The Mindfuck

The soft knock came on the hotel room door. I went to open the door and let Briana in, marveling as I always do when I see her at just how beautiful she is. She’s beautiful and shy like some vulnerable woodland creativity, and yet she is teaching me to be her predator.

When we met, it was to become lovers, and lovers we became. Passionate, affectionate and caring lovers – spending as much time cuddling and talking in bed as we do in the desperate aching of physical connection. It wasn’t until our third hotel room together that it started to become clear that more was desired from me than delicious vanilla sex. That is one of the many wonderful things about Briana, she gets to where she’s going slowly, gently and subtitling guiding me. The first indication was me giving her a gentle spank as I was undressing her in front of the mirror. Yes – she liked that! So another, harder spank. Yes – liked it even more!

Ok then, Briana, come over here and draw your beautiful naked bodyy over my knees. She did and jumped and pursued at each slap. These spanking would become much harder and more intense later, but I was still in training wheels then. Ok, how about I tie your hands together (awkwardly) with my belt and blindfold you (even more awkwardly) with the scarf I happened to be wearing that December day.

We’ve progressed since then. Sometimes with explicit direction “I want you to be more dominant with me” or “I like to be chanted during penetration” but it’s usually much more subtle. Early on, she asked me if I had ever seen the movie “The Secretary.” I hadn’t, so it became my homework assignment. It was a revelation. Dominance and submission were not as much about physical dominance and submission as it is about the psychological interface between two people. In the movie, he made her submit with his mind not his hands. As they say, sex involves the body; great sex involves the mind. And she has such a beautiful mind…

Okay, enough of the background. Back to our lovers and the hotel room.

I took her coat as usual and hung it in the closet. Still in the narrow entry way, I took her face in my hands and leaned down to kiss her. Instinctively, she closes her eyes and tilts her head back and parts her lips waiting for the kiss. But I don’t kiss her. I pull away and look into her eyes which have fluttered open in confusion. I smile and lean in again, and again she Closes her eyes and waits for the kiss. But again I don’t kiss her. Instead I rub her cheekbones softly with my thumbs and pull back. She opens her eyes again and give me a questioning look.

I lean in again and whisper in her ear “Did you think I was going to kiss you Princess?”

“Yes” she breathes.

“But you’re not really a Princess, Briana, are you?”


“No, you’re not, what are you?”

“I’m a slut.”

“Yes that’s right, you’re a slut aren’t you? And whose slut are you?”

“I’m you’re slut, sir.”

“Yes, that’s right and who am I?”

“You’re my dom sir.”

“Correct. And what does that means I can do to you?”

“Anything you want sir”

“That’s right. If I want to kiss you right now, I will kiss you. If I want to bend you over and fuck you right now, I’ll fuck you.”

As I’m saying this, I’ve pushed her head against the wall and her dress up around her waist and pulled her ass out against my crotch and started grinding against her. Turning her around, I take her by the throat and march her over to the bed and throw her down on her face. I push her soft black knit dress (God, how I love the clothes she wears!) back up over her waist and pull her little panties down to her knees. I stand and admire her pretty little pussy peeking out from between her legs and her gorgeous round ass. I unbuckle my belt and slowly unzip (making sure she hears and appreciates each of the sounds) and push my jeans and boxes down to my knees. I give my cock a couple of quick strokes to make sure it willfeel nice and hard and I bend down and slide it up and down her beautiful ass.

“I can fuck you right now Briana. And after I fuck you and cum deep inside you, what will you say to me?”

“Thank you sir.” she whispers.

“Yes, that’s right. You’re a very good girl, aren’t you? And after I fuck you, I’ll simply push you out into the hotel corridor, and what will you say to me before I close the door?”

“Thank you sir.”

“You’re a very good little girl, yes, that’s what you will say.”

I want to fuck her SO MUCH right now, but I hold back knowing the sex – and the two of us- will be so much better if I don’t. So I pull up my pants over my scanning erection and give her a hard slap on the ass and command, “Get in your proper position, slut.”

She obeys, of course, and stands up and then knees at the foot of the bed facing me.

“Good girl,” I say settling into the desk chair. “Take off your dress.” She pulls her dress over her head and she is wearingthe red Valentine’s Day lingerie and black stockings I gave her as a present a couple of weeks ago.

“Oh, very nice red lingerie and black fuck me stockings,” I say pretending to see them for the first time. “Did your lover gives you those?”

She nods her head yes, wondering why I’m referring to myself in the third person.

“He must like you very much.”

“Yes, he does.”

“Do you like him – very much?”

“Yes,” she whispers

“How adorable you two must be… I know exactly what your lover is like. Guys like him are a dime a dozen. He’s soooo romantic… isn’t he? He probably puts on romantic music when you two make sweet tender love.” (And yes, at our first hotel room, I had a romantic playlist ready – Chris Issak’s Wicked Game, Santana’s Samba Pa Ti and other music to seduce.) “He tells you you’re beautiful you are and how lucky he is.”

I get down on my own knees in front of her and say, “He likes to kiss you tenderly…, sweetly…, lovingly…,”I say kissing her softly as I say these words. “And you kiss him back,” and she is kissing me back a little desperately wanting me to stop this mindfuck.

“Well, he doesn’t know you do he?” My tone changes to something harsher, crueler. “He doesn’t know your pretty little mouth is not made for tender kisses, is it?”

“No,” she answers.

“What’s it made for Briana?”

“To suck cock, sir.”

“And your pretty little pussy isn’t made for tender love making, is it?”

“No, it’s not sir.”

“No it’s made for long, hard, rough fucking. Well, you can keep your little lover, because you’ll always come back to me. Because I know what you want, what you need and what you really are. You’re not my princess, you’re my slut,” I finish and give her face a slap with my open hand.

“Well, Briana, what should a little slut like you do now to please her man?”

She knows what to do of course, and comes to me on her knees and places a hand on each on my tights and looks up at me adoringly as I place the black blindfold over her lovely blue eyes.

“Yes, sweet B, that’s right.”

She smiles and buries her face in my crotch and moves her head around stimulating my already throbbing member. Slowly, and with almost medical care, she unbuckles, unzips and pulls out my desperately aching cock. She licks me and then goes lower to lick and fondle each of my balls before returning to my penis.

She takes me in her mouth and slowly, lovingly gives me a beautiful blowjob.

I take it out of her mouth and lay it across her face. “What a pretty sight – a beautiful young face and a siliva covered cock. Lick my balls and look at me while I savor this sight.”

“Would you like me to cum in your sweet mouth baby?” But of course, I don’t want to as amazing as that would feel. No, I want this delightful creativity for as long as I can possibly can.

Her mouth thankfully is full of my cock so she can’t answer, especially as I’m pulling herhead by her long brown hair onto my cock and grinding it into her mouth just as she likes it most.

I push her head away. (There is so far more to go with this…)

“Stand up now Briana. Undress me and use your mouth as much as your hands.” She undresses me slowly, strictly, with lowered eyes looking up at me occasionally while she kisses and licks my body as each piece of clothes come off.

When I’m naked, I put my hands on her slender throat and kiss her tenderly and lovingly. She may be my sub and I may be her dom during our playdates, but she is so sweet that I have to keep my affection for her under control so as not to lose my dom persona.

“Good girl, Briana. You’ve earned your spanking.” I sit in the chair and motion her to position herself over my knees and pull down the red panties. I start out slowly and moderately, alternative between each chef and her upper thighs. My blows gradually become harder and faster until she is practically jumping off my lap. Her ass is becoming pinker and pinker and beginning to shade to red. But I know her limits and stop just shy of crossing the line between pleasure and serious pain. I end by gently rubbing her beautiful little ass, fingering her pussy just a bit and bending down to kiss her cheeks.

“Now take off that lingerie top and your stockings and get on your knees.” She obeys and I look at her small breasts and her sweet shawed pussy and I sit admiring her perfect body. (I know, some men might not be turned on by her almost boyish lithe figure, but to me she is the very pinnacle of female beauty.)

“Give me your hands B.”

She complies and puts out her hands in front of her.

“No. Turn around and give me your hands.”

There is the slightest hesitation (we’ve never done this before) but again she complies. I roughly pull her hands back and wrap the purple kerlix wrap around them and pull her up to her feet.

Taking her by her bound hands, I push her onto to the bed face first and push her feet up to her ass and quickly cross her ankles and bind them with more wrap. Then, I take another roll of tape and bind her ankles to her wrists in my first ever hogtie.

Oh yeah, she likes this – a lot! It’s nothing like the elaborate rope hogties I’ve studied on internet porn sites, but it seems to do the trick. I admire my work. But something appears to be wrong with this (as I knew it would.) I have access to her hungry mouth (oh, yes!) but not to her sweet pussy which is what I need now. I pretend to be perplexed, and slowly walk to the desk to get my iPhone and pull up the porno I had ready. I walk back to the bed (slowly) and turn up the volume and pretend to study it as I place my cock in her mouth and rock back and forth. “Oh, that’s how you’re supposed to hogtie your sub and fuck her?” I excellim. (She’s not fooled of course, but this is all part of the game. Next time, I will hogtie her in a position where I have access to all ofher.)

I turn her to a position where I think my hard cock will reach her pussy, but of course nothing works. I turn her on her face, but her bound legs are in the way. I turn her on her side, but her pussy is clamped shut by the hogtie. I put her on her back as well as I can with her hogtied, but no that doesn’t expose her pussy either!

She is smiling and giggling a little now, enjoying my feigned confusion and my pathetic attempts to put her in a fuckable position. Her giggling is contagious and I lay beside her smiling and giggling too.

I know, as her dom, I should be more serious with her. Maybe slap her face and assume a dom demeanor. But this is often where it breaks down for me, and it is me surrendering to this sweet wonderful woman I have come to like so much. So, I reach over to the night table for the safety scissors and cut through the kerlix and we fall upon each other with kisses until I am deep inside her fucking her slowly and tenderly. The pace increaseses and the tenderness turns into primary password as we are slamming into each other as if we are both trying to fully enter the other’s body.

In our frenzy, we change positions a couple of times. Her riding me hard, slamming down again and again on my cock. Me pushing her head down into the pillows while she’s on her knees and taking the thwack, thwack, thwack of my thighs against her ass. And finally flipping her on her back, penetrating her and fucking her silly with her legs wrapped around me pulling me further in with her feet and screaming “Fuck me Tommy, fuck me again and again and again!!” until we both collapse in orgasmic heaven.

…And now the second best part begins as we lay side by side exhausted, smiling and amazing yet again at how wonderful it was…and will be next time and the time after that.


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