The Lamp

“Bring the lamp over here, pet.”

“The lamp?” She wondered which one he means, there being two distinct large black urn shaped lamps, with big cream shades posed on little tables at the far end of the room.

She was young enough not to know quite what to expect but old enough to be aware that he intended to use her thoroughly. She had “belonged” to him for three months now. Having reached her maturity in the summer, she wanted something more and in submitting to his subtle and yet demanding domination, the eighteen year old school student had found something approximating on her desires and her imagination.

He had recently taken her civil virginity and now used her mouth with regularity, pleasing himself and pleasing her lips with the taste of his come and the fulfillment of a need to belong.

“I want to light things up on my desk and the desk lamp does not seem to be working.”

“Is it plugged in and switched on?”

“Don’t be daft, girl. It shorted-out last night — a new fuse is needed.”

“What were you doing here late last night, sir?”

“I was contemplating you, pet, as I recall.”

“Were you?”

“I was considering you kneeling there beneath the desk between my legs with your palms on my tights as you pleasured me with your mouth, pet.”

“I think between your legs would be my favourite place,” she grinned over her shoulder, as she walked towards the lighter part of the room and unplugged one of the lamps. He watched her wriggle her arse suggested while he deposited the negative lamp on the floor and swept the rest of the debris on the desk into an open drawer.

“It was nice of you to oblige me by sucking in such a dedicated way pet.”

“My mouth is dedicated to your cock, sir.”

“Your mouth is dedicated to all sorts of things, young lady.”

“Such as?”

She put the lamp down on the desk carefully and looked up at him quizzically.

“Such as forming itself into a beautifulmoue when I pull you down by the hair…”


“And protesting so quietly I know you really want me to tug even harder, pet.”

“I’ll scream the house down next time you make me knee like that. And I’ll break your lamp.””

“You will do no such thing.”

“No sir?”

“What will you do?”

“I’ll form my mouth into a beautiful moue when you pull me down by the hair, sir.”

“That’s a good girl,” he smiled and stroked the long, straight brown hair out of the way of her face; before pushing his chair back and standing up, leaving her kneeing in front of him. “Take the belt from my trousers.”

“Yes, sir,” said pet and reached up to slide the belt though and pull it away from his waist. She held the warm leather in her hands for a moment, feeling its warmth and his warmth combining, knowing that her own warmth could well be added to that mix in time.

Then she started to fold the one-centimetre thick, tan brown leather neighborly into four, beforee re-buckling the belt and holding it up to him in both hands.

“What are you offering me, girl?”

“A belt for you to use and a girl for you to use it on, sir.”

“I’ll take both with pleasure,” he smiled and patted the desk. “You know what to do.”

“Yes sir,” she said as she got up off her knees and laid the belt on the desk. Then she bent forward over his desk, her naked belly pressing against the dark wood as her little leather jerkin rode up.

“Sit up on the desk. And lose the jerkin and the jeans. You can keep the bra and panties for now.”

Silently he watched her undress herself for him. The jerkin came off quickly. There were no buttons — just a few laces to pull. She slide it over her shoulders to reveal a soft, juvenile cleavage.

The black jeans were a little more problematic: the waist button and zipper were easy, but she found she had to rock backwards and forwards to peel off the tight-fitting jeans. She managed it with a little cry of triumph, positioning herself so that he could see her panty covered shaft and the lips of her already sticky cunt pressing against the material. She lifted them up like a banner and made as if to wave them triumphantly, humming “white flag” by Dido.

“Fold the jeans up pet; and the jerkin. Your surrender will come when I want it to come. In a moment I am going to want you to pull yourself fully onto the desk and then to turn yourself lengthwise, so you follow the grain of the wood. You can use your clothes to cushion the side of your face from the hardness of the oak.”

She croouched uneasily lengthwise on the desk, kneeing up for a moment before depositing the small pile of clothes as one end. Then she arched herself, her upper back lowered and her hindquarters elevated as in one single fluid movement, she managed to locate herself in exactly the position requested.

It was a beautiful thing, watching her comply, knowing that she was going to be used quite thoroughly in afew moments. She was trying to make herself comfortable, and he found it soothing seeing her lay her head trustingly on first one side and then the other.

She was the only thing on the desk now besides the belt and the lamp.

“Take hold of the lamp base with one hand and hold onto my belt with your other hand.”

“Am I going to service you on my stomach sir?”


“How would I do that: by letting you spank me to your heart’s desires?”

“You have your hand on the belt pet.”

“You can still use your hands, sir.”

“My hands are busy untying my tie and folding it over for use as a blindfold.”

“Oh sir!”

“Is that too tight?”

“No. It’s fine.”

“Now, spread those legs.”

He smiled and slide his hands up the smoothness of her thigh and over the softness of her bottom. He let his fingers care every inch of her flesh her slowly. His reach was such that she felt he was teasing every sensitive spot as he pressed the ball of his palm against each ridge of her spine and captured every iota of her being.

Then, he brought his hands back down again to slip his fingers into the wetness of her sex and to open his pet up. When he stood behind her, he could see her cunt glistening in the light, ready to be fucked hard by its master.

And who was he to deny his cunt? Reaching for three wall switches, he extended all the light save the lamp. Then he lean forward, stroked his cock to hardness, observing her coolly before reaching up and striping off her knickers in one gesture that made her gasp.

As he pulled her body back her legs endeavoured to scissor around his thighs, wider and wider, until, finally, he thrust into her cunt with one brutal, forceful push. His thrust pulled her, the lamp and the belt back together and left his cock deeply embedded in her tight, recently deflowered and dutiful sheath — a little reception for his lust.

Again and again he pounded into her sex, fuckingthe cunt and thrusting his ownership into the heart of her submission. She could hear herself moaning wordlessly, as he breathed hard and dragged her back, pulling her onto his cock like a plaything. She could feel him hard within her taking her sex and making it his toy.

Then the pounding stopped and he pushed forward laying over her, his prick fully embedded in her sex. She felt the heat of his skin and the mood of his perspiration mingling with her own. Was that perspiration or semen or virginal blood, she wondered in her darkness as a trickle made its way down her inner thigh?

But she didn’t wonder for long, for he was starting again and this time he was gentle, laying over her and pushing his prick in and out by an inch or two, until she started to feel herself tightening round him and losing herself as she came around the cock she most wanted and desired to serve.

She felt herself being pushed back to the top of the table. It feel great to sense the cool wood as he repositioned her, and to feel his prick pulling her there. She began to get aroused once more, her excitement mounting and her heart palpitating until he suddenly slip out of her, rolled off the desk and stood before her.

She wanted to feel disappointed, but ewasn’t given the time. In less than no time, her blindfold was stripped off and her mouth was playing host to his cock, her chin propped up on the jerkin and jeans.

He’d taken the belt from her and was bringing it down savagely on her bare bottom each time he thrust into her mouth until after half a dozen thrusts and belt marks he came with a gush into her well-used young mouth, pulling away and spraying her youthful face just for good measure…

“You’re a good girl,” he murmured later…much later…

“I’m your good girl, sir. I guess that I could get to like serving you on my stomach, sir.”

“I didn’t even need to guess that pet,” he smiled and kissed her lips, looking at her face suffused in perspiration and required desire.

“Oh you!” She frowned, breaking the kiss, wanting to lie back and just imagine each thrust of his cock and each lash of his belt over and over again until she came again. “It was a figure of speech sir.”

“You make an excellent figure,” he said sitting up and holding her in an embrace prising her hand off the base of the lamp: “And I am really pleased that you obeyed me.”

“I like to obey you, sir. It gives me pleasure and purpose.”

“That’s good: very good; the little symbols of your obedience, along with your continued tenacity, are important to me, to you and to us,” he said, closing off her quizzical look off with another deep kiss: “and that’s why I’m so pleased that you never let go of the lamp.”


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