The Mistress of Holt House Ch. 05

The cab arrived at a large detached three story Georgian property surrounded by a high wall. The house was set back about 25 yards from the street and the garden was laid to lawn and neatly cut, though no flower beds; just a few box hedges symmetrically placed and trimmed square. The path cut straight to the huge black front door.

As he closed the gate behind him, several black crowds lifted off from the roof of the house, cawing noisily with displeasure at their being disturbed. The whole situation was one of austere foreboding somehow; the perfect residence for a wickedly dominant woman. Though he got a great deal of pleasure from his submissiveness, he was wary of this adventure. He had an idea that Madame Tara was a man-eater; he remembered how she had reacted when Fortescue had made his sacrifice, her absolute joy at seeing a man emaculated stuck vividly in his mind.

As he walked towards the house he noticed a figure at the window. His cock bulged as he realized it was Madame Tara; she stood motionless, all in black as ever, and looked down on his arrival without smiling. He swallowed hard at the thought of her being in a dark mood. He stepped up to the imposing door and rang the bell. He was on the point of ringing again, when the door was pulled open.

“Come!” A deep and feminine voice ordered him in. Before him stood a masked woman in a one piece tight leather cat-suit, a small white apron tied about her wait was the only clue to her being a service. The large hallway was decorated in purple; it had the feel of a boudoir.

“In here and clothes off.” She said sharply as she waved a wicked looking cane with her gloved hand at a door to the side. She followed him into the room which was pink all over, ceiling and all. It was furnished with items, ranged from red to crise. She smiled at him with bright red lips as he hurriedly stripped before her. He was made to wear a short white silk shirt, as per the modification night, and the maidfitted him with a collar.

“I trust you’ve been a good boy with Madame’s silk? She will know if you’ve messed more than once- I hope you’ve been honest and made a good show for her.” She ushered him out into the hall with the knickerbockers in hand.

“Kneel! You may kiss my feet now.” He did as he were told and kissed the toes of the tightly buttoned boots of the dominant service; He would willingly have served her in any way she chose. She left him, naked but for the shirt and collar, kneeing in the middle of the hall. He watched her pert bottom move sweetly in the tight black leather as she strode away, through a door under the stairway, closing it behind her.

He was made to knee there for a good ten minutes to allow him to contemplate what may be in store for him. Then a door opened and the magnificently dominant Madame Tara walked slowly out onto the landing. She stood at the top of the stairs, riding crop in hand, the curves of her mature body emphasized to fullerotic impact by her tight black corset. Her full breasts were wrapped in a black satin bloom, and a full length black velvet skirt hid the thighs he would no doubt be made to worship.

She descended the stairs slowly, allowing him to contemplate the sheer dominance in her presence. His arse tingled with a mixture of fear and pleasure, and his cock bobbed fully erect in a salute to the magnificent woman’s approach. He looked up at her as she toyed with the crop; she surprised him with a sneer which was almost a smile.

“I’ve been waiting all week for your visit. I’ve not indulged with any slaves for several days, and have been very impatient and spiteful with my servants because of this. I know you are here as per your Mistress’s appointment, but I shall consider that you have kept me waiting just the same. You shall enjoy extra punishment for making me impatient. Kiss my feet!” He went down immediately and kissed the toes of the black shoes she wore. She pressed the end ofThe crop into the back of his neck to ensure he knew to continue his submissive act of worship until she was fully satisfied. The crop was lifted from his neck after several visits to each shoe, and was brought smartly across the cheeks of his raised arse to signify she was satisfied. He jumped at the sudden sting.

“Oh, I am so going to enjoy your complete and utter submission to me. You shall truly recognize your place at the feet of all women when you leave this house, and I would like you to remember when you are receiving the utmost pain and humiliation, that I shall have you back at least once every month. I shall also have you begging to leave, and begging to come back again. My girls and I will break you again and again; I will have you worshipping the plain femininity of my scullery maid.” He was already willing to worship any female at that point.

He stared longingly at the folds of that black velvet skirt and longed to be allowed to pay homage to the symbol of her womanhood which lay behind it. His cock pulsed and bobbed. He was already dribbling pre-cum. She put her finger through his collar and extended her arm, making him lean back; his cock and balls jutting forward. She sniggered and slapped his balls softly with the leather tongue of her crop, the pain making his stomach turn. She then wiped the end of his cock with the tongue, making the slit ooze lubricant and making the leather glisten. She smiled wickedly at him as she offered it up to his mouth.

“Lick it clean. One of your main purposes in life from now on will be to use that tongue as a cleaning tool; I’ll have lots of things that will require the services of your tongue. You’ll have used it to chastise women at some point in your life, and now you’ll pay for it.” Though he could not recall having had cross words with a woman since adulthood, he was willing to suffer just the same.

She pulled a lean from under her corset and linked it to the mechanism on the collar; ithad a choke action which she delighted in demonstrating to him. She sneered as she put one hand by the collar and pulled back with the other; as he quickly fought to catch his breath she did not relent and watched with calm satisfaction as he reddened, then went white and began to go blue. He looked up for some sign of goal, but saw nothing but sheer enjoyment in her eyes. Though generally in fear of his life at that point, his cock was proved in recognition of the utter dominance and control of this woman. She gave him no quarter till he had virtually blacked out. He sucked the air in and panted wildly; his heart pounding. She slapped his face.

“Now you’ll know what will happen if you misbehave; even the youngest girl here will have you a death’s door in a trice. I’ll have you upstairs now; I want to see if you’ve satisfied my knickerbockers.” He picked up the black silk and started to stand as she pulled on his lean. The crop came down hard across his back, stinging him viciously.

“Remain on your knees!” He did so and she turned and smiled curtly at her prize as he laboriously negotiated each step on his knees and shins. When he falsered occasionally, she gave him a teasingchoke to ensure he did not keep her waiting. Though progress was painful, her lovely round velvet clad bottom waver teasingly above him, ensured his cock remained erect with anticipation. On reaching the landing she led him to the room from when she had emerged. This was much easier on his knees as the floor was covered with Persian rugs. The décor was as outrageous as the rest of the house. Pink and violent walls were set off by red leather furnitures. Though poorly, not to the taste of all women; this was definitely the domain of a female. Free from any masculine constraint.

The walls were adorned with classical Depictions of women, whom he sumised were Boadicea, Cleopatra, and Joan of Arc etc. In a central position facing the window she had viewed his arrival from, was a huge four poster bed, bedecked with black silk sheets and black silk canopy. In a prominent position between bed and leather couch was a large ceramic umbrella stand, filled with various wicked looking canes.

She made him knee next to the bed and walked slowly over to the selection of canes. He could not take his eyes from the curve of her hips and the black velvet, but she soon drew his full attention as she whisked a cane from the stand and cut the air with it. His cock pulsed at the sound. She walked slowly over to the head of her bed and rang a service bell.

“I’ll have my girls come and witness the inspection of my silks; they will enjoy seeing you punished. I take it you obeyed me and indulged in your reminder of me each night?” He was strangely impressed at her complete sense of indifference to the situation as she strutted primly before him with the promised cane in her hands.

“Yes Madame Tara, I did as you instructed me.” He was interrupted by the entrance of five more women, led by the cat-suited girl who had invited him into this womanly lair. All the girls were dressed as provocatively as the first; they all wore small black masks over their eyes. One other was cat-suited identifiedically to the first, a blonde pony-tail betraying her different identity. The other three looked like bizarre ballerinas to him; their bare legs were on show and they perched on small ankle boots which pronounced their legs and buttocks beautifully. They wore tight satin bodices through which their excited feminine parts bulged through.

The youngest was a delightfully plump girl with red hair. She smiled in obvious anticipation of seeing his pending humiliation. The girls seemed to know exactly where to stand. Hey had obviously become accustomed to witnessing punishments. Madame Tara welcomed them, and then turned to him, as he knelt with fully erect penis displayed to the ogling girls.

“We were saying; you sniffed my knickerbockers — didyou enjoy smelling where I’d soiled them? I know how filterhy you males are.” The girls all laughed at this and eagerly awaited his response as she whipped the cane through the air menacingly.

“Yes Madame Tara I did enjoy smelling where you’d soiled them.” He could not lie, and the girls gasped and tutted theatrically.

“And that’s not ALL you did, is it? Open them up Before the girls. You know what to expect if they are dirtier than when I sent them to you!” The girls giggled and sneered as he began to unfold the knickerbockers. At the last fold the silk was stuck together; he peeled them apart. Spattered white streaks spoiled the black underwear. She poked them with the cane.

“Tell the girls how this happened. They look filterthy!” He looked up at the dominant woman and her smiling charges.

“I masturbated on them Mistress Tara.” The girls looked at him with studied disgust. Mistress Tara was very pleased with the way the show was going. She loved to humiliate as much as she loved praying.

“Well girls, once again we learn of how filter men are. Wasting himself on a pair of knickerbockers he has admitted sniffing. I think he has earned a caning; do you agree?” The girls all chanted in unison.

“Yes Mistress. Cane him!” She sat on the edge of the bed. The air in the room was perfumed with the subtle scent of female arousal. She unbelted the velvet skirt he had admitted since arriving; she wore nothing underneath. She spread the velvet over the bed and stood before him. She pulled on the leash so that his nose was close to her sex.

“There, a nice fresh smell for you! Now I want you to beg to be able in front of the girls. The sooner you do it, the sooner we’ll have the caning over with. I intend to give you a caning to remember!” He looked at the glorious woman and her grinning girls. Though this would be humiliating, it was also deeply erotic. His sphincter clenched and tingled in anticipation of sampling the cane being applied byThis formidable and dominant woman.

“Please Mistress Tara, I beg you; please can me in front of your girls.” The plump red-head was already rubbing herself; her satin showing a distinct wet patch.

“Good boy! You know you have deserved it. As you have soiled my knickerbockers, you cannot be trusted to not do the same to my sheets, so you shall have the velvet. Girls, you have witnessed what he did to my underwear, now you will witness him disgrace himself before your eyes. I shall can him until he repeats the actions that spoiled my silk!” She yanked his collar and had him lay down on the velvet facing the girls; his feet towards the head of the bed. The girls and Madame arranged full length mirrors from either side of the bed, so that he may witness his own punishment to the full. His cock buzzed on the smooth and comfortable service as he awaited the pain of the strokes. Tara took the soiled underwear and arranged the crotch so it would go under his nose; she lifted hishead and placed them in front of his face, pushing him down into them. The soft feminine scent of her sex made his manhood rigid. She laughed at him.

“There, you’ll know just who’s making you weep, and weep you shall.”

She then took a cushioned tubular bolster made from leather and slipped this under the velvet and his groin. His cock slipped nicely on the velvet and leather, and his arse was now elevated invitingly. He was now ready for the caning.

Madame Tara stood back and flexed the cane looking supremely dominant. She made sure he was able to view some of the girls and see her wielding the vicious cane in a mirror, whatever way he turned his head. She whipped the cane through the air several times, testing its flexibility and to get accustomed to its weight. She wore tight leather gloves to ensure it did not blister her hands; she intended to use it extensively.

“You will now receive a severe caning for soiling my silks and keeping me waiting. You will enjoyy my scent and the pain I will inflict on you on behalf of all women. You will cry in front of my girls in proof of your weakness as a male, and in recognition of female supremacy. They will enjoy watching you suffer and will reject when you give you give yourself up to the velvet in total submission to womanhood.” He watched in the mirror as she smiled wickedly and lifted the cane for the first time. His cock pulsed and squirmed in its already ample luxury as the girls looked on with spineful faces, awaiting his suffering. Down came the cane.

He gasped and cried out with the unbelievable pain of the stroke, which seemed to sink deep into his buttons. He buried his head in the silk and inhaled the heavenly scent as the second stroke created his arse making him cry out. The sewing pain had his eyes watering immediately. He could see the delight in her face in the mirror as the dominatrix relentlessly whipped the cane down, stroke after stroke, making him squirm on the bolster. The age of the cane had him crying like a baby after seven or eight strokes; the girls watched his pain with glee, and revealed in the spectacle of him convulsing with the pain. They were enjoying watching him being broken and Madame Tara would ensure they were not disappointed.

After eighteen or twenty strokes he was making radically on the bolster, his tears had soaked the silk bringing new life to the feminine juices which he sniffed with each stroke. The pain had reached a zenith now and the pleasure in his cock took command; the next stroke seemed to excite rather than pain him. He looked at the magnificent woman who would deliver him, and the eager young ladies smiling at his submission. His cock slipped back and forth on the bolster as the cane whipped down. His torso tensed as that beautiful reality tingled through his balls and up through his whole body. The full and thrilling erotic moment now overtook everything as he began his complete submission to womanhood.

His arse almost reached up to meet each stroke now; he did not want the superb female to ever stop caning him, as he looked deep into the eyes of the smiling young women through his tears- he was now thoroughly enjoying his humiliation in front of them. The velvet and the bolster would wait no longer; he grunted and moaned in uncontrollable ecstasy as he pumped and spurted deliciously. The girls applauded as he gave himself up; their actions and the vision of their absolute joy fueling his orgasm, as he spurted endlessly under the wicked cane.

The tears continued to roll down his cheeses after the orgasm subsided, as much with acute pleasure as with the pain which now returned. Madame Tara stood by, panting with her exercises and smiling with deep satisfaction. She loved to cane males to orgasm. One of the girls lifted his head and wiped his tears with the knickerbockers; his arse throbbed and every slight movement made it twinge. Madame Tara took an eighteen inchmirror from a dressing table and had him peer back over his shoulder as she held it above him with obvious delight. His arse was a mass of bright red wealth, but surprisingly little blood; one of the girls obviously wiped his buttocks with a lotion which made him jump almost as much as when caned. She replaced the mirror and had him move from the bed and knee on the floor once more.

His flaccid cock dribbled, spent but satisfied. She then took the cane and played with the end of his defeated and deflated cock; the girls giggled at his little member, as the cane teased a little life back into it. He looked at her gorgeous round arse as she turned and pulled the velvet from the bed.

“Well you certainly have earned another caning. Look at the mess you’ve made!” He could not deny this; the deposit he’d left on being caned was far in excess of the reason for his original caning. She pulled him up by the leash as she clambered to the head of the bed.

“As you become acquainted with my girls and me on your visits, you will soon become addicted to being caned. I promise you will come begging for it within three months. I think my velvet bears testimony to that fact, does it not?” She pulled the lean downwards and smiled victoriously as she said this. She would shortly want to be thanked for his pleasure.

“Yes Madame Tara.” He could not deny it, and feared he would relish another caning; his balls ached slightly after his extensive delivery. He would certainly endure the cane again if it means he could re-live the level of ecstasy he’d experienced. The girls now all sat in a line by the bed, looking impossible. Tara looked in their direction and smiled, then spread her beautiful thighs and pulled him in to her glorious sex.

“Now you’ll thank us all for your pleasure. When you’ve worshipped us all, your little cock will be ready to for a game with the girls; it will be master for once only, as it will determine what happens on your next visit.” He did not hesitate at the chance to worship Madame Tara. Her sex was delightfully moist and his mind revisited the caning often as he enjoyed the warmth and scent of this fabulous woman. Now that she had caned him to submission, she was almost affectionate with him.

As he lovingly licked and challenged her depths with his tongue she caressed his hair, but rubbed the backs of his legs with the cane to remind him of her absolute dominance. She arched her back against the pillows and tensed her torso against his face as she achieved a satisfying orgasm at his expense. His head dropped to the bed as she slide across the bed and beckoned to the first in the queue. The cat-suited harpy who’d already had her feet kissed by him was the first appreciation to report for her pleasure.

She struggled on the bed as she removed the tight leather to reveal a hot, sticky and needy pussy. She tugged dominantly on his leash and he descended on her eager shaft. Her scent, now unleashed from the confines of the hot leather was overpowering. His cock saluted the strong feminine odour and was fast becoming ready for further duty. As he licked willingly and vigorously between the youthful thighs, he wondered just what the ‘game’ might be, and what outcome? It was not long before the budding dominatrix squealed with pleasure and nearly pulled his ears off as she pressed him home to ensure she was sated.


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