The Mistress of the House Ch. 08

Hannah instinctively tried to stretch, her limbs pushing against the constraints of the box. Other than the cushioning, there was no give, the metal hard and cold against her pushing. The air coming through the tube was warm, a strong scent carried in with it — was she really in Miss Coerator’s room? The earbud transmitted sound still — she could hear a soft and gentle breathing, the rustle of sheets. What would Miss Coerator’s bed be like? Probably huge, and four-postered, silk sheets. Hannah wondered if she slept naked, or in something, probably silken or lace?

The breathing shifted, starting to come faster, in short, soft pants. Hannah’s eyes widened as she realized what she was hearing — Miss Coerator was masturbating! She shivered at the thought, of those elegant hands struggling breasts and stomach, thighs played with, slipping in and out. The thoughts made Hannah horny, as she shifted as much as she could inside the box, blocked by the cramped conditions, her mittens,and the chatity belt still locked around her own pussy. She tried grinding against the box, but it was impossible to get enough traction to achieve anything, leaving her even more frustrated.

Outside, Miss Coerator orgasmed, her sights coming to a sudden, blissful peak, then breathing so soft it could scarcely be heard. A few moments later, there was a rapping against the outside of the box, loudly echoing around the tiny and enclosed space, making Hannah jump.

‘I do hope you rested well, Hannah. I have plenty more for you to do today. But I hope that scraping sound I heard wasn’t you trying to do anything you know isn’t allowed?’

Dispite knowing Miss Coerator couldn’t see, Hannah Shook her head. She didn’t deserve punishment for trying to get off without achieving anything!

‘Breakfast first, and then we’ll get you washed, my dear. Well, after I have attended to my own needs. After all, you are just the maid, not the mistress.’

Footsteps, and then the sounds of a shower, the scent of shampoo wafting into the box. A very, very long shower! Hannah winced, trying not to imagine Miss Coerator’s body again, but she could feel heat coiling between her legs again, wanting to be teased and stroked. Maybe if she were good, she might be allowed to please herself, rather than having it forced upon her? Or if she could somehow capture Miss Coerator, cuff her to a post or something, and then get the keys from her! See how she liked being locked into a chatity belt and violent at another’s command!

The shower finally finished, footsteps again, before water came down the tube, then some more food pellets. Hannah swallowed and chewed as quickly as she could, glad of the food, before she felt the box shift, being lifted from above, swinging slightly.

‘While it does ruin the aesthetic somewhat, I have to say, this chain and win really is very helpful. I should introduce you to Cook sometimes — she makes excellent use of a similar device.’

That was the source of the food, then. Although it sounded like they might be kept in a box? Hannah had no time to speculate as she felt herself move forward, coming to a stop, and then the sensing of a steady, controlled descent. She must be in a vertical shake; either a dumbwaiter or a chimney. Then the falling stopped.

Shortly after, she heard Miss Coerator’s voice again — she must have had to take a More conventional and less direct route through the house.

‘I do hope there won’t be any silliness when I release you? You have been relatively well-behaved thus far; it would be a shame if you were to force me to employee harsher measures. And I’m sure you would like to be clean again. Now, my dear, this… device is new, and a little experimental, but I hope we will both enjoy it.’

The front of the box rattled open, the light harsh and blinding, even with Miss Coerator’s legs blocking most of it. ‘Out.’

Hannah obeyed and crawled out, her limbs protesting. The gasmask was plucked from her face, mittens removed, even the chatity belt unlocked and disclosed to the floor, as her dress was stripped off, leaving her utterly naked save for the boots and collar. The floor beneath her was hard stone, the walls likewise, the place far too close to a literal dungeon for comfort, right down to metal scones on the walls.


In front of Miss Coerator was a white metal booth, lit from inside, almost like a changing room or porta-loo, except far sturdier. Hannah managed to slowly stand up, legs shaking, before hesitating. It was larger than the box, but what if she was locked in? Miss Coerator was now dressed in tight leather trousers and a silk blouse, leather gloves on her hands, a crisis chaser bright around her neck, tied with a bow. ‘It’s quite safe my dear, I assume you.’

She stepped across the entranceway, Hannah too slow to push her in and slam the door shut, her body still protesting from the confinement. She heard agasp of pain from somewhere behind her, but didn’t have time to look around as Miss Coerator moved close. ‘I do hope you aren’t going to disobey. That would be… most unfortunate.’

Hannah stepped forward, carefully trying to look inside the thing without stepping into it. It was white and clean, with what looked like a wide shower head at the top, a drain at the bottom. Anywhere else, she would assume it was just a shower, but here, she was more suspicious.

She was shoved from behind, unable to grab the edges of the door in time, as she staggered forward, inside of it. She managed to turn, just in time to see the door shut, a lock clicking into place. Through the porthole, she could see Miss Coerator pulling out a control device. Water poured over her, blasting from the top, ice cold, making her shiver and hunch over but there was nowhere to hide, nothing she could do to protect herself.

A rubbery nub on the floor started to grow and extend, a cock on a pole smoothly rising up out of the surface.

‘A cold shower can be rather bracing, can it not? I’m sure it will wake you up most thoroughly. Would you like the water to be a little warmer?’

Hannah nodded her head — if she weren’t gagged, she was sure her teeth would be chattering!

‘Well, my dear, then you can use that delightful thing as a controller.’ She tapped on the glass, pointing at the dildo, now raised up to just beneath Hannah’s crotch-level. ‘I think you need a wash in good, warm water, so I will leave this running until you manage that. I wonder how long you will last?’

Hannah shivered again, goosebumps forming on her skin, feeling her body rapidly chill, as Miss Coerator smiled at her, safe on the other side of the door. She braced herself against the Walls with her arms, winning as the water slashed at her unprotected body, slowly lowering herself onto the prong. There was a surge of heat, like the sun coming out on a cloudy day, blessed warmth covering her bodyy. And then the bitter, vicious chill water returned.

She dropped, at least as much as she could, shifting her body up and down. The warmth returned, for longer this time, but as soon as she stopped moving, the cold came back to bite and nip at her skin.

‘Excellent! Keep moving. You may wish to close your eyes as well, my dear — I’m going to add soap. Please do scrub yourself properly, I simply cannot abide dirty servants, I have a tendency to lock them in the dungeon as a lesson.’

Hannah obeyed, plunging herself into darkness, still grinding up and down, but at least the water was warm now. The texture and scent changed slightly, something else mixed in, and she rubbed herself down, trying to keep her eyes clear of it, the gag at least blocking it from entering her mouth. It was good to wash the grime away, although she far preferred the more normal and private shower in her own room!

The water cut out, leaving her dripping and impaled.

‘Very good, MaidHannah. Now to dry you.’

She wasn’t going to enter with a towel was she? There was a roaring sound, and then blowers in the walls started up, warm air buffeting and blasting Hannah from all directions. It didn’t take long until all the water was dried from her body, like being in a giant hairdryer although she was still impaled. With her feet locked into the boots, she realized she couldn’t dismount — she was already on the tips of her toes, and she couldn’t jump to get off, and there was nothing to grab to lift herself off. Miss Coerator gave her a friendly grin through the glass, before opening the door, standing back as the moist air rushed out.

‘You would make a lovely display piece, my dear. Although you are perhaps a little windswept at the moment? I suppose today you will be working down here, so Your appearance is of less concern than usual.’

If Hannah could talk, she would have complained that this was Miss Coerator’s fault for the unexpected blow-dry, but she had to settle for nothing more than a quick glare, quickly dropping her look when Miss Coerator looked back at her.

‘Now, as you’ve been so good, I have a gift for you. Something you’ve earned with all your.’ Her fingers darted out, swiftly unlocking the collar, her other hand swiftly replacing it with another one, before Hannah could resist or refund. This one felt heavier and was wider, forcing her to keep her chin up. She ran her fingers along it, feeling the material. Metal? And it had several large rings around its surface, probably to leash her to things, as well as some strange slots and other shapes.

‘There we go, my dear. Very distinguished, I do hope you will prove worthy of it.’ She tapped it with a nail, metal chinking. ‘Now, I’ve prepared some clothes for you. I’m sure you’ll be glad to know you won’t need the mittens today. And you’ve been so good I think you won’t need the chatity belt either. Although of course steps must be taken to ensure you don’t doanything… naughty. Hands up, against your lovely new collar, palms up. Don’t delay, unless you want me to reconsider.’

Hannah obeyed, as cold metal locked around her wrists, binding her wrists into position against the collar. She could wriggle her fingers and ticke her own throat, but nothing else.

‘Very good. Now, to get you approximately dressed. Please don’t struggle, it is Extremely undignified. Actually, come with me. This may be a good time for an object lesson.’

She hooked a finger into one of the side rings on Hannah’s collar and walked away. Hannah had no choice but to follow, her hands still tight against her neck. They exited the small dungeon chamber, into the main chamber.

Hannah looked around — the room was filled with torture equipment; crosses with heavy leather straps, wooden chairs covered with wooden spikes, an iron maiden, the walls covered with neighborly-arranged equipment, whips and crops and everything else. And, in the center, beneath a spotlight was an exercise bike, currently in use. A woman was there, sat on the seat. Or, more accurately, mounted, the seat a dildo, sliding back and forth. Her head was hidden behind a leather hood, the eyes blinded, breath coming raggedly from behind a large ballgag, spittle dribbling out. Her feet were strapped onto the pedals, making the dildo slide in and out of her as she pedaled.

‘This is Wendy. She is currently my gardener, although I am currently considering her continued employment. She has been rather lax in her duties of late, so I thought to teach her a lesson, that she should be more diligent.’

The woman’s pedaling slowed, her chest heaving, body slick with sweat. Miss Coerator moved Hannah closer, letting her look more closely — other than the hood, the woman was naked except for several wires attached to her nipples, but her hands were strapped to the bars, her feet into the pedals. There were sparks around her nipples, a pained grunt from behind the gag, as she started cycling faster, clearly in pain.

‘Now, I do hope you will remove any thoughts of defiance from your pretty little head. I would so hate to see you treated in such a fashion. A few such punishments seem to render most servants unfit for skilled work, unfortunately, but it is the only way to teach! So, will you be a good little maid?’

Hannah tried to nod, but the collar was so clunky she couldn’t manage it. Miss Coerator seemed to pick up on the gesture, leaning in and kissing Hannah on the forehead.

‘Very good. It would be most disappointing if I had to punish you so harshly. Now, your clothes for today…’

She picked up a leather harness, all straps and buckles, and settled it over Hannah’s body. The straps went around her breasts, sliding Naturally over her hips, a pair of straps running inside her tights. It didn’t seem to restrict her movement at all, even though it snugly fitted along her curves. ‘Excellent! You have such pale skin, the black leather is quite a lovely contrast. Your maid uniform is similar, it suits you excellently. Should you prove yourself, I will have to do something with your hair — it is nice enough, but a little underwhelming.’

Next, she picked up a strip of leather, held together with tough straps lacing. This went around Hannah’s legs — it was like a long skirt, except with most of the front and back missing. It went from her hips down to her ankles, Miss Coerator expertly tightening the laces, forcing her feet together, hobbling her movement.

Miss Coerator gave her another kiss, a swift peck on the cheek. ‘Oh my, you are a lovely sight! A shame I can’t really get you into a corset in this position — but there will be plenty of time for that later. Your figure is pleasure but could do with a little refinement. It is a little vulgar, but I suppose this will have to do.’ Several leather straps were tied over her breasts, binding and compressing them. ‘Open wide!’

A rubber ball was pushed into her mouth. It had a bulb attached, which Miss Coerator pumped vigorously, until Hannah’s mouth was filled entirely, her tongue flattened against the roof of her mouth.

‘And now, the final touch, the tool you will be using today. This area is rather old, and not fully electrified.’ There was a zap and a pained groan from the gardener, as her efforts slacked off. Miss Coerator picked up a ceramic plate and placed it against the handscuffs. There must have been a slot or something, as it simply clicked into place. Her hands were now palm up, on either side of the plate. Next, a fat candle was placed onto the plate, already lit, blocking most of Hannah’s view. Wax was already well in the center, some dribbling down the side.

With the candle in place, there was no room for the leash, Miss Coerator pushing Hannah forward. The well of wax shifted, some spinning downwards, starting to flow onto the plate

‘It can get a little cold and dark down here. It is alittle old fashioned, but it does mean that the sconces need lighting. And that is your next task. Oh yes, one more thing.’ She picked up a heavy vibrator, a chunky wand, and secured it between Hannah’s legs, the harness keeping it in place. It buzzed into low life, making her gasp from behind her gag.

‘Now, this way.’ Miss Coerator walked over to a dark passageway and beckoned, one hand clearly holding a remote control for the wand.

The almost-skirt hobbled her steps, and she had to keep her back and neck straight to try and stop the wax slopping around — it was already starting to well and puddle on the plate. The heat from the flame made her forehead bead with sweet, the light making it harder to see into the shadows.


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