The Most Personal of Assistants Ch. 06

Thanks to Monster_Slayer for the editing help and guidance on this chapter!


After a solid night’s sleep, Jessica woke feeling considerably better. Apart from a few bruises on her wrists and ankles, she’d escaped relatively unscathed. Samantha had stayed by her side, and was fast wait in the arm chair at the side of the bed, one hand resting on top of Jessica’s. Figuring she was best left to sleep, Jessica carefully slide out of bed and out of the room, without waking Samantha.

It took some pleading with the nurses, but eventually she found out that Tessa was out of surgery and doing well. Jessica slipped into the room with her, crying at the sight of the battered woman on the bed. She had been beating black and blue, four broken ribs, broken collar bones, one fractured wrist, dislocated hip and multiple tears to her vagina and anus.

She kissed Tessa gingerly on the forehead and whispered, “I’m so sorry, this is all my fault,” before heading backdown to her room. As she came back in, Samantha stirred.

“What time is it?” she said, scrunching up her face and looking around.

“Umm, it’s coming up to six, maybe five forty-five?” Jessica said.

“AM?” Samantha groaned in despair.

Jessica chuckled. Samantha definitely was not a morning person.

“I am begging you to find me a coffee!” Samantha pleaded, so the two ladies headed off in search of the cafe.


“So, what happens now? The nurse said I’ll get released this morning, once the Doc gave me the final once over,” Jessica said nervously, as they sat nurses their hot drinks.

Samantha studied her for a moment. “That, my dear is up to you. I’ll understand if you need a few days away from all this, or even if you decide not to stay in the city anymore with me. I hope that you choose neither.”

“I can’t go back to that hotel, not after…” Jessica trailed off.

Samantha reached over and reassuringly held her hand.”All of your belongings have been packed away and are in my car, there’s no reason to ever go back there.”

Samantha gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Can I be honest with you Jessica?”

Jessica looked up to see Samantha, looking at her hopefully, and nodded.

“It was my hope that in the near future you would come live at my place. There are lots of reasons I could give regarding working hours, blah, blah, blah, but the truth is I want you—have done since the moment I met you in that dinner. I don’t just need a work assistant, I need a like-minded companion, and I think you’re it. That offer is open to you now.”

“Really?” Jessica said. It seemed too good to be true. “You really mean that? I can move in with you?”

Samantha chuckled. “Of course I do after all, it’s not just at work I need personal assistance—” Samantha stopped herself. “Sorry, this is not the time for jokes like that.”

Jessica reached across and touched the side of Samantha’s face. “We both know that wasn’t a joke, Mistress. I’d be delighted to come live with you.”

“Really? Thats great! I’ll drop you off if you like, once you’re discharged, so you can rest for the day.” Samantha stood and smiled, surprised at how easy that had gone,

“I don’t need rest Mistress, it’s Tessa that will take the real time to recover,” said Jessica sadly.

They spoke about Tessa for awhile, the only interruption occasional visits from nurses and doctors. Samantha told her the tale of how she and Tessa had met a few year before at a convention, and had since then remained close friends. How Samantha had used her from time to time to support various activities, such as photo shoots and articles.

“You know that perfect behind on the front of Mistress of Cruelty?” Samantha said, smiling. “That’s hers!” She chuckled.


It didn’t take long for Jessica’s release papers to be signed off. They popped up to the intense care unit to check on Tessa one last time.

“She’s going to be out until after lunch, maybe even mid afternoon,” the duty nurse told them. Leaving her contact details Samantha led Jessica out the hospital and towards her car.

It was mid morning, and despite Samantha again offering to take her home, Jessica was inevitable on Samantha taking her straight to work.

“You’ve already missed one call I set up, that rather rude Mr Grey.” She told as the elevator went up, from the garage under the office block. “I guess I’ll have to call him and apologise.”

“Don’t you bloody dare says the word ‘sorry’, young lady. If Mr Grey calls, you put him through to me—I’ll set him straight.” Samantha said pointing at her and winding.

As they stepped into the office Jessica set her bag down beside her desk, and turned to Find a bemused Samantha looking around in shock. With everything that had gone on in the past 18 hours, she’d completely forgotten how the office must look compared to the week before.

“OhI forgot Mistress, I hope it’s ok?” she said worriedly.

“Ok?” Samantha stammered. She opened the door to her office and inhaled deeply, there was a disappoint smell of lavender in the air.

“OK?” Samantha said again coming out of her office.

“This is most certainly not OK Jessica,” Samantha was staring at her now. Jessica’s heart sank, it was not the response she was hoping for.

“Ok does not sum this up, this is simply amazing!” Samantha said breaking out into a huge smile. “Unbelievable, I don’t think it has ever been this clean, even when I moved in!”

Jessica breathed out a sight of relief as Samantha hugged her.

The phone interrupted them and before Jessica could even introduce herself Mr Grey started shouting at her. It was so loud that Jessica had to pull the phone away from her ear.

“I think it’s for you Mistress, I can’t be sure but I think it’s Mr Grey,” Jessica said sarcastically. “He might be a little upset that there was no meeting this morning as scheduled.”

Samantha stifled laughed as she took the handset and walked into her office. Within moments Jessica could hear Samantha shouting back down the phone, berating the man.

Jessica spent what was left of the morning typing up notes from the pile of papers organized on the reception desk. As it approached lunch time Samantha just managed to pop her head out of the office between calls.

“Get lunch will you, there is a great deli downstairs.” She said throwing a card onto Jessica’s desk. Jessica picked the card up and was about to say something, but Samantha had already shut the door to her office.


Jessica must have stood at the deli counter for over 5 minutes, studying the menu on the wall, before a member of staff said anything.

“Are you going to order or not?” the server had grown irritated with Jessica’s continued loitering.

“But I don’t know what to order, I’ve never done this before!” Jessica said nervously.

“You have never ordered lunch before?” the woman asked sarcastically.

“What? Oh no it’s not just for me, its for my Mistr—I mean my boss. I’m new and she asked me to get her lunch, but didn’t say what,” Jessica blabbered.

The woman surprised as she looked Jessica up and down, “Let me see, young—check, beautiful—check, handcuff marks—check. You must be Samantha’s new PA, or pet as we like to call you.”

Jessica nervously tried to hide her wrists, just what did these people think Samantha did to her PA’s?

“Yes ma’am, its that obviously is it?” Jessica asked.

“Not yet, but it will be soon I bet,” the woman said smiling. “I’ll sort you out your lunch but you owe me, just remember that.”


Samantha barely said thank you when Jessica took in her lunch, she was frantically working away.

“Mistress, is there anything I can do to help?” Jessica quietly asked.

“What?” Samantha snapped but then she stopped working, looked at Jessica and took off her glasses.

“Sorry Jessica, I didn’t mean to snap, I just have a lot to do having missed some time this morning. The tidying helped immensely but now I have to find things again.”

Jessica deflated a little, apparently not only did the time spent at the hospital make Samantha late, but her tidying had made it harder as well. She glumly turned round and began trudging out the office.

“Jessica stop,” Samantha said. Standing up from her desk she walked round the desk to her to stand in front of Jessica.

“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. Thank you for my lunch, thank you for the wonderful job you did tidying the office, and thank you for putting up with me since,” she said smiling, caressing Jessica’s face with one hand

“Thats ok Mistress, you’re clearly very busy! I’ll be in reception if you need me. Did you want me to sit in on your two pm meeting and take minutes?” Jessica asked trying to be helpful she could.

“That would be wonderful Jessica,Thank you.” Samantha said smiling. Jessica left feeling slightly less redundant and got back to the filing she had transferred to the reception PC over the weekend.

Just before 2pm a man walked into the reception room and hesitated at the doorway. He was dressed smartly in a suite and Jessica though he was very handsome. He looked around the reception room unsure until his eyes settled on Jessica behind her desk.

“Excuse me young lady, I’m looking for Ms Weston. I have a two pm meeting. Is she still based in this office?” He enquired. “Only, it looks a little different to last time I came in.”

“Yes sir, this is still her office. Ms Weston is expecting you,” Jessica said. She buzzed through to inform Samantha that her guest was here.

“Mistress, your two pm appointment is here,” she said blushing. The man raised an eye brow sarcastically at the use of the word ‘Mistress’ and gave Jessica a wry smile.

“Very good Jessica, make our guest and I some coffee willyou,” Samantha said over the intercom. “I’ll be right out.”

Jessica got up from behind her desk and motioned at the leather sofa. “Please take a seat sir, can I get you a drink at all?” She enquired.

“Sure,” the man said. “Black coffee, one sugar if thats ok?”

Jessica nodded and went over to the coffee machine to get the drinks sorted.

“So you are new Here I take it?” the man said as Jessica bought over his drink. “It seems much has changed since my last visit.”

“I started last week, I have to admit it is already beginning to feel like much longer than that though!” She laughed before checking the door was still closed.

“It was rather a mess here Sir, I spent most of the weekend working!” Jessica said leaning forward in a quite voice.

At that point the office door opened making Jessica jump up, looking over at Samantha guiltily. Thankfully for Jessica, Samantha only had eyes for her guest, and she quickly walked over to the man who had gottenup out the seat.

“Hello John, it’s wonderful to see you again,” Samantha said as the two hugged. “Won’t you come through and have a seat.”

Jessica followed the two into the office carrying the drinks and as the two sat down at the desk, Jessica carefully put them down.

“Jessica, take your place and keep quite,” Samantha said pointing at the floor on her side of the desk. “John and I have a lot to discuss.”

Jessica hesitated for a moment, realising that Samantha means for her to knee by her feet whilst this stranger watched.

“Y-y-yes Mistress.” She eventually stammered out. She picked up her notepad and blushing deeply proceeded to knee on the floor at Samantha’s right hand side.

“I see you finally have an assistant worthy of your needs Sam, I must say she seems very well suited for the job!” John said to Samantha.

Samantha grinned as she looked down at Jessica who was still staring intently at the carpet, trying not to make eye contact.

“Can you believe I only interviewed her last week, she’s a natural submissive and from what I have seen in this short time, an excellent assistant.” She gave Jessica’s head a reassuring stroke.

“Only an assistant?” John said quizzing Samantha. “I’m disappointed Samantha. I assumed you of all people would demand more. After all, she already calls you Mistress.”

“Well, Jessica had a difficult night last night, she was attacked in her hotel. I didn’t want to push to much onto her too soon but I’m hoping other things will develop, in time,” Samantha replied.

Jessica only now looked up at Samantha with a slight tear in her eye. Not daring to speak she gave her Mistress a slight smile, she wanted to tell her she was ready, that she’d do anything.

“Oh well I do hope everything is fine now, she seems like quite the catch,” John said.

“That she is John, that she is. Anyway, we didn’t come here to talk about my new assistant so lets get down to business, we have much to talk about.” Samantha said changing the subject. “I’m dying, as are your fans, to read your next book.”

Samantha and John talked for over an hour regarding publishing matters for the up and coming edition of John’s new book. It turned out that John was one of a number of writers that published his work through Samantha and Jessica gasped when she found out he was the author of her favourite book, Mistress of Cruelty.

As the meeting progressed Jessica found herself falling into a lull as Samantha spoke, they discussed in depth about the sequel — provisionally called Slave to a Mistress, and she found herself becoming more and more aroused.

The more Samantha talked, the more Jessica could feel the wetness spread between her legs ,and before long she blushed as her own scent became abundantly apparent to her. She knew if she was to reach down her panties would be soaked, and just hoped that the short skirt she was wearing didn’t show any revealing marks.

Samantha paused as she took a subtle sniff over to her right, turning her head she looked down and cocked a half smile. Jessica’s embarrassment intensified as her face felt like it exploded on fire.

At the end of the meeting John got up and gave Samantha a kiss on the chef. Jessica reluctantly got up to get the door, but as she move she felt a dampness on the office floor.

To her horror, as she slowly turned round to subtly investigate she spotted Samantha also looking down to where she knelt. There was a rather obvious wet patch on the carpet where she had been kneeling. Samantha Shook her head as John walked out in front of them and moved over next to Jessica.

“The smell of your arousal was intotoxicating my dear, just try not to leave such a mess next time.” She whispered in Jessica’s ear. “I can see I’ll have to Watch what meetings you sit in on from now on.”

Samantha left Jessica to show John out but just before he reached the door to reception Jessica called out to him, her voice shaky and nervous.

“E-e-excuse me sir, but could I just ask you,” She rushed to her bag and pulled out a tattered copy of the Mistress of Cruelty, along with a pen. “To sign this, for me?”

“Well, I must say I’ve never been asked for an autograph before.” He said smiling, taking the book of Jessica and carefully turning the pages.

“How many times exactly have you read this my dear?” he enquired to Jessica, it was in such used condition that he was afraid of breaking it.

“I’ve lost count sir, but it must be over a hundred. I could just never get bored of it!” Jessica said.

“Well, I must say I have never seen one of my books in such a state, it appears to have been very well loved!” he scribbled on one of the pages and handed it back to Jessica who smiled at him.

“Thank you sir, thank you so much!” She said inspecting the signature.

“I must say, you won’t need that book any more though, I think at least half of it is based on Samantha!” he laughed.

“I HEARD THAT!” came a punctuated voice from the other room. “It’s not half based on me at all and you know it John!” Samantha yelled.

“Uh-oh, I better get going.” John said looking at Jessica. “I’ve angered the beast! I should have said it was entirely based on her!” he gave Jessica a wink and a pat on the arm and walked out quickly.

Samantha appeared at her door moments later with an angry look on her face. “Did he just call me ‘the beast’?”

“Yes Mistress, he did. But I don’t believe him.” Jessica said softly smiling.

Samantha stood in the doorway to her office and a smile flushed across her face. “It’s early days my dear, early days!” She laughed.

“Did you see Mistress, he signed my book!” Jessica said excitedly holding up her tattered treasure. Samantha looked at her blankly, clearly not seeing the excitement in the situation.

“I’ve got a signed poster on the office wall from the launch, so what?” Samantha said quashing Jessica’s excitement.

“Anyway enough of that, I’ve just got a text from the hospital. Tessa is awake and wants to see you. We can do your statement to the police after as well.” Samantha said.

They gathered up their things and headed directly to the hospital.


Jessica rushed into the room and spotted Tessa, sat up in the bed awake. Before she could say anything Jessica rushed over and gave her a big hug.

“Ouch!” Tessa said. “Watch it will you!”

She winced as Jessica let her go, Jessica was sobbing a little but smiling. Tessa, despite her physical injuries seemed to be in good spirits.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m just so happy to see you awake.” Tears of joy fell down Jessica’s face as she spoke.

“I’m happy to be awake!” Tessa laughed. “By all accounts I have you to thank for that.” She said looking over at Samantha, who had followed Jessica into the room.

“No body touches my girls and gets away with it!” she said reaching over to gently squeeze Tessa’s hand. At that point another woman walked in the room carrying a couple of hot drinks.

“Well well,” Samantha said turning to the woman. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

The woman rolled here eye’s as she put the drinks down on the bedside table.

“That joke wasn’t funny the first time you made it, and it still isn’t the hundreds time!” she said turning to Samantha. The two women then embedded, giggling.

Jessica, who was now perched on the bed next to Tessa carefully holding her hand, looked at her and then at the woman questioningly.

Tessa seemed to get Jessica’s visual hint. “Jessy, this is our close friend Katherine Taylor, she’s going to help me home and look after me whilst I recover. I guess you thought of that too Sam?” she said.

“I called Kat last night and she was on the first flight this morning,” Samantha said nodding. “She’ll make sure you get back on your feet.”

Kat looked at Samantha and pouted.”Maybe not back on her feet too quickly, I’d prefer her on her knees first.”

Tessa groaned loudly. “I’m going to regret agreeing to this already aren’t I!”

Katherine chuckled and held up her two fingers as if pinching something together. “Just a little.” She said.

“Kat and I used to have a bit of a Domme sub thing going on,” Tessa said continuing to explaining the situation to Jessica. “It was fun in the most part, but I’m not up for total submission full time – I like to play both roles as you may have guessed Jessy.”

“Err, hello Mistress” Jessica said upon hearing that another Mistress was in the room.

Suddenly Samantha’s joke made sense and she looked at her Mistress and giggled. “Cat dragged in — that’s funny.”

Samantha couldn’t help but snort loudly as she tried to stifle a laugh, whilst Kat started at Jessica studying her.

“So you are the heart breaker then?” she said looking Jessica up and down.

“I can see why they both speak so highly of you dear.” She said coming round and giving Jessica a big hug.

“One day, I’ll persuade Samantha to loan you to me then you’ll pay for that comment my dear. In the best possible way of course,” she whispered so that just Jessica could hear before kissing her on the chef.

“Now now, remember she’s mine” Samantha said getting rather protected of Jessica. Kat let go of Jessica and looked at Samantha.


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