The Milking Barn Pt. 03

1034 watched as Mother went through her usual morning rounds, inspecting the health and output of each boy, eagerly awaiting his turn. He was still feeling jealous from watching the maintenance man have his way with the new boy across the aisle, and hoped beyond hope that Mother would be giving him special love and attention. He had already been milked twice today, but that did little to calm him down, and he idly tried to hump into his milker.

“Ah, 103…4,” Mother said to herself, stepping up to the screen in front of his stall. “Increased your rate to 12 a day, yeah… hm.”

She moved to his side, and then gave his balls an experimental light squeeze. “Plenty full in here, and already milked a couple of times today…” She gently rolled his testicles a bit more in her hand for a few seconds longer, before stepping back.

“Looking good, I’ll be around with the biologist for observation for the last few milkings, see if those testicles hold up…” she spoke, mostlyto herself.

An alarm rang through the barn, and 1034 was suddenly distracted by the sensing of a jet of cold water rushing up his ass, while simultaneously a tasty thick liquid flowed his mouth from the feeder, which he eagerly swallowed down.

“You boys sure do love breakfast,” Mother chuckled to herself, before walking off to the next stall.

It was third hours later and 1034 was tired, and was dozing in and out of sleep. He had been milked plenty, and was sure his work for the day was over. His cock was only half hard now in the milker, an unusual state for him.

He was jolted awake from dreaming of breeding an ample young woman in a green pasture by the click of heels down the center aisle of the barn.

“Here he is, 1034. Only the second of our stock to be moved to 12 a day, still has… ” Mother looked for a second at the screen, “two more milkings for today. As you know Dr. Ammon, the first livestock we moved to twelve was overworked quickly, and corporate wants you to figure out a hormone mix for the boys to prevent that reoccurring. This lucky boy here will be our guinea pig.”

The woman Mother was talking to nodded and looked up from her pad at 1034. She was wearing a white labcoat, was shorter and younger than Mother, thinner and blonde. 1034 rarely remembered her poking and prodding him from his early days here, but his memory beyond the last few months was hazy. In fact, he realized, he could not remember his name… or had he always been 1034?

“I’ve been working on a compound that should not only help sustained semen production and arousal, but increase docility. I will provide the stock with a first dose now, the rest should be included daily in its liquid meals in the future,” the doctor responded.

She Walked up to 1034 and pulled out his feeder. He sputtered briefly, and then she shoved a gloved hand into his mouth. “Take it, swallow now,” she commanded forcedly, spurting a liquid into histhroat with a syringe and then shutting his mouth tight. He gulped down the gross tasting medicine, and she looked satisfied. She rather roughly shoved the feeder back into his mouth.

As Mother looked on, the Doctor circled around 1034, her eyes crawling along his entire suspended young body. Her gloved hands glided along his almost hairless chest to his soft stomach, before reaching down to ease off his milker exposing his semi-erect cock.

“Hmm, the boy appears to not be fully erect,” she observed to Mother, taking his cock in her firm grip.

“He’s gone through a full normal milking day… I am confident he will adjust quickly to the new regimen.”

The Doctor began to stroke him steadily. Her other hand reached up and gripped his balls. 1034 was tired of milkings, but he could feel himself getting harder again gazing at Mother.

“There we go…” the Doctor said. “I do believe you are right, Mrs. Albertson. This stock might just be the ticket to increasing prodition.”

Mother stepped closer to him, and placed a hand on his cheek. “He’s always been an especially eager boy. Haven’t you, 1034? You like to make cum for mommy?”

Dr. Ammon gave a slightly amused side glance at her co-worker, before releasing his cock and stepping back.

She cought, “When is his next milking scheduled?”

“Any time, 1034 will be the only one receiving this milking so there will be no bell for now. Once we can get a good number of them up to 12, we will move them to their own barn.”

“Alright, I will begin with an anal inspection and then provide this boy with direct stimulation through this milking then… R&D have started redesigning the anal probes and it would be good to get some, shall we say, hands on experience.” The doctor slightly grinned at herself as she stepped behind 1034.

1034 felt the steel tube in his ass slowly withdrawn, empty him, followed quickly by a single warm gloved finger replacing it. “Auto-lubricationfrom the probe is working very well,” the Doctor noted to Mother.

“Yes, I caught Maintenance taking advantage of that this morning…” Mother replied sounding a bit annoyed, as the Doctor pushed her finger deeper into the boy. He let out a moan into the feeder.

“We are working on a slight electronmagnetic stimulation with the new probes, directly to the prostate. Should increase production marginally but Decrease time to orgasm, saving these boys a little bit of stamina.” She began to thrust her finger violently in his ass, while with her other gloved hand reached between his legs and lightly lifted his balls. “Lets initiate the milking now, the stock appears more than ready. Also maybe provide the boy some extra stimulation? Will ease him through this ordeal.”

1034 groaned as Mother went to the screen and typed something in. His cock was sore and his balls felt less than empty, but with all the attention he was hard as a rock again.

The milker activated as Mothe finished typing, suctioning on to his cock solidly, and started roughly suckling on him, fleshy and warm. The Doctor gripped harder and pulled on his exhausted balls.

Mother stepped closer to him and took his face in her hand by the chin, and with the other withdraw his feeder. “Mommy is hear, baby boy. We will get through this,” she cooed, looking warmly into his eyes. He abused his eyes briefly, and she suddenly gripped his face a bit rougher. “No, no, look at Mother. Let me see those pretty eyes.” He gazed up at her, blushing and embarrassed at his behavior.

Mother moved even nearer to him, and his face was now inches from her bosom. “Oh mommy, I l… love you mommy,” he said as she took her other hand and stroked through his hair. “I know you do, honey, I know you do,” she purred back.

The Doctor behind them watched this bemusedly, as she observed the livestock increase his pace thrusting into the milker. She thought of the psychologist who had designedThis relationship dynamic between the boys and their overseer “Mothers.” He had been a true genius, it was a shadow Corporate had to let him go when he was caught having a bit too much fun with his subjects. She thrust her finger a bit deeper into the boy’s rectum and heard a slight yelp from him. It was hard to blow the shrink, they were so cute.

1034 thrust deeper and harder into the milker as its artistic Flesh pulsed around his cock, tightly sucking him and his juices deeper into it. Earlier he could not have imagined cumming again, but as he stared up at the beautiful face of Mother, who was squeezing his cheeks lightly and whispering sweet, lovely words mere inches from him, he desired nothing more than to please her with a massive load.

The Doctor let loose his balls as they eagerly slapped harder and harder against the mouth of the milker. “1034 looks almost ready, much quicker than my estimates. Very impressive, Mrs. Albertson. Lets get him finished ASAP so I canTake these results back to the lab and show off your work.”

The boys eyes widened as he felt a second finger slide into his asshole and simultaneously to his amazement he watched Mother start to unzip the top of her coveralls, revealing her beautiful cleavage. He was drooling now, as she reached into her uniform and pulled out one of her breasts. It was ample and shapedly and inviting, and she shoved his mouth directly onto her pink, large nipple. “Suckle on mommy, baby boy… and give me all your milk. Mommy needs all your milk. The doctor needs your milk. We all need your milk.”

1034 was humping into the milker so hard now the metal frame holding him in the stall was loudly creaking, the sound of his balls smacking wetly against the milker filled the barn, as did his moans for Mommy. Though most of the boys in the barn were sleeping off their day’s labor, some had sheken up and were jealously watching the excitement.

He could take it no longer. The doctor thrust hardand deep into him with two fingers as he smoothed his face totally into Mother’s breast, and the milker sucked and pulsed. He came a torrent with a thrust so forceful the Doctor worked the milker might snap off. Mother stroked his hair as he humped desperately over and over into the milker, cooing into his ear “Good boy… good boy… oh my good boy.”

“Jesus,” the Doctor exclaimed as he continued to produce, still thrusting her gloved fingers into him, “Corporate is going to love this.”

He continued emptying his balls into the machine, which sucked and squeezed every drop from him, for what seemed like another thirty seconds, before finally he was spent, and his entire body went limp from exhaustion. His head rested on the bare breast of Mother, rising and falling slightly as she herself was a bit out of breath. He let out a slight moan as the Doctor withdraw her finger, and then another as she slid the cold anal tube back into him.

The doctor walked back to the aisle, taking off her gloves and throwing them into a trash bin. “Being in the lab so much, you forget how much fun it can be to do some work in the field…” she said, more to herself than Mother.

Mother gave him a light kiss on the forehead and then stepped back, zipping her uniform up. She turned to the screen, saying to the Doctor, “above his average which is incredible considering it is his 11th of the day. At This rate we are looking at a 15 to 20% increase in total production all around once this is rolled out. And he has one more milking today, but I’ll let the machines handle that one to see how the output differences… Poor boy. I’ll set it for an hour from now.” She looked over and saw 1034 was already fast sleep, dreaming of Mother’s bosom.


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