The Lessons Ch. 01

This is Chapter One of The Lessons. Readers who find this chapter enjoyable are obviously encouraged to read the subsequent chapters.

In any case, please do provide feedback. There are obvious sequels to this initial series. I have made outlines for some of them. I will be very happy to write them, but there won’t be much point if there is inadequate interest. I would also like to hear Your suggestions for how to improve the series.

Finally, please do vote; especially if you like it! I must admit that getting good votes can be the best form of encouragement (I didn’t realize how long it would take to do this, particularly when it came to the copyediting). But, even if you don’t, I do hope you enjoy it!

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Mr. Peters was not Particularly happy to transfer to another college. He had been teaching in the Abberville Community College for 14 years and was quite content with the commuting and benefits. Plus, the students at Abberville had been highly motivated and were reasonably bright. Transferring to the parachial Templeton Community College represented a significant drop in quality and prestige. Nevertheless, the salary offer was difficult to refuse, particularly at this stage of his life. His wife had divided him a few years ago and he was still having difficulty getting out from under the alimony.

He also understands that Templeton College had a significant discilanary problem. Many of the students were from the wealthier families of the community and were used to getting their way. Most were not particularly motivated to learn or to study. It was perhaps Mr. Peter’s duty to try to improve the standards and reputation of the school. Mr. Peters was known as a tough discilanian; for demanding and receiving the best from his students. His methods of discilline were not well received from his wife (at least when he tried to apply them to her) but he had been very well considered at Abberville. The college board spokewell of his uniquely successful form of discipline. Some faculty were at first concerned about and even opposed to his techniques, but after seeing the immediate and sustained successes he achieved, as well as the praise and gratitude he received from many of the students upon their graduation, they relented. Mr. Peters in fact had won Outstanding Teacher three times over the course of his career at Abberville, although his wife did eventually lehim.

Miss Harding, a professor at Templeton, worked hard to recruit Mr. Peters. She taught Human Biology, and had herself grown increasingly frustrated with the generally spoiled and recalcitrant students that attended their small, private, parachist college. She visited Abberville on numerous occasions to learn of Mr. Peters techniques, but eventually admitted that she did not have the courage to attempt to implement them at Templeton. She therefore thought, ‘Why try to mimic the master when you can perhaps have the master?’ and she thenProceeded to try to enter Mr. Peters to come to Templeton. Mr. Peters eventually acceded to the continued entries of Miss Harding. Not only did he receive a significant boost in salary at Templeton, he also had the reassurance that his methods would not be questioned or reviewed, as long as he stayed within the bounds of appropriate propriety and the ethical code of the college.

Upon his arrival he was struck with the student uniforms. Abberville had no dress code. Students simply wore what was popular or of personal interest. At Templeton, all of the students had to wear a traditional school uniform. The girls wore white blooms with black ties, plaid skirts that had to go beyond the knee, white socks, black shoes, and, of course, white panties and bras. The boys wore white shirts, black slacks, and black shoes. None of the girls were allowed to wear perfume, or excessive jewelry or substantial make-up. And certainly none of the young ladies could have tattoos! The latter was relatively more difficult to enforce. However, the students knew that the school nurse might at times be able to see under their clothes, and it was not beyond the matrons of the school to occasionally require a full inspection.

The strict dress code seemed rather ironic, given the lax standards in education. It was said, however, that Templeton made up for weak substance by excellent appearance. Templeton provided an appearance of discipline rather than a reality. And, they seemed to get away with it. The boys and girls rarely violent dress or appearance codes.

Mr. Peters was assigned geography and advanced mathematics for senior students. It soon became evidence that he had his work cut out for him. These students had been attending Templeton for two to three years and it was evidence that they knew what they could get away with. They did not seem at all interested in their studies, there was constant chatter and giggling in classes, they rarely gave the correct answers, and, even worse, they didn’t seem to care. In fact, they often just laughed when a student clearly gave the wrong answer, as if it was all just merry fun. Mr. Peters recognized that he would have to act boldly if he was to have any positive effect on their behavior in the limited amount of time they had left.

He decided to take action in Advanced Mathematics. He had asked the students if anyone knew how to identify the unknown vector within a calculated equation. Sara Kirstin was the first to respond, which was perhaps quite fitting. Sara was one of the more difficult of the students. Sara was a very pretty girl, with long straight brown hair and quite attractive eyes. She reminded Mr. Peters quite a bit of Kristin Davis, with her wide eyes, sweet smile, and naturally good looks. Sara’s breasts were Not particularly large but they were perky and Sara was quite pleased with them. She really needed very little make-up. She was a bit shorter than Kristin Davis, being about 5’4″. Mr.Peters imagined her as a sort-of younger version of Kristin Davis.

Sara showed a sense of innocent beauty, but, like the character Charlotte in Sex and the City that Kristin Davis portrayed, she was also the proper daughter of a wealthy family. She was probably a bright girl but didn’t seem to have the motivation to apply her intelligence to studying. She did love to show off her good lucks, particularly when it frustrated the boys. She would often twirl her skirt to give them a fleeting peek at her white panties. She might even bend over full from the wait to pick up a “mistakenly” dropped pen or eraser. All of the girls knew that this could give a good show to any fortunate boy who happened to be standing behind her, and so the proper method at Templeton was to bend the knees and squat. But, giving a brief show was precisely the Intention of Sara. She know her displays drive the boys up the wall and she loved it. Each brief glimpse seemed to increase her popularity. LettingThey have a quick peek was a small price to pay for their lasting attention and interest.

She never, of course, went beyond these innocent displays. This was a parochial school. Although the academic standards were weak, the behavioral standards were quite strict. No undue make-up, no perfume, and certainly no improve behavior among the students. The parents of the students were very grateful for this, and it was perhaps This special attention to the extracurricular life of the students that pleased them most. They knew what went on at the more liberal colleges. They sent their sons and daughters to Templeton so that they would remain good boys and girls.

Misbehavior was confine largely to the classroom, and Sara had one of the biggest reports for not taking her classes seriously and for making a joke of assignments. She was not interested in pursuing any particular career. Her goal in life just seemed to be to find a man who would take care of her.

“I know Mr.Peters! Call on me!”

She feigned an enthusiasm, grinning broadly and waving her hand. Mr. Peters could not help but think that it was a youthful Kristin Davis trying to show off to the other students. Other girls soon raised their hands as well, but Mr. Peters felt that he would take the bait and call on Sara, as he knew that she was in fact taking the bait herself.

“Alright Sara. What is the unknown variable.”

She smiled sweetly and demurely, pretending to be the good little girl.

“I don’t know Mr. Peters but I bet one of the boys will help me” and then gave him an innocent, proud smile. All of the girls and boys laughed. It wasn’t a particularly funny joke. In fact, it was kind of stupid, but they were laughing with her for her mockery of the question.

“Miss Kirstin, I know you think that is funny, but I have decided that I can no longer tolerate this sort of behavior. I was asked to join the faculty of this college to install some discipline and decorum, and it is this behavior that you have displayed that is precisely what I have been asked to correct.”

Sara just grinned in response: “What are you going to do Mr. Peters? Spank me?”

All of the students howled in laughter at that! For one of the girls to even say such a thing was a bit outrageous. It had certainly not gone unnoticed by them that their new teacher was a man, and a good looking one at that. Many of the girls gawked and giggled when they saw him walking the halls, and certainly many had traded fans and stories about what they might do with him if they had the chance. They all wondered if he in fact had a girlfriend. They wouldn’t actually do anything if they had the chance. There were all too young for that. They were above the legal age for sex but for these young women of Templeton, spanking was perhaps about as close to sex as they would go. Only a few of them (Nancy, for example) felt they were ready for that sort of thing. So, for Sara to just boldly refer to being spanked by Mr. Peters was making public what a lot of girls were thinking. It wasn’t being spanked that was on their minds with him, but spanking did at least involve contact with one’s bottom.

“In fact, Sara, yes, that is precisely what I am going to do. Please come up to the front of the class.”

Sara’s jaw dropped in horror! She couldn’t believe what she just heard. He couldn’t be serious. Her father would occasionally spank her but this was in the privacy of their home. Certainly he wasn’t thinking of spanking her in front of the whole class. Not with boys in the room!

Her mind raced in fright and fear, but quickly she refused composition. Of course he wasn’t serious. He was just bluffing. He was a new teacher and he figured he could scar them into submission. There was no way any teacher at Templeton would spank a student, and certainly not with all these witnesses.

Sara then smiled at Mr. Peters and walked to the front of the room. She even wiggled her bottom a little bit just to taunt him with the focus of his threat and to let him know that she wasn’t the least bit scared. “Whatever you want Mr. Peters.”

The other students though were not so sure. Everyone had heard that Mr. Peters was a discilarian. There was a lot of whispering and wonderment as they saw Sara saunter to the front of the class.

“Sara, over here, in front of my desk.” Mr. Peters directed her to move in front of the desk that faced the class. He then stood beside her, his arms folded in a stern, authoritarian manner. He seemed to be at least two feet taller than her.

Sara again gave me Mr. Peters a sweet, innocent grin. She in fact was kind of liking this. It was a nice fantasy, thinking that Mr. Peters was going to spank her little bottom. She kind of liked the thought of it. He was awfully good looking, and she knew her bottom was pretty. It was a cute button bottom, very pert and round. Maybe still a little baby fat, but not much.

“Okey dokey Mr. Peters,” she said sweetly. She even giggled a bit as she approached the head of the class. She stood politely in front of him, clapping her hands behind her back, smiling sweetly as she waved her young breasts back and forth at him. She knew he wouldn’t really spank her. He was probably just going to give her a warning, and she decided to take advantage of being in front of the class by displaying her young attractive figure to its full advantage. Maybe it would convince him to go soft on her.

“Alright Miss Kirstin, now turn your back to the students and bend over my desk.”

Sara then panicked again. This is certainly more than she had thought would happen. She wasn’t actually going to have to bend over in front of the other students? Her bottom would be sticking out and everything!

“Mr. Peters, are you sure?” She now had one hand on her mouth, a look of confusion on her face.

“Yes, I’m afraid I need to make an example of you. You are oneof the more naughty students in this class and in order to get some respect from the rest of the students I need them to see what will happen if they misbehave.”

Sara then began to blush as she turned to face the blackboard and desk. She bent over the desk, as she was told. She still hoped that he wouldn’t really do it.

“Grab the front of the desk with your hands. Place your elbows on the desk.”

She did as she was told, knowing full well now that her skirt had risen up to well above her knees, and her bottom was now nicely outlined by her skirt, drawn over the two hills of her upturned cheats.

“Sara, I’m going to give you five spanks on your bottom. After each spank you must say the number of the spank, and then, ‘thank you for teaching me a lesson.’ Do you understand?”

“Yes sir”, she said meekly.

SMACK! “Ouh! Mr. Peters!” Many of the students gasped in shock.

“Sara? What do you say?”

“But Mr. Peters, that was so hard.” Sara now knew that she gotten herself into something that she could not get out of, and this was not going to go well for her. Best to just go along and get this embarrassment over as soon as possible.

“Alright, One, and thank you for teaching me a lesson.”

“That’s better Sara, that’s being a good girl.”

SMACK! “Two, and thank you for teaching me a lesson.”

SMACK! “Three, and thank you sir for teaching me a lesson.” Her bottom was now singing a bit and she couldn’t help wiggling it. She hoped that the skirt was at least still covering her panties and the boys were not getting a free look. She was known for giving them an occasional peak but she had always been in full control. Now she was poking her bottom out at them, and even wiggling it provocatively as she was being treated like a little girl.

Mr. Peters liked that the she had added “sir” to her forced expression of appreciation for being spanked. It indicated that she was beginning to truly learn her lesson and to show him more respect.

SMACK! “Four, and thank you sir for teaching me a lesson.” Sara was now adjusting to the punishment. In fact, it didn’t even really seem that bad. It was still embarrassing to have all of the students watch, and especially embarrassing to be bent over in front of everyone, but at least it was through the clothes and nobody could really see anything. ‘I bet though that Billy and Teddy are getting a big kick out of this,’ she thought. Billy and Teddy were too geeky boys who always liked to tease her. She will have to get even with them when this was done.

SMACK! “Ouch!” Her mind had drifted off and she wasn’t really anticipating the last one. It hurt much more than the others, but at least it was now done. She stood up.

“Whe are you going Sara?” Mr Peters asked.

“Aren’t we finished, Mr. Peters? That was five. I counted each one.”

“Actually Sara, you didn’t count the last one, and I never did say that this would be the full extent of the punishment. I do believe that we need to step this up a notch, not only because you failed to count the last one but also because I don’t believe that this was really a sufficiently severe punishment. I’m not even sure that these even stung.”

“Oh no, Mr. Peters, they sting terribly much. My bottom really hurts,” Sara pleased. She dramatically clutched her buns with her hands to emphasize the point, causing her young breasts to again jut out through her blouse. Her effort to convince him, however, was not successful.

“No, my dear, I do believe that you are again failing to be honest with me and so I do feel it is best to move to the next level.” Mr. Peters then turned her back again to the class and gently pushed her back down onto the desk. She was looking at him with a confused, pleading expression. Mr. Peters proceeded to lift up Sara’s skirt to reveal her white cotton panties.

Sara gasped in shock, as did most of the other girls in class. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The boys were equally shocked, but it was not with embarrassment. They could not believe their luck! Mr. Peters was going to show the whole class Sara’s underpants!

“Mr. Peters! No, please, don’t lift up my skirt! Don’t let everybody see my undies! Oh my goodness!”

“Sara, I am sorry that I have to do this, but it is really for your own good. I do believe that beending over in front of all your classes was somewhat embarrassing but I don’t believe that it was sufficient. You need to learn a lesson that you will not ever want to experience again.” Mr. Peters tucked the skirt up into her waistline so that it would it would not fall back down over her panties.

Sara was now bent over in front of the whole class, showing off her white undies for Everyone to see. And, it was quite a nice sight, especially for the boys. Sara did have a very cute bottom, nicely rounded, and well outlined by the tight white panties. Sara was mortified. She couldn’t believee this was happening to her.

“Sara, you should not feel embarrassed. I am sure that the boys have seen your panties before.” Of course, this wasn’t really true, at least they did not see them like this, but Mr. Peters wanted to convey the impression that what he was doing was appropriate.

“I don’t believe that these are regulation panties.” Mr. Peters bent over to get a closer look, and indeed he was Correct. There was lace running along the edges, and regulation panties had to be entirely simple and plain. Mr. Peters tucked his fingers under the edges to get a closer look, thereby being able to cares Sara’s white bottom in the process. A few inappropriate thoughts crossed his mind.

Sara let go of the front of the desk and covered her face with her hands. She was so embarrassed. This was just awful! Mr. Peters now had his fingers under her intimate things, and in front of the whole class.

“Sara, grab the front edge of the desk right now, or it will just get worse. It is already getting worse with this clear violence of the dress code. Lace is not allowed on the panties. You must know this, this being the senior class. There is no excuse for this. Why indeed would you wear lace undies anyway? What is your excuse?”

Sara didn’t know what to say. It was bad enough that she had to show everyone her pantied bottom but he even wanted her to talk about her Underthings in front of everyone. She did feel that there was honestly a good reason for wearing them. She liked to have lace on her panties because it made her feel more pretty and feminine, and she didn’t mind if the occasional burst of wind gave the boys a quick, innocent peak. She liked to flirt with the boys, and she knew that they liked to look at feminine panties. But, she couldn’t tell Mr. Peters this!

“I just think that they looked pretty sir. I didn’t mean any harm by it. Please let me pull my dress down, please Mr. Peters.” Her cute little round bottom, dressed in white cotton, lacened undies was an adorable sight, particularly with her sticking her derriere out to the class, as if she was trying to show off her posterior to all of the boys in the class, and they were thrilled. The girls squirmed in their seats.


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