The Christmas holiday break went fast; Katrina and I only had a few extra days to ourselves after coming back from Natasha’s house, which we enjoyed immensely. Neither of us left the house nor wore any clothes for those few days, we were pretty much all over each other.
Katrina and I had agreed on a date for our wedding, it would be on our one year anniversary of Katrina becoming my Mistress and me her slave, the 30th of March. Just under three months away.
Today was our first day back at work, although it was still early January we had to work on getting the February issue of the magazine out the door. Katrina was upstairs in a meeting with the other department heads, I was at my desk going through my email, I would be expecting one from Jenny soon, if Natasha lets her but now it was mostly spam email, like I have a use for Viagra and other aphrodisiacs.
That’s interesting, an email from Sandra, it was sent early this morning. What could be so important that she can’t walk five seconds over to my desk and tell me? I opened the email and read it. “Something special for your first day back at work, Love Sandra” There was also a video attachment.
I played the video attachment, it made my Jaw drop. It was Sandra sitting on her bed with her legs spread; she held the remote control to the video camera in her hand. The camera zooms in on her bald pussy and slowly, using her pelvic muscles she pushed something pink out. After a few minutes a pair of wet panties appear. She rubs them against her pussy obviously enjoying the sensing; she then sniffs them for a moment and puts them on and normal clothes on over them.
‘Wow’ I thought, I had no idea she was like that, I looked over to Sandra on the far side of the office and she was wearing the same thing she was wearing at the end of the video. Suddenly my chatity belt felt a little smaller than usual.
Katrina appeared from behind the elevator door and instructed everyone on the floorto go to the conference room. We were to have one of our production meetings.
Everyone helped themselves to some coffee and biscuits while Katrina shuffled some paper about.
“Welcome back to a new year. “Katrina said. “I hope you all had a great time and stayed out of trouble, its business as usual but we must get the February issue out as fast as possible. Amanda you will be going with one of the reporters to go shoot a soapie star next week, that’s all I know for now, I’ll tell you when I know more.
The meeting went on for a little while longer and then Katrina dismissed us.
“Wait everyone, I have one more thing to say.” Katrina said
Everyone stopped making for the door and turned to face Katrina.
“Steven and I are getting married.”
Everyone’s jaws dropped, except Laurens and Amanda’s, they probably expected it.
“Where is the ring?” Sandra asked.
Everyone else was curious too.
“It was a snap decision to ask Steven on New Years Eve, so there is no ring yet.”
Everyone hugged Katrina but pretty much ignored me, there was some awkwardness between me and Sandra.
Sandra stayed behind with me to help clean up the mess.
“Steven, have you checked your email yet?” Sandra asked.
“Not yet. Why?” I said innocently.
“I sent you an email; just delete it without looking at it, its nothing really.”
“Sure OK.”
I had no intention of deleting that email, I would keep it and use it against her if she ever did something to annoy me, it would be around the internet at the speed of light.
Sandra left the room leaving me with the mess.
During the day when no one else was looking I view the video email attachment a few more times, I was sort of turned on.
Katrina appeared from behind her office door and called out. “Steven, Sandra, join me in my office please.”
I quickly closed my email and went into her office.
“What’s up?” Sandra asked as cool aspossible as we stood in front of Katrina’s desk.
“Steven, lock the door please.”
I reached behind me and closed and locked the door.
“What’s going on?” Sandra asked getting worried.
“I would like to speak to you both about misuse of the company email.” Katrina said with a serious look.
“I’m sorry.” Sandra panicked. “Steven was supposed to delete it.”
“He’s viewed it five times today and has it archived, good thing I have access to his network account.”
“He told me he wouldn’t look at it.”
“You don’t look like the type to do such slutty things Sandra.” Katrina said staring at Sandra.
“I’m not.” Sandra said almost in tears. “Please don’t fire me.”
“I’m not going to fire you; I Don’t even care what you do with the company email system. I’m just curious what led you to think that you could send Steven such an email”
“Amanda and Lauren said that the thing going on between you and Steven wasn’t that serious, just a little office fling and Steven was looking to find someone serious.”
“You know better than to believe those two Sandra.” Katrina shook her head.
“I know but they said to turn him on in the morning and he’ll be so horny by the afternoon that you only have to go in the storeroom when he is in there and things will go from there.”
“Are you attracted to me Sandra?” I asked.
“I don’t know, you’re a nice guy, someone who I would like to go out with and get to know better but when I found out about the engagement this morning I backed off and asked you to delete the email.”
“I saw it before you asked. “I smiled.
“You lied to me Steven.” Sandra got more upset. “I thought you were my friend.”
“I am but you sent me a naked video of yourself and it….”
“Fried his silly brain.” Katrina finished for me. She got up from her chair and walked out from behind her desk near Sandra. “You must be pretty desperate to such a slutty thing to attract a male.”
“I’ma virgin Katrina; I want to lose my virginity to a meaningful relationship with someone I could care for, not some one night stand.” Sandra held her head high.
“There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, lose it when you are ready there’s no rush.”
“Amanda and Lauren know I’m a virgin, they can tell, they tease me about it all the time.”
“There are those two names again.” I rolled my eyes.
“Sandra you seem like an intelligent and an open minded girl, why limit yourself just to guys?” Katrina said grabbing Sandra by the wrist.
“Huh?” Sandra said not quite understanding.
“Can you promise to keep what I’m about to say a secret?” Katrina asked.
“Sure.” Sandra said. “As long as you keep my virginity a secret.”
“Deal.” Katrina said not really considering virginity a valid secret. “Well anyway, I love Steven but I also like to sleep with women, I’m bisexual.”
Sandra was shocked. “You? Why?”
“It’s something that feels right to me, someth I need in my life.”
“I don’t know.”
Katrina smiled. “I understand but its something you should consider, women understand other women more than any man can.”
Sandra looked at Katrina’s hand on her wrist and wasn’t quite sure on what to do.
“Let her go Katrina, you’re scaring her.” I said.
“Be quiet Steven.”
“What are you going to do?” Sandra asked a little nervous.
“What ever I like.” The answer came.
Katrina removed her hand from Sandra wrist and without permission started to undo Sandra’s jeans.
Sandra didn’t know what to say or do, she just watched on nervously.
“Are these the same panties from the video?” Katrina asked sliding a finger behind them.
“Yeah, I did the video early this morning.”
Katrina reached for the scissors on her desk and then cut Sandra’s panties and pulled them away from her body. She then reached into the draw of her desk and pulled out a pair of her own ben-wa balls, she slid the balls into Sandra’s pussy and then the panties until they completely disappeared.
Sandra gasped at the new sensing inside of her but didn’t protest at all.
“How does it feel?” Katrina asked doing up Sandra’s jeans.
“Heavy, they feel like they will slide out.”
“Concentrate, I want you to wear them all day and take them out when you get home, if they come out in public if could be embarrassing for you since you aren’t wearing any underwear to catch them. Will you do it for me?”
Sandra looked up at Katrina. “I will.”
“Thank you girl, I know you can do it.”
“Why are you doing this?” Sandra said taking a few steps to see how it felt
There is a question I wanted to know the answer to too.
“Because you let me.”
Sandra paused and thought about it, Katrina was right, she never protected a bit.
“It’s Steven’s birthday on Saturday; would you like to come to my place? It’s just a small get together.”
“Sure.” Sandra said.”
“Great, anytime in the afternoon will be fine. You can go back to work now.”
Sandra opened the door and left the room closing the door behind her.
“You’re unbelievable.” I quietly yelled.
Katrina just smiled as a plan formulated in her head.
“You aren’t going to do what you did to Amanda and Lauren are you?”
“It’s just a little get together, nothing to be concerned about Steven.”
“I wish I could believe that, I really do.” I said before leaving her office to go back to work.
Katrina snuggled into my side as we laid together in her bed, she thought I was a little too frisky last night and decided to shackle my hands behind my back.
“Happy birthday.” She said while kissing me on the cheese.
“Hmmm.” I smiled. “Thank you.” I slowly opened my eyes.
“So how is my birthday boy?”
“Wonderful.” I said before kissing Katrina back. “I could lay here with you all day.”
“Me too but then we would miss out on all the othe fun I have installed for you today.”
Katrina reached over to her side table to pick up a key; she undid my shadows and dropped them on the floor.
“Join me in the shower.” Katrina said pulling herself out of bed.
Katrina drew a nice hot shower. We got in together and spent more time making out then washing ourselves, actually Katrina decided to wash me this morning; she took great pride and care in doing it and made sure she didn’t miss a spot.
“I love you.” I said kissing Katrina some more.
“I love you more.” Katrina replied and holding me close. “I’m going to make this day very special for you.”
“You know what? I’m going to let you.” I smiled and continued kissing as the water flowed down our embedded bodies.
Katrina drunk me off after our shower and did my hair the way she liked it, we went down stairs where she prepared a big breakfast for the both of us. She stared at me while I ate.
“What?” I asked smiling.
“You’re just so cute.” She replied.
“Who am I to argue? You aren’t too bad yourself.” I said taking a bite.
“I have left some clothes out for you on my bed, get dressed into them, we’re going out.”
“Where to?”
“It’s a surprise.” Katrina said reaching over to kiss me.
Katrina drove through the suburbs of the south west area of the city, I really wasn’t sure where we she was going because she seemed to weaving in and out of suburbs until we reached an area I recognized.
“We aren’t going where I think we are going?” I asked angrily.
“Yes we are Steven.”
“Turn around, now.” I yelled.
“They’re your parents I think they would like to see you on your birthday.” Katrina said not taking her eyes of the road.
“Well I don’t want to go.”
“I don’t care what you want Steven.”
“That’s real nice Katrina, pamper me and make me feel good all morning and then you ruin it.”
“I haven’t ruined a thing; it’s your attitude that’s the trouble here.”
Katrina pulled up the driveway to my old house and turned off the engine.
“I’m not getting out.”
“Are you going to make a scene Steven? In front of your parents?”
My mother came out the front door.
“Dammit.” I said while taking my seat belt off and getting out the car.
“Hi mum.” I smiled. “Missed me?”
“Good to see you Steven, I knew you would come back.”
“Yeah, okay. Mum this is Katrina, Katrina this is Patricia.”
“Hi.” Katrina said greeting my mother.
“Great to meet you.” Patricia said in return. “Come in.”
We went inside and sat on the blinde.
“Where’s dad?” I asked.
“He’s out, not sure when he’ll be back.”
“Fag!” I heard my little brother call out.
“Andrew!” Patricia yelled.
“Katrina that’s my little mistake of a brother Andrew.”
“Who’s this? She’s hot.” Andrew said grinning.
“My girlfriend.”
“How much did you pay for her?” Andrew had no shame.
I leaped off the locke to get my little brother but Katrina held me back. “Sit boy”
“Ha” Andrew laughed.
“So where have you been all this time, I haven’t seen you in almost a year and you hardly call.” Patricia asked.
“I have been a little tied up with things.” I answered somewhat truly.
“How is the job in the country?”
“I got fired, but it wasn’t my fault.” I said translating reality into a vanilla friendly version.
“Too many girls fighting over you wasn’t it Steven?” Katrina said smiling.
“Something like that, so now I’m back working in the city.”
“Doing what?” Mum asked offering some biscuits.
“He’s my personal assistant.” Katrina answered. “And a very good one too.”
“Where did you two meet?” Andrew asked looking at Katrina’s tight shirt.
“We worked together out in the country and when Steven was fired I sort of followed him back to the city.”
Andrew laughed.
“What’s so funny Andrew?” I said angrily.
“Sure anyone would follow you Steven.”
“Andrew, be quiet or go to your room.” Mum said not happy.
“Anyway.” Katrina said. “We are now engaged.”
“Congratulations.” My mum said exchanging kisses with Katrina. “I hope Steven brought you a great ring.”
“I proposed on New Years Eve and we haven’t had a chance to go get one.” Katrina answered.
My little brother laughed some more. “Steven doesn’t even have the balls to ask for himself.”
“Andrew.” Katrina asked. “How old are you?”
“Thirteen.” Andrew replied.
“Do any girls at school like you?”
“Yeah, they’re real hot too.”
“So what’s the problem with Steven and me going out?”
“He’s a fag!” Andrew laughed.
“I like to think I’m adopted.” I said with a straight face.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon was painful, Katrina and mum talked about things, Andrew went out with friends and I just tuned it. Of course the baby album had to come out and once everyone enablered I was thoroughly embarrassed we had some lunch.
After lunch Katrina checked out my old room, she said I could take something home, I told her I didn’t want too, its my old life and best left behind, she decided to take an old teddy bear of mine home that I took everywhere with me when I was a toddler.
“It was great meeting you but we have to go.” Katrina said to my mother.
“Good to meet you too, make sure Steven calls more often would you?”
“Will do, we’ll invite you and your family over to my house soon.”
“We’ll keep a day free.”
“Bye Mum.”
“So what is his name?” Katrina asked playing with my bear.
“Teddy I guess.”
“What is your problem Steven?”
“I didn’t want to go there today.”
“When would you want to go then?”
I shrugged.
“Just as I thought.” Katrina continued.
“Next week we’ll visit your family.”
“They’re dead.”
“I don’t even know where my parents are buried.”Katrina got a little mad having the pressure put on her.
“That’s no excuse, we’ll go look.”
“No Steven, I visited my grand mother’s grave when we visited Natasha, they are my only family”
“You might find aunties, uncles and cousins that you never knew you had.”
“My grandmother had one child, my mother; my father’s side never cared enough to call me during my life so screw them.”
“I give up.”
“Good, now go up stairs and get changed in your slaves uniform.” Katrina said still hugging my bear.
Sandra arrived at about three pm Katrina and I answered the door and invited her in. She was wearing long black pants, black shirt and a black trench coat which was kept open. She had on a black studied dog collar and wore something Similar around her wait, her face makes up was paler then usual and her lipstick and eye makeup was a darker black. She had her short spiked hair gelled, but it was messy like she got out of bed.
“Welcome.” Katrina said.
“Nice house.” Sandra said.
“Can I take your coat?” I asked.
“No, I’m right thanks. Nice clothes Steven.” Sandra said looking me up and down.
“Was going to say the same thing.”
“Steven!” Katrina objected.
“Its cool, this is everyday me, I feel comfortable like this. So where is everybody?”
“Everybody is here.” Katrina smiled.
“Okay.” Sandra looked a little worried.
Katrina led the way to the blind room where we all sat down, Katrina next to me while Sandra throw herself in to the corner of another blinde.
“So what did you get for your birthday?” Sandra asked me.
“Nothing.” I replied. “I’m sure I’m in for a surprise later.”
“Was the shower I gave you or breakfast nothing Steven?” Katrina asked.
“Well besides that.”
“Can I ask something Steven?” Sandra said. “Why are you dressed like that?” She looked at my tight white pants and the unnatural bumps down there.
I smiled. “Katrina why am I dressed like this?” I put the question on to her.
“Can you keep a secret Sandra?” Katrina asked
“Sure.” Sandra replied.
“I’m a dominatrix and Steven is my property, my slave, what he is wearing is the uniform I require him to wear.”
Sandra sat there silent for a moment looking at us both.
“Hmm, Amanda and Lauren responded the same way, perhaps we need to find a new way of breaking the news.” I joked to Katrina.
“You can’t own someone like that.” Sandra said. “It’s against human nature to be held captive.”
“Sure you can Sandra, watch and learn.” Katrina said. “Steven, stand and undress.”
I stood up and took off my slave uniform, Sandra’s jaw just dropped; I did a little twirl like a cat walk model would do just to show off. Perhaps I was getting used to telling everyone about Katrina’s and my secret.
“What… is… that?” Sandra stuttered out.
Katrina filled her in on how it was a chatity belt and she uses it to keep control of me, how long it’s been on, how often it comes off and the ritual she has for taking it off.
“Can I touch?” Sandra asked with growing confidence and generally interested.
“You may.” Katrina allowed.
Sandra placed her hand on my front shield and felt the warmth of my body heat; she ran her fingers around the edge of the front shield and the belt trying to slide a finger in, but she couldn’t.
“What is it like to wear?” Sandra asked rubbing a finger on the lock.
“I’m used to it now, when it came off the other week it felt weird like something was missing, although it can get a bit tight when someone sends some provocative stuff in my email.”
“Sit back down.” Katrina ordered.
I sat my naked body next to Katrina and leaned against her shoulder.
“So I guess Amanda and Lauren know too then.” Sandra said putting things from here and work together.
“They know but they won’t tell.” Katrina smiled. “Would you like to see the highlights of thereweekend here? Uncensored version.”
“Sure.” Sandra said.
Katrina reached for the remote and a few seconds later the video was loaded on the television, I found these videos helpful in location hidden camera locations.
For the next two hours Sandra was glued to the television as she watched what happened that weekend, I don’t think she blinked once.
“That explains a lot about Everything.” Sandra said as the screen faded to black and then static. Sandra paused for a moment. “What is your motive for inviting me here today?”
“I just want to get to know you. That’s all.” Katrina replied
Sandra may have thought that was an innocent answer but I know better that Katrina doesn’t get to know anyone in a regular fashion.
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