The Maid Ch. 02: Board Meeting

He marched her through the labelingrinthine corridors of the building. Passed doors shrouded in mystery and digital locks. The only sound was that of her heels striking the tiled floor. She could vaguely make out his face in the sparse artistic light but knew that it remained indifferent.

Flicking his access card across the console on the right-hand side of the door, he said, “I shall be leaving you in a moment. I would like to compliment you on your exceptional skills during your orientation. I hope that I will have cause to enjoy them again in the future.” Lyla heard the faint thud as the magnet disabled.

With a final and uncharacteristic show of chivalry, he held the door open, head bowed.

“Ah, Miss Rose, so good of you to join us.” Said the most beautiful man Lyla had ever seen. He was literally tall, dark and handsome. His features had been sculpted out of granite. There was not an ounce of fat upon the muscle frame beneath the designer suit.

“Please come in. We are just about to get started.” Beckoning her like a headmaster summing a schoolgirl to his office for some minor infection of the rules.

“Perhaps, Mr Summers, her reluctance may come from having no idea who you are?” Rasped a cold voice from somewhere beyond Lyla’s line of sight.

“Of course. Of course. Where are my manners? I know that Mr Lebaux is a man of great diligence. But all too often, one of few words.” He made a show of checking his ostentatiously large watch before continuing. “I believe we have a few minutes to spare before the rest of the board is due to arrive.”

Summer’s began striding towards her, his hand outstretched almost as soon as he started moving. Lyla realising she still had a hold of it, let go of the door, and crept into the vast meeting room. She was suddenly aware of her attire and how exposed it left her both literally and metaphorically.

As a reflex, she began pulling the flimsy frills of her skirt down while trying notto look as if she was. The only relief was that she had become somewhat numb towards the toys inside her.

“Yes,” Summers stopped in front of her, with his hand still outstretched, but his eyes roaming across her soft curves.

He slowly circled Lyla, taking in her body bound inside the fetishiized attire. She felt his soft hands play with her bright red curls, with no more pressure than a gentle breeze.

Suddenly he was standing behind her. His warm breath upon her ear. “I think I am going to enjoy breaking you”. His hand slithered over her shoulder and down the front of her top.

With little care or finesse, he took her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pulled upon it. Hard and sharp, sending a spasm of pain through her. Which in turn triggered a small surge of pleasure from the silver balls deep inside her pussy.

“Sir, that’s them just getting off the lift now. The board should be here momentarily.” It was the same voice Lyla had heard earlier.Only this time, she could see the woman it belonged to as she emerged from the far corner of the room.

“Ms Rose, I would like you to meet Ms Pryor. She is my personal assistant. Second, in command, confident, council and all-around life support system.” The menace his voice had held moments before was gone. Replaced with the same jovial tone it had when she first entered.

If Lyla had have hired to play the part of ‘The Maid’, then Ms Pryor was clearly ‘The Secretary’. The fragile elfin creativity had porcelain skin, cold blue eyes and red hair struggle to escape beneath blonde dye. Her dainty frame was encased in a skintight black PVC cocktail dress. A vast split ran up the front, almost exposing her crotch and showing her nearly endless legs. Which were accentuated by high heeled sandals. Her hair was piled high, and she wo thick black glasses, although Lyla could tell from here they had no lenses in them.

Summers returned to the head of the meeting table and setled into a discussion with Ms Pryor that clearly didn’t require Lyla’s input. The only problem was no one had explained what she was expected to do. She stood in the middle of a darkened board room and tried to make something, anything, happen that would make her feel less conspicuous.

She heard the shrimp beep of an access card being swiped against the outside lock. The door opened, and a group of 12 suited predators entered.

“Before we get down to business.” Summers began, “Allow me to introduce the newest member of our team, Ms Lyla Rose”, before gesturing towards her.

All third men around the table turned to face her, clapping and cheering like children at a pantomime.

She had no idea how to respond, a part of her wanted to do the typical first day of a new job speech, but it didn’t seem right on this occasion. So she chooses an overly theatrical bow, remaining bent over just long enough to give them all a good view of her swollen cleavage. Although the sinister nature of her audience, she took immense enjoyment from being the centre of attention, especially in the same room as Ms Pryor.

“I am afraid, gentlemen, that I have a couple of pieces of bad news. Firstly, as I have not myself partaken of Ms Rose’s obvious delights, then neither shall any of you.” They let out a collective sight of disappointment, which only made Lyla’s clip tingle despite her reservations.

“Secondly, as we are here to discuss the issue in the middle east, expediency is of the utmost importance. We will not be able to indulge collectively for long.” This was met with another ridiculous show of disappointment from the board and another throb from Lylas swollen clip.

“However, as these negotiations are of the utmost priority, we cannot allow our attention to be focused elsewhere…” His grin was that of a shark circulation its prey “Mr Worthington if you would be so kind as to help our newest employee up onto the table, we can begin.”

Suddenlyshe was aware of the toys inside her. The sensing was amplified by the attention she was getting. Her confidence swelling with her labia. Lyla strode forward and took Worthington’s hand. Stepping up onto his vacant seat and then onto the table. The heel of her siletto cracked into the solid oak.

Standing upon the desk, she looked around as all her paramours began to unzip and offer her their hard rock pricks. Thirteen throbbing cocks were being stroked slowly as they gazed upon her dressed like a total slut. The attention was driving her wild. She knew they were desperate for her. She could see it upon the faces of each and every one of them.

Her soft brown eyes measured each one of them as she slowly walked up and down the table. Making sure that they each got a good view of her ass.

Falling into her cam girl routine, she could hear the grunts of desire. This was the first time she would benefit from a live audience, though. The chorus of moans made her nipples ache. When she pulled her firm breasts out of her top and exposed them to the room, she couldn’t resist massaging them as only she knew how. Flicking them and gently struggling them until they were engaged.

Lyla bent over so that Mr Summers got a full view of her ass as she slowly slip her panties down and stepped out of them. Lingering for a moment, letting him take in the sight of the silver but plug penetrating her. She She could tell that he was eager for his cock to take its place. The room began to fill with the scent of her throbbing sex. This, in turn, encouraged a little audience participation. She could hear strained whispers of “Slut”, “Whore”, and “Needs it”.

Her clip was aching now, and Lyla knew that it would not take much to send her screaming over the edge. She wouldn’t be the only one judging by the bestial grunting and precum exploding all around her. The curvy redhead slowly lowered herself down onto the table. She settled flat on her back and allowed her handsto move slowly across her tender, swollen nipples.

The first spray of spunk landed on her stomach. Passing her hands through it, intending to use it as lube, before a second load erupted across her exposed labia. The satisfying grosses of password that accompanied each eruption drive her even wilder.

Lyla teased herself, moving a finger up her swollen slit and over her clip. Pushing her hood back and smoothing the nub beneath in hot cum. Each stroke of her labia was accompanied by movement from the metal balls inside her. Releasing a shudder of electricity across her skin. She began to scream out and fill the room with her pleasure as load after load of hot spunk rained down upon her body. Writhing, she arched her back, almost as if her flesh needed to consume the cum before a drop could be wasted.

As quickly as it had started, it was over. Lyla lay upon the meeting table, struggling to catch her ragged breath. The men zipped up their flies and continued talking aboutthe middle east deal as if nothing had happened.

“Ms Pryor, if you could clear the table, we can get down to business,” said Mr Summers.

“Of course” Offering her delicate hand to Lyla and helping her up from the table. Ms Pryor led her to a small bathroom hidden behind a false bookcase on the left-hand side of the meeting room.

“Take your time and freshen up. The best is yet to come,” the Other woman said with a smile before closing the door and sealing Lyla in.

Calling it a bathroom was something of an understanding. It was bigger than Lyla’s entire flat. The colourless amenities looked like they had been chiselled out a solid block of marble. Free of a single mark or imperfection anywhere. If it wasn’t for the shadows cast by the artistic light and the sharp angles, she would not have been able to see anything other than a solid block of white.

Lyla found the taps and a cupboard full of expensive toiletries and extremely laundered hand towels. Shefelt more than a little guilty about using them to clean herself of the perverted tax the board had just laid upon her skin and clothing. But in the end, Lyla felt that Mr Summers would prefer her to be presented correctly rather than the bathroom.

She sorted her hair as best she could. Adjusted her breasts to safely enclose them within her uniform before heading back out into the now quiet board room.

“I am afraid you have missed all the important stuff”, Summers leered. “But the good news is you now have my full attention”.

He was still sitting at the head of the table but now turned to face the bathroom door. His legs played as he patted his thigh, gently summing her.

Behind him, Ms Pryor held something that flashed briefly as it caught the light. The Secretary turned their employer’s chair around, so they were face to face. Lyla felt a frisson of excitement at where the situation was heading.

Pryor made a sharp gesture with the hand that held theshiny object. An artistic spray erupted from his throat and showed criminal mist across her pale and bound flesh. A look of intense satisfaction wrote large across her blood-drenched features.

Lyla wanted to run. Lyla wanted to scream. Do anything besides standing like a status as the gore-soaked ghost sauntered towards her.

Pryor slide one arm around her back, pulled Lyla into an embrace and mashed her blood-soaked lips against hers.

After a moment, she broke the kiss, leaving Lyla’s mouth full of a rich coppery taste.

“And now the real work can begin.”


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