The Landlady Ch. 01

I sat on the train smoking to myself. I was heading back to Leeds Uni after a nice summer break. This year was different; I was now lodging with a lady call Viv. I’d never met Viv; just spoke with her on the phone. My first impressions of Viv, bearing in mind I’d only spoke with her on the phone, was she sounded nice, but there was an air of authority with her tone. I didn’t know too much of her back ground, just that she lived alone in a very large house. I was clear that Viv didn’t need the money, so perhaps she took in a lodger for company.

To past the journey from London, and to stash in my new bedroom, I had bought several pornographic magazines, knowing that the mid-afternoon train from Kings Cross would be fairly quiet and tucked them away in my luck. I also had some from those lent to me by friends. I was looking forward to setting down on the train to read them, but in the end it was too busy. It was so frustrating knowing that I’d I’d have to wait for the privacy of my bedroom, to look through them.

Viv, meanwhile, was sitting in her kitchen reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of tea. She looked up at the clock and smiled to herself. “Soon be time to pick James up from the station” she thought. Little did I know what was in store! Viv had strong views about men and women. She believed strongly that men needed to be kept in their place and taught a lesson, and now that she had a young lad lodging under her roof, she was determined to instil proper respect into me.

Viv picked me up from the station, she greeted me and we chatted happily on the drive home. I was dying to read the mags and hide them from her view. I was probably impressed by her house. It was a large old farm house, with no houses for a good ½ mile away. Her garden was totally secluded but very unkempt.

When we got into the house she made me a cup of tea and some snacks. While she did that, I went upstairs to unpack, freshen up and get settled. Viv sat downstairs, trying to decide how best to begin with setting the rules and discipline. As I unpacked I took out my new collection from the suitcase and flicked through a couple. I was so horny that I took my cock out and casually stroked it.

On a whim Viv decided to go upstairs and see what I was doing; if I needed anything – towels, an extra pillow etc. Viv went quietly to my room and paused outside it. My door was closed, but there was a keyhole. Viv stopped and peered through it. She caught her breath as she saw her new lodger, not more than 5 minutes in the door, stretched out on his bed, his erect cock in one hand and a glossy magazine in the other. A rueful smile spread across her face. She couldn’t help noticing that I had a smaller than average cock. Viv smiled to herself. Clearly this presented Viv with the perfect excuse and opportunity to lay the law down. Viv straightened up, and opened the door, feigning a casual tone. “I’m making some tea James, would you like……” hervoice trail off as she stepped into the room and saw me lying on my bed with my cock in my hand. I cried out in shock, and lay there, frozen with my cock in my hand and mag now on my leg.

Viv was silent as she crossed the room and snatched the magazine from my unresistant hands. She scanned it briefly, inwardly excited by the pictures, which depicted various men and women in obscene poses. The women were all very buxom, and the men very well-hung. Then she throw the magazine down on the bed and glared at me.

“James, how DARE you bring that kind of filter into my house! You dirty little boy! To think you haven’t even been in my house an hour and I catch you doing disgusting things like this. Is this what they teach you at that uni?!” I lay still, too scared and embarrassed to move. My hand was still clutched round my cock, which was now totally limp.

Viv stared at me fiercely and I thought I’d be kick out that instant. “Stand up!” Viv snapped. “Stand up right now!” I did as I was told, clasping my hands over my cock and balls.

“Hands on your head!” she barked. “It’s not like you’ve got anything I haven’t seen before.” Blushing furiously, I did as I was told. Viv stared at me critically. “That’s better. Blimey! It’s not like you’ve got much to hide now is it?” Viv said. “I’m hardly going to be shocked by the sight of that pathetic little thing.” I squirmed in embarrassment at Viv’s brutal dismissal of my manhood.

Viv glared fiercely at my now quivering lodger. “I won’t stand for this kind of behavior I, I won’t! Lying on your bed ogling pictures of naked women like that. Women aren’t just objects for your pleasure, you know. You don’t judge them just by the size of their breasts!” I was filled with humiliation. Viv reached out and grabbed my arm. “Come with me.” Viv said firmly. “A dirty little brat like you needs to get thoroughly cleaned up to wash the filter off him, and then I’m going to punish you seriously for your wickedness.” Viv hauled me out of my room and into the bathroom.

Viv grabbed my arm ordered me to strip and to get into the shower cubicle. She turned the water on, and proceeded to wash me with a large scrubbing brush, rubbing me vigorously until my skin was red all over. I groaned particularly loudly when the brush tore across my genitals, but Viv just ignored me and scrubbed extra hard. When Viv was done, she pulled me out of the shower and throw a towel at me. “Come on, dry yourself off, and be quick about it.” Viv snapped briskly and I hurriedly obeyed. When I was dry, Viv reached out and grabbed hold of my arm. “Right! Let’s go to my room.” Viv said, and dragged me along the landing by my arm.

Viv pulled the stool out from her dressing table, and picked up a large hairbrush, sat down and hauled me over her lap. Viv stared for a moment at my pink bottom in front of her, loving the perfect roundness and tightness of her lodger’s buttons. Then she brought the hairbrush down hard on my arse, and I yelled. “There! This is what happens to dirty little boys in this house!” Viv cried, and began to spank me fiercely with the brush.

“Yes, squeal you little pig!” Viv cried “Squeal so I know you’re learning your lesson.”

Eventually Viv stopped and pulled me off her knee. I stood in front of Viv, my face red. Viv waited until I’d calmed down slightly, then reached up and took hold of my balls, wrapping her hand around them. She squeezed slightly and I whimpered.

“So, do you still think that women are just tits and ass?” Viv asked. “N-no Viv.”

“Mistress to you from now on!”

“Are you going to spend any more time drooling over nasty pictures?” Another squeeze. “No Mistress!”

“That’s good James. I’m still concerned though, so I’m going to keep a firm eye on you from now on. I don’t want any more dirty behaviour. I don’t expect to see *this*,” Viv slapped my cock with her left hand, “sticking up when it shouldn’t be. If you get an erection in future, I want you to come and tell me, and explain to me what caused it. Then I can decide whether it was justified or not, and whether you need to be punished. If I catch you getting an erection without telling me, you’ll be in very serious trouble indeed, understand?!” She squeezed my balls again, maintaining the pressure as I sobbed “Yes Mistress! I promise Mistress! Oooohh!” Viv kept her grip tight for a few more seconds, watching me squirm with unconcealed delight. Then she released me.

“Now you go to your room and stay there until I say you can come out. Put that disgusting magazine outside your door, and any others you might have, so I can come and collect them. Don’t put any clothes on either; I want you to stay naked.” I went to my room, placing the magazines outside my door as I had been told. The general themes of the mags were large ladies with hung guys. One or two were about dominant women.

I’d been in Viv’s house for no more than an hour, and how the turn of events had happened so quickly was amazing. Amazingly humiliating and embarrassing for me. But, she hadn’t thrown me out. She seemed content to deal with me differently. Now how would I describe Viv. She was a large lady, roughly 5foot6 and in her late 40s. She dressed rather dragbly, like the typical school mistress. She didn’t seem to have a sexual bone in her body and she was behaving like this! I actually thought someone would pinch me and I’d wake up from a rather strange dream.

After a few minutes, Viv went to collect the magazines and took them back to her room. She undressed and lay naked on the bed, idly playing with her pussy as she read them. The images and text turned her on a great deal, and also gave her some ideas for things to do with her new lodger. When she had read them all, she put the magazines down and began to masturbate in earnest, frigging her sopping pussy until she came. She had a wonderful time, and she knew that this was only the beginning.

After a while, she went downstairs and began to prepare dinner, leaving me alone in my room. I was shaken by what had happened; I felt ashamed that I had done something she found so naughty, and to be honest scared about what Viv might do next. After all, I’d just moved in!

I waited anxiously for Viv to call me, my nudity made me feel particularly vulnerable. Eventually Viv called to me to come down for dinner.

“Should I get dressed, Mistress?” I called nervously.

“Did I tell you to get dressed?!”

“No Mistress.” I called back.

“Then you don’t do it, do you?!” Viv snapped fiercely. “Now get yourself down here, I’m fed up with shouting at you like this. You haven’t been here a few hours and already it’s clear you Need Discipline” I hurried downstairs and went into the dining room, looking nervously at my frowning landlady. Viv kept her face severe, but she was overjoyed to see the look of fear in my eyes. Viv thought it was good to know I was going to be so obedient and easy to control.

After dinner, I was sent to wash the dishes, while Viv sat in the living room, waiting to implement the next phase of her plan. When I had finished the dishes, I walked nervously into the living room. Viv ordered me to stand in the middle of the room, my hands on my head. Then she stood up and walked slowly around me, looking at my slim, body. I didn’t know whether or not to be scared or Just enjoy the moment. After all I had fantasised about it enough, but would the reality be the same? Here I was standing completely naked in front of this woman. A woman I barely knew.

“I had a look at those magazines of yours, and I was very upset.” Viv began. “They create entirely the wrong image of women, and are liable to have put some very bad ideas in your head. I dead against woman being portrayed as pieces of meat. I had thought that I wouldn’t have to worry about this, but clearly I was wrong.”

Viv stood in front of me and looked me in the eye. “From now on, my boy, I’m going to take you firmly in hand. I want you to properly understand your place in life, and in relation to women. Things are going to be very different around here, from what you’er used to, so you’d better get used to it. If I say do something you do it, with no arguing. If I tell you not to do something, you don’t do it, or else you’ll be in real trouble. There will be no warnings, no stupid arguments. If you do something I don’t like, you’ll get paid, understanding? And if you don’t like this arrangement, feel free to leave at anytime”

I nodded miserably. For some reason, I had no urge to leave whatsoever. I was totally compliant to the rules Viv was laying out. “Yes Mistress.” Viv smiled at my reply. “Good boy. I like that. When I speak to you from now on, I expect to hear ‘Yes Mistress’ or ‘No Mistress’ as appropriate, and I expect it to sound polite and sincere. If you sound grudge or angry, or anything like that, you’ll get a beating, understanding?!” I nodded mutely.

“Answer me boy!” Viv shouted.

“Y-yes Mi-Mistress!” I wailed. Again Viv smiled. “That’s better. I won’t tolerate dumb insolence. Next time you don’t answer me, you’ll get a proper spanking.”

Viv went over and sat down on the sofa, leaving me in standing on the rug in the centre of the living room facing her. “Right James, let’s understand Each other. From now on, you go around naked unless I tell you otherwise. Occasionally maybe in my panties, or an outfir of my choice. Outside you can wear whatever you like; however, from time to time I might choose your underwear. As I said before, any time you get an erection, you must come and tell me about it. If I catch you doing anything remotely sexual, you’ll get a good thrashing. There are going to be a lot of different things which we are going to do together over the next few weeks. You are also going to do some more to help around the house. I engaged a new housekeeper before you arrived. Her name is Christine, although you will address her as Miss Christine. She is on holiday right now, but she will be back soon. You will obey her the same way you obey me, and she will be in charge of making sure you pull your weight around here.”

Viv paused and took a sip of her tea, allowing me to let all this sink in, and watched me intently. It was obvious from the look of horror on my face that I realized that Christine was going to see me naked, yet I had the good sense not to protest.

“I am also going to start disciplining you more regularly.” Viv continued. “I’ve clearly been far too lax with past lodgers. From now on, you’ll get spankings on a regular basis as a proper punishment for bringing those filter magazines home. I shall expect you to submit to all my punishments willingly and without fuss. Any attempt at resistance or arguing, and the punishment will become worse. Do you understand?” I nodded and said quickly “Yes Mistress, I understand.” Again Viv smiled. “Good boy. I’m sure you’ll soon get used to things, and we’ll be just fine. Now, come over here and sit down next to Mistress.”

Nervously I went and sat on the sofa next to you. You put your arm around me. “Now James,” she said quietly, “where did you get those magazines? I bet you liked wanking your little will to the pics.” I swallowed and replied tenatively “A-a friend, Mistress. And I bought some too” Viv simply raised an eyebrow. “And how did he get them? I’m sure he didn’t buy them himself.” I shook my head. “No Mistress, he probably got them from his brother” Viv stroked my should gently. “So, how did you come to get the magazines, did you buy them?” I nodded “Yes Mistress, I had some money left from my holiday, so I spent it all on those.”

“I see. Tell me, did you and your friend look at the magazines together?” I blushed. “Well, yes, just once, when I was looking at them to see how good they were.” Viv smiled. “And did you masturbate together?” Viv asked. I was stunned andmy face turned a deep red.

“No Mistress!” I blurted. Viv chuckled. “Well, you do hear stories, you know, about what boys get up to. Races and all that” I blushed furiously again. “I-I know. I hear them as well. I think some of the boys at boarding schools do, you know, things with each other, but I never did Mistress, never!” Viv got up from the sofa and hugged me close to and laughed. “I’m pleased to hear it I. I wouldn’t want to think you were turning into some kind of pervert. Besides, it’s probably just as well; we wouldn’t want you getting picked on.” I looked up at her, puzzled by her comment.

“What do you mean Mistress?” Viv paused, feigning embarrassment, but secretly delighted and looked down at my erect cock.

“Well I, it’s just that when I saw your erection earlier, I couldn’t help noticing that it was quite small. I think the other boys might have made fun of you for it if they’d seen it. But I guess they did in the shows after sport anyway. And I supposeNow that you play sport at your uni! How does it feel seeing those bigger cocks?” I didn’t answer.

I blushed furiously. Viv had to use all of her willpower not to grin. I’d always been aware that I had a smaller than average penis, that gave me great cause of embarrassment. Viv knew that it would be easy to control and humiliate me about it. Viv seemed glad the magazines I had given had contained such hugely endowed men.

“The ones in those magazines are about normal.” Viv continued. “Most men, even boys your age and younger, grow a lot more than you when they get aroused. Maybe yours will get bigger in time, although I’m not sure.” My face was crisis now. Viv hugged me close to her, and my cock pressed against her. “You run along to bed now, we’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”


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