The Milking Machine Ch. 02

John sat in the chair reading a book when he heard the doorbell ring. He and Mandy had just finished dinner and it was about time for her best friends to come over. They were Sierra, Sally, Michelle, and of course Jane. It was always Jane she was out to impress. These were the friends she did everything with and tonight he was supposed to meet them and Mandy had talked to him several times about how important it was to her.

The past few months had started to settle into routine with Mandy. Once they started living together she kept the house, cooked his meals, did his laundry, the whole happy housewife from the 50s bit. John took care of the finances and went to work to support them. There was a clear line over who took care of what in their relationship. Occasionally they might start to have a disagreement, then Mandy would just lean into him and do like she did the first time he slept over. He could not say no to her once she got a hold of his cock, but he decided if he wasgoing to lose an argument, that was the best way to do it. Sometimes he thought about starting one just get laid.

He heard voices as Mandy let her friends into the house. John had been reading in their bedroom while she got the house ready for her friends’ arrival. Just then Mandy walked into their room, “Hey baby, they’re ready for you now, so let’s get you ready.”

John got up out of their bed and Mandy walked in front of him and started to unbutton his pants, “Mandy, wait,” he grabbing her hand, “what are you doing?”

Mandy looked up at him and smiled with her full red lips, “you remember baby,” her other hand finding his cock and starting to rub it through the front of his pants,” we’ve got to get you undressed and into your robe.”

His cock had responded like it always did as he felt her touch and looked her big brown eyes. She was dressed in a sundress that did nothing to hide her ample bosom. Before he realized it his pants had fallen down around his anklesand Mandy was pulling his shirt over his head. It was almost dreamlike as he let her help him into his bathrobe and take his hand leading him our of their bedroom and towards the living room.

Walking into the living room he became aware of an object situationd in front of their large sectional couch. It was a block with a post coming up from it that had a circle opening half way up and a rod that crossed the post like a ‘T’.

“Ladies, this is my fiancé John, John this is Sierra, Sally, Michelle, and Jane.” Sierra had dark hair and olive skin, Michelle was Asian, possible Thai, Sally had dark red hair and pale skin, and Jane was a brunette. They were all beautiful women, just like Mandy. Well kept, they all manicured nails, and were smartly dressed. They all said hello as he Still found himself wondering why he was in a bath robe meeting her friends.

“Now baby,” Mandy said to him pulling him towards the object that he was looking at before, “it’s time to get you situationed so we can begin.”

“Um…Mandy,” he said not sure where this was going.

“Just relax baby, we talked about this,” while he was trying to remember discussing any of this her hand found his cock and gently pulled him towards the object. “This is the milking block. All the ladies’ husbands have been through this. We’re getting married and this is your gith of passage.”

Mandy pulled the tie undone at the front of his robe and moved around behind him pulling the robe off. John looked down and was wondering why he was not covering himself as he saw his cock standing at attention.

“Let’s get you in place,” Mandy took one hand and secured it with a leather strap and buckle to one side of the ‘T’ on the post. Then his other hand was secured just the same. Mandy kneeled down in front of him and John watched as she grabbed a hold of his cock and guided it through the small saucer sized opening on the post in the milking block.

“Mandy, please,” John started to say and then Mandy took the head of his cock in her mouth and slowly began to tease the head. He did not even notice Mandy securing his legs to each side of the block with the same type of leather straps that held his wrists.

Mandy slowly let his cock pop out of her mouth and she smiled as she stood up in front of him. His arms were strapped to the sides of the post and his ankles were strapped in below them up against the large base. The four women watched from the sectional couch in he and Mandy’s living room as she moved to stand to the side of him and began to slowly stroke his hard cock.

“Oh, I almost forgot baby,” Mandy cooed next to his ear as she walked over to an end table by their couch and grabbed a bottle of lubricant. She walked back while squirting a little into her hand. Looking him in the eyes he felt the cooling of the lubricant being rubbed up and down his shake. The slow gentle motion caused him to shiver with pleasure.

“I have to say I’m impressed Mandy,” comented Sierra as she sipped a glass of wine, “I had to get Michael into the milking block before you girls came over. How’d you convince him to do it?”

He was staring down at her hand and lovely red painted nails as she slowly massaged him. The soft sound of the lubricant squishing with every tedious stroke. “I’ve told you about the milking machine before Sierra,” Mandy replied, “that’s so good isn’t it baby, just relax for me and let my hand take you down deeper,” her voice spoke softly into his ear as he gazed down at her struggling him. “If you use it regularly and with some basic hypnosis techniques it makes it easier to persuade him. He’s already in a trance now. It’s not that he doesn’t love me, but you know how willful men can be and John is certainly willful, this Just helps me avoid big disagreements. Besides,” she smiled gazing at him,” do you think he isn’t loving how good this feels.”

“Greg couldn’t stop blushing the whole time when it was his turn,” Sally said.”it was all I could do to get him excited until I finally pushed him over the edge. I’m jealous now,” her face faking a pout, “you’ll just have to help me bring him around. So John doesn’t mind you using the machine on him?”

“He doesn’t remember. I use it on him a couple of times a week. When he gets deep enough into to trace I just suggest he forget all about it.”

“He just forgets the whole thing?” asked Michelle.

“It’s all about what puts him into to trance. When his cock gets hard he goes into a trance and the better it feels the deeper he goes.”

“He’s hypnotized even when your having sex?” this time Jane asked the question.

“Well, lightly yes, but he remembers the sex, he just doesn’t realize the suggestible state he’s in. I’ve created a trigger for when I want to really program him.”

“What trigger is that?” Jane again.

“Anytime I’m on top he gets really suggestible. I planted that into him early on and he absolutely loves it now.”

“That’s right baby, it feels so good. Now I want you to be aware of my friends watching us, be aware of your vulnerability right now. That’s right, vulnerable and exposed before them. They’ve seen you at your weakest John. You respect them just as you do me,” her hand gently forming an ‘O’ shape with her index finger and thumb which she moved down and back up on the head of his cock causing him to start moaning. “Yes baby, they know your weakness and they’ll keep your secret safe. Respect them as you would me for keeping your vulnerability safe.”

“The poor thing Mandy,” said Jane, “let him release already. He looks like he’s ready to collapse and the night’s early.” Jane was the self-appointed leader of the group. She had light brown hair, green eyes and a hawk-like nose. Her body was like a gazelle’s. She had long athletic legs which she showed off whenever possible. Mandy was trying to impress her most of all. She was known to test the group’s men from time to time. She never trusted a man to stay loyal. Mandy knew her looks and assertiveness were hard for a man to resist. It never took her long to find the chink in someone’s armor.

“Oh I think John will surprise you Janey,” her hand started to stroke long and slow again, “he has great stamina. That’s right baby,” she cooed into his ear, “are you ready for your first cum? Here we go,” her hand started to stroke faster as she pressed her body up against his side, “you want to cum for me baby. Let Mandy’s hand milk all that cum out of you.”

John started to moan louder as the orgasm built. The weight pressed on him and his body suddenly jerked as his cock erupted. Stream after stream of cum shot from his cock onto a towel that had been placed on the floor in front of him.

“Oh my,” cooed Sierra, “he certainly delivers quite a load, doesn’t he?”

“That’s it baby, give it all up to Mandy,” her hand still pumping, coaxing every drop he had to give. “I couldn’t believe it myself the first time, but yes, he shoots quite a load.” Mandy kept struggling until the flow of cum stopped and then rubbed his cock a little longer until he started to whimper as his arms and legs struggled against the restraints.

Finally Mandy relented and went back over to the same table grabbing a small hand towel which she used to clean the remaining cum from her hand and John’s softening cock. “You rest here baby while I have a glass of wine and the Girls and I chat for a bit. Were going to have to do this a few more times before I can put you to bed. When I snap my fingers you’re going to be aware of your vulnerability and will accept it to make me happy because you know how much it means to me.” Mandy started getting his cock hard all over again, “that’s right baby, just like that,” suddenly John heard the snap of her fingers and John felt a fog lift.

The women were all staring at him. His naked body attached to the milking post. His eyes found Mandy and she smiled at him causing his cock to twitch. “Thank you baby,” she said as she went to sit on the couch with her friends.


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