The Occasional Sub Ch. 03

2 Weeks ago

“We work from home a lot of the time, and now that the kids are in school… Have you ever considered doing a workday scene?” I asked. I was nervous as hell and I felt like I was going to vomit. I have always had a hard time asking for what I want, but this one has been a fantasy of mine.

“No why, have you?”

I rolled my eyes without meaning to. It’s hard enough just to bring it up, and obviously I have because I’m bringing it up. “Well yeah, that’s why I’m mentioning it,” I say as calmly as possible, but I feel the cream between my eyes.

“How would something like that go?” Again with the questions! I’ve told him a scene is no fun if I’m the one who created it. I may as well just do it, there is no D/s in a scene created by the s.

“Nevermind, it was a dumb question. Forget I said anything.” I felt really nauseous now and I excused myself to the bathroom so I could recover in peace.


The Dom/sub thing is still new for us. I had brought it up to him a few months ago, and he didn’t seem at all interested. Then one day he said he’d give it a try, and we set our ground rules. I already had done a lot of research before I brought it up with him, so I had the resources readily available. I gave him a list of my greens, yellows, and reds. Then a week later we did our first scene.

We don’t scene as often as I would like. The thing is we had been married for 11 years before I ever asked him to Dom me. So maybe it was just that he felt weird about doing it and had to be in the mood. It’s now been 4 months, and we’ve only happened a handful of times and never during working hours. So when I received a text I didn’t think much of it. It took me 15 minutes to finally check it.


Are you sure? This is unusual and I don’t

want you to feel obligated just because

I mentioned it a while back.


Yes Sir.

How long do you need? I don’t want

to mess withYour work.

15 minutes should do it, Sir. Since this is

a first for the office, should I do anything


No, the same rules apply except that you

should come to my office, and you don’t

have to worry about the camera. I’ve got it

covered with a post-it.

Thank you, Sir. I’ll be there as soon as

possible, but no longer than 15 mins.

It took me nearly the full 15 minutes to get to a good stopping point. I set myself to “Away” and rushed to the bedroom to add the nipple clamps and anal plug. As I walked into his office and knelt next to his chair I didn’t know if I was late or on time. Either way, he didn’t say anything about it.

“There’s my good girl.” He said and patted my head. “I was thinking that my office has been missing something. A lot of people have a desk toy they can play with when they are thinking or need to relieve frustration. I have something better though. I have you.”

My heart skipped a beat. It always makes me feel nice to hear he still wants me even after having been together for 15 years now.

“From now on when you are working and I say Dragonfruit I want you to tell me if you are too busy with work to take an extra 30 minutes to submit. It is totally acceptable if it interferes with work. BUT I am counting on you, to be honest with me. I might ask you to explain Why if you say no, and IF I think you just didn’t want to do it I may punish you, but a reasonable excuse is not punishable. Reasonability will be at my discretion. Is that acceptable? Think about it for a minute while I look at this email.”

I considered his proposition. At first impression I liked it. Especially since we don’t do much D/s stuff right now. Immediately I wanted to say yes and was about to agree before he told me to think about it. I considered what my workload is like. I also had to consider how often he might ask. Could I afford to do this every day if asked to? I rolled that thought around in my head until he asked, “Do you have any questions?”

“Would it always be for 30 minutes, Sir?” I asked.

“A minimum of 15, never to exceed 1 hour. The only exception is if you have the day off and the rest of us don’t. But even then we would address why you are off work and if it’s acceptable to ask you to submit.”

“Are you thinking every day, Sir?”

“No, by request only. However, it would totally be at my discretion. Whether it’s once in a blue moon, or every day for a month, I will punish you if you say no without good reason. If you think I’m asking too much of you we will discuss it, but you cannot wait until a session starts to discuss it. You must do it between sessions.”

“I agree, Sir.” I said without further hesitation.

“Good. I want you to stand over there, tall and confident with your arms to the side, kind of like a soldier at attention.”

“Yes, Sir” I said and saluted.

“I realize that I just used the term soldier, but nosaluting, I’m not your drill sergeant.”

“Sorry, Sir”

I got into position and stood as still as I could. He turned and looked at me. I could tell when his eyes blurred over and he just sorta stared through me for a while. When he came back to himself he looked me in the eyes for a moment then up and down my body before turning to his computer. I checked to see if he was enjoying the view and was glad to see that he did.

He pressed a few keys and then turned to me fully. “Spread your legs. Good, now rub your clip. Yes.” He pulled his cock from his pants and started stroking himself. “On your knees, spread wide, don’t stop playing with your clip. Yes, just like that.” After only about a minute he said, “over here.” He lowered his chair all the way and stood as I crawled over to him. “Stand and lean over so you are resting on the chair, ass high, and keep rubbing your clip.

He stood behind me, lined himself up and used his hand to guide himself between my folds. Other than telling me to rub my clip he took no other action to pleasure me. He only grabbed onto my thighs and thrust himself in and out of me. Luckily for me, In this position he was hitting my g-spot with every thrust. I felt my orgasm beginning to grow, but he orgasmed too quickly.

He stayed inside of me as he recovered. Rubbing his hand over my ass. I kept expecting him to spank me, but nothing ever came. I had stopped rubbing my clip when he came and he didn’t seem to notice. He pulled out and said, “You are dismissed for today. I don’t want to keep you too long since we didn’t have a plan yet.”

There was a part of me that was disappointed, but for some reason I was incredibly turned on by the dismissal. He had just taken what he wanted and then dismissed me. He took almost no Interest in whether my needs were met. I wondered what the fuck was wrong with me that I could be so turned on by that. It was nothing like I had imagined. Was this the reason he did it this way?

“Thank you Sir.” I said as I got dressed. I kept thinking about the way he had just stared at me, then had me come to him. He hardly moved a muscle except to lean me over his chair and fuck me. I went to my office, logged back on, made sure the camera was covered. I put myself back to available, and turned on my clicker so my computer didn’t go back to sleep. Then I grabbed my vibrator and replayed the scene in my head until I found my release.


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