i am bent over the back of the Mistress’s overstuffed sofa, wrists bound to the legs of Her coffee table, ankles tied to the corners of the couch. My ass is in the air, higher than my head, which is pressed down against the seat cushion. Already, my asscheeks and tights are glowing red from the extended spanking the Mistress has given me…but i know She is far from finished.
“I have something new for you, pet,” She purrs, coming around the couch to take a seat by my face. “I think you’ll enjoy it…but that doesn’t really matter, does it? You’ll endure it because I want you to, isn’t that right, pet.”
My reply is suitable humble. “Anything to please You, Mistress.”
“It will please me, pet, to use this upon you.”
She has something in Her hand, but i can’t see it well before She moves it behind my back. I feel a light touch upon my warmed buttocks, as if a hundred tiny fingers were caresing me. Whatever it is, the Mistress drags it slowly forward, from my ass, along my spine, to the back of my neck. The feeling almost tickers, it’s so soft.
“Greet my new cat, pet,” She commands as She draws the object across my cheek and holds it before my eyes. It is a cat o’ nine tails, a flogger…an eight-inch long, inch-thick leather wrapped handle, with a slightly larger brass ball at its butt, and perhaps 50 thin leather cords about a foot and half in length. It is black, evil-looking, and beautiful. The Mistress brings it to my lips so that i may kiss it.
i press my lips to the handle, moving up and down its length. i run my tongue over the leather strips that bind the shake, lick around the brass ball. The Mistress draws the cat back across my face, and i kiss at the many, many tails as they slide over my mouth. When Mistress feels i have properly welcomed the new device, She pulls it away and rises from the couch.
“Here are the rules,” She tells me, walking back around the couch to take a position alongside my vulnerable posterieor, but out of my field of vision. “I will begin with a single stroke of the cat across your buttocks. It will be very light, and establish a baseline we will call ‘level one.’ Level two will be twice as hard, level three will be three times as hard, and so on. We will remain at each level for a minimum of five strokes before you will be permitted to ask to move to the next level. You may take up to twenty strokes at each level to prepare yourself for the next. After twenty strokes, you must decide whether to move on, or that you’ve had all you can take. Do you understand so far?”
“Yes, Mistress. We begin at level one. i must take no less than five strokes and no more than twenty before beginning the next level. After the twenty stroke, i am to tell You if i can endure the next level.”
She absently runs the tails of the cat across my reddened ass as She continues.
“Very good, pet. Now, since this is your first encounter with the cat, My goals for you are modest. I expectYou to take ten strokes at level five. Once you have done that, i will release you, and you will be free to go. If you cannot make it all the way to level five, you will be forbidden to come for one week for every level by which you fall short. I will lock a chatity device on your cock and send you away, and you will not be allowed to return to have it removed until your penance is complete.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
The cat’s soft tails trail up and down my legs, soothing my tortured flesh for the moment.
“Of course, if you can go beyond level five, I will be very pleased, and there shall be a reward. I’ll let the nature of the reward remains a mystery, for now, but I will tell you that the further you can go, the greater the reward shall be.”
“Thank You, Mistress. i shall try to please You.”
The Mistress chuckles softly, almost evilly. “Oh, you shall please me, pet. I’ll enjoy this game whether you win or lose. you are the only one whose pleasure hangs in the bstay tonight. Are you ready to begin?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Very good. One.” There is a soft whoosh as the cat swings, falling almost gently across my buttocks. Because my ass is already on fire, i can barely feel it strike. Still, i know enough to be grateful.
“Thank You, Mistress.”
“You are welcome, pet, but you needn’t offer your thanks After every single stroke. It will suffice for you say, ‘Thank You, Mistress, i am ready for the next level,’ when you are ready to move on. Understand, pet?”
“Yes, Mistress. i am to thank You when i am ready to move up to the next higher level.”
“Very good. We’ll begin again, since we were interrupted. One…”
The cat snaps as it strikes my ass. Again, the feeling is barely perceptible after the previous spanking. The remaining blows at level one fall at two-second intervals.
“Thank You, Mistress. i am ready for the next level.”
“Very good, pet.” She runs Her hand softly across my ass, trailing Her fingers along my crack. “Are you ready to begin level two?”
“Yes, Mistress, i am ready.”
”One.” This time, the sting of the cat does cut through the lingering noise of spanking. I flinch slightly in my bonds in milk surprise, but i don’t cry out.
”Two.” The cat seems to cover a wide swath of my ass, spreading its sting over a much greater area than the Mistress’s small and pretty hand. She is maintaining Her two-second pace for these blows as well.
“Thank You, Mistress. i am ready for the next level.”
Mistress stops and places Her hand on the small of my back. “Careful, pet. Remember to pace yourself. You may want to take more time to warm up, so you don’t get in over your head. I’d hate for you to try to impress Me in the beginning and wind up falling short of our goal.”
i realize She is right…i should take more than the minimum for now, to help me find that special mindspace that will let me take the harder punishment later on. “Yes, Mistress. Thank You for Your guidance, Mistress.”
“You are welcome, pet. Now, are you ready for level three?”
“Yes, Mistress. i am ready for level three, Mistress.”
The sound of the cat slicing through the air is sharper now. “One,” counts the Mistress.
This time, i can’t help but utter a small cry as the cat slapses across my ass, its sting blooming across both chefs.
Yes, the Mistress was right, of course. The sweet, sharp sensing of the cat’s many tails has drowned out any memory of the earlier hand spanking. My eyes flutter closed, and i can feel myself slipping away.
The Mistress hesitates an extra second after the fifth cut, to see if i will call for the next level so soon. I hope She is pleased that i don’t call for promotion just yet, but elect to ride level three for a few more strokes.
The pace of the blows may have quickened…or it may have slowed…it’s hard for me to tell, as i begin to sink deeper.
There is less and less in my world with every stroke—soon, only the steady crack of the cat on warm flesh, the Mistress’s firm voice counting, and the burn spreading outward from my ass, are all that remains for me.
It takes me a moment to continue my Thoughts well enough to utter the ritual words.
“Thank You, Mistress. i am ready for the next level.”
“Very wise of you, pet, taking advantage of all twenty strokes.” I think She is running Her hand over the curves of my ass, but i can’t be sure, so strong is the lingering sensing from the cat. Yes, She is touching me…now i can feel Her hands moving up and down the backs of my thighs, which have remained untouched…so far…
“Are you prepared to begin level four, pet?”
“Yes, Mistress…i am ready.”
“Let’s begin. One.”
The sound, the sharp crack of the leathe across my thighs, startles me, and i jerk in my bonds before the message of pain can even travel from my legs to my brain. When that message arrives a second later, i moan softly. An outside observer might not have noticed the time lag between the blow and my response to the pain, but in my state of mind, that second lasts an hour, an hour of waiting, anticipating the exploration of sensing i know is coming, and can do nothing to stop.
Because the Mistress is struggling flesh untouched up to now, i can feel where each blow lands…this one high, near my buttocks, the next low, almost down to my knees…
She strikes one leg, then the other, then back to the first three times in a row. i’ve lost track of right and left, and i can’t predict where the next blow will fall…
…all i know now is the burning, singing, glorious fire that is spreading over my thighs…it sends shivers down the backs of my legs to ankles, and up my back and across my shoulders…
Even the Mistress’s voice has grown faint and distant to me. i’ve lost any ability to count the strokes, and i have no idea how long it takes me to realize She has stopped. I try to speak, but my mouth is dry. I swallow raggedly.
“…thank You…Mistress…i am ready…for the next…level…”
The Mistress says something to me, but i cannot make out Her words. She repeats herself, i think…
“…ready, pet? Are you sure you want to move on?”
i blink my eyes open for a moment, but all i see is a dim light across the room…the lamp on the bar?
“…yes…Mistress…i want…to please…You…”
Faintly, i hear the Mistress’s voice. Did She ask if i was ready to begin?
“…yes…ready…” Even my own voice sounds a thousand miles away.
The Mistress speaks a single syllable… “one,” perhaps? The sharp report of leather on flesh is much closer though, snapping me back enough to save the pain that follows.
She has returned Her attention to my ass. I know the blows are harder now, many times harder than when we began. (How many times harder? Five times? Is this the fifth level now? So hard to remember…) The Mistress counts them—i hear the sound of Her voice immediately after each new exploration of sensing, but i can’t make out the numbers. Or perhaps i choose not to…it’s so hard to tell which…
The sensing i feel isn’t pain anymore, it’s power…a roaring, crashing, wave of power, and i ride it like a surfer on a tsunami…up to its crest, then down its face, even into the tunnel of its curl, as it crashes forward into itself. I am on top of the sensing, and racing in front of it at the same time. It cannot touch me now, no matter how strong it is, because i am its ruler, just as the Mistress rules over me.
The roar of sensing receives a bit, and i sink slightly as i realize that the strokes have ceased. Is that the Mistress i hear, so far away, but perhapsdrawing closer?
“…was twenty, pet. Would you like to try for level six?”
Level six? That was level five? How far have we come? What was the Mistress’s goal? There was something to do with level five, i think…can’t remember now. i can go on, though…i need to go on, to ride the wave further…
“…thank You, Mistress…i am ready for…level…six?”
That must have been the right answer, because the Mistress’s tone is pleased, even if I can’t make out Her words.
“…level six…begin…one…”
What? Was that a gunshot? No…oh, God! The fire! It was the…what did She call it? The cat?…on my flesh. So hot, so fire…it’s not an ocean wave anymore! It’s a wave of fire, lapping at me, chasing me from behind. I run before it, faster and faster, to stay ahead…but i can’t…it lunges at me every few seconds…takes a bite at me…out of me…
What is that sound? It’s not the Mistress…somewhere, behind the roaring, screaming fire that chases me, i still hear Her voice, counting, i think…counting what? But there is another sound…another voice…who is that?
Is it…? Can it be…me? It cries out after each new blast of fire behind me, desperately, so far away, but i can hear it each time. It’s coming closer, along with the wave of flame…louder all the time, as the heat grows greater and greater…
There are three things in my world…the wall of flame that is closing in behind me…the voice crying out over and over…the weak voice of the Mistress, guiding me through this world of pain…
Something new appears out of the darkness…a light…a bright, clear light ahead of me, piercing the darkness and driving back the wall of flame that burns me, that threatens to consume me. Must make it to the light if i am to live…must reach the light through the darkness…
The cries have ceased…the fires are fading, slowly…the light grows stronger…the voice of the Mistress grows clearer. i can make out words now…they start to form into sentences…broken sentences…in my mind.
“…there, pet? Come to me…to my voice, pet…done well…was twenty…”
i feel a touch at one ankle (…i have ankles? What are ankles?…), then the other. I try to move towards my Mistress’s voice, but it circles around me…the light…i must get to the light…it pushes back the darkness…concentrate on the light…
Now there is a touch at my wrist (yes, now i remember…i have ankles, and wrists too…), accompanied by the voice of the Mistress, now so much closer.
“…very pleased, pet. you took more…”
The light…it’s the lamp on the bar in the Mistress’s parlor…i remember it now. i am lying down now…there is a hand upon my face…it’s damp…or is the hand dry, and my face damp?…yes, i think it is my cheek that is wet…tears…that must be tears.
Something draws near… something soft, smooth, sweet-smelling…it is the Mistress…Her face next to mine…She whispers to me, words of praise and encouragement.
“You did so well, pet…the full twenty strokes at level six.”
Her lips touch my cheek, then part. The tip of Her tongue grazes my skin, tasting my tears.
“So delicious, pet. Nothing tastes so sweet as the tears of brave suffering.”
Her face moves over mine, Her mouth drinking the salty-sweet tears that i offer for Her.
“I have my reward, pet. Now it is time for yours.”
As She continues to drink the tears from my face, Her hand travels down my belly, where She finds my cock hard and ready. She begins to stroke as She licks me, and i surrender my body and soul to Her again, in a different way…
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