The Lessons Ch. 02

Millie led Pet upstairs into the light. He was still trying to come to terms with the fact he had not only performed fellatio but had tried to swallow a large amount of another man’s sperm. At the landing she opened a door and pulled him into a room. It had obviously been re-modeled especially for guests like John. He stood there with his cock as erect as it had ever been. This whole situation excited him more than he could have imagined.

Looking around, there was a clean looking mattress on the floor with plain bedding folded on top. No pillow. A big ring was attached to the wall where a pillow would normally be. In the corner was a wet area that contained a shower, toilet and sink with a cupboard beneath. A pull up bar and various free weights were on the wall opposite the mattress. Finally he saw the glass fronted fridge that contained water and Tupperware containers.

“This is your room for 28 days Pet. You will keep it immaculate. The lock is controlled by us. Therewill be times when you are locked in. This is because your timetable is ours to control. Things will happen in this house that you have no need to know about. During these, um, events, you will be locked in. If you need to get out in an absolute emergency you can press the big red open button. It will sound an alarm letting us know you are out. It will also signal the end of your time Here with us and the forfeiture of your money. Do you understand?”

He nodded.

“You personal belongings are in your bag. We’ve removed some of the unnecessary toiletries. You won’t be needing cologne or deodorant. You will be showing numerous times a day. I trust you have worked out how to keep your ass clean. We expect it to be pristine. Every day you will eat, pop a blue pill, give yourself an enema and then cover yourself in your hair removal cream before showing. Dental hygiene is also absolutely essential.

Your food and water are in the fridge. All your food can be eaten hot orcold. I’ll show you where the microwave is later. Three meals a day, each labeled breakfast lunch and dinner as appropriate. You will be receiving about 2,500 calories and as much water as you want. There is also a supplement that mixes with water and will keep you as regular as clockwork. If you are having more than one bowel movement a day let us know immediately and we will adjust. Failure to let us know will result in you failing a random anal inspection, and you’ll not want to do that twice. We need you to stay healthy, but you will be working long, long days. Your day starts at 6am sharp so make sure you get up at whatever time you need to achieve all of this. You will have a 20 minute break twice a day for your lunch and dinner. Take this opportunity to urinate. Any other time you need to use the bathroom will result in punishment. We’ll make allowances for the first few days, but after that we expect rigid adherence to our timetable. Do I make myself clear Pet?”

“Yes Miss”.

“I bring to your attention the wall poster with a series of exercises for you to complete four times a day. Your Mistress is a qualified yoga and fitness instructor. She has designed it especially for you. This room is monitored 24/7. I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you don’t complete the program.” Millie spoke in an authoritarian manner. Pet, as he was beginning to think of himself, was more than happy to give up any decision making about his life and become their plaything. This was what he had always wanted to experience.

“Finally, I’m going to give you thirty minutes to organize your room. I’ll release your arms. Please shower too. When you are finished you may stand to attention outside your room. Please ensure that you are wearing this ball gag and This butt plug”. She produced the items from the cupboard. Oh, at night when you sleep you will wear a special belt that allows us to shade you hands by your side. Do you know why?”

“So I can’t escape Miss?”

She suddenly burst in laughter. “You won’t want to escape you silly Pet. No. It’s to stop you masturbating. You will want to cum all the time. Sadly for you we control all your orgasms from now until you go home. But by then, even though you will be a thousand miles away you will contact us for permission to cum. Ok, get going. You’ve got thirty minutes.” And with that, Millie turned and left, closing the door behind her. He heard the locking mechanism as she left and wondered how he was supposed to stand outside in thirty minutes if he was secured in the room, but then got down to the task of getting settled in.

Thirty minutes later Pet heard the door unlock. It had to be remotely controlled. He exited the room and stood to attention outside. Stark naked. His cock was still hard as steel. Maybe it was the anticipation, maybe it was the viagra, but his erection wouldn’t subside. Ten minutes later Miss appeared. Ignoring Pet, she opened his door and stepped inside,Checking the room to ensure he had carried out her instructions. Obviously satisfied, she returned outside and stood in front of him.

“Your room tidiness will suffice Pet.” Unexpectedly she caressed his nipples, running the palm of her hands over the delicate nubs. “Wank yourself as fast as you can. I want you to cum as quickly as possible. Just remember to ask before you shoot.”

Pet compiled, gripping his solid meat and rapidly rubbing as fast as he could. Miss pinched down on his nipples, twisting them hard.

“Change hands you dirty fucker. Wank faster!”

He shifted and started struggling with his left hand. Miss leant in and kissed him on the mouth, slipping her tongue between his lips. It was enough to push him over the edge, and despite his best intentions to request permission to ejaculate, his cock began spasming as he shot hot blobs of jizz onto her. Horrified, Miss stepped back, looking down at the mess he had covered her with.

“Oh you filtering fuckingcunt!” She screamed. “On your knees! Lick it up now! Never ever cum without beginning permission!”

Pet dropped to his knees, his cock still pumping the last drops of sperm from his bell end. Somewhat confused, he began sucking his white juice from her clothes.

“And the stuff on the floor you whore!”

She seemed incredibly angry so he did the only thing he could, and tried harder to get every last drop of his seed off her clothes and the hardwood floor.

“Once all your seed is in your belly go clean your cock off and adopt the waiting position outside your room. I’ll be back when I’ve changed and then we’ll discuss your punishment with your Mistress. Understood?”

“Yes Miss”.

Thirty minutes later Pet found himself stood in the office again, explaining why he hadn’t been able to control himself enough to request to ejaculate. Looking thoughtful, Mistress considered an appropriate discipline measure for his breach of the rules.

“Miss, how long since Gimp blew his load all over Pet?”

“Ninety minutes”.

“Well, looking at the monitors he appears to be ready to blow another. I think Pet needs to learn that if he cannot control himself then we will have to allow Gimp the same privilege of shooting off unexpectedly early. Take Pet back down to the play room and put him in the stocks”.

Ten minutes later Pet was in quite a predicament. On all fours, wrists secured to the base of the stocks, knees spread and secured, and with a device that forced him to arch his back so that his ass was presented to all, he watched on a split screen monitor in front of him as a live feed of Gimp revealed the ladies helping to remove all the restraints. They kept the VR headset, and headphones attached. The other split screen relayed what Gimp was seeing. There in front of him was the beautiful ass of a woman on all fours. She kept wiggling her butt strictly at the camera. It was clear that she wanted to be fucked doggy style. Witha jolt of realization Pet suddenly understand what was about to happen. His ball gag made it impossible to say anything, but in truth he was starting to finally embrace huge bi-sexual tendencies. He watched the screen and saw/felt Miss extract the butt plug from his ass. She then slathered lube generally around his anus. With no sleepe on the Gimp’s cock anymore, his shaft looked menacingly hard. The ladies led him by his penis and introduced Gimp’s cock to Pet’s ass. They controlled him very carefully. Gimp had obviously done this before, because despite his obviously heightened state, he was trying his hardest to move slowly and carefully. Pet gasped in shock as the bulbous knob started to stretch his hole. Mistress kept her fist around the cock, only allowing it to penetrate very very slowly. Gimp was starting to become restless, like a bull that has seen the herd and knows what he is about to be allowed to do. Inch by inch, in slow motion, Gimp’s shake buried itself into Pet’s virgin asshole. When it was finally balls deep Mistress applied pressure to his abdomen indicating he should withdraw. Once it was almost evacuated she reversed pressure on Gimp’s body and he slowly penetrated. Pet felt his ass stretch again to accommodate the 9″ of man flesh. After three or four more repeats Mistress let go of her husband and slapped him hard on his ass cheek. And with that signal Gimp began to pump Pet’s ass for all he was worth. Grunting and slobbering like a demented being, Pet was being properly fucked for the very first time. Mistress reached under Pet’s belly and ran her fingers over his bell end.

“You’re dripping pre-cum nicely Pet. Gimp’s cock is stimulating your prostate and it’s forcing leakage. Miss, get the catching bowl please.”

They positioned the bowl under his cock to collect his emissions. Meanwhile Gimp was fucking him with gusto, getting closer and closer to his orgasm. The women were talking filterthy shit to Pet, making his erection painfully hard. Miss began to stroke his shake in time to Gimp’s thrusts.

“Gimp’s going to fill up your ass with spunk Pet. And then we’re going to plug your ass after he withdraws, capturing his cum in your bowels for the rest of the day. That is your punishment. You’ve already got his first load in your stomach. Now you’ll be full of his jizz at both ends. Because you are a whore. Such a good whore. Then you’re going to cum in our special bowl and eat it all. You are a sperm guzzling slut, and you will be full all day”.

Finally Gimp started to cum, grunting and bellowing through his gag. Pet felt the sperm entering him, Miss increased her struggling and Pet began cumming simultaneously, his white seed pulsing into the bowl. As Gimp slowed, then stopped fucking, Mistress Carefully oversaw the withdrawal of his penis, then immediately replaced the butt plug so that the goo was captured inside Pet. Meanwhile Miss finished milking him and then held the bowl to his lips.

“Drink this you filthy dirty cunt. Swallow it all, lick the bowl clean.”

Pet compiled, realizing just how depraved his behavior was. As he continued to lick, Mistress stroked the top of his head.

“Such a good Pet. Well done. You’ve achieved so much already and this is still day one. There are many more firsts for you but for now we are going to allow you to shower, then meet us in the study. Do not, under any circumstances remove the butt plug. Remember we can monitor your every movement.”

Releasing him from the stocks, he was helped back up the stairs and to his room wondering what else they could possibly have in store for him.


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