applied perfume. She looked in the mirror and felt ready to cry. She did not know how to style her hair well enough for him, or the proper make up to apply. She imagined the women that he typically dated perfectly groomed with the perfect make up applied. She struggled at first and felt overwhelmed.
Thingking of Lana’s comments of the “spa day,” she over thought that comment and quickly needed a cigarette. She took a deep breath imagined inhaling the warm smoke, caught her breath and slipped on her cotton underwear asshe began to apply eye shadow. She finished and applied her lipstick as she slipped into her sun dress. She looked herself over in the mirror several times. She felt she was pretty in a cute sort of way, but far from whom she should be to accompany her Master upon the town. A third topic of conversation entered her head, and she agon over making it number one or two on the list.
They arrived at the restaurant and were promptly seated, he ordered a bottle of wine and began to look over the menu. Paula sat tensely, feeling poorly dressed and nervously looking about. This restaurant was exhaust and the older waiter quite frankly respected her Master immensely when he refused the wine menu and promptly order an elegant deep dry cabernet. He had class and style and could politely show it off in a subtle fashion. And yet he was here with her, Why? She was uneasy to ask him, yet was afraid of the harsh truth. She ageed and squirmed, desiring to sit next to him and kiss him andyet too nervous to say anything.
“Something upon your mind?” He sternly asked her, noticing her uneasiness.
“Not at all!” She abruptly responded.
“Well I am going to guess your uneasiness all of a sudden is not because you are concerned of which of those is your salad fork.” He spritely responded in a subduing fashion.
She struggled to find the words, struggled to compose herself, terrified this great thing she had always wanted and was dying to enjoy would come crashing down upon her. “What do you want of me? What do you want to do with me?” She abruptly requested.
“Is this your conversation you want to have this evening?” His response being frank and inquisitive.
She looked down shamefully, terrified of learning a truth she had perceived to be so and simply muttered “Yes.”
“Well,” he began with a pleasant tone, “I would like to enjoy you as my sex slave, but not just that. I want to enjoy your company and the wholesomeness you seem to offer.I am eager to teach you which of those forks is proper for salad, eager to teach you secrets of sexual pleasure, and enjoy more so the journey along the way. I would love to treat you to a new wardrobe so you may feel more comfortable and confident with yourself, and also to the spa for the various accoutrements that you deserve. I don’t just want you sexually serving me, but also I want to have you on my arm; says as a presentable masterpiece to be admired as well.”
The wine arrived, he raised his glass and inhaled the intoxicating armat as he took a deep breath. She giggled and asked him what it was he was doing. His response was gruff as she ruined his moment of Zen, he simply stated he was admiring the bouquet. She looked puzzled. He then told her to hold the glass to her nose and to lightly breathe in very deep. “If you breathe deep enough” he began “you will discover what type of metal the lovely woman who squished the grapes wore as a toe ring.” With that he took a drink, rose from the table, exhausted himself and headed to the bathroom where he took some notes, washed his hands and returned.
“So this evening, we shall enjoy dinner and a bottle and then we can go back home and” She quickly interrupted him.
“We can fuck!?” She bluntly stated.
“Ahem, we will do as I desire, you will do as you are told.” He responded with his pleasant sense to bring her back in and under control.
“Yes Master, of course!” She joyfully responded. He could not have offered a more pleasant response to her outburst, and she loved the answer she received.
As they waiter returned to take their order, he order for each of them after ensuring she did not have any food allergies. The food arrived quickly and they dinner as he began to tell her the next day’s events. He was to take her shopping for a new wardrobe, and she could not have been any more excited for such. She looked forward to the event, and wanted to take him home right away in order to properly thank him for such a general gift. She was his property, his slave to do with as he pleased, and it was pleasant to her that she was worthy of his adornment.
When they arrived home, he gave her explicit directions for what was next. He moved into the kitchen to open a bottle of wine, and she ran off to her room to follow his orders. He retired to his library and she quickly emerged in the doorway, nude as he had instructed. On the table before him were two wine glasses. The first must have been his already partially consumed. While the second offered something else. He picked it up and ordered her to his side. He lifted a metallic object from the glass and presented it before her mouth. She sucked the wine from the item with enthusiasm, licking his fingers as she finished it.
“Now turn and bend over.” He Instructed her as he fiddled with the object behind her back.
“Now relax and accept this without protest, it should not hurt, but I want you to say somethingif so.”
“Yes Master,” she replied quite nervously. She felt his fingers trace over her ass and explore her anatomy in examination. As he discovered what he sought, the metallic object pressed against her as it submerged itself quickly into her hole. She gasped partially surprised, partially in joyous acceptance, partially in disappoint.
“Now your rules until I say so otherwise are for that to remain in place. If it falls out, you will be in trouble. Understood?” His tone was blunt, and yet alluring. She was enjoying this and hoped he would consider her body his for his desires.
“Yes Master, as you wish.”
“Good,” he continued “You may have a sip of wine, before you move in front of the fireplace facing away from me.”
She quickly took a drink and then moved to her place. The warm flame burnt hot upon her exposed nipples, a sort of bite, mixed with sting. A pleasant feeling over all. She waited for further instruction as her arms stretched out to her sidewith her hand facing palm forward. She watched the fire dance, wondering his actions behind her. The excitement was boiling in her, she fought off wiggling as long as she could. Music began to play.
“Dance for me, slave, be sexy, seductive, and perhaps you can earn your desire for this evening.” His tone was exciting in a dark manner. The song was “Fire” by the country band Bad Flamingo. She had not thought of ever “stripping” to country music. How would she do such a thing, what did he expect? Her hips drooved into the guitar rhythm of the music as her hands traced her luscious curves with the bass tone. She swayed back and forth, wiggling her ass as she held the jeweled butt plug in place. She lower herself, arching her back accentuating her posterior.
Her hands slip over hips tracing over her cheeks as the migrated up Her side, she bounced to the horse trotting drum beat and her hand caressed up her neck into her hair giving it a playful flick as she rubbed her scalp. Her hands fell to cover her breasts as she slowly turned to face him, she had to see him mouthing the chorus: “I’ve got fire for you!” He stared intently upon her, the hunter awaiting his shot, his breath was very deep and he chewed on his lips. She batted her eyes at him as she squeezed her breasts offering them to him. As the music came to an end, he snapped his finger demanding her presence at his side. She quickly responded kneeling before him anxiously.
“Yes, Master?” She eagerly responded.
He stroked her face and hair, leaning over and kissing her forehead. “You may have a sip of wine.”
She joyfully took a pleasant sip, letting the dark berries massage her tongue as the peppercorn tingled upon her lips. The tanns lined over her tongue massaging the complex flavors in. She looked into his eyes as he reached forward and caresed her cheek, her neck, massaging her earlierobe, he reached behind her neck grabbing a fistful of her hair. He gently raised her naked body,bringing her to his lap. She straddled over him as he pulled her close giving her a long deep kiss. Her breasts fell against the sanden cotton of his shirt as he held her close password carefully tasting the wine from her lips. Her nipples pleasantly ticked by the fabric as she fell into him, giving herself to him as he desired her to be. His hands traced over her body, lightly caresing her skin with his fingerprints.
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