Considering it was the weekend Jessica woke up far too early the next morning and slipped out the bed leaving a slumbering Samantha to sleep off the night before. She put on a workout DVD in the lounge and proceeded to work up a healthy sweat for an hour, the plugs filling her insides jiggling with her every move making the workout that much more of a challenge.
By the time she got in the shower she was extremely worked up from the stimulation and she was questioning the wisdom of the workout already. She ran the shower cold to try and calm herself down, and had soon picked out one of her countless new underwear sets to put on. She quietly checked on Samantha and saw that she was still deeply asleep, so throwing on an outfit she grabbed a set of keys and her wallet and headed out to get some groceries.
Jessica was soon back at the flat with her arms full of food bags, Samantha was still sleeping deeply in the bed where she left her. Jessica was learning fast that samantha did what she liked, when she liked and apparently weekends were the time for lay ins. By the time it hit 10am Jessica had set out the table ready for breakfast, squeezed some fresh orange juice, chopped up some fresh fruit and made a pot of coffee.
Jessica went in to the bedroom and found Samantha stirring lightly so she crawled up onto the bed and pulled the sheets back. She had to admit, she loved this part of the day. Her Mistress’s body was a thing of beauty, and combined with her grogginess it made serving her all the more enjoyable.
Jessica was learning fast exactly what Samantha liked during oral sex and she slowly worked away at the increasing wet slit as Samantha’s pleasure built rapidly .Soon enough Samantha was moaning out in delight as her orgasm washed over her and Jessica lapped up the sweet juices that flowed out of her Mistress’s pussy.
“Good morning slave,” Samantha said smiling down at Jessica between her legs
Jessica looked up and grinnedlike a child at Christmas.
“Stand up so I can see your new undies then.”
Jessica jumped up and twirled about, showing Samantha the new bra and suspenders she was wearing.
“Very sexy, very sexy indeed!”
“Thank you Mistress.” Jessica said with a huge smile and a bounce in her step. “I have breakfast ready when you are Mistress.”
Samantha nodded and flopped back onto the bed with a groan.
“But I don’t want to get up!” she moaned, pulling the bedsheets up and over her head.
Jessica giggled and pulled the sheets back.
“Do I have to misbehave to get you up? I’m not sure what I could do in this belt but I’m sure I could think of something!” She ticked Samantha under the arms, causing her to laugh and squire underneath her. Rolling over pinning her down she laughed at Jessica.
“You are in trouble now little one!” she joked, and bent down kissing the pinned blonde deeply on the lips. Jessica groaned at the kiss, it was deep and password and made her feel not only loved but complete.
“Come on then, I guess it’s time to get up.” Samantha said letting Jessica up and throwing on a robe she followed Jessica out the room and into the kitchen.
Samantha was a bit shocked to see just how much Jessica had got done during her lay in that morning but sure wasn’t going to complain about it. She laughed when Jessica asked how she wanted her eggs did that morning.
“Are we opening up a café or something?!” she joked. “Just however they come really.”
After breakfast Samantha ordered Jessica into the shower room and Jessica groaned as she started up the enema system in the cupboard. Samantha didn’t even give Jessica a choice this time and soon had her wrists bound behind her back in the reverse prayer position. As Jessica was filled with the soapy solution, Samantha jumped in the shower.
Thankfully for Jessica, Samantha only left her filled for the minimum time and soon Jessica was helping Samantha dress for the day.
“Mistress?” Jessica asked.
“Yes slave, what is it?” Samantha said smiling.
“What are we going to do today, after all its a Saturday so there is no work is there?” Jessica said quizzically.
“Not this weekend my little slave. I’m afraid I need to run a few errands before this evening so I was going to let you have some free time, but seeing as you were independent on being naughty this morning I’ve changed my plans!”
Jessica yelped and giggling pretended to run off, but Samantha soon caught up with her in the corridor.
“Anyone would think you wanted to get caught slave” Samantha said smiling.
Jessica panted in anticipation. “Oh no Mistress, please don’t punishment me!” she said in a sarcastic voice.
“You are in so much trouble young lady, and I love that you love it!” Samantha said dragging her into the spa bedroom by her hair and pushing her onto the bed.
“Over the past two days you have learnt what denial at my hands can feel like, now it’s time to learn the last piece of the puzzle, a little self-restraint.” Samantha said.
She grabbed the inflatable rubber gag and told Jessica to open up. Without hesitation the naked slave agreed and soon was grunting as the gag was inflated to fill her mouth. Next, Samantha grabbed the same hood that Jessica had been locked in the night before last. After pushing two small wireless headphones into Jessica’s ears she quickly pulled the thick padded hood into place and secured it with a padlock to complete Jessica’s isolation.
Working quickly Samantha pulled Jessica’s arms behind her and into her preferred reverse prayer position. She had to admit, whilst it was no doubt painful for Jessica her youth and nimbleness made it far easier for Jessica to cope with than other slaves she had seen.
Once Jessica was helpfully restrained Samantha pulled her to her feet and into the locke. Pushing her onto the sofa Samantha then headed into the bedroom to gatherup the remaining items she would need.
Samantha came back after a couple of minutes and smiled at her latest idea, this was truly going to be an act of devilish evil. As she placed the device from the box Sensi brought round on the floor and secured it using the fixing bolts, she wondered if this was even too much at this stage, but then dismissed the idea.
Once the device was set up she grabbed Jessica from the sofa and stood her up. Jessica moaned loud enough for even Samantha to hear when the dildos inside her from the chatity belt were pulled out, they were literally dripping in arousal and Samantha wondered how exactly one person could make that much pussy juice.
Positioning Jessica in place over the prototype machine she gently lowered the bound woman down and guided Jessica onto the two huge dildos sticking up from the base of her new torturous device. Jessica groaned as she felt the cock’s slide deep into her and feel the seat of the device as both palli completely filled her, a small clip vibrator was perfectly positioned in place between her drenched lips.
Samantha secured a small chain on the back of the device to the back of the wait section of the chatity belt that had been left locked in place, and repeated this using a small chain at the front of the device.
“Slave, nod if you can hear me.” Samantha said standing up and talking into the small microphone.
Jessica nodded.
“Good, try and lift yourself of the cocks please.”
She watched as Jessica tried to lift herself up, but just before the cocks slide out of her the chains went tight and she could move no more. Giving up Jessica slide back down onto the cocks with a groan.
“Again good. Now as I said I’ve taught you forced denial these last couple of days, now you need to learn self-denial and control.”
Samantha circled around and using small hooks in the floor set up the complicated wire system before picking up the two strange clamps on eachend of a wire. As she clipped the first clamp onto Jessica’s left nipple she heard the scream of pain, but continued to attach the second one none the less.
Making sure Jessica was fully lodged on the base of the device she pulled the wires taught, an act that pulled on the clamps and caused another sequel from the bound woman. Samantha smiled as she attached each wire through the hook system to the front of Jessica’s belt. Jessica wouldn’t know it yet, but the next time she tried to sit up the wires would pull tighter not only pulling on Jessica’s sensitive nipples but causing the clamps to grip even tighter.
“Right then, all set. The device you are sat on is of the same technology as the belt. It will know when you cum and send the data to my PDA. Here is a little taste of its power my dear.” Samantha said and switched the device on.
She could see the powerful violences start up and hear the cocks as they thrust inside Jessica. Not wanting to risk anything, she left it going for only 5 seconds before stopping it.
“So here’s the deal. I’m going out and you are going to stay here with the machine. Its set to randomly go off over the next two hours for different durations and different power levels. What you have just tasted is 50% power. It won’t deny you an orgasm like the belt” Samantha said. Jessica nodded, despite her prediction she was liking the sound of this.
“Here’s the catch though dear, if you cum within the next two hours you can consider yourself fired.” Samantha said flatly, and Jessica’s screamed into the gag and shook her head frantically from side to side.
She tried to sit up, but howled into the gag as the nipple clamps were pulled away from her and the teeth dug in even deeper.
“There is no point arguing, if I can’t trust you to control yourself and deny yourself pleasure when told then you are no use as a slave to me. As you have just figured out you can pull up off the most of the cocks at a price, soIt depends just how badly you want this life as to how you get on.”
Jessica was frantic by now on the device but Samantha merely laughed.
“I would save your energy slave, two hours is a long time.” Samantha started the program and muted the headphones. Jessica was plugged into silence but jumped as white noise then filled her ears, a horrible static sound that eventually would completely disorientate her. Samantha set up the video camera and started the film before grabbing her things and leaving.
Jessica sat wondering when the device would start, hoping this was all some evil trick. She had tried to keep track of time by counting but the damn noise put that idea to rest before she had even got to 45 Mississippi’s. It seemed to her like the noise went on for an age, and the device remained dormant like some threatening volcano that would erupt at any moment. With every breath Jessica grew more and more nervous, the ache in her nipples had subsided from her first attempt to get off the cocks, but she still feel their presence and she dreaded the moment the devilish device would start.
She jumped causing the clamps to dig in as the white noise switched off to be replaced by a series of beeps. Jessica counted them in her head as ten beeps slowly ran out before screaming into her gag as the device sprang to life. It was less powerful than the test Samantha had given her, but none the less it wouldn’t take long for the machine to force the unwanted pleasure from her if she didn’t act.
Biting hard on the gag she force herself to sit up, her nipples exploding with pain as the clamps dug in but the effort was worth it, she managed to get her clip away from the violences and the level of thrusting was low enough he she could resist the attentions for a while.
She had no idea how long the device was going to last and tears streamed from Her eyes. The only thing stopping her from sitting back and cumming absolutely everywhere was the thoughught of Samantha.
She knew she was the one for her, the only Mistress she wanted or ever needed and that thought alone spurred her on until with a groan of almost delight the machine switched off, the white noise returned and Jessica flopped back onto the seat causing the pain in her nipples to subside once again.
Jessica tried to concentrate on her breathing to regain her composition but the damn noise in her ears meant she Couldn’t even hear her own breath. When the next set of beeps started she prayed that the power level would be low, but howled as viruses and thrusts more powerful than the previous times started up.
She hesitated momentarily as the pleasure threatened to engulf her but snapped out of it just in time to thrust her body up, the excruciating pain in her nipples actually helping to subside the efforts of the violent thrusting still taking place into her pussy. The power level was so high Jessica had to lift herself even higher and sobbed as the pain and pleasure ravaged her body.
Thankfully the period at this level was shorter and Jessica flopped back onto the device sobbing, unsure if she would be able to stand much more. She hoped that at least an hour had passed, and thankfully for her sanity she couldn’t see a clock.
Only 35 minutes had actually gone.
By the hour mark Jessica was too exhausted and emotional to register a single bell that if she had known, would have let her know she was half way there. She had figured out at least that the power and duration were inversely linked, the lower the violences the longer the time would go on.
Sweat poured from her body and the strain of having to lift herself up of the cocks was showing, the work out that morning really wasn’t the best preparation for the day after all. Every set of beeps was like an death sentence approaching and Jessica heard the strange bell sound twice again before the device started up without warning. Jessica gasped as the most powerfulVibrations that day started ravaging her pussy and arse.
Biting down as hard as she could on the gag she thrust her body up of the cock to the maximum extent of the chain, causing a seizing pain in her chest like nothing she had ever felt before. She thought at this power level the device would be quick, but it went on, and on.
She panicked wondering if the device would even stop this time as her legs were knackered and Failing fast. As the device pounded her pussy and arse Jessica sobbed as the shaking in her legs got worse and worse until finally her body gave in.
She collapsed back onto the cocks and Jessica immediately knew this was it. The violations were so violent and powerful that Jessica knew that in seconds she was going to lose her job, lose her life in essence.
The victory on her clip were what finished her off, Her body going completely rigid as the pent up frustrations of the week were practically ripped from the sobbing Jessica against her will. It was the most powerful thing to ever happen to her, and she felt her pussy literally gushing cum over the device, down her legs and she suspected anywhere else in the victory. She almost passed out as the emotion overcame her and she couldn’t even remember the device stopping.
All was still after that as Jessica sat broken on the device sobbing, awaiting Samantha return and her fate. She barely registered as she felt the clamps took off but when she felt Samantha’s hands lift her off the device so was almost inconsolable as she screamed into the gag.
“Jessica please, calm down. Please.” Samantha tried to say through the microphone but Jessica wasn’t calming down. She was flinging herself at Samantha in a vain attempt to plead with her and Samantha knew she was going to hurt herself if she didn’t stop.
Not having any other choice Samantha grabbed both tender nipples and twisted them hard “SLAVE, SILENCE!” she bellowed and Jessica froze.
Pulling off the hoodof a finally still Jessica Samantha could see the young woman’s red eyes from the tears and slowly deflated the gag.
“P-p-p-p-please Mistress, d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-sack me M-m-m-m-mistress, I love you. I tried so hard, I didn’t mean to cum, I tried not to.” Jessica sobbed.
“And you didn’t slave, not in the two hours I told you not too.” Samantha said smiling at the young woman.
Jessica looked up at her confused. “But I did mistress, I did cum. Harder than ever before in my life. I tried so hard not to,” she sobbed.
“Yes you did, but after the two hours where up my slave. I took that orgasm from you, the machine wasn’t going to stop until you gave it to me slave.” Samantha said smiling.
“S-s-s-so I-i-i-i-I’m not f-f-fired?” Jessica sobbed totally confused.
“Definitely not my dear, you don’t get off that easily! I take what I want, when I want from you, that was half the lesson today.” Samantha said leaning over and planning a kiss on Jessica’s lips.
Samantha could taste the tears that covered Jessica’s face.
“Come on, let’s have a bath together. You are a mess!” Samantha joked and Jessica let out a soft giggle.
For the rest of the afternoon Jessica followed Samantha about and saw to her every need. They had a quite night in, Jessica cooked a delicious meal for the two of them before they settled down on the sofa together to watch a film. Jessica slept in Samantha’s bed that night, cuddled up like a child to her Mistress as she slept.
Life then started to fall into something of a routine for the two women. During the week Jessica’s assistance really started paying dividends for Samantha. No longer was she disorganized, late and working long hours to compensate. Instead she was more focused, more enthusiastic about starting new ventures and reviving old ideas. Her focus also shifted to teasing Jessica more and more in the work place, it was a game to see just how much she could make Jessica suffer before she wouldshow signs or break down begging.
One of her favorite tricks was actually a follow on from the calibration period that Jessica had to suffer through the first time the Chasity belt was fitted. During meeting after meeting Jessica would be sat somewhere in the room, usually at the desk taking minutes, whilst Samantha sat bored at whatever conversation she was having.
Samantha usually turned and grinned at Jessica before doing anything, it was always a sign that nothing good was going to happen and sure enough the belt would then spring to life in one form or another teasing the poor woman. Jessica remembers the first time this happened, she actually yelped as the belt started up interrupting the meeting.
After giving some excuse about a fly landing on her and starting her they continued, but for the rest of the time the belt teased and tormented Jessica as Samantha paid little more attention to her. By the time the meeting was finished Jessica felt like she was sat in a puddle of her own juices, too scared to even stand for fear of showing a damp patch somewhere on her attire.
As soon as the meeting was over Samantha locked the door and Jessica fell to her knee’s begging Samantha to turn it off. Instead she would have Jessica strip, quickly inspecting the fluids that coated the insides of Jessica leg and taunting her for being such a slut. Within moments Jessica was knelt on the floor with her head lapping at her Mistress’s sex, Samantha laid over her desk moaning.
Only afterwards would the belt be stopped and Jessica told to get back to work, her inside legs wet and sticky from her own juices whilst her face would be smeared with Samantha’s.
Samantha also had time to start writing again, the ideas that Jessica had stumbled upon it seemed were only the tip of the iceberg and soon Jessica was transcribing daily audio files as book idea after book idea was resurrected.
This too caused an issue for Jessica in her sexually aroundd state. Each of the records seemed to put her in some form of trace, and sure enough she was soon aware of the smell of her arousal in her reception area.
The most humiliating time relating to this came when one of Samantha’s fellow domestics turned up for an interview for the magazine. Jessica had been working on typing up a partially heavy session of bondage in ‘Maddie’s Tale’ just before the woman came in and as Jessica walked over to open the door into Samantha’s office the woman stopped her.
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