**To those who were following the story, I am sorry it has taken so long for the next installment. It was a case of life interfering with recreation. Thank you for you comments. I hope you continue to enjoy The Mystery of Lady Sienna.**
I awoke to a room bathed in the soft glow of light streaming through the open drawery. When I turned towards the window I saw that the sun was low in the western sky. It was already late afternoon. Once again Sienna’s potion had made my sleep long and deep. As my head cleared, I wondered how I had gotten from the chair to the bed. I knew that Sarah could not have managed to move me on her own. I assumed that Brutus or one of his cohorts had assisted her. I hoped that she had not paid for that assistance with her body. The picture of my jailor sweating and grunting atop my sweet lover made me shudder. I willed the image out of my mind. I knew as long as Sarah and I remained in Lady Sienna’s household, I would have to deal with my lover being used in anyway my hostess choose. I could only hope I would not be made to watch it happen again.
I tried to get up but the drugs had forgotten and my damaged arm sent jolts of pain through my body. I fell back into the plus bed. Almost without realizing it I began to sob. The frustration over my situation was mounting and combined with the shooting pains I was experiencing I had little else left to do but cry. I had found the woman of my dreams but I could not protect her. I had begun to think that I would never find a means to escape from Lady Sienna’s hospitality. I was so lost in my despair that I did not hear Sarah come back into the room until she was next to the bed.
“Darling, what is it?” She asked with great concern as she touched my cheek softly.
I lied and told her that it was the pain in my arm causing the tears. She helped me sit up and then gave me a cup insisting I drink it down. I knew it was more drugs, but I did not care. I needed the pain to go away. Somehow I knew the potion would lessen both the physical and emotional pain.
“Darling we must get you bathed. The Mistress has summoned us,” She said in a hushed reverent tone.
I gave no argument as she helped me to my feet and led me naked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. The hall was busy with servants rushing around. It is odd how in just a few days I had become accustomed to being naked in front of strangers. Odder still was the way none of the passersby seemed to notice my state of undress.
Ida was waiting for us in the cold, grey, tiled room. The big tub was already filled with steaming water. The old woman was clearly annoyed. I supposed that the late afternoon bath had disrupted her schedule.
“Come on good sir, we must worry. You do not want to be late and anger the Mistress!” Ida barked in an uncharacteristically stern tone.
I quickly walked over and stepped into the nearly scalding water. I had become accustomed to the hot water, harsh soap and rough clothes Ida used to wash me. I had even become comfortable with the old woman bathing me. However, it felt different with Sarah watching. To my embarrassment, I became aroused as my lover watched me standing in the steaming tub being washed from head to toe. Ida seemed to take no notice as she rubbed the crude cake of yellow soap over my growing penis. Thankfully, the bath was over quickly and Once I was thoroughly rinsed, Sarah came over with two plus towels to help me dry off. I wanted to wrap a towel around my wait to hide my still erect penis. However, Ida had no intention of letting any of her inventory out of her control. I was forced to walk back to my room with my semi-erect cock pointing the way.
Once the door to my room was shut, Sarah said that we needed to take care of my predicament before seeing Lady Sienna. She simply dropped to her knees and began licking and sucking my cock with a wild abandon. I wanted to protest, but the words never passed my lips. I truly did not want her to be my whore. Somehow, though, watching her I felt that she got pleasure from giving me pleasure in that way. I put my hands on her head and gently caresed her curly locks as her lips and tongue worked their magic on me. She ticked my balls with her delicate fingers and my cock suddenly exploded sending spurts of thick cum into her hungry mouth. The intensity of my orgasm was staggering and I had to grip her shoulders to steady myself. Once she had drained every drop of my seed from my slowly deflating cock she cleaned me with her little, silky, pink tongue.
As soon as she was finished with my cock she was on her feet and quickly got me into my robe. As she helped me get my damaged arm into the sleeve, she urged me to worry as Ida had, so as not to anger the Mistress. I wondered what more Sienna could possible do to me. I had been imprisoned and beaten and mangled. I had been forced to watch the woman I loved willing suck other men’scocks. There was no further pain I could imagine, only death. At that moment death seemed like a pleasant alternative to a life in Sienna’s prison. Alas, I was soon to find that there were worse things yet to come.
Sarah led me downstairs and past the dining room to a part of the house I did not remember being in before. We entered a room that had no windows. It was paneled in heavy dark oak. The only light came from the candles burning in sconces along three of the walls and a roaring fire set in the fourth wall. The room was unfurnished except for a large easy-chair. Our hostess set upon the throne-like chair, her face expressionless. Brutus and another of her henchman stood on either side of Lady Sienna. The evil expression on Brutus’s face caused chills to run down my spine.
The fire cracked loudly and a heavy log fell into the ashes. The sudden noise caused me to jump. Brutus moved towards me, perhaps thinking I was making an aggressive move towards his Mistress. Withoutt being told, Sarah stepped away from me and stood by the far wall. I tried to reach for her but my arm was held down by Brutus. His glare was all the warning I needed. If he broke my other arm it might become impossible for me to ever leave that horrible place. As Sienna began to speak the other guard moved over by Sarah. My stomach instantly knotted in fear.
“It is a shame you have not graciously accepted our hostility, Mr. Miller. You are a most stubborn man. My good service, Charles, thinks I should put you out,” Sienna said as she motioned towards Brutus.
So the Neanderthal has a real name, I thought to myself as Sienna continued on in a stern emotionalless tone.
“But, Mr. Miller, we are compassionate and do not feed our guests to the wolves while there is still hope that they will reform. However, it seems you care little for your own hide. Now Miss Freedman on the other hand seems to care very much for your hide. She has asked to be yours and we have decided to grant the request, provided you want the little slut!”
I had never heard Sienna speak of anyone in this manner. The since of dread growing deeper in me. But I knew that I must speak. I had to tell Sienna that I indeed did want Sarah.
“My lady, I am humbly sorry for offending you. You have been a most gracious hostess. That your generation continues by offering me so great a gift is truly astonishing! I accept with extreme gratitude, Mistress,” I said in the sincerest tone I could muster.
“It will take more than a contrite speech to convince us of your sincerity, Mr. Miller. As for Miss Freedman she understands and embraces her roll in our household. While she is yours and will serve you in anyway that does not displease us, she will remain subject to serving others as we see fit. She also understands that she will be punished for your sins, Mr. Miller!”
I heard a noise and turned to she Sarah drop her robe. The unnamed guard then shackled her beautiful, naked, alabaster body to the oak wall. I screamed, no and tried to go to her. Charles prevented my vain attempt to rescue her by grabbing my damaged arm. Pain shot through my body as his hot, foul breath cascaded over my neck. He moved his mouth to my ear and spoke in a soft menuing voice. He warned me not to interfere. Then he made me turn to watch as his cohort took a stick from a previously unseen cabinet. I glared back at Sienna, but got no comfort from the cold glower of her eyes. I could not believe they were going to beat my love. But then I recalled the scars I had noticed on her body before.
The guard gagged Sarah and turned towards Sienna. She nodded and the guard laid the leather strap hard onto Sarah’s exposed buttock. Even through the gag I heard the anguished cry and watched helpedlessly as a red welt formed on my lover’s ass cheek. I turned towards Sienna to beg her to stop the madness.
“Please, my lady, she is innocent! She has served you faithfully. I am the one that shoulderd be on that wall!”
My tears and contribute tone were geneuine. However, they did not stop the strap from coming down on Sarah’s other buttock. I felt as if I would throw up from the anguish of seeing my lover hurt in this way. Thankfully, Sienna raised her hand and the strap did not fall upon Sarah again.
“Mr. Miller, you ask a lot of us. Miss Freedman has willing agreed to assist in your Punishment. Surely each time the strap falls upon her you learn a greater lesson than if it fell upon you? I wonder what you are willing to give us in return for our generosity.”
“Anything, my lady! Please Sarah does not deserve this!”
I was desperate and truly would have given Sienna anything she demanded of me to end Sarah’s torture.
“What is it you want of me, Mistress?”
“We need your complete submission. You must become a loyal, obedient member of our household.”
I quickly agreed, assuring Sienna that I would be at my Mistress’s command. The guardremoved Sarah form the shadowles and I was ordered to the wall. The guard helped me remove my robe and I was ordered to place my hands flat on the wall. I assumed that not being shackled was a way to prove my compliance and I was determined not to move no matter how merciless a beating I received.
I felt the heat from Charles’s body as he moved in behind me. Suddenly he grasped my scrotum in his big, sweaty, beefy hand. He snarled at me and told me that the Mistress was going to speak and if I so much as twitched he would rip my balls from my body. I had no doubt that he would take great pleasure in ripping my testicles from my body or that he was capable of doing so. I did not notice Sienna cross the room until I felt her warm soft lips touch my ear. It was as if she had floated from her chair to my side. Her tongueue flicked catlike over the ridges of my ear as she spoke. She hissed that I had one last chance to change my mind before she gave me the mark of her household. I quickly afforded my desire to serve her. She sunk her teeth into my earlobe hard enough to leave a mark and stepped away.
I felt a trickle of blood and thought that wearing Sienna’s teeth marks on my earlobe was a small price to pay for ending the torture of my beloved Sarah. Charles released my balls and took hold of my ankle. I offered no resistance as he shackled my legs and arms to the wall. I steeled myself for the expected beating; however, I could never have prepared myself for what came instead. I felt a sequencing pain on my left buttock and smelled the unmistakable odor of burning flesh. I screamed into the wall as the heated metal blistered my flesh. Almost as soon as the hot iron was removed from my ass, Sarah was on her knees behind me. She was smearing a salary over my scorched skin. The salary had an amazing numbing power. The pain was instantly reduced to that of an annoying insect bite. The positions in that house were surely not ordinary modern medicine.
Sienna remindedd us that we were expected at dinner and promptly left with her guards. I managed to turn my head enough to see a bit of a sneering smile on my mistress’s face before she floated out the door. Clearly she was pleased that I had taken a pledge of obedience and was now marked as if I was just a piece of her chattel. Sarah struggled to free me from the shadows. My wounded arm was extremely sore from having have been pulled into position to be locked into the manacle. Once I was free she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me tenderly. She thanked me for being so brave and then admonished me to never be so foolish again. I told that I would never let her take a beating for me, but not to worry as I intended to honor my pledge to Lady Sienna. She warned me to always remember that she was now the Mistress. Since I wore the brand I was now property and must be perfect. I wondered why Sarah was not branded. Her answer to my unasked question made it seem as though she could read my mind.
“Oh, my love, women are not deemed worthy of wearing the Mistress’s mark. We serve at her pleasure but are never honored as the men are.”
Sarah put a bandage over my nearly acquired honor and helped me with my robe. As we walked towards the dining room, I express concern about sitting down for dinner. Sarah explained that we would be allowed to stand at the mantle and eat as we both had tender behind. I felt a bit ashamed that I forgotten she had taken a few lashes for me and no doubt her ass was quite sore also. I was quiet for the rest of the walk; contemplating how many others wore the Mistress’s brand. However, it really didn’t matter, branded or not, I was determined to find a way out for Sarah and myself as soon as my arm healed.
Dinner was uneventful. Lady Sienna and the two gentlemen from my First dinner in the house sat at the table while Sarah and I ate standing at the mantle. By the time dessert was offered it was clear that I had been heavily drugged again. I could barely stand on my wobbly knees. Sienna told Charlie to take me to bed. By the time we reached my room he was practically carrying me. I fell onto my stomach on the bed and went to sleep alone. No doubt Sarah’s services were needed elsewhere.
I awoke alone in the pitch dark. It seemed even Sienna’s powerful drugs were not a match for the combined pain of my mangled arm and blistered flesh. My ass burned almost as if the glowing iron was still pressed to my skin. The pain in my arm made it impossible for me to move off the bed. I desperately wished that Sarah was there to help me. After what seemed an interminable time of laying in my bed suffering, I concluded that my love had been given to another for the night. Rage at my inability to help Sarah mixed with pain and frustration led me to cry out for help. I had yelled myself hoarse by the time I heard the bolt on the door turn. Brutus stormed into the room wearing a robe and clearly not happy about being disturbed.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You are disturbing the entire house!”
“I am sorry, Sir, but the pain is too much to bear,” I whispered as I tried to stop the tears that were flowing down my cheeks.
To my surprise, Brutus’s demeanor instantly softened as the light of his lantern revealed the anguish on my face. He very carefully removed the bandage that covered my new mark. I was stunned that the brute could actually be gentle. He was clearly feeling sympathy for me which made me wonder if he too bore Sienna’s mark and recalled the pain of receiving the honor. He spoke softly, telling me he would be right back with help.
True to his word he returned in a few minutes with a beautiful young woman in tow. She wore only a plain clothes shift which barely contained her large breasts. Most of her pale skin was left uncovered. As Brutus businessed himself lighting the lantern on my table, the woman examined my ass wound. A salve was applied which quickly eased the pain. Brutus wasinstructed to help me to my feet which he did with a very uncharacteristic gentleness. I was given a beverage which I hoped contained more drugs. While the girl examined my arm she told me that she was the Mistress’s hand maid and her name was Dianna. She also told me that since Sarah was being used by another, she was to be mine for the rest of the night.
The drugs once again took away my pain. When Dianna put on a new bandage, I barely felt her touch my wound. When she finished her nurse duties she began to delicately massage up and down my legs. Although my desire to remain true to Sarah and the fact that Brutus was staring at me with a rather evil grin on his face, Dianna’s delicate touch was causing me to become aroused. I assumed that the drink I was given had Sienna’s sex position as well as the pain killer. It did not matter What my desires were anyway. If the Mistress wanted me to have sex with Dianna or even Brutus that is what would happen. I intended to keep my word toSienna until the opportunity to escape presented itself.
Dianna’s fingers reached the top of my thighs and she began to softly ticket my ball sack. I felt my cock twitch and heard a whispered moan of sexual pleasure escape my throat. She kissed my growing cock softly and then stood up. Without a word she pulled the clothes shift over her head and stood before me completely naked. Her silver dollar-sized areolas framed stiff nipples that stood out from the alabaster mounds of her amazing tits.
I could see over her shoulder that Brutus was enjoying the show. His hand was inside his robe obviously massaging his own growing erection. I wondered for a moment if the big man’s cock matched his body. The fleeting thought evaporated when Brutus noticed I was looking his way. He grunted something about me being in good hands, walked over, slapped Dianna’s bare ass and left the room.
As he left the room I reached for Dianna’s tits. I suddenly wanted her badly and I knew from my pReviant experiences in Lady Sienna’s house that Dianna was mine to use as I pleased. If I had given my feelings any thought I would have realized it was the Mistress’s potion that made me want Dianna so frantically. However, it would not have mattered; I knew my Mistress wanted me to have her hand maid so even without being drugged I would have taken the delicate young woman without hesitation. My fingers pressed into the milky flesh of her large orbs. She pursued like a liness in heat when I pulled her closer to me. My hard cock brushed against her as I bent and took her left nipple into my mouth. I could barely contain her entire areola between my lips. I used my hand to hold and massage her tits as I suckled eagerly on her delicious flesh. As I voraciously licked, kissed, sucked and bit her tits, she moaned as if I was giving her more pleasure than any lover before me. I knew somewhere deep in my mind it was just part of the way women were taught to treat men in Sienna’s strange housingehold, but still her moans heighten my excitement. After awhile I released her breast and brought my face up to hers. I pressed my lips to her soft pink lips. She willing parted her lips, inviting my tongue into her warm mouth as I kissed her so hard that some would describe it as violent. Our bodies pressed together. My steel rod poked into her soft skin and her huge tits were smoked between us.
When the kiss broke the words that came from my mouth shocked me. I spoke filtered words in a tone I had never before uttered. I called her a slut and ordered her to her knees. She not only compiled with my order instantly, but seemed delighted to do so. She licked and kissed my cock and balls until I thought I would die from pleasure. Sienna had certainly trained her women well in the art of pleasure men. As Dianna sucked my throbbing organ my mind wandered. No doubt the drugs had a hallucinatory property. I imagined what it would be like to have Lady Sienna suck my cock. The fantasy both excited and repulsed me. I could not shake the image of that evil bitch that held me captive being her knees serving me the way I had made Dianna service me. I grabbed the maid’s head and began to fuck her face with deep, long, hard thrusts. My cock entered her throat with each thrust. My balls hit her chin and her nose nestled into my pubic hair when I held my twitching cock deep in her mouth. It seemed she could have Easily taken a cock twice my size. She was amazing. I wanted to cum; needed to cum so badly it felt as if my balls were on fire. I wanted to flood the sweet young woman’s mouth with my seed. But, once again Sienna’s position deprived me of my release. I continued to imagine being with Sienna; I even moaned her name as I saw her naked in my mind. I didn’t know if I would retch or cum harder than I ever had as the image of me atop Sienna, the two of us sweaty, fucking like animals consumed my thoughts.
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