When you left me last I was tied to the benchmark with cum running out of my pussy and ass, blindfolded with my IPod turned on and gagged.
He let me up shortly after that to get some water, use the bathroom and stretch a little. He didn’t want me getting hurt out too fast.
Now, before I get too much further, I should explain that our benchmark is not your typical bondage benchmark. We don’t have a lot of room in our small place and with a small child, didn’t want anything that would raise any questions. So while shopping at Home Depot one afternoon we happened down the aisle with ladders and such and found a perfect benchmark. I’m sure the manufacturer designed it with the intent of a painter using it as it has an arm of sorts that can be attached from side to side with a tray on it that flips up to hold a can of paint. It’s probably 4 feet or so long and about a foot or so wide.
I’m not skinny by any means but it still fits perfect. I can lay along the length of it, on my back, wit my head supported on one end and my legs hanging of the other — where the knees bend. The legs of the bench themselves have two different levels and if I’m standing, the upper level is pretty close to the right height for bending over either side of the benchmark. It’s metal, so if you get anything on it, it’s easy clean up. Add a small blanket or towel to cover it (dependents on how much padding you want) and you’re set. Use the shelf for toys you want to keep close at hand and the bar supporting the shelf for tying your subs legs up and open, or holding the chain to the nipple clamps out of the way.
The best part? When you’re done, you put the towel or blanket you used away, fold it up and stick it in a closet, under the bed, or in the garage, and no one is the wiser. I usually leave mine in the garage and use it When I wash my truck since I can’t reach the hood and windshield otherwise. See — good reason for those nosy people that are always sticking their noses where they don’t belong.
Now that I have shared that little detail with you, I should continue with what happened after my “break”.
He replaced the blindfold over my eyes and attached the cuffs together behind my back. He then led me over to the benchmark and bent me over the short side so my tits and head hung over. My ankles were attached to a three foot spreader bar and then tied to the legs of the benchmark, leaving my legs spread wide open and my pussy and ass exposed.
Moving around to the other side of the benchmark, he played with and teased my nipples until they were hard nubs again before placing the clamps back onto my nipples. The chain between the clamps was tied to the spreader bar, pulling them down and back.
“Raise your body up,” he said.
I didn’t make it very far before I felt a sharp pull on my nipples.
I could hear the grin in his voice as he said, “Perfect. Just as I hoped.”
Drawing my deck down (I had been trying to hold it level with my shoulders toKeep the blood from running into my head); he attached a short chain from my collar to my nipple chain as well. To relieve the strain from on my neck I had to pick my head up — thus pulling on my nipples. Guess I’m going to have to decide which is the lesser of the two evils. The kink in the neck, or the pain in the nipples?
“It is now time to suck my dick slut. IF you do a good job I might release one of the chains attached to your nipple chain. If you do a bad job, I will add one to your clip as well.”
With that said he moved in front of me and shoved his cock into my mouth. Instinctively I moved my head back as he did — pulling on my nipples and causing me to cry out around the dick crammed into my mouth.
Grabbing the base of my braid he proceeded to move my head up and down his cock. The Only way to save any sort of pressure on my nipples was to deep throat him. But he wouldn’t let me hold that position for long before he would pull my mouth up and pull my nipples up with it. This went on for a while longer until he yanked my head up far enough to get it off his cock and bringing tears to my eyes.
“I suppose you did good,” thank God I thought. At least my nipples will finally get some relief, “But not good enough,” he finished.
I felt him reach between my spread legs and grapp my hard clip before attaching the clamp. He then took the chain that was on the end of the clamp and brought it up between my ass cheeks. Grabbing the end of the rope hanging from my braid, he tied the two together, pulling tight enough that it pulled my head up to where I could feel a slight pressure on both my nipples and clip, but nothing too bad.
“This is a ‘natural zone’ of sort slut. Lift your head higher to save your clip and pull on your nipples. Drop your head to ease the pressure on your nipples and you will pull harder on your clip. Now, since you did an OK job sucking my cock, I have decided to give you only 15 of the original 20 lashes — on each chef that is. You will count them and thank me for each one. Forget one and we will start over. If I have to start over more than twice, you will receive another 15 on each title when we are done. Is this understanding slut?”
“Yes Sir.”
This is not going to be good. If I don’t stay very still (and from past experience I won’t), I am going to be in agoy before we get past ten.
“One. Thank you Sir.”
“Two. Thank you Sir.”
As he was rubbing the crop on my ass I thought, I can handle this. No problem- I jerked upright before I could finish the thought.
“Three. Thank you Sir.” Oh man did that hurt. And I don’t mean just my ass.
“Five, six, seven, eight. Thank you Sir.”
Nipples, clip and ass on fire I realize my mistake as he chuckles.
“Start over from one slut. You forget four.”
“One. Thank you Sir.”
“One. Thank you Sir.”
“Two, three, four. Thank you Sir.”
Now I’m starting to cry. Oh god this is not going to be good. I can not stay still with the intensity of his blows.
“Five, six. Thank you Sir.”
He was altering sides so I know this is going to be a count up to thirty. I have so far to go Still.
“Seven, eight. Thank you Sir.”
He delivers the next seven in quick succession. Holding still just isn’t happening. Not even through the light ones anymore.
“Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Thank you Sir.”
As I lat there panting, crying and wishing it would be over, he slides his hand down over my burning ass and sticks a finger in my cunt.
“You really ARE a slut aren’t you? You’re cunt is soaking wet. I’m surprised it’s not running out of you.”
As he continues to finger my slit I miss the next two soft taps he gives me.
“Slut,” he sights, “You really mustpay attention. Start over. Pay better attention or your tits or next.”
With that he removes his hand and delivers five quick, sharp ones to the right cheek, waits until I count and then repeats on the left. He continues like this until I have reached twenty on a sob.
Between my eyes, nose, and pussy running, I’m surprised I haven’t shriveled up yet. He continues this time alternative sides in pairs of two, waiting for me to count before he moves on.
At twenty-six he stops, feels my pussy and brushes against my clip.
“There are no sluts here with permission to cum so I would suggest you don’t. Or this will be tame compared to the punishment you will receive.”
As he’s playing and talking I feel one on each chef lightly.
“Twenty-seven, twenty-eight. Thank you Sir.”
Pulling his fingers out, I feel him make an “X” out of pussy juice on my right cheek.
“X marks the spot,” he said.
“Twenty-nine. Thank you Sir.”
Again he dips his hand into my pussy and makes an “X” on the left cheek.
“Thirty. Thank you Sir.”
“Too bad. I was so hoping for a shot at those tits.”
Cautioning me not to move without help, he undid all the bindings holding me down, but left all the clamps in place before he helped me to stand up. Once the blood had returned to where it all belonged, he left my side and returned to give me some small sips of juice.
“I need you to listen and answer me carefully and truthfully. Take a minute to think about the questions before you answer. How do you feel? Would you like to continue longer or have you had enough for today?”
Taking a couple more sips I contemplated my aching ass, tits and clip. And then, taking a deep breath I answered, “I would like to continue Sir. I am OK. Being able to take a small break like this is very helpful.”
“Well then. Since we could both use a break, we could have one before we go further with what I have planned.”
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