I awoke with her head on my chest, her breasts crushed against my side, her legs entwined in mine. She was looking up at me pleadingly with her beautiful blue eyes…
I could tell she was trying to butter me up, get me to either to make sure I didn’t tell anyone or more likely not take advantage of her unless it was on her terms. I didn’t intend to on either counts, and as she didn’t wake up in a hospital, or in a cage and I’m fairly sure she realized this. At least for the moment I was her well hung knight in Jeans and a flannel. So now it’s a question of what to do with her. I’d had several ideas run through my mind off and on all night. From demanding sex for release, to full on kidnapping scenarios. I mean cameras are down, she’s supposedly away…
I ran my hand over her hair, brushing her hair away from her eyes.
“Alright Glaucia Alessia deLorito, time to get up and lets get something to eat..”
She stared at me shocked, that I knew her full name.
Iwas amazed as she slip off of me, going into a full split, stretching herself a little. Sliding her body up like a cat, she crawled up my leg. Pressing herself against me.
“Up now. And can you talk, or is your throat still sore?”
She shook her head no.. I had her come up to me, and I checked her throat…
“Say, aaah”
“aaaa”, she went on her tippy toes, purposely pressing her nipples against my chest.
I take a look in her throat, it was sore from being open to the cold dry elements for so long. But I’m pretty sure she’s able to talk, she was just playing it up now.
“I think you’ll be fine, just need to rest it a little bit more”, she mischievously smiled.
Then one foot in front of the other swinging her hips sensitively into the kitchen, on the balls of her feet showing her the sensitive undersides as she gracefully walked…
I couldn’t help but admire her legs and ass as she walked away, then her whole form as she paused as she turned andWalked into the kitchen. Yep she knew how to move, and how to tease someone.
Glaucia came out of the kitchen a moment or two later with a box of oatmeal, pointing to it. As if asking if it was okay…
I nodded, she bowed and ran back into the kitchen. Following her, I noticed how she moved, she was used to wearing the chains and metal bra. She was for the most part always moving her whole body to get Everything she needed. Very gracefully and smoothly with practiced ease. She was able to manage getting most of the items together without much of an issue, working with her wrists still shackled to her breasts. Then I saw she was trying to figure out how she could get to an upper cabinet, and she noticed me by the doorway watching her…
Blushing slightly as she realized I was watching her, I heard a meek whispered throaty, “P-lse sr”
Opening the cabinet, I saw what she was reaching for. Putting a hand on the counter on either side of her body standing behind her,before she’d a chance to move away, I pressed gently into her back.
“So you need help getting something?”
Glaucia nodded, I pointed to the flour, she shook her head…
“Hmm, well then.”
I put my hands on her waist and lifted her, up onto the counter on her knees. She gave a little surprised gasp from my large hands on her small torso, grabbed the brown sugar. Then I set her back down, then she walked over to another cabinet and pointed up.. I lifted her up again, she giggled this time, she looked in the spice cabinet for a minute or two. Conspicuously presenting her ass. This time unsure of what spices to get, I’m assuming more out of trying to be playful…
“I take you to be a person to not appreciate people wasting your time, do not waste mine.”, with that I gave her butt two good swatts… she squealed and then grunted… grabbed the cinnamon and vanilla. As I set her back on the floor, she turned to me flushed, and whispered “Ys sir, thnku..sir..”.
“After breakfast we are going to have a chat. I will have a coffee, you need to drink lots of water.”
Glaucia looked down, a little worrisome.
I went to the bathroom, then headed to the dining room. A large glass table at least twelve foot long with what looked like two walnut bare tree stumps holding the glass, sitting on a dark green plus rug.
Glaucia had brought out coffee, and creamer, and a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar. It smelled delicious.
Glaucia came back with a bowl for herself putting the bowl on the floor next to me, I started eating. She sat back on her knees looking at me. I had a feeling she was looking for permission to eat.
After a spoonful, “This is very good, you may eat.”
Glaucia leaned forward and started to eat, hands behind her back. Licking her bowl clean at the end, surprisingly getting little on her face.
She then kneeled next to me, when she had finished, waiting for me to finish.
I lookeddown, I grabbed her hair and tilted her head back and used my napkin to wipe some remnants from her chin. She closed her eyes, and retired my grip of her.
“I will be in the living room, I’ll have another coffee, while you cleanup”
Glaucia started to clear the table one piece at a time, and headed into the kitchen.
I grabbed my laptop and the tablet and went through the logs in the system. I had Already noticed several issues in the scheduling of the automated systems and the house security. One of which was the two systems weren’t completely separate.
Glaucia brought in my coffee, and kneeed next to me. It was pretty obvious, that her submissive side
“Glaucia, on the rug knee.”
She got to the rug, and kneeed.
“First, head tilted down unless spoken to, knees wider, hands behind your back so your holding your elbows.”
She blushes as she realizes she’s exposing herself more, and thrusting her breasts out. But unable to put her hands fully behind her back.
“Well that won’t work, can you get the key to remove the bra?”
She shook her head no.
“Can you get the keys to the extra locks on the chains?”, as I realize she can’t even put her hands behind herself.
She nods her head, and dashes off swaying both up top and below all the way.
I spend several minutes, writing an email or two notifying the office of Some electric and programming issues, and a few sips of coffee…
She returned, with a key that she gave me. I put my equipment to the side, and proceed to unlock both of the additional locks, and pocket them along with the key. Her arms can now rest at her sides normally, as she stretched her arms a little.
I snap my fingers and she gets back into position I had her in previously, and is able to put her hands behind her back.
I walk up to her, press her knees a little wider, her shoulders back so she is presenting a more erect form, then press both elbows So now she holdEach elbow in her other hand… And tilt her head down a little. As she does this it curves her back, forcing her breasts to jut out more. As I admire her form, I can tell she’s smiling as she notices how she is presenting herself to me.
“This is the Nadu position”… I hear a quiet but clear “Yes sir”. I walk around her, appraising her body, she can feel my eyes examining every inch of her body… “You are very beautiful”
As I sit into the chair right in front of her, I notice her blush proceeded even further from my visual examination and comment.
“So first of all a few questions and answers, I’m Kyle a subcontractor for the house systems and security.” She turned a bit pale, as she realized I could tell anyone, everything, and reality was crashing in.
“I won’t be telling anyone I discovered you here, or anything about it. I am not a rapist or a kidnapper and have no intention to do either as attractive as you are.” (she seemed to calm down, and also seemed tosmile a little)
“So first off did you put yourself into that predicament?”
“Today is Friday how long were you down there?”
Her eyes go wide, closes her eyes and take a breath, and showed one then two fingers.
“I’ll take that to be two days..?”
Nod.. as she sagged a little.
Snapping my fingers, she sat more upright again.
“Well your okay now, how long were you expecting to be down there?”
She showed six fingers.
“So I have a problem, I’ve dommed in my past and I’m concerned about you. And what should be done about it.”
She just looked guiltily at the floor.
I stood up and walked quietly around her, then all of a sudden, she feint and waved. I caught her as she fell over. I laid her down on the rug she was awake, but out of it.
“stay there, have you had anything to drink?”
Shook her head.
I grab her a tall glass of water, and helped her sit-up and drink it.
After she finished it, I lifted her up, and carried her upstairs.
“What direction is your bedroom?”
She pointed down the hall, I then laid her in the four poster black walnut bed. I noticed the carvings on the frame vary from different sections. The posts each had a carved wooden nude woman against the posts length, their ankles tied at the base, their arms stretched above the bed. The carving was a fair likeness to Glaucia. This was a full solid top above the bed as well, I noticed a dozen iron rings around the bed both on the top/roof as well as it’s base at the bed level.
I check her over, and it appears to be the exhaustion and the stress from her bondage session catching up with her.
I glance through the closet, and aside from dozens of dresses, heels, which I’m sure fit her like a gleve. Their were a few bondage items, I’m sure she used whenever she felt the itch…
I had noticed chains at each corner of the bed, so I grab two soft leather cuffs and a lock (testing the keys first and then pocketing).
When I come back, I notice she’s sleeping. Putting a chain link between each wrist and the side of the breast harness forcing her arms to lose all mobility. I then lock the chains to the same link as well and lock it. I then put her ankles into the leather cuffs and connect them together along with the chains at the bottom of the bed, putting her a little off to the right side of the bed.
Grabbing the tablet, I bring up the camera for the bedroom, locking it up and turning the audio on. So I can keep an eye on her. I then head down to the 1st floor verify some of the wiring, and check a few other things. I also venture to the basement and look over how things are setup down there. I noticed everything in the dungeon, and the attached pit, had been wired into the security system. It also appeared that there was an electric space heater in the pit area as well, that had shorted out. Probably causing the whole outage of the house. Luckily nothing was damaged except maybe the heater.
Luckily everything was run separately into the box, I would end up putting an additional sub panel off the main system just for the dungeon, in the end it took about two and half hours to get most of it sorted out. It would take me another 4 hours to get everything wired up correctly and I didn’t have several parts. I had the security company overnight everything, blaming it on bad planning and wiring from the initial install.
I heard Glaucia making some noises, and took a break. Stopping in the kitchen I grabbed two glasses of water.
“Let me go! You mother fucker!”
I set the glasses down on a dresser far from her flailing around.. It seems she awoke forgetting what had happened…
“I’ll give you to the count of twenty to calm down and we can talk.”
I stood back and watched as she continued to yell and scream..
“You god damn rapist! You fucking old shit pig!”
“Ten seconds left, and if I was going to rap you I’d have done it already. Along with a lot of other things”
She just went off with that, common sense wasn’t in her brain at this point.
“Three, two”
“Your not going to do shit, you fucking asshole!”
“One…. So, now Glaucia I’ll give you some time to remember what happened, and how you should speak to anyone.”
“Hijo de puta cuando me libere te voy a joder matará”
I disconnect her one ankle from the bottom chain. And then keeping her leg extended I attached it to the chain her breasts are restrained to just further up and giving it a little slack. Taking a small length of rope I looped it several times to distribute the stress around her neck, then attaching it to the same link her ankle was loosely connected to. Now she was able less the stress on her leg, at the expense of adding stress to her neck. With her arms and hands the way they were she’d have little help from them.
I responded with, “Bueno, ese no es el lenguajeapropiado para un sumiso.”
She looked shocked, that I knew what she’d said. Then gave me a stern defiant look, as best as she could. With her one leg extended by her head, essentially in a standing split laying on the bed. As I walk past I let my finger drag along her leg by her knee. Her composition broke immediately for a split second, at it’s unexpectedness, but then quickly became defiant if not Even more so.
I walk out of the room into the hallway, hearing her grunt. She’s very flexible as I could tell before, I wouldn’t leave her in the position for long… Pondering the best way to play the situation, I’m sure she was a bit off from waking up restrained. But also her willful unruly behavior was something she would need to learn to have a better grip on.
“Oh maestro, esta humilde zorra lo siente”, the sarcasm dripping.
She had set out to test me, to see how I’d handle her. More then likely expecting some spanking or flogging. Sometimes pain is not the bestway to handle something. As I walked past her Ignoring her comments.
Turning the radio on as I perused her closet. I’d seen a fringe flapper outfit in the closet which I’m sure looks great on her, but my real interest were the several feathers in a hat. It was a very revealing number, as the breasts were practically bear if not for the feathers that covered the breast area. Pulling a few of the longest feathers out of the hat, I also grabbed a set of ben-wa balls and an inflatable vibrating butt plug. And a light thuddy flogger.
I peaked into the room, she had her eyes closed. Slowly flexing her muscles and dealing with the undoubtable stress in her legs. I decided to proceed with crawling to the side of the bed on the floor. I laid quietly next to her out stretched legs.
I take a feather and let it brush against her upper tigh.
“What the fuck!”
I then let it run against her other tigh near her knee, the chains rattle as she struggles. I’m pretty sure myteasing was completely unexpected, I don’t make a sound. She struggles as I jump from one part to another, from her one set of toes to the other. For about twenty minutes I enjoyed making her squirm, scream, laugh till she was seriously out of breath and sensitive. At several points she took a deep breath trying the ignore the sweet torture, but it was too much. She couldn’t get ahold of herself.
As I Let a feather ticket the cleft between her thighs and groin, she was hypersensitive crying and laughing. Sitting on the floor, I then quickly swung the floater down across her thighs.
Slap… Slap…Slap..
Going up and down from her toes to her groin just missing her cunt. She shrieked at the unexpectedness, within seconds she was pushing her cunt out begging for it to be hit. I let it land more gently near her groin, seeing her thrust out even more I let a few land right on her hairy cunt.
Shrieking, her pelvis arched and twitched, as she squirted onto the floor.
Showing her the plug she nodded, I took the plug covered it in lube and ran it against her cunt getting it soaked, and worked it into her wet ass… She was still in a bit of a daze breathing heavily.
Grunting as I squished the plug into her.
After it had slid in, and was past the bulge I slid the ben-wa balls in. It was a tight fit, as she grunted as they slid in. She tossed her head back and forth, feeling herself being filled, as I squeezed the bulb on the plug slowly. She hissed her breath out…
I squeezed twice more.. The plug wasn’t easily coming out. I removed the rope from her neck, and quickly wrapped it around her waist, and between her tights. Making a crotch-rope holding the plug and balls in. Making sure I placed a figure eight knot near her clip, Making sure it was digging in slightly. She grunted as I tightened it against her crotch. I could see the slight curl of a smile.
“Are you going to behave?”
“Yes, sir”, a little sardonically.
I released her legs, and have help her sit up..
As I pulled her to her feet and she felt her body adjust to the toys pressing against her insides. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, she groaned and put her head against my chest.
I squeezed her body against me. With one hand gripping the plug bulb, and the other one hand on her ass. I squeezed both at the same time, twice quickly. Her eyes bulged and she went on her tippy toes, and our lips touched. Her eyes closed as she kept herself in the kiss, I heard a slight moan from her. Before she had a chance to lower herself. I gave a twist to the base of the plug, setting it on a low violence. She slowly breathed out and turning her head to the side blushed.
“You will behave.”
Swallowing, and giving herself a second to compose…
“Yes Sir…”
I point to a spot on the floor in the bathroom, and tell her nadu.
I strip off my clothesand start a shower, completely ignoring her. Her eyes have been glancing over my body. I’m not as aerobic as she is, but I’m fairly good shape, I do notice her eyes keep gravitating towards my hanging cock.
She still has a little blush from the kiss earlier, and has even curved her back in an attempt to present her breasts more.. And spread her thighs while lifting herself in an attempt to show off her cunt.
“I am going to go take a shower you can either join, or wait till tomorrow to get cleaned up.”
“A shower please sir.”
I use the rope still hanging between her breasts as a leash and lead her into the shower. Noticing a strong metal loop a few inches below the main shower head, I tied off her leash so she couldn’t avoid the shower heads.
“I’ll be right back… but don’t forget your earlier lesson.”
I turned the shower on full blast, on cold, and walk out of the bathroom…
I hear her curse for a moment in shock, followed by her making severalal different noises..
I had seen a short slave dress, little more then sheer silk smock with no sides. Grabbing it and a pair of 5 inch heels, I leave them by the bed.
“ssssiiiiiiirrrrrrr, ssssssssssiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrr…… Ppppppleeeeeeaasssssseeee”
I turned the shower heat up, as I step in the shower. Letting the icy cold water hit my back, as she shivered against my body, her hard nipples digging into my chest.. Crushing herself as best as she can against me for my warmth…
“TTTthhhannnkkkkk yyyyoouuuuu…sssiiirr”
I hold her close and allow her to warm up against me, once the shower has heated up some I move out of the way and allow it to shower over her body. Now behind her holding her against me under the shower I’m sure she could feel my manhood. Her ass squirmed, my cock pressing on the underside from her vibrating anus to her labia. She slightly arched her back, my cock head just touching her clip..
“Now, will you listen to me.”
“Yessssss, sir” her voice went up as my hands touched her to wash her body with my soapy hands.
“So I’ll help you get cleaned up, but I won’t take any more liberties with you. I also won’t deny I enjoy helping, but I’m also checking you for any injuries that might have been missed from your incident the other day. So if anything hurts let me know.”
I check all over her and aside from a few cruels as I wash her body. Her squirming and enjoying my large hands on her petite body. I allow my cock to lie against her taint, feeling the violences from her ass, and the wetness dripping from her vulva. She kept trying to get my cock to slide inside of her. I moved just inches away as she squirms and grunts in frustration.
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