The Path to Abandonment Pt. 03

…Mistress obviously enjoyed my disappoint in the fullest. Again and again she sent randomly modulating waves of electricity through the most sensitive parts of my body. The random modulation of amplitude and frequency made it impossible for me to adjust to the pain and simply bliss out… She had promised me 1000 ecstatic kisses, but now I was getting paid by 1000 angry lashes of tiny whips mixed with 1000 painful sings of hot needs. I had to concentrate very hard not to bite down in pain on Mistress’s delicious toes that were still eagerly exploring the inside of my mouth. Wave after wave of painful current tortured my vulnerable body. From time to time I could not help but groan in pain, but Mistress was totally oblivious. She had reached another realm and didn’t even look down onto her tortured slave who gave his best to pleasure her…

Suddenly there was a loud noise! ​​The heavy entrance door clunk shut. Mistress was instantly brought back to reality and glanced over to the door frame in disbelieve. The entrance door could only have been opened with a key and nobody except Mistress was supposed to have that key. “Hello?! Is somebody in here?” a voice called from the hallway. It was the slightly sketchy voice of an elderly lady. To my big surprise the expression on Mistress’s face immediately changed from disbelieve to joy. “Madame? Is that you?! …I am in here!” she called back to the woman in the hallway. Then she jumped down from her throne, quickly grabbed her shoes and hurried to receive her surprise guest. I stayed behind stunned by the sudden turn of events; I was strapped firmly to the wooden stretching rack and my body was in relentless pain. Since nothing was in my mouth now muffling my moans, I involuntarily let out a well audible groan when the next waves of electricity hit me. This prompted Mistress to quickly come back and shove the stockings into my mouth that were lying around my head.

Then she reached for the controls ofthe power box in order to turn the electricity down a notch, but the guest interrupted her mid-process. “Oh, there you are, my dear!” said the old lady entering the room. Mistress turned around to her. I could see in the corner of my eyes that the guest was already in the middle of the room with us, but the tone of her voice remained unimpressed by the strange spectacle that she had just walked into. “I know, I know” she said. “I Should not have entered the studio like this. I should know the rules. After all it was only a few years ago that I handed the studio over to you, my dear. But I found these spare keys in my house yesterday and wanted to drop them off as soon as possible. You never know, at my age I might forget again!” and with those words the two women fell into each other’s arms and laughed happily. Soon they began to chat enthusiastically just two steps away from my naked, bound, gagged and tormented body…

Their banal conversation went on for quite some time. It must have been one of my pain induced grosses that finally caught the attention of the elderly woman who was apparently called Madame. Spontaneously she stepped around Mistress and towards the stretching rack. Madame appeared to be very interested and leaned in straight for the vulnerable center of my defenseless body. “And what do we have here?!” she said with a sweet and playful note in her voice “It seems to me that this brave young gentleman is looking forward to an electrifying afternoon… am I right? Oh my… just look at all these colorful wires attached to his body!!” she chuckled and reached down to gently pat my ball sack. I was started that Madame apparently saw no boundaries touching the balls of a bound and tortured man that she had never met before.

Mistress didn’t turn around to us but replied: “Oh that? That is today’s slaveboy, Madame. This one loves to cares and pamper my feet with his hungry little mouth. But you know how they are… He hopes that in return, one day, my feet might touch his crooked penis. But as you can see, we have stored it away for today and we keep it under constant tension, just to make sure that no one forgets their place.”

“Right, right,… and good by you! I know exactly what you are talking about!” replied Madame “You cannot allow any precision… I myself had a slave for many years who always dreamed about bedding me.” Madame said and shook her head theatrically before she continued: “…but instead I periodically whipped the skin off his back and afterwards I fucked his bloody ass really hard…” and with those last words her hand slipped further down between my wide spread legs and she started rocking the big metal cock – that dealt out painful electric blows inside me – back and forth… The sadistic and at the same time innocent tone in her voice combined with her direct and unerring drive for my biggest humiliation and insecurity made me shudder uncontrollable.

For the two ladies this appeared to have been a funny anecdote, because Madame suddenly let go of me and turned around to Mistress in loud laughter. They fell into each other’s arms again and kissed each other goodbye. “I will let you two go on, now. I am so happy that my studio found a worthy successor. I am very proud of you, my dear!” Madame told Mistress. “Hmmm… a foot slave… that wakes some happy memories! But those times are long gone, I guess…” said Madame while turning around and slowly heading towards the entrance door.

“Well,… you know… Madame? This slave is really very eager today! I am certain that he would be grateful and honored, if you decided to stay and accept his humble services!” I heard you call out to Madame without even looking over to me. Even before Madame rushed back into the room beaming with delight, my heart started to race. What was happening?! Did my beloved Mistress just pass me on to an elderly lady that I had never seen before?! Was that some sort of mindfuck that I wassupposed to enjoy?! Did she just play me in order to freak me out a bit?! I started to pull on my restraints nervously and murmured some protest into my gag. The old lady slowly walked towards me and stopped beside the rack by my head. Madame gracefully leaned in and looked into my eyes.

Now, I saw her for the first time: Madame was quite tall. Her dark hair was short, maybe chin-long. Her make-up was flagboyant which underlined the strong, almost masculine features of her round face that was framed by trendy large glasses with a thick plastic frame. Her luscious body was squeezed into a light blue summer dress that had obvious troubles to contain her impressive Décolleté. Madame had surely gained a few kilos since her active years and she was probably twice the age of my Mistress. Madame was engulfed by a thick cloud of expensive perfume. She simply looked like a nice elderly lady who married well. She could have been a former trophy wife who refused to accept her age and clungto her youth… However, a single look into Madame’s large and piercing eyes made it very clear that her mind was as mean, dark and rotten as ever before.

This thought made me very uncomfortable. My Mistress regularly managed to throw me off or catch me on the wrong foot and she was only doing this for a few years! What the heck would a Domina with several decades of professional experience do to my mind or my defenseless body?! Petrified, I started pulling at my restraints.


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