Charles was not easily discouraged. He squeezed Nechole tightly as they sat together sipping their drinks. He got the attention of the bar tender and ordered another round of drinks using hand gestures.
“Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?” asked Nechole, batting her eyes in a playful manner.
“Please, I am a gentleman,” replied Charles. “Although I better get you home pretty soon so you can continue to make a good impression on the Wilsons tomorrow.”
He went to the bar to get their drinks and returned to her side. He handed a glass to her as he sat down. He immediately started to make casual contact with her, stroking her arm to test the waters. He was able to run his hand over her thigh before she gently steered his probing hand away. Not that she wasn’t feeling horny. She just Figured that things would quickly spiral out of control if she let him start anything physical in this setting. She was also beginning to feel tired.
“Would you like to check out some of the equipment?” he asked, pointing to the open area.
“I’d love to look,” she replied. “It seems that this place is just full of surprises. I don’t quite know how some of this stuff is used but I get the chills when I see some of those things that have things that look like they’re made to be inserted into someone or squeeze different body parts.”
“C’mon Then”, he said as he took her hand and helped her to her feet.
He brought her into a dark area in a corner of the building where many couples were either just playing together or using some of the equipment. She tried not to stare but people were doing incredibly provocative things in the open area and she was learning a lot. Some not so subtle moans and other reactions could be heard.
It was almost as if the seductive play fed on itself, making the others try for the same effects. She feel the electricity in the air. She know that she’d really like to try some of the things that were taking place. The idea of being the one holding the whip especially aroused her. The erotic feeling that came over her came as a surprise because she had always considered herself more of a submissive.
She watched a dominatrix as she humbled her male submissive. His identity was completely masked by the apparel that was strapped to his body, bound in leather and gagged. The crack of the whip against the leather suit amplified the sound but probably reduced the amount of pain that was transmitted to his body.
Nechole had never seen most of the various pieces of equipment before but many of the home-made devices were pretty self-explanatory as to how the subject would be restrained in the apparatus. She shivered at one particularly painful-looking device that had jack screws and mating restraints that were shaped for specific parts of a woman’s body. She heard muffled moaning from one woman who had a ball gag in her mouth and whose eyes conveyed a look of terror.
“Wow, this is some pretty serious stuff,” she whispered to Charles. “Is this all consensual?”
“Yes, serious and consensual. Maybe I should have started you out with an overview of the simpler and less kinky stuff first,” he whispered back while he re-thought his poor decision. You’d be amazed at how many of the submissives love the pain and beg for more.
Nechole’s gaze was glued to the figures moving about, giving and deriving pleasure from their partners. She wasn’t sure about what she was feeling but she knew that she had never felt this turned on before. She wanted to touch everything but kept her hands close by her sides. She felt safe in staring from a comfortable distance like where they were sitting but had to tear her away when they were walking through the participants, each in their own space oblivious to the others.
“As much as I’d like to see it all, I better be getting back to my place so I can get some sleep tonight,” Nechole announced when they got to theend of the activities area. “Mr. Wilson said something about coming to his office again tomorrow morning but I don’t know when yet.”
“Yes, we better get you back,” Charles agreed. “If Mr. Wilson wanted you to meet him in his office you can be pretty sure he’s up to something. Be courteous and do as he says but try to limit how much time he takes or you’ll be working night and day to get your chores done. He is the proverbial dirty old man and he’s not even that old. I have ten dollars that says he’ll at least grope you.”
“I don’t think I’d take that bet, Nechole said as she slushed. “Do you think he’s dangerous?”
“Not really dangerous but it appears that he already has designs on you. He’ll probably back off once the novelty wears off. He’s Always looking for new girls. He once hired three maids at once so he could have threesomes while one of them did the house work.”
“Does Mrs. Wilson know?”
“Oh yes, they have a very open marriage. She may have morelovers on the side than he does. Being bi-sexual, she has twice as many people from which to choose. From what you’ve said, she’s probably interested in you too.”
Nechole blushed again.
Charles laughed, “So innocent; you are the new toy at the Wilson estate. You will rarely be very busy. I’ve seen how they both look at you. We need to get you off to bed right away tonight though. I wouldn’t mind hanging out a little more but we can get together again soon.”
They walked together without much more discussion along the path back to the mansion and Nechole’s quarters in particular. Nechole was deep in thought about all of the night’s revelations and her future in particular. She enjoyed being with Charles. He seemed to generally care about her and was very patient in explaining things to her. When they got to her cottage, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, said thank you for the lovely evening and slipped into her place alone.
She waited to see whether hewould pursue her any further that night but nothing came. She peeked out a window from behind the curve in time to see him departing around a corner of the mansion. Was he a true gentleman; who knew around this place? She slipped out of her street clothes and crawled into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
The morning came quickly when her alarm buzzed loudly at 6:00. After figuring out where she was and what she needed to do, Nechole pressed the button to stop the buzzing and wearily sat up on the side of her bed. She desperately wanted to crawl back under the covers but now was not the time to be late. She didn’t think that she drank that much the night before but she had a slight headache. She dutifully walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She could see how tired she looked in the mirror as she removed her underwear. The hot water in the shower felt soothing and refreshing and helped to clear her head as she latered up and prepared for the day.
Shetook her freshly washed and pressed uniform from the hanger in her closet and made sure she was perfectly prepared down to her lacey underwear. She dabbed some cologne on her wrists just in case she was called upon by the master or mistress of the estate. Something told her that at least one of them would seek her out for a little liaison during the course of her day. She otherwise knew where she needed to resume cleaning from where she left off on the day before. At least some aspects of her job were predictable.
She looked in her refrigerator and cupboards for some inspiration for breakfast. She put some toast into the toaster while she made some coffee. The clock showed that it was nearing 7:20 so she had ten minutes to finish and get to the mansion. She put on her shoes as she ate and then brushed her teeth. Thankfully it only took a minute or so to get into the mansion from her place. She said hello to the kitchen staff as she passed through and ran up the stairs to the second floor to get her cleaning cart. Just as she started to roll it out into the hall she came upon Mr. Wilson standing in a manner to block her way.
“Good morning MS Nechole,” he greeted her. “I must say you look amazing in that outfit. Is that your perfume that I smell? It is very pleasant.”
“Good morning to you too Sir, thank you and yes, I think you might smell my new cologne,” she said as cheerfully as her headache would allow. She flashed him a big smile.
“Did you have a nice evening?” he asked.
“Yes, Sir I did. Charles showed me the party in the old barn on the property.”
“Ah yes. The barn of drink, lust and debauchery,” he said with the look of pleasant memories. “Mrs. Wilson and I used to go there all the time but now we tend to have more private parties here. Did you find the experience enlightening?”
“Oh yes Sir,” she said as she wondered where this line of questioning was leading.
“Yes, you can do or have done to you most anything inthat place. That was the idea when we created it. Tell me truly; do you find some of the kinky things that they do there to be sexually stimulating? Were you turned on at all?”
Nechole blushed a bright shade of red. “Well sir, I certainly would like to try some of the things I saw there if that’s what you mean. I was somewhat attracted to the idea of being the Dominant one at times too. I think it would be exciting to make a handsome man bow to my desires. Have you ever been dominated, Sir?”
“I see ad yes, I let Heather have the upper hand every once in a while – That’s what they call a switch if you like to be submissive sometimes and Dominant at other times. I can see that myself although I’ve never explored being submissive in real life. Perhaps I should try it. I Sometimes grow tired of always being in charge and having to make the decisions. It might be a nice change of pace to be told what to do and simply do it; especially if it’s pleasant. Heather like to dominate sometimes but she likes to do that with other women. So you think it’s odd that I like to watch her when she does that – secretly of course?”
“Un, no sir. I think I would like to see something like that too if I could without being seen.”
“Hmmm, I see,” Mr. Wilson said briefly but he looked like he was deep in thought regarding that particular notion.
“Nechole, would you please come into my office to help me get something down from the top of my bookshelf?”
“Of course, Sir,” she replied, knowing that she would be protected if she were helping one of the Wilsons rather than just not working on her duties.
He placed his left arm around her back as they walked down the hall. She wasn’t surprised but she had the feeling that he was coming on to her. When they were both in his study, he closed the door behind them.
“It’s up there,” he said pointing towards the top shelf of his massive bookcase. Let me roll the ladder over and I’ll let you climb upto get my copy of my financial accounting book. As you can see, I don’t need to use it much.”
Nechole took hold of the ladder railings and began to climb. When she reached where the top shelf was within her reach she checked through the titles. Finding one that seemed like what he had described she pulled it out and showed it to him.
“Is this the one?” she asked as she hung a little to the side over the railing.
“Yes, that’s it,” he said as he came closer.
She noticed that he was paying more attention to her bum and panties than the book. When she began her descent he reached up but not for the book. She immediately felt his hand exploring her bottom and fingering her cunt through her panties. She froze in place, not knowing whether she should say something or just let him do with her as he pleased. He Continued and she allowed him. He pulled the padded fabric between her legs to one side and inserted two fingers into her vagina. She shivered from the sensingof his attention to her clip.
She could feel herself getting wetter as he played with her from below. Mr. Wilson reached up with his other hand and took ahold of her panties with both. He wiggled them back and forth, down her pale white thighs until they were resting at her knees.
“Mr. Wilson!” she exclaimed.
“Yes Nechole, I have the need to do some exploration of you today. You left me thinking about you yesterday so I wanted to learn more about what makes you tick. I get the feeling that you’re a complex woman and I’d love to investigate your physical responses in more depth. Here, hand me that book and hold on to the ladder with both hands.”
She passed the book down to his outstretched hand. He set it aside on a lower shelf ad then returned to running his fingers over her pussy as she trembled on the ladder. She felt trapped up on her perch, unable to go anywhere. The ladder suddenly shook. She looked down to see him stepping on the first run to get closer. His touching became more intense as he worked on her entire pussy, tracing her delicate features with his index finger. He inserted it again to feel for her g-spot. He encircled it and applied gently pressing as he kept massaging her public bone.
Nechole was on the verge of cumming but she also felt an unusual tugging inside and near her genitalia. It feel similar to being about to pee but much more intense and erotic. Suddenly without warning she exploded with orgasm and more. She was aware of the sudden release of a large amount of liquid from her opening. It gushed out so hard it sprayed hard and in tiny droplets. Oh no, she thought; had she just ejaculated on Mr. Wilson?
“I guess I brought that on myself,” he exclaimed as he wiped his face with his handkerchief.
“Oh dear Mr. Wilson. I’m so sorry,” she said apologetically but then burst out laughing. “I’ve never done that before, honest. You really have the touch.”
He stepped down and backed away from the ladder. He continued to look started by what had just happened as she looked at him.
“Well, come down now, dear. You might as well get back to work. We definitely need to continue this later. Oh, and please clean up the floor in here as soon as possible.”
“Yes, Sir,” she said as she reached down to pull her panties back in place so she could climb back down the ladder.
“Let’s meet back Here at 3:00 Nechole. I have something else for you,” Mr. Wilson added after thinking about something.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied as she left his study. What a way to start the day, she thought to herself.
Nechole gathered her cart and headed for the second floor where she had left off the day before. She felt a little strange about what had just happened but otherwise it also left her Feeling aroused. He had awakened a desire within her that wanted more. She tried to not think about it as she focused on her cleaning chores. The large mansion had a lot of surfaces to dust as well asrugs and carpet that needed to be vacuumed.
She was alone and undisturbed as she worked. She found herself humming a catchy tune that she had heard the night before in the club and now couldn’t get it out of her head. That song reminded her of Charles. She thought about him and compared his timing approach to the hard-charging Mr. Wilson. She supposed that power and wealth probably played a big role in his attitude.
As she was running the vacuum near the main stairway she felt a tap on her shoulder. She was started and it made her jump. Turning around she saw Betty gesturing. Nechole turned the vacuum cleaner off so she could hear what Betty was saying.
“Nechole, dear, Mrs. Wilson needs your help in the greenhouse and wondered if you could join her there in a little while.”
“Yes Ma’am, of course,” Nechole answered. “It’s the one that is just off the garden, right?”
“Yes, that’s the one and only,” replied Betty. “Just go out the back door by your cottage and take a left. The door faces the garden.”
“I’ll leave tight now,” Nechole said.
“That would be perfect dear. I got the feeling that Mrs. Wilson needed you as soon as possible.”
Nechole set her cleaning things back in the cart and wrapped up the vacuum cleaner cord as quickly as possible. Betty had disappeared after delivering the message so Nechole left her things at the side of the hall where the landing from the staircase open up into a larger area and anxious down the steps. She wondered if Mrs. Wilson needed help with some heavy bags of soil or something more interesting like transplanting flowers to the garden. She figured that the urgency came because the Wilsons weren’t accustomed to waiting for much of anything; at least she hoped Mrs. Wilson wasn’t in trouble with something out there.
She practically ran once she got outside to see what Mrs. Wilson needed in the greenhouse. She had never had the chance to see one up close so that would be interestingtoo. Nechole was winded as she entered the greenhouse. She didn’t see Mrs. Wilson anywhere. Nechole hoped that she hadn’t fallen somewhere. The familiar blond hair was suddenly visible at the back of the rows of plants, bobbing as she moved down the row.
“Hello dear,” she said with a smile as she stood to greet Nechole.
“Hello Mrs. Wilson,” Nechole answered back with equal cheer. “I heard that you needed some help.”
“Yes, that’s partly true,” she confessed as she continued to apply some liquid in an applicant to the plants. “The other reason I called for you is that we’ve barely had the chance to chat and get to know one another. You can help me fertilize these sprouts while we talk about this and that.”
Her cheerfulness and interest in her was something that Nechole was Not used to from an employee. Her candor caught Nechole off guard.
“Sure Mrs. Wilson. That would be nice.”
“Oh and stop calling me that. It sounds so formal and make me feel old. I’m just in my thirties. Please just call me Heather.”
“Okay…Heather,” she tried it out and right away it felt much less formal and more friendly.
“Much better. Now come over here and I’ll get you fixed up with the proper things and show you how I like to do this. I guess it’s the nursery instincts coming out since we don’t have any children. So tell me Nechole. What is a lovely young woman like you doing here? I mean, not that I don’t appreciate you but I’m always interested in the circumstances that bring people together. I find you strictly gorgeous and I am very glad that you came to work for us.”
“Oh, I don’t really have a plan for my life yet,” Nechole answered, “so I thought I’d do something simple like housework While I figured it out. Would you and Mr. Wilson like to have children,” she asked.
“Oh, we always said someday but so far that day hasn’t come and now it seems to grow weaker with each passing year, but you never know do you?”
Nechole walked around the benches and back along one side to get to where Heather was standing. Heather showed her new assistant how much fertilizer she was adding to each plant in its small plastic container and how she applied it. She handed a spare pair of gardening gloves to Nechole for her to wear.
“Here, put on the gloves and you try taking care of a few plants.”
As Nechole fertilized her first few plants, Heather gave encouragement and showed her a few of her techniques.
“I think you’re doing great. I’ll get you your own set-up so we can divide and conquer, What kinds of options have you considered for your life?” Heather asked.
“I was looking at going to college but I decided that I needed a plan before I started just taking classes.”
“That seems wise,” she agreed. Heather bent under the workbench and was trying to retrieve a tray from behind a large bag of potting soil. She had to slide the fifty pound bag from an awkward angle when she suddenly criedout, “Oww, my back!”
“Are you okay?” Nechole asked as she leaned down to where Heather was bent over, trying to hold her hand to the small of her back.
“I fear I reinjured an old strain on the right side of my back,” she said in a painful voice.
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