Chapter 1
“Yes Mandy, just send me all the info. I’ll drive up in the morning and figure out how the whole thing is setup, and get it sorted out, It’s usually a 2-3 day job…….
Ugh Mandy it’s 6pm I just finished a job, and this is at least three hours away…
Fine, 72 hrs double pay, txt me the address, and email the info over.”
Giving myself a ten minute rest, and then I hit the road. Pushing my slightly wound truck seat back, I close my eyes. Trying to take a few minutes to collect my thoughts.. It’s been just too much stuff, one thing after the other. Just a bit hurt out, rubbing my eyes a bit.
“Beeep… Beeep”
Well that’s the address, as I pull it up on my phone. I’d better stop and grab a coffee, and some type of dinner. I grab a turkey hoagie, and a coffee. I figure I can get in, take a look around, figure out the layout, and crash somewhere. The place was out in the middle of nowhere, the nearest house was almost a mile away.
I pullup to a rather large log cabin, it was dark so I didn’t really look around. Pulling up my laptop, I re-read the message.
Mr Waldorf,
I appreciate you taking up this last-minute contract, this is for our highest VIP client. Half of your contract will be forwarded to you now, the rest on completion. The system is very redundant all the floor plans and documents are attached, the loss of signal is Very odd. But more than likely the cause is something simple, and this is located out in the wilderness so it could be a critter causing mischief. Please get the cameras and security system back online, asap.
P.S. The rear door’s combination is G-L-2-u-c-i-@
Thank you,
Secure Systems inc.
Grabbing my backpack, and a flashlight. I hunted around back, finding the heavy wooden door probably with a thick metal layer in between, which appeared to have a rfid access. Luckily this door is on a separate backup power system, from the rest of the house. It was a fairlyTypical setup for the ultra-high end. Finding the panel off to the side, I slip out the keyboard and entered the code. No monitor or anything else, this was a simple enter the wrong password and it let you into the vestibule then closed and locked the doors and called the cops, personal security etc. who would find you locked between two heavy doors.
As I closed the heavy wooden door, and approached the more ornate secondary door unlocked.
Woohoo! Lucky me they didn’t screw up documenting the code.
The last project I sat in a lobby for six hours waiting for the fire marshal to get me out, cutting through multiple thick doors to get me out. As the master code had not been documented correctly, and the previous owner skipped town. I spent the time examining the ornate wooden snakes on the doors and the pondering the frogs painted on the ceiling. I’m still convinced there was some meaning behind the unique decor.
I took my snow boots off, in the mud room. Accordingto the plans, there’s four bedrooms, an office, workout room, five bathrooms… kitchen, tech room etc.. The tech room was my primary goal, it lucky wasn’t too far from the rear door.. just down the hall and to the right.
It was frigid in the house, I could see my breath. I’m half surprised I didn’t discover a pipe burst or something. Once there I punched in the administrator code and was able to get in, it had redundant power as well. I searched around a little, and found the breaker box, after resetting two of the 100-amp sub breakers controlling the security system and the house maintenance systems. The house flickered back to life.. A moment later It kicked back off. I then turned off all the sub circuits.. And powered them back up. Then flicked on some of what appeared to be the first floor and A/C ones, as well as the ones for the utility room and the whole security system.. I left the ones labeled DGN and ext and a few others off for now, at least one of them was causeing it to kick off.
As I finally heard the air conditioner kick in.. I went out to my black SUV and grabbed my toolbox and a my trusty bag with some spa clothes. I left my toolbox and boots in the mud room, went around and opened a few faucets, and checked the pipes to make sure nothing had frozen… The house had been without power for almost a day, with the freezing temps it could have frozen. And last thing I needed to deal with was a burst pipe.
As I went up to the first floor I noticed the dark hard wood floors throughout the first and second floors of the cabin, to the left was a large full kitchen which opened to the living room area. To the right a dining room. The hallway lead directly into the living room area. I checked the large refrigerator which was fairly well stocked but only used part of it and grabbed an amber lager. And put some of my groceries and half the sandwich in a corner of the ridiculously large refrigerator…
I grabbed the smart-house tablet which was sitting on the wall between the kitchen and locke, it seemed to have fully booted itself… I started the fireplace from the tablet, within a few minutes there was a descent gas fire, in the fireplace warming the room.
I sat down, took a few swigs of lager as I went over the house status screens. Which all seemed to checkout… as I started checking the camera system out.. I noticed total 116 cameras… Shit… That’s a lot… Oh well I guess I won’t be checking them all tonight.
I started glancing through the pages of screens… Dozens were outside of the house, covering the perimeter, and pretty much every inch the property. The next forty cameras or so covered almost every inch of the first and second floors and then several screens where everything was locked out.
As I glanced through the screens… I noticed several screens worth that appeared to be areas not on the floor plans. Then I noticed something that looked like a person moving… Zooming in, I realized what it was…
The room was dark, but I definitely could see a woman moving back and forth, it was fairly erotic as you see her curvaceous body almost effortlessly glide… It’s the side of a breast and tight as the dim light danced on the woman’s body that had grabbed your attention. I tapped the speaker button and can hear her, a shivered crying and groaning as whomever thrust themselves back…
This breaks me from my stupor… This wasn’t a recording, this was live.
“What the Fuck!”
One thing is to be enjoying yourself, another is to be in danger… Wherever she was, it was most likely in the house basement or below… There are no other obvious or documented structures on the property. Considering the muddy/dirt floor in the video, It had to be some section of the basement not on the security plans. Probably a dirt crawl space, that wasn’t used.
I scanned through the cameras for any areas in the basement that wasn’t covered by cameras… If your going to have a hidden play area, you don’t keep a camera pointed right at the door. I raced down to the basement with the tablet. Just about every inch of the basement was covered…
Putting my ear to the floor, I could hear something below me.
Then I noticed that the basement stopped short, their should have been another thirty feet of basement. When I noticed a large floor to ceiling mid-century wardrobe cabinet. It had very detailed carvings of naked women in chains. As I open the wardrobe, I discover a full-size sliding door at the back, on either side of the entrance are lush panels with a few gags, collars, and cuffs on several different hooks. With plenty left bare.
The rear door slides open, automatically, as it opens, lights flicker on… And I could feel the cool air, I hear a yelp… racing Towards the feeble sound. I quickly glanced around, bondage gear lay about the large room. There is then another set of stairs leading to a sub-basement that wasat least the footprint of the house if not bigger.
I vaguely heard a very quite Mrpphp!
In the far corner there was the woman, looking scared as hell… As she slowly kept fucking the machine behind her…
She was a petite large busted woman; her breasts were in what appeared to be boob bands with part of the rope wrapped around them and tied off to the sides of her. I couldn’t really see her face from the hood she wore. Her sea blue eyes took my breath, they drew me in and stopped me in my tracks for a moment, but also out of it and lost… her hands were chained tight to her breast bands, the tips of her fingers barely able to touch the ground below her now, as much of the mud had been displaced near them. Mud was spattered all over her body, more than likely from her struggle in the mud.
A rope wait/chest harness tied to her, just a little below her helped keep her suspended above the ground, at the expense of additional pressure on her breasts. Her kneeswere tied down, as she was slowly pumping, you saw bubbles in a jar on the machine, gurgle up. Fluid slowly traveled off to the side connected to the machine was a small kerosene heater that while set low, may of keep her warm on a normal night, but not in the temperatures it was reaching today…
It appeared she had to fuck the machine, to provide the heater with tiny amounts of fuel. The one in her cunt was on a spring, but as she moved off of it, the one in her mouth went down her throat. The machine itself seemed to be almost out of fuel. The dildo in her mouth appeared to have an empty bottle at the moment attached, where all she needed to do was to suck to obtain some I’m assuming something to drink. When it wasn’t down her throat.
“Are you okay?”
She continued to grunting and fucking the machine, almost unaware of me even being there…
I’m fairly certain with the smell, she’s pissed herself a few times. That alone doesn’t account for the amount of mud down there. A pipe more than likely has a descent leak, something else to deal with.
What was apparent was something went wrong, as the rope was covered in mud, especially where the knots were… and it was freezing down here… I was just able to see my breath so I’m guessing it was around 40 degrees, and she was butt naked in the cold sticky mud… I could see her sinuous body uncontrollably shivering, as she started to slow down…
Looking at her prediction she wasn’t safe, I pulled out my pocket knife and cut the ropes by her knees, and then those off to the sides… I held her, as best I could and cut the wait harness from the ceiling…
As I cut the ropes she barely seemed consciousness of what was going on…
She slowly slip off the thin 8″ dildo, and collapsed…
I quickly brushed off some of the thick mud caked all over her… Then picking her up in my arms, I carried her surprisingly light cold body to the basement bathroom holding her close so shecould feel the heat from my body.
It was a large bathroom there was a large seven by six-foot walk-in off white subway tiled shower. A large six-foot-long short sink in the vanity. It was more of a utility designed bathroom. More for cleaning off things from the outdoors, then luxury. But the grip tiled floor and large drainage would help with this mud.
I laid her out on the corner of the shower floor, striping down to my underwear…
I needed to get her warmed up, I turned on the multiheaded shows to a warm temperature…
Then sat down and lifted her into my lap, using my body warmth to warm her up… The shower heads hit just the tiles a few inches on either side of us as I held her. She was frigid, I don’t know how long she was down there. But warming her up to quickly could cause problems that I do know… I sat with her for awhile, and slowly unzipped the hood over her head… she gasped as her head was released from it’s tight confines. She could baRely hold her head up, as she barely whispered a garbled “Tankyou”.. her head fell back into my arms as she closed her eyes…
She was a beautiful Hispanic woman maybe her mid 20’s or early 30’s barely 5′, very curvaceous. Jet long black wavy hair, that was in a tight pony tail, slightly muddy from her adventure. I unbuckled the leather collar around her neck, and unhooked it from her breast harness. I slowly moved her arms and legs, as I got to the ropes around her body and cut her free where I could. She had a surprisingly small wait, for such large soft breasts, you could tell she worked out from her toned body, but still had a little padding to keep her soft in all the right places. She had beautifully softly defined legs and arms her delicate small hands were easily enveloped in mine… After she was cut free of all the ropes I slowly rubbed her whole body warming her up more, her whole body except her breasts was very petite.
Once I felt she was warmed up enough, andshe seemed to be responding I slowly nudged us closer to one of the showers. Letting it dance over her legs at first, as I slowly helped get the dirt off of her body. Then a little further, the shower slowly sensitively moved up her legs as I nudged closer. Till it was a playful rain drops on her taut stomach. I adjusted her, moving her more into a sitting position, and got the caked dirt off of her back, and taut Shoulders. I let the warm heat hit her back and work on her tight muscles. She put her arms around me as I gently worked the mud out of her luscious black hair still in it’s pony tail.
Fifteen to twenty minutes later… I tilted her head up towards me, she opened her eyes.
“How about I get the soap and get you washed up.” She slowly she nodded her head, barely able to hold herself up let alone move…
I’d realized she wasn’t going to be able to do this herself. I helped her knee against the wall.
“Listen you don’t need to worry, I’m not going to do anything to you.. we are both still a bit muddy.”
She watched me as I stood removing my underwear, she was kneeing allowing the water cascade over her breasts. I dropped my underwear, and my thick misbehaving ten inches of manhood stand erect. She seemed a bit mesmerized and or afraid of it. I grabbed the soap, shampoo and a bath scrunchie, putting the items on the floor. Kneeling behind her, I took her hair tie out. Grabbing the flexible showerhead, I finished washing the dried mud off of her. I soaped up her hair, and then proceeded to scrub her body following her curves, she smiled weakly as I washed over her breasts.
I lifted her breasts, cleaning under and around what I survey was a neoprene metallic shelf bra that still caged her. It for the most part it was a neoprene shelf bra, but had a heavy metal ring around each breast base, to which a chain connected the two rings with a unique lock, and two thin chains went around her back. The fit was tight, unable to fit a finger under the chain, but it didn’t seem to be restricting. Then a chain leading to each wrist cuff permanently connected, which at the moment were shortened, to only a foot or so with a small lock, with almost a foot constrained at the moment.
Her hands were fairly useless in assisting, so I proceeded to finish scrubbing her down.. she had a fairly flat stomach, with a slight roundness to it.. You could feel the muscles under her slight pudge, as you washed her legs..
“Just spread a little wider please..”
As she did, I slipped the scrunchie up and scrubbed her pussy and ass gently.. As I did, she squealed going up onto her knees.. She was deeply blushing. Taking the shower head, I rinsed the soap off of all of her. Holding her side, I set the shower head to a thudding massage, and ran it over her body.. I could see her relaxing into it. As it went against her ass, she gasped.. I ran it up and down her legs, finally letting it beat against her cunt and clip.. She started to slump weakly relaxing into it, and I put my arm around her under her breast, with my hand at the base of her neck.. Holding her up, she looked up into my eyes, as she shuddered giving herself into the orgasm… I slowly let her go prone kneeing on the floor, with the shower raining on her back.
I stepped out of the shower drying myself off, then putting on a robe. I went to turn off the shower, finding she was crawling out of the shower. Her chest low, nipples dragging on the floor in order to use her hands shaky trying to hold herself up. As I looked down at her, kneeled and put a towel around her, looking her in the eyes.
“Do you think you can talk now?”
“thot urt.. hert…”
“Listen it’s okay, lets finish getting you dried up.”
I gently rubbed her little body in the towel, then wrapped her tightly in it. Carrying her lithe form up to the living room, she put her head on my chest nodding off halfway up the steps…
I placed her on the softsheepskin rug in front of the warm fireplace. I finished drying her off, and grabbing a pillow off the couch, and a warm blanket. I covered her up, she stabilized but quickly fell asleep.
I took a few more bites of my sandwich and a swig of beer, wrapped it back up, and set it to the side in case she shewoke up.
I called into the office, and asked if they could send me the info on the owner and original install as I wanted to make sure everything was fixed correctly, it was fairly common… Grabbing my laptop from my bag. I started to review what was known about the owner of the property, 34 years old.. had sold a internet startup at 30. And now appeared to be invested in several companies which provided a descent passive income. Attached was a picture as well, and glancing at my rescue that’s her…
So I’m guessing she was home and did some self-bondage, and then ran into some trouble, grabbing a pillow and another blanket, I laid a foot or so away from her on the rug…
I’d been a dominant in my past, so bondage isn’t unfamiliar. The prediction would never be allowed by a dom or attempted without someone being in the house. Well let’s see what her excuse is in the morning. It’d been a long day and I was tired…
Sometime during the night I noticed she had moved against me.
She told ‘Tak u, please hld mee. I.. I didn’t know if I’d.. liv…’
She shivered slightly more from shock, I moved my arm around her and pulled her close. She calmed down, I have a feeling she was down there a lot longer than she intended. She took my hand and placed it over her large breasts… As I squeezed them, I heard a throaty, ‘Tank u, siir’
A few minutes later she’d settled down and gone back to sleep as did I.
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