The Mistress i Serve: The Guest

The Mistress had sent me away for the evening. She would be entertaining an old friend tonight…someone who wasn’t aware of Her lifestyle, and my own role in it. It might be best, the Mistress said, for me to be scarce while Her friend was with Her. But She cautioned me to have my cell phone charged and on, in case plans changed.

The call came fifteen minutes ago. The Mistress demanded that i Return to Her home, let myself in, and slip into the room She has set aside for me without announcing myself. As i quietly shut the front door behind myself, i could hear the Mistress’s voice in the kitchen, chatting with Her friend. Moving as silently as a cat, i padded down the hall to my chamber, and slipped inside. There, i found the note that instructed me to prepare myself as i am now…naked, save for my collar, a fur-lined blindfold and leather wrist cuffs. I stand silently, awaiting further instruction.

A moment passes, and i hear the bedroom door open. Someone moves close tome…it is the Mistress, i recognize her scent. She puts her lips close to my ears.

“I’ve been telling my friend about you, slave,” She purrs. “I am not sure she believes me. So i want to stage a little demonstration for her.”

“Yes, Mistress. How may i serve You in this?”

“By doing everything I tell you to, silly, just like always. The only difference is, there will be someone else watching. You won’t see her, though…I’ve blindfolded You to protect My friend’s identity. I don’t want her to be embarrassed if You should meet her in public someday. So, whatever happens tonight, you are not to remove the blindfold until My friend has left, or You have been returned to this room for the night.”

The logic behind this escapes me, that Her friend would be embarrassed to be recognized by a slave who had been humiliated before her. Wouldn’t it be the other way around? But it isn’t my place to question the Mistress’s logic.

“Of course, Mistress.”

“For the same reaton, My friend will not speak in your hearing. She may nod or point, or pass me a note about what she’d like to see, and I will convey to you what you need to know to comply.”

“i understand, Mistress.”

“Very good. Now, pet…let’s go show my friend what has a slave is all about.”

The Mistress pulls my wrists together behind my back, and i hear the metallic click of a small padlock closing, linking them together. From behind me, the Mistress guides me out of the bedchamber, down the hall, and into the living room.

“This is the slave I told you about. His name isn’t important tonight. When I am feeling fond of him, i call him ‘pet.’ At other times, he is just ‘slave.’ “

The Mistress pushes me forward. i think i am standing in the middle of the room, perhaps six feet in front of the comfortable leather chair which the Mistress normally favors for Herself. This MUST be a good friend, if the Mistress is sharing not only Her slave, but also Her throne. Standing at ​​attention, i am ready for the Mistress’s orders. Several minutes pass, i presume as the friend inspects me from her seat. i wonder what She looks like, how tall she is, how old…is she beautiful? Does it matter? Images of a thousand mysterious women swirl in my mind, as i try to picture the one who is looking over my naked form even now.

My cock is heavy, hanging low, but beginning to fill, i think. I can neither see it nor touch it to be sure, but i feel its weight growing as her eyes sweep over me. Is she impressed by it, or has she seen others she liked better?

“He’s only at half-mast at the moment, but I can make him hard for you. Would you like that?”

A moment…and presumably a nod from the friend.

“Excellent.” The Mistress’s voice assumes a tone of command as She addresses me. “Pet, I want you fully erect by the time I count ten. Can you do that?”

“Of course, Mistress. If it pleases You.”

“All right then. One…two…three…”

The Mistress has conditioned me to become hard on a ten-count, to the point that doing so has become an involuntary response. As the Mistress counts, i feel my cock growing, beginning to bob in front of me under its own weight. I clinch the muscles in my ass and crotch a moment to be sure, but there is no need to worry.


I shift my weight slightly, and feel my cock sway before me. It feels as Though it is pointed at the ceiling, but i suppose it is actually directed straight in front of me…toward the Mistress’s friend.

“It’s a nice one, isn’t it? Not especially long, I think, but thick, and that’s really what matters. Don’t you agree?”

A few seconds of silence.

“Would you like to see it up close? pet, take two steps forward.”

I step forward slowly once, and twice, unsure of my precision position in the room. I don’t want to smack into a coffee table…or the Mistress’s guest!

“Yes, of course,” the Mistress says in answer to Her friend’s unspoken question. “Handle him all you like. Don’t let him come, though. He’s a good slave, but even the best ones are useless for at least half an hour after they come.”

A hand closes around my shake as another cups my balls. i am turned and twisted in every direction, as the Mistress’s guest inspects me. i am sharpid in her soft hands. She presses my cock up against my belly, i suppose to check my length, or Perhaps to see my nutsac more clearly.

“I like to use this sometimes, so he can’t forget his cock, no matter what I do to him. Help me hold it still while i put it on him.” The Mistress turns me slightly so that both women can access my equipment. Four hands manipulate me into position, and then tight straps close around me. I recognize the feel of the H-shaped cockstrap. First, the Mistress locks one Strap around the base of my cock, holding me tightly and freezing my erection in place. Then the second stick is closed around my scrotum, stretching my nuts down and away from my body. I’ve seen myself in this device…it gives my cock and balls a fierce appearance, and i am sure that is why the Mistress has chosen to use it before Her friend.

“This has the twin advantages of keeping him hard, but preventing him from coming. We can do pretty much anything we want now, without fear of unauthorized orgasms.” The Mistress strokes my bound cock a few times as Her friend’s hands linger upon my strained sac. A shiver courses through my body. Then the Mistress’s fingers trace a path up, to my nipples. She pinches them. Hard. i can’t help but cry out and swoon slightly from the sudden sensing.

“We should do something about these, too.” She gets something—i can guess what—and returns. “Here. These are nipple clamps. Everyone’s hear of them, but so few people know What they actually look like.”

A knife of pain sinks into my chest as the Mistress tightens the first clamp to my right nipple.

“Now you are one of the lucky few!” i can hear the winkin the Mistress’s voice as She demonstrates the devices upon me.

Another lance of pain, this time through my left nipple. The pain in my nipples burns for several minutes, and i concentrate on it while the Mistress talks to Her friend. In seconds, i process the pain, coming to savor the sensing. The Mistress’s voice seems distant, but i can make out Her words once more.

“…will get used to these, and he’ll hardly feel them, unless we remind him. i like these for that purpose.”

The burn at my left nipple is renewed, as the Mistress pulls it straight out. The clamp twists in Her hand for a moment, and i hear the faith click of metal upon metal. She lets go of the clamp, and i feel a thumb against my ribs…followed by a steady tug downward. The nipple burns anew, from the lead weight the Mistress has attached to the clamp. A moment later, She has hung its mate from my right nipple.

The weights are devilish. Without them, i can indeed process the bite of the clampsto the point i almost forget them. But with weights hanging from them, even the slightest move of my body sends new waves of sensing through my nipples to sweep over my body.

“We may as well use the whole set,” Mistress muses, and then i feel Her hand underneath my balls. Another click, then a sudden, steady tug on the strap around my scrotum. She has attached the larger weight She prefers for this purpose to my testicles. The pull upon them is almost too much…a wave of nausea sweeps over me from the jolt to my delicate jewels, but i control it, force it back down. i feel the weight swinging on its chain between my thighs.

“There is something else you should see,” the Mistress tells Her friend. “Turn around, slave, and bend over.”

i comply. The weights swing below me as i bend forward. The feeling is delicious.

The Mistress pushes my bound hands up from my ass, revealing it to Her friend. What is hidden there is now revealed…the base of a thick buttplug, the swhole shft of which is held deep within me. i can hear the friend’s surprise gasp as the Mistress reveals it.

“How big?” She taps the base as She speaks, and the plug projects the impact deep inside me. “This one isn’t that large, really… maybe 6 inches long, and an inch and a half thick at its widest point. It narrows at the base, though, so that his muscles hold it in.”

She absently begins to twist it inside me. It doesn’t turn easily…the plug has been in place for several hours, and the lubricant is long since gone.

“I had him put it in this morning, and wear it all day. I thought I might want to fuck him tonight, after you left, so i wanted him loose enough to take me easily.”

A moment of silence.

“Oh, with a stick-on, of course. You don’t really own a slave until you’ve taken his ass. Would you like to see?”

Another moment. Perhaps the friend is nervous.

“Good. Let me get ready. Why don’t you play with the plug while i do that. You can twis it around inside him, or even pull it out and fuck him with it a bit. he likes all of that.”

She tenatively puts one hand on my asscheek, and touches the base of the plug with the other. She taps it as Mistress did, softly at first, then harder, driving it into me in short jolts. This causes the weights to sway, and fresh sensing erupts in my nipples and balls. Next, she grasps the base and begins to turn it clockwise. There is resistance at first, but it gradually begins to turn more easily…can one’s ass lubricate itself? In any case, the friction of the twisting inside my asshole is delicious.

“Now pull as you twist. That’s right.” My sphincters clutch the thick middle of the plug as the friends tugs gently. Involuntarily, i resist her effort to pull the plug out of my body.

“Relax a bit, pet. I’ve got something even better for you, once the plug is out.”

Concentrating hard, i loosen the muscles of my ass, and the plug comes free with a pop.

“See how open he is?” the Mistress’s finger traces the rim of my anus as She speaks. “We call that the gap. He’ll close up again in a little while if we just leave him, but when he’s prepared like this, he can take my cock easily.”

A glop of oily coolness strikes falls into the crack of my ass. “A cruel Mistress might try this without lube, but i don’t want to damage my property. Hurt it a bit, certainly, but never damage it. Work that lubricant into him, if you don’t mind, hon.”

The friends’ fingers promptly move into my crack. i quiver in pleasure at the shy touch, which seems to embolden her. Fingers press at my anus, then slip inside. The friction is lovely.

“Your first time to finger-fuck a man? Give him three fingers, he’s ready for it. Go ahead, push them all the way in.”

My anus stretches slightly to accommodate the friend’s three digits. i feel them press into me, until her hand hits bottom. She wiggles them about inside me, and i moan in pleasure.

“You’ve found his prostate glass. That’s good. Remember that, it drives them crazy.”

Mistress lets Her friend work my ass for a few minutes. I can’t help but push my ass back against her thrusts, greedy for pleasure, which is enhanced by the knowledge that this is all new to woman with her fingers inside me. Finally, though, the Mistress needs to get into the act.

“Now for the big gun, hon. Let me in there.”

The fingers withdraw from inside me, and then there are hands on my hips, turning me to the left so that the friend has a profile view of the coming action.

“Open yourself wide, pet,” the Mistress commands me. Gripping my cheeks with my bound hands, i part them as wide as i can. The head of the dildo nudges my opening, and i instinctively push back, trying to capture it.

“See how eager he is! When he’s this ready…it usually only takes…a few thrusts…to get it all the way…in.”

The Mistress’s large cock fills me so full, i can feel my insides shifting around Her. In moments, i feel Her body pressed against my ass. Her friend gasps auditively in amazement.

“Now we can begin for real.” She slowly withdraws, pulling what feels like a mile of cock out of my bowels, before She stops and reverses course, thrusting back into me. She repeats the movement several times, all the way out, all the way in, slightly faster with each stroke as i open to receive Her More readily.

“You look flushed, hon? Is watching this getting to you?” The Mistress’s voice is full of patronizing concern for Her friend. Always the Domme, the Mistress is, even to Her female friends.

“You might not feel so warm if you took off some of those clothes. Why don’t take off those tight jeans and relax?”

A moment’s hesitation…then i hear the friend rising from the chair. The sound of a zipper, then the rustle of denim over flesh…then the plop of a pair of jeans falling into a pile of fabric on the floor. She isn’t far from me…three feet perhaps? i can’ttell…but i think i can smell her arousal in the air now, along with that of the Mistress.

All the while, the Mistress continues to pump in and out of my ass. The weights swing on their short chains, creating a harmony of sensing to accompany the melody radiating outward from the thick rubber dick inside me.

“You look excited, hon. I can see how juicy you are.” The Mistress speaks in Her hypnotic purr. I’ve never known anyone to resist Her suggestions when She speaks in that tone. “Feel free to touch yourself. Or better yet, we can have our little slave help you. Would you like that?”

i can hear the friend’s bare flesh against the leather of the chair as she shifts position.

“That’s good, bring your pussy right to the edge, where he can get at it.”

The Mistress pushes all the way inside me, then clamps my ass against Her pelvis with Her hands on my hips. So joined, She turns me to face Her friend once more, and shoves me forward. When She has me in position, She pulls back, allowing some space between us, but not letting the head of the dildo to pop loose.

“On your knees, pet. You’ve got work to do.”

The Mistress forces me down to my knees, dropping to one knee herself. The other leg She tosses out to one side, foot on the ground outside my calm, to give Her better leverage to fuck me. When She is satisfied with Her position, She plunges the cock back inside me, then take my head in Her hands, guiding me to Her shy friend’s flesh.

I start to kiss the smooth flesh of the woman’s inner thighs, thinking i should begin slowly. But the Mistress shoves my head forward, straight to her guest’s cunt. She can see Her friend, and is a better judge of what another woman needs than i could ever be, even if i weren’t blindfolded.

The pussy before me is already slick and wet. The lips and the flesh around them are smooth; only a close-cropped fringe above the clip ticles my nose. i cannot see it, of course, but i can tell it is a very beautiful pussy…fresh and clean and neatly groomed, the lips full and soft, but not too big or too loose. i press my lips and tongue to it gladly.

i open my mouth wide and seal my lips over her entire cunt, sucking it harder and harder, making the flesh bulge into my mouth. Flicking my tongue up and down the lips, i feel them swelling, filling with blood. I touch her clip lightly, with the tip of my tongue, and find it hard and eager for attention. That can wait for just a moment longer, though, as i explore her folds with my tongue, probing each layer of flesh, parting her and thrusting inside. The Mistress’s friend sights, long and low.

i realize suddenly that i have been fucking her pussy with my tongue in a pace that matches that set by the Mistress’s huge cock in my ass. i move in counter-measure to the Mistress…when She pushes forward, i push back against Her, taking all of Her inside me. Then, as She withdraws, i shift forward, plunging my tongue deep intoHer friend’s sweet, tight, cunt. This continues for quite some time, the three of us moving, grunting, and singing in a sort of carnal symphony.

Finally, after one especially deep thrust, the Mistress doesn’t withdraw…instead, She begins to rock Her hips forward and back. I recognize this motion…She is grinding Her clip against the base of the dildo, seeking Her own pleasure. There is no need for me to move anymore…my job now is to hold still, to lock the dildo in place for Her. Not that this is a chore…Her actions cause the big rubber dick to dance inside of me. Were my own cock not bound so tightly to prevent it, I might even come from this alone…i have in the past. Her fingers hold my hipbones in a death grip, as She rubs, grinds, even smokes Her clip against the dildo deep in my ass. Her excitement, Her lust, escapes Her throat as a low growl.

Meanwhile, i take this as a cue to move my attention to Her friend’s clip, and try to make her come along with the Mistress. iPucker my lips around the stiff button, sucking it in and running my tongue over it, side to side, up and down, round and round in circles. She moans—she likes that circular motion. Taking the hint, i run my tongue around the sides of the shake, between it and the fleshy hood as much as i can. She begins to moan and buck in the seat, her password rising.

My own lust is pounding in my brain, my chest, my crotch, as my bound cock bobs and swways along with the weights dangling from my flesh. Everything is driving me faster, higher—the taste of the push in my mouth, the fullness of the cock in my ass, the tight grip of the straps on my genitals—but with no hope of release. Part of me reveals in the sensing, but part remains detached enough to focus on pleasure these two hungry Women.

The Mistress grunts behind me as i push my tongue along the top of Her friend’s clip, pressing into the fold of its hood. The woman grips my head, presses it to her, her breath fast and ragged, punctuated by faith, high cries. I know she is close, so close, as the Mistress must be, judging from the way Her big cock is jerking about randomly inside me. I try to push back against the Mistress while i finish off Her friend.

Suddenly, i thrust my tongue forward along the top of her clip shaft, my bottom teeth grazing its underside while the top teeth nip at the outer surface of her hood. At the exact same moment, i suck…hard. She cries out loudly, her hands locking on my head, her tights suddenly clamping tight against my ears. She remains frozen for many seconds, her back arched off the chair, as i suck her while flicking my tongue against the tip of her clip. At the same moment, the Mistress grosses deeply, rocks back, and thrusts Her pelvis against the cock in my ass.

The Mistress collapses across my back, as you might expect a man to after ejaculating. Her friend sinks back into the chair as i relax the suction on her pussy. Then her hand is against my forehead, pushing me back and away from her. She remains like that, palm against my forehead, as the two of them slowly return to earth. i am still flying, though, my heart pounding, my bound cock throbbing in the open air. I steel myself to remain still while the Women recover.


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