The Note Ch. 03

Obviously our ideas about a break were different because he laid me down lengthwise on the benchmark.

My arms were folded under the benchmark and my wrists were tied together (effectively keeping from moving my upper body off the benchmark), my legs were reattached to the spreader bar and then lifted up and tied to the bar holding up the shelf again leaving my ass and pussy wide open.

A gag was placed in my mouth and buckled tightly behind my head; a butt plug was then lubed and inserted in my ass. He turned a vibrating dildo on and stuck it into my still dripping pussy where he fucked me with it a few times before leaving it in.

This caused me to groan because a vibe in my pussy is only enough to drive me nuts.

Taking some rope, he secured a piece at hip level holding my hips down to the benchmark, and then did the same Below my tits and above my tits but below my shoulders (to make sure there was no chance of it getting too close to my throat). My braid was then tied to astep on the leg of the bench holding my head down as well.

“This may hurt a little, so feel free to scream all you want” he says, and quickly removed the first nipple clamp.

“AAAGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!,” was all that came from my gagged mouth as the blood came rushing back into my poor nipple.

Twice more I screamed as he removed the clamp from my clip and the remaining nipple. All three continued to throb.

I smelled something minty as he is telling me he has something to make it all better. The rubbing feels cool and good and after he has removed his hands, the previously tortured areas began to relax. Until the burning started.

“Don’t worry. I’ll wash the Icy Hot off in a bit.” But for now, I think I will let you rest for a bit while I enjoy a movie.”

Soon the sounds of a porn movie can be heard in the quiet room. This only aggravates me further. What I can’t see is that he did not settle onto the couch as expected, but is standing next to me watching meas I wiggle as much as I can within my bonds, struggling himself while I am wishing I could cum.

Abruptly, and without any warning, I feel the butt plug removed from my ass and his lubed cock slide into my stretched hole.

“Oh ya” he groans, “For a slut you sure have a nice tight ass. Oh ya slut. Clench my cock. Bet you want to cum don’t you slut? I guess I can be nice and let you cum. BUT only on my terms.

I’m going to use this other vibe on your clip. Starting at ten I am going to count down to one. When and only when I reach one you may cum. If you don’t cum then, you will forfeit any chance for the rest of the weekend. Do so before I get to one, and this weekend will be over here and now.

Ten, nine, eight, seven…

Cum as much as you can. This is the last time you will be given this opportunity to cum this weekend.

Six, five, four…

I’m not removing the vibe from your clip until I am done cumming and think you have had enough.”

At thispoint I am having all I can do to hold it back. I have recalled my ABC’s in my head — backwards, tried counting by fours, named all the states I could think of and nothing was taking my mind off the cock that was stroking evenly in and out of my ass, or the dildo vibrating deep in my pussy or the vibrator that was teasing my clip begging it to give in to the growing need to cum. Not to mention the Icy Hot that was still making my nipples hot and tingling. I wanted to yell, “Just get it over with!”

“Three, two…

Bet you want to cum don’t you slut? And a slut you are. Bet you didn’t think I would find all those stories you’ve been reading did you? Or the pictures of those girls all tied up like you are? You just want to be used and abused like them don’t you? Not having any say in the matter. Just some faceless guy’s fuck slut. Your blindfold will not be removed all weekend for that reason. I am just some faceless guy using a fuck slut for his pleasure and his alone.

Two and three quarters, two and a half, two and a quarter…

Oh ya. Your ass feels so good. Bet your pussy would feel even better. But you’re a cheap fuck slut I picked up in some nameless dive. I don’t know where that thing has been or who you’ve whom you’ve wholly yourself out to. Letting just any guy stick his price into it.


I came on a scream and then Continued to cum and cum as waves of pleasure washed over me. As I did his even thrusts became hard and fast as he pounded my ass and approached his own orgasm.

I must have cum so hard and so much that I blacked out for a moment or so after that, because I don’t remember him removing his dick from my ass after he had shot it full of his load and replacing the butt plug before removing my gag.

Angain, he cautioned me to lie there quietly until he could help me up. After removing the dildo and all my bonds, he slowly helped me to sit up and then to stand. I was then escorted slowly to the bathroom and back to thekitchen where he sat me in a chair.

“Would you like something light to eat? Or something to drink” he asked.

“Just some water I think for now please.”

When I had finished he helped me into the bedroom and sat me on the edge of the bed. Securing my arms under my tits and tied wrist to elbow, and elbow to elbow in the back (so I couldn’t raise or lower them), he had me scoot back and swing my legs and feet up before laying me down.

Spreading my legs he inserted the vibrating dildo into my pussy again, closed my legs and then tied them together at the ankle, knee and tigh.

Drawing a light blanket over me he told me to rest and that he would be back in a few minutes.

As I started to doze, I wondered how long it had since I had picked up that note off the bed this morning and started following directions.

I never did get to ask because I drifted off as I felt him lift the blanket and slide into bed beside me. Who says you can’t sleep with a vibrator inside you?


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