I’d been hired to be a part-time nanny for Cathy and John for the school term (John was a professor at my university), but when I arrived a week before classes, John promptly had to fly out of town, and Cathy and I, left to our own devices – pun at least partially intended – got to know each other rather better than I had expected (though not better than I had hoped!).
Cathy and I enjoyed two more days of “honeymoon sex” before John was due home. She was leery of my plan, but couldn’t come up with a better one herself, so as it came time for somebody to drive out to the airport to meet him, she reluctantly agreed to go ahead.
“But take HIS car!”
“I intended to. Yours is too big – I don’t want him even thinking about trying to make out in the back seat. And I want him off-balance, and I suspect he’s very attached to that car, so he’s going to insist on driving it back himself. He might expect me to drive if it was your car.
“If things are working as planned, I’ll call and tell you his plane’s been delayed due to a snowstorm in Toronto.”
“Christie! It’s the first week of September!”
“Sure, but everyone knows it’s always winter in Canada. That way, if I call and tell you his plane’s delayed for any other reason, you know his plane’s been delayed.”
“OK, then. We need to get you dressed. Let’s go upstairs and see what you’ve got.”
After looking through my closet, Cathy picked a charcoal bra-top dress with a deep plunging neckline.
“The hemline’s a bit low… but he’ll love the top! Do you have shoes to go with it?”
I showed her the sandals I’d usually wear.
“Oh, those won’t do. Good thing we have the same size feet – I have just the thing.”
She helped me get ready, then took me downstairs to her own closet and picked out a pair of three-inch weddings to match my dress.
“Now, you’ll see eye-to-eye – or at least he won’t have to look down too far when he’s hoping to see you pop out of that dress!”
We went out to his BMW together and, as I sat in the driver’s seat, Cathy leaned in and kissed me.
“Good luck.”
“Don’t wait up!” I closed the door and hit the garage opener.
* * *
John’s plane was on time and as he only had a carry-on, he was one of the first out of the arrivals area. He spotted me immediately and hurried over.
“Christie! Where’s Cathy?”
“Oh, you know, between the pregnancy and a hard day at the office, she’s exhausted, and I’m still on summer vacation, so I volunteered to come for you. Besides which, it gave me an excuse to drive your Beemer.” I held his keys out to him, as a painful expression briefly crossed his face.
“Well, it’s good to see you!”
As he reached to give me a hug, and to take the keys, I pulled them back slightly, and suddenly (purely by accident!) he was in my arms, and the kiss he had planned to place on my cheek, fell full on my lips. I tightened the cinch, and opened my mouth to him. Surprised as he was, he smoothly took full advantage. We kissed for five minutes, there in the middle of the airport concourse, oblivious to everything around. He was careful not to touch me anywhere too inappropriate for a public place, but his cock was straining, and since I was grinding my shaft on it, it wasn’t going to relax any time soon!
“Oh, Christie – I want you so badly,” he whispered in my ear, as we broke for breath. “I’ve wanted you since the day you walked into my office.”
“I know,” I murmured back. “If you have a place we can go, I can call Cathy and tell her your plane was delayed – we can steal at least a couple of hours.”
“I just happen to have the keys to a pretty cool condominium,” he said with a lascivious grin. “One of my colleagues has been working at a university in Germany through the summer, and will only get back just in time for the start of classes next week.”
“Perfect! I’ll call Cathy and give her the sad news” – I licked my lips, and tried to look lustful. It wasn’t a look I’d had much practice with, but it seemed to do the job. I pulled out my phone and pushed the speed dial.
“Cathy. I’m here, but the plane’s been delayed. I think it’s snowing in Toronto, or something … Yeah, I’ll just get a drink and a snack of some sort, and I’ll call when the plane gets in … Sure, don’t wait up! … OK, see you in the morning. Bye.”
“There, that’s settled. It’ll probably take at least two hours to get the runways cleared, and the plane de-iced.”
John was laughing aloud now. “Do you know what Toronto is LIKE at this time of year? It was 104 degrees when I got to the airport!”
“I know that – I’m an energy major, remember – they have two wine regions in Ontario. But most people think Canada is all polar bears and igloos. Anyway, if she even bothers to check the weather, I’ll just say I was kidding, because it was probably some security thing and the airline wouldn’t even publicly admit there was a delay. EVerybody’s so paranoid these days that that will always work.
“Now, let’s get out of here.”
I put my arm around his waist and leaned in close as we walked out to the parking lot. When we got to his car and throw his bag in the trunk, we kissed again, and this time he tried to get his hand up my skirt. I slapped it.
“You ARE a bad boy, aren’t you? Nanny might have to do something about that.”
His momentary shocked look quickly turned into a sly grin – as if he was challenging me to follow through on my threat. Suddenly, I started to get ideas…
Of course, as soon as he started the car, the other John appeared. I’d discovered the day I met him that when John drives, he’s single-minded. I suppose that’s a good thing in a driver, but it puts a damper on a dispatch. He drove at the maximum speed he expected to be able to get away with, on the shortest possible route. I’m not sure he even knew I was in the car anymore – I’m certain he didn’t hear me when I tried to talk to him. Anyway, in 20 minutes he was pulling into the visitor parking of a luxury condo just north of the university, and as he switched off the engine, suddenly he was the guy I’d met at the airport again. He jumped out and by the time I had my seat-belt unfasted he was opening my door and offering me his hand.
We took the elevator to the top floor. As the door closed he tried to fondle me.
“Uh-uh! Bad boy. Wait!”
He looked chagrined, but kept his hands to himself.
At the far end of the hall, he opened the door to a beautiful wood-toned apartment. The living room was two stories high, and the master bedroom was a loft overlooking the living room.
As he closed the door behind us, I pressed my palm to his chest and looked him up and down. Then I walked slowly around him, letting my fingers trail across his chest and shoulders.
“You ARE a naughty boy! Cheating on your wife. Trying to get your hand under my dress in public. Inappropriate touching in the elevator. Obviously, Nanny is going to have to discipline you.”
His face flushed, and his breathing quickly. I could see his cock rising rapidly.
“Take off your clothes … Wait! Give me your belt first.”
He handed me his belt, meekly, then started to remove his shirt. Not bothering with the buttons, he just dragged it over his head and dropped it on the floor. Then, hoping on one foot at a time, he dragged off his pants and socks. I could see a wet spot already on his briefs, as he tugged them over his very impressive erection. He slide them down his legs and stepped out of them, then looked at me expectedly.
“Were you born in a barn!” I yelled in his face. “Pick up those clothes and fold them neatly!” As he bent over to pick up his shirt, I landed a sharp crack on his butt with his belt. He yelped – and I almost came on the spot. This was FAR more fun than I’d been expecting! I’d never been into dominance games, but then I’d never known any submissives. He quickly folded his clothes and lay them on the nearest chair.
“Right. This is what we’re going to do.” I reached out and took his chin firmly in my hand and stared into his eyes.
“You are going to obey my every command.
“You will obey my commands, instantly.
“You will speak only when permitted, and you will be properly respectful.
“Finally, you will not come, until I permit it.
“Hesitation will be punished.
“Disrespect will be punished.
“Disobedience will be punished more severely.
“Ye-e-ss”, he whispered.
“Yes, what! Is that respectful?”
“S-s-s-sorry. Yes … mistress.”
“That’s better. You can call me Mistress, or you can call me Nanny.
“Now, turn around and bend over.” I landed two sharp lashes, one on each butt-cheek. “That’s for disrespect.”
He sobbed, but managed to say, “Thank you, Nanny.”
“Very good, boy. Is that the bedroom, upstairs?”
“Yes, Nanny.”
“Lead the way, then.”
We climbed the stairs, with me strapping him every few steps. His bum was turning a lovely shade of red, and his price seemed to be getting even stresser. Excellent – the bedroom contained a lovely brass bed.
“Now, undress me!”
For the first time, he needed no encouragement, and he removed my dress carefully, then folded it and placed on the night-stand. Returning, he knelt before me and slid my now soggy thong down my thighs. As I stepped out of it, I ordered him to lick me. Not surprisingly, he turned out to be very proficient – having tasted his wife’s pussy, I wasn’t at all surprised. I was new to eating pussy, but I wanted to eat Cathy’s often, and wanted to do it well, so maybe I’d let him give me some points, later. I stood there, legs apart, with him kneeing in front of me, lapping avidly at my hole, and tonguing my clip. I felt the climax approaching and grabbed him by the hair, grinding my pussy on his nose and mouth. Suddenly, I noticed what he was doing with his hands, and lashed him across his back.
“What do you think you’re doing? Did I give you permission to relieve yourself? What are the rules?”
He stammered, “uh … I m-m-must obey you instantly … I-I must b-be respectful …”
“What else?”
“I forget Mistress!” he wailed.
“Typical boy. ‘You will not come, until I permit it’. I’ll have to write you a catechism.
“Now, turn back the sheets and lay face down on the bed.”
I strapped him twice more – “That’s for forgetting the rules.” Then I strapped him another two times – “and that’s for ruining my orgasm. Stay in that position.”
I looked in the closet and found what I wanted – a tie-rack. I removed two nice silk ones and returned to the bed.
“Give me your right hand.”
He did, and I quickly tied it to the headboard.
“Now, roll over.”
I tied his left hand to the other side of the bed. “Now we will finish what you started.”
I squatted over him, and lowered my still throbbing pussy to his face. He needed no more urging and started to gunguing me again. He took my clip between his lips, and ran his tongue around and around it, occasionally thrusting deep with his tongue, or sucking my clip deep into his mouth. This time, my needs were quickly met, and again I came in squirts. To think that I didn’t even know I could do that three days ago!
“Get every drop boy – you don’t want to have to explain to your friend how you ruined his mattress!”
He kept toguing my clip, as I rubbed my breasts and pinched my nipples and I came again – with a scream. As the waves subsided, I leaned forward and took his throbbing cock in my hand.
“Very good, boy. Now I’m going to do something for you. But I’m not going to let you come tonight. I’m sending you home to your wife. You’ll wake her, if necessary, and fuck her till she screams like that. If you do a good enough job, I’ll let you come to my room and do thesame for me after she goes back to sleep. Now, don’t stop licking me…”
I stared with fascination at his cock. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience, but it looked larger than most of the ones I’d had – and definitely larger than the straw-on I’d used on his wife. I wrapped my left hand around the base, and my right hand above it, and the head was still well exposed. Yummy! I took his cock in my mouth, sliding slowly up and down the shake. At first, I could barely even get the head in, but as he tongued me back towards another orgasm, I found I could manage to swallow more and more. Every time I felt him start to come, I’d withdraw and pinch the base of his penis just above the prostate. After three repeats, he was developing a serious case of blue-balls. He was begging me to let him come, and I had to spank him often to remind him that he didn’t get to choose the time of his release.
When I finally decided that he couldn’t take another dose, I climbed off him.
“Well done, slave. Now I’m sending you home to your wife.”
“Please, Nanny! Please let me come!”
“Roll over!”
He hesitated, and I squeezed his balls hard. “Are you disobeying my order?”
“No, Nanny, please.” He was sobbing, now, and his erection was subsiding.
He struggled to turn over. With both hands tied to the bedposts, it was awkward, but when he managed, I ordered him:
“Raise your ass!”
This time he quickly got his knees under him and raised his butt for me.
“Much better. How many lashes do you think you deserve, for questioning me? Now, take your time – you want to be right … If you suggest a lower number than I think is appropriate, I’ll double what I’m Currently thinking.”
I could see him caught between the desire to reduce his punishment, and the knowledge that it would cost him more if he guessed wrong. Finally, he stammered:
“S-s-siixx, Nanny?”
“Very good. I had thought five. THIS time only, I’ll let you off withfive. If it happens again, I’ll take your suggestion.”
When I’d finished, he was rock hard again, and crying from the pain, but he thanked me for correcting him.
“Very good. I think you’ll make a very good sex slave. Do you want to be my slave?”
“Oh yes, Nanny!”
“Good boy. Now, remember what I said you have to do when you get home. Go to the bathroom and wash my cum off your face – you don’t want her to know what you’ve been doing, do you? But don’t you dare jerk off in there. When you’re done, get dressed. I’ll call Cathy to tell her your plane’s arrived.”
“N-n-nanny, may I speak.”
“Yes, boy, but be careful.”
“Cathy is five months pregnant…”
“Silly boy – don’t you know anything about women yet? Sex won’t hurt her, and YOU won’t hurt her. Now, go on.”
I untied him and he shuffled to the bathroom, trying not to irritate his flameing back and ass. I picked up my sopping thong, and deciding I didn’t want to put it back on, tucked itin his pants pocket, then wriggled into my dress. I went down to the living room and called Cathy.
“Mission accomplished, sweetheart,” I whispered into the phone. “I’m sending him home to you with a serious aching he needs to relieve … You didn’t tell me he likes to be dominated!”
“WHAT!”, Cathy screamed into the phone.
“You didn’t know? How could you not know? Oh, wow – I’d assumed you must be … Oh … just ‘wow!’
“Well, anyway, we’ve had fun and games, but I didn’t let him come. I told him he had to fuck you till you screamed, and if he did a good enough job I’d let him come to my room after you fall asleep. So try not to be too loud – much as I need a good fucking at this point, I’ll be happy to deny myself to prove a point to him. If he doesn’t do a good enough job with you to get to fuck me, he’ll be even hornier tomorrow.”
“Christie – you are a devil!”
“Me? I’m completely innocent – he brought this on himself … Though I have to admit, I am soooo hot. Will he be going in to the office in the morning? Can you leave after him? I really want to talk to you about this…”
“Oh, here he comes … So, we’ll be there in about 10 minutes, Cathy, OK? Bye.”
“Ready then, boy? Let’s talk about tomorrow before we leave. Is there a spare key for this place?”
“Yes, Nanny.” He walked over to the kitchen and opened a draw, taking out a key.
“Give that to me. Since classes haven’t started, I presume you can get off for lunch at 12?”
“Yes, Nanny.”
“Very well. You will be here at noon. I will arrive later, and I expect to find you kneeing on that rug, in front of the window, naked, with your hands lacened behind your head and cock erect. I’ll write out your catechism tonight, and I expect you to have it memorized. If you are good, I will grant you release.”
“Thank you, Nanny.”
“Then let’s go.”
* * *
When we got to John’s car, he was still walking gingerly.
“Can you drive, or would you like me to do it?”
“Yes, Nanny, I’m fine!”, he almost yelled.
Here, I’d just spent the last hour seriously challenging his manhood, and now he finally drew the line at me driving his fancy sports car. Boys and their toys… This was something I was definitely going to have to break him of. After all – I’d really enjoyed driving his car!
It took about five minutes to get home. As usual, he became a different, one might say “driven”, man behind the wheel, and he forget all about me, so as he came to a stop in the garage, I told him, “Wait.”
I reached over, and stroked his now flacid cock through his pants. He turned towards me.
“Stop – just sit there. I just want to be sure you’re ready for Cathy. Go straight to bed. Afterward, I’ll be waiting for you. I’ll give you your catechism, and if you’ve done a good job with your wife, I’ll let you fuck me. Is that what you want?”
“More than anything, Nanny!”
“More than your wife?”
He hesitated … “Yes, Nanny!”
“I warned you about hesitation – and this time, I suspect it’s an outright lie. Perhaps, I’m being soft, but I’ll let you get away with it for now. Now, go!”
He curried into the house – this time not even thinking about me, let alone opening my door. Very good – he was learning that playing gentleman was not as important as obeying me. I Followed him in, locked the door to the garage behind me, and entered the kitchen. Already I could hear John and Cathy talking in their bedroom just down the hall. I took the cork out of the bottle of Uruguayan Stagnari Tannat I’d opened for dinner, and poured myself a glass, then found a pad of paper and a pen and walked through to the living room.
Sitting in a comfy chair, with just a reading light on, I crossed my legs under me, and started to write:
Christie is my mistress,
I will obey my mistress in all things, without hesitation,
I will at all times be respectful,
I will come onlyWhen, where and with whom my mistress permits,
My mistress will teach me my duties,
and discipline my transgressions.
My mistress will protect me, as I will serve her.
I was pretty new to this, but that seemed to cover the basics.
As I finished, I could hear the unmistakable sounds of sex down the hall. So far, so good – this had all started when Cathy had confessed to me that John no longer seemed to want to have sex with her because of her pregnancy. Suddenly, there was a load groan, and then Cathy’s quiet voice suggesting that it was just a little anxiety, and they could start again. I stifled a laugh as I realized I’d got John so worked up that premature ejaculation was practically guaranteed. I took another sip of wine, as I heard John start to groan again – but This time I knew Cathy was sucking his cock, getting him hard for another try. Just as well for him, I thought. On the second try, he might be able to get Cathy excited enough to scream beforehe reached his own climax!
I took another sip of wine, and hiked my dress above my hips. As I listened to the soft sounds of their love making, I slipped a finger in my pussy and feel the beginnings of my own excitement. Tracing circles around my clip, I felt it harden and extend, just as I imagined was happening to John’s cock. Listening to the changing tempo, and increasing sounds from Cathy, I I took another drink as I heard the unmistakable sound of the headboard lightly slapping the wall. While my lovers’ tempo increased, I put my wine down and put both hands to work. As I teased my clip with my left hand, I thrust three fingers deep into my cunt. In and out, in and out. I could feel the pressure building, as Cathy’s vocalizations became louder and More frantic. Finally, just as I feel my own climax coming, Cathy and John screamed in unison. It was all I could do not to join them as the waves of my own pleasure took me away.
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