The Mistress of the House Ch. 05

(Thanks for reading so far! Let me know if you have any thoughts or feedback, or suggestions for further torques for Hannah ^_^)


As Hannah awoke, she found she was still in the same room, sat in one of the chairs. There was something in her mouth that pushed her tongue down and filled her cheeks, a band wrapped about her head. She could feel the chatity belt still locked around her Waist, although the intruders inside of her felt even larger now. She had been sat opposite a mirrored wall, a circular patch of dust cleared away so she could see her new clothes and gag.

Across her mouth was a flat disc of engraved metal, a slot for a key between where her lips would be. She was wearing a long and tight leather dress, with tight sleeps and white cuffs, along with a small frilly apron, and Some lace around her neck, a hole cut at the crotch, showing the metal of the chatity belt beneath. Her collar had been changed for a heavier, tighter one, prongs scraping her neck on the inside, with a d-ring over her throat. She could feel bands around her legs, just above her knees, stopping her moving her legs far apart. When she tried to move her hands, there was resistance – her wrists were chained together, the chain running to the ground and weighed down by a metal ball. At least her hands are unbound, her fingers now free to move again.

‘Ah, you’ve finally hurt my dear.’

Hannah looked around, trying to spot Miss Coerator. Hands slip over her, stroking her hair, moving down to her throat, cupping a breast before moving down to Hannah’s hips.

‘That was rather delightful, I must confess I’ve never had a maid pass out from sheer pleasure before! But you’ve had your fun, now it is time to work.’

Hannah tried to speak but the inside of the gag was a large squishy object, that kept her tongue locked in place and her lips spread open, making anything more than grunts impossible, as Miss Coerator kissed the back of her neck, hergrunt becoming a squeal, lust starting to blossom again.

‘Now, with the strap between your legs, you should be able to shuffle around. You just need to have some confidence. Unless you would like me to more forcefully persuade you?’

Hannah shook her head, at least as much as she could with the collar in place, before slowly standing, Miss Coerator keeping her hands in place, lightly stroking her still.

‘Very good, my dear. Now, take a step.’

Hannah could see herself more fully in the mirror now, the leather encasing her body, a cut-out at the crotch showing the metal of the chatity belt, keeping whatever has been pushed into her locked in place, but at least offering some protection from further assault. But as she moved, she became more aware of the size of the intruders. She wriggled her hips to try and shake them out, unable to eject them from her body. Miss Coerator kissed the nape of her neck.

‘Now, you will take the brush on the bar and begin dusting. Consider the change of outfit a warning, of sorts. Failure will not be tolerated, and your treatment will only get harsher should you fail to meet my expectations. I’m sure you don’t want to earn any further punishments, do you, little Hannah?’

Hannah shook her head, unable to move her tongue at all, pushing it against the foam ball forced into her mouth without effect.

‘Excellent, I do like to see a cooperative maid, quite an… invigorating and arresting image, shall we say.’ She slapped a hand against Hannah’s bare backside, Hannah involuntarily tensing, acutely aware of the size of the thing shoved into her. ‘Now, this way.’ She twisted Hannah in place, then gave her a shove towards the bar. Hannah took an experimental step, the straw between her knees hobbling her, and the ball and chain connected to her wrists Need dragging with every step, scraping along the floor. ‘That’s the spirit, my dear, nice and steady.’

Something flicked against her ass cheek, quick and hard. Hannah tried to twist to see what it was, but Miss Coerator moved to stay out of sight, striding her again.

‘The time is wasting away, my dear. I would advise a little more speed unless you wish to be punished.’

There were some dusters and a can of poison on one of the bar stools, Hannah innocently aware of every scraping sound the metal ball made as she walked towards it. Miss Coerator’s scent, full and heavy, was thick in the air, but the woman herself only made her presence known with light taps and flicks of whatever she was currently using against Hannah’s buttocks, not speaking, moving without making a sound.

To pick up the items, Hannah had to bend over slightly, and she tensed, prepared for another flick to her backside. Instead, the intruder in her butt stirred into life, cool liquid gushing into her. She squeaked, reflexively tensing, making the effect even worse. She tried to glance around, at least work out where Miss Coerator is, but her outfitwas too restrictive, the woman easily able to avoid her gaze.

‘Keep cleaning, my dear. There’s plenty of work to be done.’ Something leather tapped against the back of her neck, before withdrawing and striking in a singing blow.

It was a struggle moving, especially with the liquid now sloshing inside of her, making her feel like she really needed to go to the toilet. Miss Coerator’s scent suddenly enveloped her, Followed by a nip to her ear.

‘Any spillage from you would need cleaning as well, of course. Perhaps I should make you lick it off the floor?’ Her hands gropeed at Hannah’s breasts, kneeing her nipples, still sore from the clamps.

Hannah tried to grunt in disagreement but the woman’s scent was making her feel woozy, and her fingers were skilled. One hand dropped between Hannah’s leg, jostling the Chastity belt, shaking the toys inside of her. She was almost grateful for the size of them, as they helped to keep her plugged and from leaking anywhere!

‘I was surprised to see you had such large toys among your collection. For a slender thing, you must be quite flexible.’

Hannah had rarely used the full length, normally only teasing herself with part of it, and had never kept them inside like this! Or has used them to emulate ejaculation, not to fill herself up.

‘I suppose it will make the training easier, normally I have to keep my maids impaled for a few days to allow them to take anything of such a size. But you take to it naturally, and even supplied such a delightful association of devices for me to use! When you are allowed to talk, you will have to tell me where you got them from, I may have to make a few purchases myself.’ Her breath continued to ticket and tease Hannah, puffing and stroking against the back of her neck and her ears, as her fingers lightly probed Hannah’s body, finding where had the most response.

‘This uniform has had many maids in it before you, but it suits you exhaustively. Some haveEven broken in this very room.’ She pinched a nipple, quite hard, making Hannah gasp, getting aroused, as she tried to concentrate on cleaning. ‘They normally start to beg and cry, unable to deal with the uniform, finding it too tight and constraining. They beg and beg, and so I find it’s normally easier to gag them beforehand.’ She kissed Hannah on the neck again, teeth lightly biting flesh, a hand stoking across the metal gag, nail tapping against it. ‘Will you be a quiet and obedient maid? If I remove the gag, will you start to scream and whine?’

Hannah shook her head; she’d be thankful for the removal of any restraints! She could feel Miss Coerator’s breasts pushing against her back, the woman shifting around, before a key appeared in front of her, sliding into the lock of her gag and turning. The lump holding her tongue down moved out and Miss Coerator lets it drop, a chain connecting it to the rest of the gag. There was still a ring that held her mouth open, but at least she could make some sort of sound now, other than a grunt.

‘Now, you don’t seem to be getting much cleaning done.’ She kissed Hannah again, between the supposed blades, her hair tickling against Hannah’s bare skin, shiny with sweat.

‘O re eery isacting.’ She could feel the liquid sloshing around inside of her, and her increasing arousal from the teasing.

‘Am I now, little Hannah? Perhaps removing the gag was a mistake?’ Another spurt of liquid flowed into her, filling her up even more, forcing her to clnch her thighs tightly together. ‘On your knees, maid, nice and slow.’ Miss Coerator’s hand tangled itself into Hannah’s hair and gripped it tightly, pushing her down, as Hannah made a token attempt at cleaning, dabbing at a wooden panel, burdened by the metal ball. Hannah surrendered and slowly dropped down, feeling fingers brush the back of her neck, unbuckling the gag, letting her speak properly.

‘Now, my dear, would you care to repeat that? I may have misheard,as you did mumble quite atrociously. What reason did you give for not getting much cleaning done?’

Her fingers stroked and caressed the back of Hannah’s neck, her mind going fuzzy. ‘You are very distracting, Miss Coerator.’

The fingers stopped stroking, one hand still tightly gripping her hair, the other taking grip on the back of her neck. ‘You are tracing dangerous ground, maid. Will you be broken like the rest?’ The hand grazing her hair tightened, hurting her.

‘I hope not, Madam!’

The vibrators inside of her both started up, twisting around inside of her, making her head swim. She could feel Miss Coerator knee behind her, pressing tightly against her, one hand still around Hannah’s throat, the other fondling her breasts and belly.

‘That is not a satisfaction answer, my dear.’ She kissed Hannah on the cheese, allowing herself to be seen.

‘I… I won’t, Madam.’

‘Is that a promise, my dear?’ She twisted Hannah’s head around, kissing her fully on the lips, looking into her eyes. The vibrators buzzing around inside Hannah, and Miss Coerator’s presence and her constantly probing, hurting fingers, were far too close to getting her off, the liquid inside of her harder and harder to hold in. Her perfume was dizzying, the scent rich and potential. ‘I do hope so. You seem to have a strong will; but defiance is defiance. Open your mouth.’

Hannah clamped her lips together tightly, before Miss Coerator dug nails into one of her breasts, and she forced herself to relax, slowly opening her mouth.

‘Good girl.’ Miss Coerator kissed her on the cheek. A ring-gag slip into her mouth, forcing it open and wide, a metal plug hanging from the bottom of the ring. Miss Coerator took the plug and pushed it into Hannah’s mouth, the material cool against her tongue, before she turned it, locking it into place. Hannah’s mouth was now sealed behind a metal disc. Then Miss Coerator took a key from her cleavage, turning it in a slot in the panel with a loud click. An intricate pattern of thorns has been etched into the metal, even the leather strap decorated with gilt, although that had mostly wound off. There was a metal plate engraved on the front, neighbor letters spelling out a name: “Harriet”.

Miss Coerator tapped the metal, Hannah feeling it through her jaw. ‘She was… less than successful, and so lost the right to wear this. Should you Continue to work well, then I shall have some items forgotten for you with your name on. Or perhaps just rename you Harriet; I wonder which would be easier?’

The devices kicked up a notch, Hannah’s tongue sliding around the cock-like plug in her mouth, as Miss Coerator stood, pulling Hannah up as well.

‘Defiance, any definition, deserves punishment, don’t you think, maid?’

Hannah nodded, hoping to avoid any further punishment.

‘Excellent, I’m glad we are in such agreement.’ Miss Coerator pulled a remote from her pocket, Hannah quivering in terror as Miss Coeratorgrabbed her hair and forced their eyes to meet, switching it up a few notches, sending more waves of pleasure through Hannah’s pussy. ‘Defiance will not be accepted. Ever.’

Hannah nodded her head frantically.

‘And so, for the rest of your cleaning, you will be wearing a little extra. Your dedication is impressive, so I think I shall allow you a little mercy.’

Heavy-looking clamps linked by a chain were produced, one swiftly getting attached to Hannah’s left nipple. She grunted in pain through the gag, eyes going wide, before the other was also attached, adding to her torque. They were attached on top of her clothes, reducing the pain slightly, but the chain connecting them shifted as she shook, trying to throw them off.

‘What did I tell you? Refusing to accept a punishment requires further punishment.’ There was pleasure beneath her cold tones, as a ball weight was attached in the middle of the chain. Hannah wanted to bend forward to relieve the pressure, swwaying slightly as Miss Coerator spoke. ‘A maid should maintain good posture at all times. I would hate to have to apply additional correctives, my dear. So, about your business then. I expect this room to be spotless.’

Hannah took a slow, staggering step, managing to raise a hand and wipe away some of the grime and dirt. It did little to save the pressure inside of her, liquid still pressing against her guys, the vibrator in her pussy thrumming away.

‘And do try not to leak too much. You’re only making additional work for yourself, my dead. Oh, and should you remove the clamps, then I will be forced to take more permanent measures. You’re shaping up well; far more resilient than those other girls. I may even permit you a bed tonight!’

She walked away, her heels audible against the floor before a door opened and locked shut again, leaving Hannah alone in her lust-addled torque. Every movement was painful – the weighted clamps on her nipples shook and stretched her flesh, the ball-and-chain making it hard to move her hands, vibrator still buzzing away.


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