The next day he was dressed in white as though ready for the ‘tropics’ and was taken by cab to the house he had visited before when dressed as a woman. The stern looking yet kindly woman with the jet black hair greeted him at the door and waved at Marcia who remained in the cab. Marcia leant from the cab window.
“Don’t you spoil him Jenny; you make sure he remembers his place among women!” Miss Jennifer Ledbetter-Jones gripped his hand as he ascended the steps and looked at him warmly.
“Oh, I intend that you shall spoil me, though I’m sure you’ll enjoy doing so.” She bustled through the hallway, tightly and primary dressed in white also, her pert breasts jutting forward from her body. She smelled wonderful too. There seemed no menace to this women, yet he was sure she was just as dominant as the others. She walked him through the house to a side door which was open. A closed cab carriage with two horses waited outside on the cobbled street. Several bags waited by thedoor and she held her head, then turned spontaneously to him and squeezed him close; looking at him with a wicked smile, exciting him down below; he had no cage or plug for this client.
“I can’t wait to get there and remove these clothes; I shall have you entertain me the moment we arrive.” He was dumbstruck; she put her hand between his legs and caresed his cock and balls through the soft white flannel trousers.
“My girls will so enjoy you too; help me with these things and we’ll be on our way – I’ll just get Charity; she’s upstairs, and Felicity our driver.” He loaded the bags into the compartment under the rear seats of the carriage and Jenny and Chastity climbed in. A delightful looking woman in white jodhpurs and tight velvet jacket and riding helmet smiled sweetly at him before climbing up to the driving seat, making sure to display her sumptuous and rounded bottom as she did so. He put his foot up to the step and got into the carriage. Jenny introduced him.
“This is Chastity; she has been in my household for the past seven years; she came originally from Nyasaland in Africa.” He was stunned by the beauty of this woman; her face had a gracefully sculpted look and her complexion was a deep velvety brown, though fully clothed he could see that she had a natural athleticism about her.
She also had a very proud and hatty presence. She looked at him with utter contempt at first, and then managed a rudimentary smile as she knew the sort of man he would be, having arrived with Marcia Rendlesham.
As a woman she had endured prejudices at the hands of men as had all Victorian women; as a black woman she had also endured racial prejudices at the hands of white men. She too could not wait to get her clothes off; she would take great pleasure from this white male. She knew they would Both enjoy some of the role plays that Jenny liked them to indulge in; Jenny Ledbetter-Jones wrote romantic novels for a living, but also compiled risqué talesof erotica under the pen-name of ‘Madame Noir’ which were distributed by more cover means. They exchanged a few polite words and both wished they were at their destination.
Chatity starred blankly at him through dark brown eyes, occasionally drawing her tongue across her ample and very sexy lips. She wondered how obedient he would be, and how long his tongue was. He tried to picture her naked and wonderfulred how she would taste; he looked away from her and out of the window to try to relieve his aching erection.
The streets rattled by and the population went about their business; street vendors selling newspapers, hats, chestnuts. Others offered services such as knife sharpening, boot repairs and poisoning, and glazing repairs. He eyed the well-dressed women walking by with a completely different attitude now; he wondered how Many of them were returning home to an eager male kneeling submissively by a bed, awaiting the whim of a Mistress. His world had been turned on its head. Though he had lost his independence he was more secure than he’d ever been and was thoroughly content with being owned. The carriage made its way through wooded country lanes now. He felt a hand glide between his legs; Jenny rubbed what was to be hers till tomorrow.
“Nearly there now; just the other side of this hill.” The carriage traversed the gentle slope as it passed the crest of the hill; there in the Near distance was a large and charming house which looked to have very large greenhouses to the rear of it. They drew around to the side of the house and the carriage pulled into a covered area. He got out and helped the women from the carriage. Chastity suddenly gripped his hand tightly and smiled.
“You’re to come and help me undress; I’ll introduce you to Celia and we will prepare you for Mistress.” Jenny laughed.
“You are just going to love your time here, and it’s going to start as soon as I see you in about ten minute’s time.” She started to unbutton herselfThere and then as she walked off, and he was taken into a terra cotta coloured room with huge fans in the ceiling and crisp white bedding. Chastity looked haughtily at him.
“Take your clothes off; I want to see your little white excuse for manhood bob around whilst you undress your black mistress.” He did so and she sat on the bed in front of him, carefully folding his discarded appearance into a pile as he removed Each item. She bore a vague but contemporary smile as he removed his underwear, and beckoned him forward to begin the task of undressing her. He stepped eagerly forward and she hooked her little finger under the end of his semi-erect member.
“What a dear little man. Celia and I will have such fun with you.” She said in a humiliating tone. He was beginning to enjoy her company. He carefully unbuttoned her blouse and found that she wore no bra; he had expected to find a rigid support as her breasts jutted forward when buttoned into her top, but found that they projectted firmly forward of their own according. He marvelled at the soft silky warmth of her brown skin, which shimmered in the sunlight through the windows as she moved on the bed to accommodate his attention. She eyed him with some satisfaction as she noted he was captured by her beauty.
“Kneel down now and remove my boots.” Having a white male kneeing naked before her, in the act of tending to her basic needs, gave her even More satisfaction. She tingled with pleasure as he gently handled her feet in unlacing her boots. She was so glad she had found Jenny; a like-minded woman who encouraged her to indulge her fansies, especially those where control of males was concerned. She had this one just where she wanted him, and intended to indulge all she could. Her boots now removed, she stood up. She commanded him to remove her skirts, whilst he remained kneeing. This provided as great a thrill for him; he fumbled with the broad buttons that retained her lower garment and she took thisopportunity to chastise him.
“Don’t make me undo them myself, or I shall have to show you the flat side of my hairbrush!” The thought made him all the more excited and he was tempted to fail, but the buttons relinquished their absolute complexity and the skirts fell to the floor. He knelt there, spellbound by the grace of the woman before him. If ever any human being was designed to go as nature intended; it was she. The body before him was the epitome of femininity in shape. Her sweet face and graceful head was supported by a slender neck, which joined shoulders and a chest from which those pert breasts, which looked as though they’d been sculpted, projected so sweetly. Her torso swept in at the middle to a wait which needed no corset, and curved out again exemplifying her most feminine trait; a beautifully rounded bottom and hips which blended into her luscious thighs.
He knelt transfixed, staring at the heart shape of her lower body, and wondered when he would be alloweded to explore what lay at its central point.
As she stood there, bathing in his obvious admission, someone came through a door behind him. Chastity smiled and closed her eyes as if to say ‘look what I have here’. He turned his head to see what could have been Chastity’s twin. His erection bobbed at the thought of what was to come. The woman was wearing a toga-like garment, resplendent in bright colours. She smiled at him and pulled the bow which supported it at the shoulder; the colourful dress dropped to the floor and she stepped from it, naked and every bit as shaped as Chastity.
“Hello Celia. You took your time! I was about to take him along to Mistress Jenny on my own.” Celia smiled back and picked a black leather bag from the table, in readiness to take along with her.
“I hope it wasn’t you who striped his bottom like that! I’d have hated to have missed him receiving those!” She knelt behind him for a moment, pressed her excited nipples into his back, and strokeed his bottom as she put her chin over his shoulder and sniffed.
“Oh he smells so nice already! I can’t wait until we are all hot and sticky!” She opened the bag and took from it a studied collar which she gently and sensitively buckled around his neck. She then attached two leashes to it. She stood and passed one leash to Chastity, and they tugged together to let him know it was time to go to his Mistress for the evening, who had already shown her impatience.
They led him through several rooms and passages to the rear of the house. He could see greenery through tightly sealed French windows in the rear wall of the house. The windows were not too clear as condensation misted and ran in droplets down many of the panes. Chastity grinned and used a great deal of her strength in pulling one of the doors open; it was as though a vacuum kept it shut. He was immediately hit by a blast of hot and very humid air; the two girls seemed to reveal in it. The door closed behind them somewhat easier than it had opened, and he found himself in a huge hothouse. Tiled pathways and steps curved between large beds of mature tropical plants, some fifteen or twenty feet tall. Colourful parakeets chattered and swooped through the foliage, oblivious to the fact that they were in Northern Europe.
Though the two beauty walked him very slowly, to allow him to take in the atmosphere and to indulge their own enjoyment of having a white male as a slave, the sweat began to drip down his browser and back. He noted that the two African women were beginning to glisten and glow nicely too; he watched excitedly as a bead of perspiration broke loose and ran down Celia’s exciting brown back, to disappear between the cheats of her shiny buttocks which wobbled delectably before him.
The temperature seemed to increase the Further they went into the hothouse, and it seemed to go on forever. He could hear the sound of running water as they dropped down an ornate flight of steps and turned a corner. There lying naked on a wicker sofa bedecked with leather cushions was Jenny. The area around her was softly padded with mats and large cushions. Behind her was an artificial waterfall flowing into a large bathing pool; bright exotic flowers dropped down from the flower-beds which surrounded it. A small table was within her reach and on it stood a pitcher full of fruit juice, and a large glass object. This had pipes and nozzles protruding from midway up, and a ceramic bowl at the top in which something was gently smoking. Though he did not smoke, he recognized the smell of tobacco, though this had another strange aroma to it. She beamed with pleasure at seeing him.
“Bring him over and make yourself comfortable. I shall want him to indulge me as soon as he’s prepared and taken in the mood of his surroundings, then I shall watch you girls play with him. I know you’ll inspire my imagination!” They led him over and he knelt close to her; the sweat dripping down his belly and around his balls. The two African beauties squatted close to him, each ensuring to retain a tight grip on his lean for the moment; they wanted him to know he was owned by them. Jenny took one of the pipes from the object and inserted the nozzle between her lips which were ruby red. She smiled wickedly at him through eyes which seemed huge for some strange reason, and she inhaled, making liquid in the glass object bubble. She then blew the smoke at him, smiling as she did so. Its cent was strange but was not a bad aroma. She passed one of the flexible pipes to him.
“This is called a ‘hookah’; I was introduced to it when in was in India. I used to be so innocent then; after a few puffs, I soon found myself at the mercy of my darkest urges – it helped allow me to be pleasured and violent in the most satisfying ways- I’ve never looked back. I demand that you try some.” He took the nozzle and inflated his lungs; the taste was a lot hotter and harsher than he had expected. Hecoughed and spluttered with first inhalation; the black girls giggled and stroked him as he recovered. Their touch seemed suddenly intense, and his desire for them and the shaped middle-aged siren increased dramatically. The girls took a pipe each and inhaled too; they had no problem in dealing with the substance gracefully. He and Jenny took another sample each, and his head swam a little. He felt warm inside as well as out and Admired the surroundings momentarily before giving the women his full attention once more.
His cock pulsed at the thought of pleasure Jenny now. She noted his star and was satisfied that he was ready. Chastity giggled again and delicately fingered his erect and willing cock as Jenny pulled her tights up to her belly. She allowed him a full view of her shamen sex which bulged beautifully, in need of his attention. Her whole body glistened invitingly. The mature woman was in need of his services and was not to be denied. She nodded at the girls and theypulled his leashes toward her.
“You’ll not need physical punishment tonight, but you shall be dominated just the same. You will give yourself up to womanhood in the most exhaustive ways. I shall have you first and then you will taste mother Africa for the first time; these ladies will not be satisfied until they’ve made sure you gave your all. You will know the most divine domain. I’ll have your tongue now!” He slide onto the couch as she spread her legs; the heat coming from her sex radiated up as he gratefully buried his face into the slippery wetness. His tongue seemed to vibrate as he teased and rubbed her cliporis; he had never tasted such sweetness and he found he had to concentrate hard on the task in hand.
His mind seemed to wander as he thought of fruit and came close to biting her. He had to ensure he kept his eyes wide open so as not to drift elsewhere. Jenny was oblivious to his thoughts but obviously enjoying his attention; as she started to moan, his cocksprang to life from its own partial slumber. As he compromised on the leather cushions he felt a hand squeeze under him and encapsulate his glans; Chastity was not going to let him waste himself on the couch. This action brought back the sweet erotic sense of being owned; he was brought back to the reality that he was there primarily to please the women. His cock bulged in her hand and she squeezed it teasingly.
Jenny’s moans seemed to last an eternity, and then suddenly she grabbed his head and pressed her heels into the back of his shoulders; shuddering as she waited with delight. His face was bathed in her slippery yet heavenly taste and scent as she attained the apex of satisfaction. She flopped back and laughed softly. Then she took another puff as she awaited the entertainment the girls would provide. Before he could rest he found himself being reeled in by the eager girls. Pulled onto the floor cushions, Chastity sat behind him and wrapped her arms athletically about him.
She squeezed her moist breasts into his back and licked his ears. Celia made sure she was comfortable in front of him, and put the nozzle to his lips once more. He willingly took several puffs, making his head spin. Celia bent down and put her gorgeous full lips about his member, making him buck in Chastity’s arms. Having taken his entire length into the warmth of her mouth and throat, she then drew teasingly back, squeezing her lips as tightly as she could around his aching cock. She slowed as her lips rod sweetly over the contours of his glans making him wrong with pleasure. She licked her lips.
“You’ll come many a time for us tonight, but not yet!” She took a leash and pulled it taut as she turned and bent before him, her glorious brown arse in his face. The beads of sweet glistened on her beautiful curves and dribbled down her thighs.
“Your first act of worship to black women will be to lick my arse; you shall know your place immediately.” He needed no further prompting. The cent of this ebony goddess was heavenly as he nuzzled between her soft moist cheeses, his tongue seeking the reward of her pumped brown anus. He eyed her sweet sex below, the brown lips swollen and ready for satisfaction. He retired being allowed to lick her there too, but would wait the command of the dominant African. The effect of whatever it was he had been smoking accentuated the delectably pungent taste and smell of her bottom. His tongue probed deep into her willing rectal passage which she relaxed superbly for him.
“Good boy! You know this is what you were made for don’t you? Chastity and Jenny are enjoying this as much as you and I. They’ll want their arses licking too!” Chastity watched impatiently as she held him there, her pussy tingling expectedly. Jenny was arranging an erotic novel in Her head as she enjoyed watching his obedience to the two black girls. She toyed with her pussy in reading for her second orgasm of the evening, and yes, she wouldlet the girls watch him lick their Mistress’s arse later. She puffed again on the pipe as the remnants of the substance burned away.
When Celia was sure he had performed his duty to the full, and her pussy could not wait any longer given the stimulation of having her arse serviced, she made him flush his mouth with the fruit juice and pulled him down on the cushions. She looked dominantly down on him.
“Now you shall pleasure me, whilst Chastity milks you for the first time.” She seemed to take extra pleasure in telling him what was to happen. His cock throbbed as Chastity’s sleek hand wrapped itself about him. As he lay back, Celia smiled down and straddled him. She slowly squatted, showing him her athletic thighs and buttocks as she engulfed his face within her sweaty warmth. She sat astride his face and worked her pussy vigorously. He sucked and lapped at her sweet juices as brown slit slide back and forth, exposing the pink interior which contrasted with her almost jet black lips. Chastity pinned his legs down, and worked his eager cock. She stopped wickedly as Celia moaned in ecstasy and rocked back and forth in urgency. She screamed with delight and acute pleasure, playing her legs and almost suffocating him under the soft folds of her arse. She giggled and lay to one side as Chastity flicked the end of his cock before turning and straddling his face herself.
“You’re going to come whilst licking my arse, and then I’ll allow you to show your appreciation by licking my pussy.” Though the girls were not sticking to the script he did not care in the slightest. Jenny watched with anticipation. She would require his services again when Chastity was fulfilled. Her eyes were like saucers now, and she was thoroughly enjoying her use of Marcia’s new slave.
Chatity arranged her sweet smelling bottom before him and he slipped his tongue into the deliciously tangy hole. She worked his cock once more. He was rigid and marvelled at the glorious sightof her rounded brown curves, as the sweat rolled down her crevice, adding a salty tang to his submissive pleasure.
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